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00:34 We're dealing now with growing generationally.
00:40 And I want to go to making your name fruitful.
00:44 Say, make my name fruitful.
00:48 Psalm 90, verse 1.
00:51 Lord, you have been my dwelling place in all generations.
00:57 Let's say that three times.
00:58 Say it like grade seven kids.
01:09 The last time.
01:10 Before the mountains were brought forth,
01:17 even before you formed the earth,
01:20 even before the world was created,
01:23 even from everlasting to everlasting, you are God.
01:28 And from that point, you have been my dwelling place
01:33 in all generations.
01:35 So you can go back 50 generations.
01:39 God had you in mind.
01:44 That's a good place to say amen.
01:47 Pray this prayer if you are able.
01:48 Heavenly Father, bless our generations.
01:54 Say that three more times.
01:55 Heavenly Father, bless our generations.
01:59 Say it three times.
02:00 Heavenly Father, bless our generations.
02:02 Say it three times.
02:03 Heavenly Father, bless our generations.
02:05 You may be seated.
02:06 There are some that have just become parents.
02:12 Some, your children are entering teenage years.
02:18 Some, you have just become grandparents.
02:21 And you'll be able to track their journey.
02:28 You'll be able to track their journey.
02:32 And for them, it will be a moment.
02:36 But for you, it will be an achievement
02:39 to know that you started over here.
02:43 And now you are celebrating your grandchild graduating
02:48 from university with their first degree.
02:52 For them, it's an event.
02:54 For you, it's part of a generation
02:56 where you have seen from the beginning,
03:00 from when you were small in 1962,
03:05 how God has been your dwelling place in all generations.
03:09 Somebody could have been killed in an accident this morning.
03:16 But he's your dwelling place.
03:20 He's your dwelling place.
03:22 And so Abraham found God.
03:28 And when he found God, God said, now that you have found me,
03:35 now that you have found me, Genesis 12, verse 1,
03:41 you've got to leave the place you are.
03:45 You can't live the same life you used to live.
03:50 You can't live the life, serve God.
03:54 You are still in the clubs.
03:55 You are dressing like a slave.
04:01 You have a small house or two.
04:05 God has given you money.
04:06 Now you forget God.
04:09 He says you have to leave that lifestyle.
04:12 And you have to come to a place I will show you.
04:15 In our case, he leads us to a responsible church
04:20 where you can be ministered to.
04:23 But in that journey, he leads you to a place in him,
04:28 Colossians says, where you have a personal experience with him.
04:34 I was a bit late this morning.
04:36 I got here shortly after 5, because about 22,
04:39 4 when I woke up, teacher and I had an extended prayer
04:43 this morning.
04:43 It was quite intense.
04:45 And even to the point, I was like, this prayer has to finish.
04:48 I've got to get to the office.
04:50 And when I got here, there was a lady in our church.
04:54 I won't mention her name.
04:57 She was here from quarter to 5.
04:59 And she swept the whole street.
05:01 When I got here, she was sweeping up here.
05:04 And she says to me, I love to do this.
05:07 She says, I'm here every-- and pardon, pardon is here.
05:11 He's our microphone bearer.
05:12 He comes before 5.
05:14 And they sweep everything.
05:17 She says, Bishop, for what the Lord has done in my life,
05:21 the things he swept out of my life, the least I can do
05:24 is sweep for the members of the church.
05:26 Don't clap.
05:30 Come at 5 and sweep.
05:32 So when God takes you out from Babylon,
05:35 where the worst of the worst are, the worst of the worst,
05:40 the UB40s, the UB41s, the wah, wah, wah, the earth, wind,
05:45 and fire, whatever, where God has taken you from Borombo,
05:49 from that street in Avenues there,
05:52 from being a woman that's one of four or five wives
05:55 in a small house arrangement, from being
05:57 a man who has a secret life, you've got kids everywhere,
06:01 God has brought you out of earth to a place he will show you.
06:05 And there, he promises to do five things for you.
06:11 These five things for you.
06:14 He says, I will--
06:17 verse 2, I will make you a great nation.
06:22 I will bless you.
06:23 I will make your name great, which is what we'll deal with.
06:26 And you shall be a blessing.
06:28 I will bless them who bless you, and so on and so forth.
06:33 Slide number four, you can never be a partaker of something
06:37 good if you don't recognize its value.
06:42 So while I was jogging the other day,
06:44 the Lord spoke that in my spirit.
06:46 He said to me, my friend, you can never
06:49 be a part of something good if you don't recognize its value.
06:54 And so to me, there is so much value
06:58 that I see in this great country, Zimbabwe.
07:01 That's me.
07:03 I recognize it.
07:05 I recognize the value in a woman that God has given me.
07:08 We met 46 years ago.
07:10 I recognize the value in the children we have,
07:13 the grandchildren we have, the friends and colleagues we have.
07:17 We have professionals here who serve us out of their own will,
07:22 from the medical field, law, fraternity,
07:26 from those that are in social science, political science.
07:31 They give their service to us.
07:34 They serve in all kinds of ways.
07:38 The thing is that now that we know
07:39 that there are people from 84 to 85 years old that potentially
07:43 can cook for us every lunchtime, to those
07:48 that we are kissing after the service that
07:49 are small like this thing, bishop, bishop, bishop,
07:53 we can never truly be partakers of the goodness of their lives
07:59 if we don't recognize their value.
08:02 You can never appreciate praise and worship
08:05 if you don't recognize the value of what these young people have
08:08 done here today.
08:11 You'll never appreciate and recognize
08:13 the value of the word that's preached,
08:15 because you'll walk out in the parking lot
08:17 and just throw it on the floor.
08:19 It will be like pigs that are casting pearls asunder.
08:27 Somebody said to me in Nigeria when we were in the hotel,
08:30 I recognize that voice.
08:32 I recognize that voice.
08:33 There's only one voice like that.
08:34 And he took me back to a message I preached 30 years ago.
08:38 I couldn't even remember.
08:39 And he said, I'm a millionaire today from that voice,
08:41 from that word.
08:43 And I can't believe I'm shaking your hand right now.
08:46 It was somebody who heard a one-off message that
08:49 took that pearl and made something of it.
08:51 You can never be partaker of something good
08:56 if you don't recognize the value of it.
08:59 And so for this message, you can never
09:01 be a beneficiary of the power of the name of Jesus
09:05 if you don't recognize the value of the name of Jesus.
09:09 You can never.
09:12 His name is used everywhere in almost every kind
09:15 of environment, crude, illicit, whatever.
09:20 There's a handful of people that would
09:23 understand the power and the value of the name of Jesus.
09:27 Acts chapter number 3 and verse 16.
09:30 And his name, through faith in his name,
09:33 has made this man--
09:35 has healed this man in the presence of you all.
09:38 Acts 4.12, they said, don't preach in the name of Jesus.
09:43 Preach in any name but not in the name of Jesus.
09:46 They said, we ought to obey God rather than man.
09:51 4, 29, 28 and 29 of Acts.
09:54 Now, Lord, grant of thy servants boldness to preach your word,
09:59 and that signs and wonders may be done by the name
10:02 of your holy child Jesus.
10:04 And when they had prayed, verse 31,
10:06 the place where they assembled together was shaken.
10:10 Because when you apply that name on the road to Damascus,
10:12 who are you?
10:13 I am Jesus, whom you persecute.
10:16 That name, when you applied well,
10:20 devil stay far from you.
10:22 It's not like they won't try, but they'll stay far from you.
10:25 Shout it's in the name of Jesus.
10:28 Shout in Jesus' name.
10:30 Shout in Jesus' name.
10:33 Amen.
10:35 As a human being in the earth, we
10:38 have been given the power to name.
10:42 You can name your day what you want your day to be.
10:48 And so we have Monday to Sunday.
10:51 Those names actually come out of the Anglo-Saxons.
10:56 The Anglo-Saxons, the first Anglos,
10:58 they named Monday, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, et cetera,
11:03 all the way.
11:04 And they used some of the planets,
11:06 like Saturdays after Saturn, yada, yada.
11:09 That's another study.
11:11 And also, the Romans named the months.
11:17 Like the January is July after Julius.
11:20 And Jason says God loves him because July, J, August, A,
11:29 September, S, October, O, November, N. Boom,
11:35 baby in December.
11:36 I don't know, Jason.
11:40 I don't know how he came up with that.
11:45 And so somebody named Sunday.
11:49 Is there anybody that objects that this should be poverty day?
11:53 This should be poverty day?
11:55 Nobody objects.
11:57 Even people that are non-Christians,
11:59 people in different languages, they
12:00 know that this is a Sunday.
12:03 Some will say it's the first day of the week,
12:05 or the seventh day of the week, or whatever day of the week.
12:07 But then when they're writing a letter to get a deal,
12:10 they'll say, please, can you read this,
12:13 not by the fifth day of the week.
12:15 Please, can you read this by Friday?
12:18 They use something that someone named way back then,
12:21 including the months.
12:23 Which is the best month of the year?
12:25 The answer is all of them.
12:33 Ah, the November people, you people.
12:35 And so the point I'm driving at is
12:41 that you could have been--
12:46 your birthday could have been the 11th of the 11th,
12:50 or the 5th of the 1st, or the 1st of the 1st,
12:56 or the 12th of the 13th.
12:59 That's leap year.
13:00 The point that I'm driving is that somebody
13:05 is going to take what you name and use it.
13:09 Even if they don't get the credit for it,
13:11 what you name this morning--
13:14 and I'm not asking you to name 1,000 things.
13:16 I'm going to ask you to name as many things as the four
13:20 fingers on your hand.
13:23 Don't use the thumb.
13:24 Just four things that you are going to pray about naming,
13:28 so that in the generations to come,
13:31 they will use the name you have called today
13:35 as a household name.
13:36 So you name your children.
13:38 Please don't name your children interesting names.
13:42 God knows.
13:47 Happiness, swapera.
13:50 Don't name your children names that are difficult.
13:54 Some people name their first child Amen.
13:56 The last child was named Oh Me.
14:04 The next child was named Why Me.
14:08 The next child's name was Why Not Me.
14:12 So I think with a name like me, they must have been from China.
14:15 Name your world.
14:24 Name your world.
14:26 What is your world?
14:27 My world is the preaching world, the ministry world.
14:34 Your name is, I'll share, the world of legal frameworks,
14:45 justice, the medical, education, philosophy, sports.
14:51 Name your world.
14:53 If you do not name your world, if you don't name your world,
14:59 you'll be an old man with a big stomach
15:04 and nowhere to go.
15:06 I leave the women alone because it's apparently today
15:09 was a man's problem, as Pastor Chi Chi has said.
15:14 But you'll be an old man with a big stomach and nowhere to go
15:18 because you have missed an opportunity to name your world.
15:23 Abraham was given a chance at the age of 70
15:26 to name his world.
15:28 And God helped him.
15:30 He said, I'm going to give you a land.
15:33 I'm giving you a land.
15:35 You are not ready for me to name the land,
15:37 but it will be named.
15:39 I have to work on you first personally.
15:42 Your name is fine, but your name doesn't
15:45 mean you'll have children.
15:47 I have to use the contents, the crux of your name,
15:52 the epicenter, the foundation of your name.
15:57 And all I'm going to do is put one letter, just one
16:00 in your name to change the dynamic of your outcomes.
16:04 Your name is Abraham.
16:05 I'm going to take H and put it in the middle of your name.
16:09 And just by putting one letter in the middle of your name,
16:12 you are going to change to be the father of many nations.
16:17 Some people have to change their name.
16:20 You have to change your name.
16:22 I don't know who you are.
16:23 You have to change your name.
16:25 I'm not talking about from Cyprian to Jack.
16:29 I'm not talking about it.
16:30 I'm talking about what you are known for.
16:33 Rubbish, nonsense.
16:38 You're like your Uncle George.
16:40 You're like Auntie S-Nut.
16:41 Please don't laugh at the S-Nuts in the church.
16:50 You have to name your property.
16:51 The property in Rua where the kids were,
16:57 it's called Bernie's Place.
16:59 While Bernie was alive, we never thought
17:01 about naming it Bernie's Place.
17:03 An event took place that precipitated
17:06 the naming of that place.
17:09 And so ask God for a significant event on the road
17:12 to Damascus, Saul, so God can change your name to Paul.
17:17 I'm calling between now and December 1
17:21 that you will have a significant event where
17:24 a name, an irrevocable name, will be
17:28 embossed on your heart forever.
17:30 Give someone a high five.
17:31 Say, get ready for a name change.
17:34 Get ready for a name change.
17:36 So how do you change a name?
17:43 Number one, you have to be strategic when you set out
17:48 to name your child.
17:50 You know, the modern parents are quite interesting,
17:52 the modern ones.
17:53 These modern ones, they don't want the children
17:55 to have tea on the side, dairy, sugar.
17:59 I just bring them to the grandparents.
18:01 We have a way in which we can--
18:03 and so the modern parents, they go through all the books
18:13 with meanings of names, all these names--
18:18 Tonela, Peticura, Masusanja.
18:29 So my cousin told me years ago, he said to me,
18:38 Tudor, when you and Chichi have children,
18:40 give them solid, strong names like George, James, Edward.
18:46 Those are strong, solid names.
18:48 But we knew a few people that had those names that we
18:50 thought, I don't think so.
18:52 I'm so glad-- and I say this respectfully--
18:56 I'm so glad I'm not Nigerian, because I'd still
18:59 be trying to pronounce my name, Alala Bozumba Jambolja.
19:02 Aren't you glad that you aren't Russian or something?
19:11 What is your name?
19:12 My name is Vladimir.
19:14 I bomb Ukraine until there's nothing left.
19:17 I take a cocktail.
19:18 I call it Molotov.
19:19 And any of you French, you know, my name is Pierre.
19:25 It might be Pierre.
19:26 My name is Coton.
19:27 I take you to a story island.
19:29 What's your name?
19:30 My name is Jacques.
19:30 My name is Jacques.
19:31 Or Juan.
19:32 What's your name?
19:37 My name is Gigi.
19:37 Oui, oui.
19:42 [LAUGHTER]
19:45 But Chinese are the best.
19:47 Just Lee.
19:48 L-E. What's your name?
19:49 Lee.
19:49 And so there are people who research names.
19:56 And they mean things.
19:57 So God named individuals in the Bible
20:00 based on what they were going to be,
20:03 based on what they were going to do.
20:07 And so for your next child, whoever you are,
20:11 all the women say after they give birth to their first one,
20:14 never again.
20:15 Then on round four, they say, ee.
20:17 So think about who and what you name.
20:24 Number three, it's important for everybody to write a journal.
20:31 Record the events of your life.
20:34 And you can name it My Life.
20:37 Or you can name it My Story.
20:39 Or My Journal for 2023.
20:43 Because so much happens this week
20:45 that I need about four pages just to record one day.
20:49 And so you get to name what's in that.
20:53 Name your song.
20:54 There are songwriters here.
20:57 Petra Nilla has written 40-something, 50 songs.
21:03 These are the creative people.
21:05 Someone's written-- they can't remember how many songs
21:07 they've written.
21:08 Musicians have a lot of time.
21:10 They can spend time being creative.
21:13 I saw some paintings in Nigeria.
21:16 One of the paintings is competing
21:18 with Hunter Biden's paintings.
21:20 You know, Hunter just put some paper together
21:21 and just sprinkled paint and got 150,000, 200,000
21:25 for whatever, whatever.
21:27 But you can paint something.
21:28 I'm going to be a painter.
21:29 I'm going to paint something.
21:30 My view of sunset.
21:32 You may not think it's a good painting,
21:33 but for me it will be good.
21:35 I'll name it.
21:36 Amen. I'm about to paint a montage,
21:38 a Chi-Chi montage.
21:39 It's going to be splendid.
21:41 I'm going to write a song for G. I'm going
21:43 to write a book called Chi-Chi.
21:46 Amen. Don't look at me.
21:47 You can write your own.
21:49 My point is you have to do something to name something.
21:54 Say I have to do something to name something.
21:59 Say that one more time.
22:02 Now, there are people who have like 60 companies.
22:06 They're all in a briefcase.
22:10 60 companies, they're in a briefcase.
22:12 Well, I hope that you are doing your company returns.
22:16 And I certainly hope that the directors
22:22 of your company are credible, et cetera, et cetera.
22:26 But at least you have named your company.
22:30 One of them is called the Briefcase Company.
22:35 So name something and then ask God to put legs
22:40 on what you have named.
22:41 Pray this prayer after me if you can.
22:43 Say Heavenly Father, put legs on what you have given me to name.
22:52 Man, I doubt if Prince, West Prince wrote over 100 songs.
22:59 It would be nice if he had 100 hits.
23:02 It would be nice.
23:04 Some of the very best of the best from Morris White, Earth, Wind
23:07 and Fire, David Forster, et cetera, Stevie Wonder,
23:12 they've written songs.
23:13 I've been going through Stevie Wonder's catalog
23:15 of music that's not been recorded.
23:17 It is absolutely stunning, absolutely stunning.
23:21 And so all you want of all the ideas that God has given you
23:24 that you have named, ask God to put legs on a handful, on a handful.
23:33 Oh, Happy Day was written in 1967 by Edwin Hawkins.
23:37 It's being sung in so many ways by so many people in so many movies.
23:42 That song has legs.
23:44 It's gone into places in different languages.
23:47 Say Heavenly Father, put legs on what I name.
23:52 That includes your ministry, your properties, your products.
23:56 And so let's look at a simple thing like tea, tea, tea, tea.
24:03 I'm not sure who invented and discovered tea is growing here
24:09 in the Eastern Highlands.
24:11 In Melange there's tea there.
24:13 But somebody decided there'd be Earl Grey.
24:17 I don't know why they didn't say Earl White or Earl Black
24:24 or Grace Orange.
24:27 Somebody decided.
24:29 And so when people go shopping for tea,
24:32 Trane took me to a place looking for a certain kind of tea
24:36 because there's certain people here that have three teabags
24:38 in a small cup and it has to be Yorkshire tea.
24:40 I won't mention who.
24:42 You can just follow my eyes.
24:43 I don't know how you get a Yorkshire tea.
24:47 And now they have a sleepy time tea.
24:51 And they have breathe easy tea.
24:53 How do you think the person that's speaking there is worried
24:56 about the names of the tea?
24:57 And do you know that Rooibos tea is only native to the Cape?
25:02 And do you know that an American -- I can name them right here,
25:05 right here -- an American group called Burke International
25:08 in 1994 took South African Rooibos tea
25:12 and have trademarked it to their name.
25:16 So the South Africans cannot sell tea without their permission.
25:21 And for all the Rooibos tea that we drink, we are paying outsiders
25:25 for something that insiders didn't take the opportunity
25:28 to value what they have and put a premium on it.
25:34 Yeah. And so the government in South Africa is now moving very
25:39 aggressively to get that trademark away from that group.
25:44 And I'm told they don't even drink tea.
25:49 My point here is in being strategic, slide number seven,
25:55 the name that you choose must be meaningful.
25:59 Number two, it must be adaptable.
26:09 So if you say pizza, what do you think about when you say pizza?
26:18 In America, it's Pizza Inn.
26:21 In Zimbabwe, it's --
26:23 In America, it's Pizza Hut.
26:27 Sorry. In America, it's Pizza Hut.
26:29 In Zimbabwe, it's -- when you say chicken, what happened to Kentucky?
26:37 It must be more expensive because everyone's chicken inn.
26:41 When you say network, what do you think?
26:48 Sorry, sir.
26:49 Sorry. Sorry, Wakuru.
26:53 For me, I say net one.
26:55 I am politically correct.
27:05 But Cheech and I on our phones, this one is AT&T,
27:10 which is the largest telephone provider in the United States.
27:15 Because our bills were quite high, they gave us a deal
27:19 because of competition.
27:21 And our deal is we can make as many calls as we want
27:24 for as long as we want per day.
27:26 I can speak to a person for 23 hours and 59 minutes
27:29 on one phone call.
27:32 And our rates are $10 a day, unlimited calls, unlimited data,
27:39 da, da, da, unlimited.
27:41 And so in America, they want --
27:43 when you say network, they want you to say AT&T.
27:48 So what is it going to take for them to say net one before they say
27:52 econet?
27:53 What is it going to take for you to have slicer above inn?
28:01 When we say buses in Zimbabwe, which bus are we talking about?
28:12 Zupko! Zup, zup, zup, zup, zup, zup, zup, zup, zup, zup, zup, zup, zup, zup.
28:22 Bold guy, ah, ah, bold guy, ah, ah.
28:26 I thought Zupko was on a shoelace and a string.
28:30 Ah, this church is very funny.
28:34 It's very funny.
28:38 When we say airlines, which airline are we saying?
28:44 Zimbabwe, hey, Zimbabwe.
28:48 Do you think Emirates will allow the kids to do a tour as those kids?
28:53 I vote for Zimbabwe.
28:55 But airlines, which airline comes to mind?
28:59 All the Emirates people, raise your hands.
29:03 All the Emirates people, raise your hands.
29:07 Put your hands down.
29:08 All the people that have never been into a plane like Chimokopa kids, raise your hands.
29:13 You've never been into a plane.
29:15 I want to organize a tour for you with lunch.
29:17 Raise your hands.
29:18 Hey, look at all the lands are going up now.
29:22 I will give you slicer.
29:25 Fast yet.
29:27 The name must be distinctive.
29:33 Apple.
29:35 It's easy.
29:36 Steve Jobs, easy.
29:37 Apple.
29:39 IBM.
29:42 Mercedes-Benz.
29:44 BMW.
29:46 You will hardly hear the word Bugatti unless you're the mayor of some city somewhere in the world.
29:53 And so when you are choosing a name or naming something, make sure that it's embossed in putting to people's heads.
30:09 For us, God was kind to give us a song, Jabula.
30:13 So the song preceded the naming of a thing.
30:18 So what is preceding the naming of what is going to be global?
30:23 Slide 8.
30:25 Be creative.
30:27 The name must be memorable.
30:32 The name must sound good.
30:35 So the name Judah and the name Bismarck, there's so many different versions of it.
30:43 So the other day when I was in a certain country, some guy was calling me Bishop Bismack.
30:50 He was calling me Bismack.
30:57 And then he wrote me a letter.
30:59 It was spelled B-double-E-S-M-A-R-C-K.
31:07 Bismack.
31:10 I was like, there's internet.
31:18 So I'm not my fault.
31:20 My mother named me.
31:21 I got my name from my father.
31:23 So if you have a name that's very difficult and you are creating a product, you might need a strategist to help you,
31:33 especially if you're trying to break into markets outside of the country, you might need to create doing business as,
31:41 and you name something here, so that your name is not off-putting.
31:46 When Jabula was first floated, I had a delegation come and say to me, this is not a name that's attractive,
31:55 because it's not something that people would say naturally.
31:59 So I said to them, and you heard me tell the story,
32:02 I said, you own a Hitachi, a Kawasaki, which is easier to say, Jabula or Kawasaki.
32:15 And so I got the point.
32:18 I believe you've got the point.
32:20 And so there are things that you might have to adjust, especially if you're a heart surgeon and your name is Jibuti-Ichi-Ubuchi-Abu-Jaba.
32:30 You might need to change your name to something when a child has a hole in the heart,
32:36 and you are recommended as a heart surgeon that the name doesn't make the parents nervous,
32:43 with a name that takes the whole day to mention.
32:47 I think you get the point.
32:50 When we're dealing with growing and creating a name, you must be technical.
32:56 Is it legal?
33:01 Is it available?
33:06 Is it linguistically available?
33:10 You've got to think about different pronunciations in different parts of the world.
33:15 Number 10.
33:18 I want you to go to the promises and pick up number two.
33:23 I will bless you and make your name great.
33:27 I will bless you and make your name great.
33:32 And so there's things in you, Abraham, of great names.
33:39 And so the great names that are coming are going to be Jacob, Israel, 12 tribes.
33:46 The names that are coming are Moses, Joshua, Samuel, David, et cetera.
33:53 They're still coming.
33:55 You have to be patient with where you are with the name you have, because the names are still coming.
34:02 And so I had the privilege of visiting one of our members' offices the other day.
34:07 Has a very good firm there and employs six or seven, five or six lawyers in that firm.
34:17 But when they began, they began by themselves.
34:20 And as the business began to grow, others were then added into the group.
34:26 But when you start by yourself and you decide to name a thing a thing, remember, remember,
34:34 it has to now outlive you into multi-generations.
34:42 Multi-generations.
34:45 Take your right hand, put it on your head.
34:48 Say, "Father, give me a name today."
34:51 Say that three more times.
35:00 And so a savior was going to be born.
35:05 And the prophet said in 4, 7, 14, "His name shall be called Emmanuel, God with us."
35:14 But when Gabriel came to Mary in Matthew chapter number one and to Joseph, verse 20,
35:23 "When they thought on these things, an angel appeared in a dream and said, 'Joe, son of David,
35:30 take your wife and the child that's been conceived, verse 21, because she shall bring forth a son,
35:37 which she did, and you will call his name Jesus.
35:42 You will call his name Jesus.
35:44 You will call his name Jesus."
35:46 In the beginning, that name Jesus is the same as Yeshua or Joshua, which is Jehovah has become my salvation
35:55 or Jehovah is my salvation.
35:58 Because if you are left to name it without heavenly instruction, like Zachariah,
36:04 he wants to name John Zachariah.
36:08 And the angel said, "You can't name him Zachariah.
36:10 His name must be John."
36:12 He said, "No, the family name is Zachariah."
36:15 The angel said, "No, his name is Juan."
36:18 He said, "No, Zachariah, Juan, Zachariah."
36:21 So the Lord said, "Okay, you are insisting, I'll just close your mouth."
36:24 And the point that the Holy Spirit is making to us all here is that if you insist on naming something
36:30 your name you want to name it, the Holy Spirit might have to close your mouth
36:34 until you are willing to say the name that he has given you entity.
36:44 If you think about Steve Jobs, in my view, a real coup de grace,
36:50 how a man has given the world so much and he lost his life,
36:55 there's all kinds of spiritual implications which we shan't get into right now.
37:00 But, you know, anybody using Apple products, raise your hand.
37:09 Anybody using Android, Samsung, raise your hand.
37:15 I think we are out of a job, Steve.
37:21 In my experience, which is very limited, the Apple phone and Apple products are easier to work than the others.
37:32 Because if I type on this, it transfers on all the other pieces simultaneously.
37:40 I bought a Samsung phone in Dubai the other day.
37:44 I almost landed up on Tongo Gara there by Ward 12.
37:49 I was already by Ward 11. My next step was Ward 12.
37:53 I had to get Jack and Joe to sort me out because it appeared to be more complicated.
38:00 And my point is a very simple name.
38:05 When he announced Apple, somebody said, "You're naming it Apple. Why don't you just call it Banana?"
38:13 In sarcasm.
38:17 Teacher and I were talking about when we first saw the Zimbabwe flag and the flag on Air Zimbabwe.
38:26 We were like, "What were these people thinking, painting our plane like that?"
38:31 But I'll tell you what.
38:33 When you go to different airports and you see that Zimbabwe flag on a plane, it's like, "Whoosh," out there.
38:42 When you love a thing and you put value in it, it serves you in the way it needs to.
38:53 So there's a blue beret in the house. My sister's wearing a blue beret.
38:59 There are others that are wearing red berets. It's a political statement.
39:03 Others are wearing yellow berets.
39:06 So why don't you start a business with blue berets, my sister?
39:11 The Blue Beret Bunch.
39:13 Of course, after all, they are the UN berets.
39:16 You see them as peacekeepers. Blue berets for Zimbabwe.
39:20 And during elections, you can be selling blue berets to both yellow and red people.
39:30 Say, "Make my name great."
39:33 Let me finish now with a couple of things.
39:37 Slide number 12. I've got to go.
39:40 Ask God to bless your name. That's your homework this week.
39:45 From now until November 1, ask God to bless your name.
39:51 My name is Tudor John Petit Bismarck. Father, bless my name.
39:57 Whatever your name is, I want you to say it, and at the end say, "Father, bless my name."
40:03 My name is Tudor John Petit Bismarck. Father, bless my name.
40:09 My name is Tudor John Petit Bismarck. Father, bless my name.
40:14 One more time. My name is Tudor John Petit Bismarck. Father, bless my name.
40:20 Don't be ashamed of your name.
40:23 That chickie that wrote that book, what is it called, Chi Chi?
40:29 That reporter, just a simple woman that wrote a novel,
40:34 and it turned into another novel and into another one and movies.
40:38 She was just trying, but her name's gone worldwide,
40:44 has become a multi-billionaire on just trying.
40:49 There are opportunities that are opening in different places, in different spaces.
40:53 At least try, and God will take your one product and make your name great.
41:00 Abraham is so great, he appears in the New Testament in the Gospels,
41:06 because God made his name great. His name appears in the epistles,
41:11 because God made his name great. Not all great people have an old and a new,
41:16 but there are some when God makes your name great,
41:19 it will extend into many, many, many generations.
41:23 Now let me close with a list of things I've put together.
41:26 Chapter number 2, 9, and 11 of Philippians.
41:30 God highly exalts the name. He lifts the name above all others.
41:35 So let me give you 10 great names in Africa.
41:39 This is my list from research.
41:42 The 10th most known name in Africa, again, this is my list, you make your own.
41:46 Desmond Tutu of South Africa.
41:49 Jomo Kenyatta, first president of Kenya.
41:53 Robert Gabriel Mugabe, first president of the great country Zimbabwe.
41:58 Samora Mishel, first president of the great country of Mozambique.
42:03 Kenneth Kawunda, first president of Zambia.
42:07 Julius Nyerere, first president of Tanzania, Tanzania.
42:13 Haile Selassie, Ethiopian monarch, a direct descendant of Solomon the Great.
42:20 Patrice Lumumba, first president of Congo.
42:24 Kwame Nkrumah the Great, first president and revolutionary of the nation Ghana.
42:29 Mandela is the most known African name around the world, Mandela.
42:40 Great American names. This is my list, you choose your own.
42:45 Marmot Ali, George Washington Carver, Booker T. Washington, Jackie Robinson, the great baseball player.
42:55 I love Harriet Tubman. She was a woman that escaped as a slave and developed the railroad, the underground, to set slaves free.
43:08 And there was a warrant out for her arrest and the money was massive.
43:12 Oprah Winfrey, Malcolm X, Frederick Douglass, a great philosopher, political scientist and so on.
43:21 President Barack Obama, Rosa Parks, and of course Martin Luther King Jr.
43:27 Great global products. You make your own list.
43:30 McDonald's, not healthy, but it saves parents a lot of cooking time.
43:39 McDonald's, that's a hamburger, not Wendy.
43:43 BMW, General Electric, Mercedes Benz, Amazon, Samsung, IBM, Toyota, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Google, Samsung, Apple is on the top of the list.
43:57 Sorry Sam, I know why you said Samsung Sam, Samantha.
44:03 Great inventors. You make your own list.
44:07 The 10th greatest is Tim Berns-Lee, who invented the Internet. Probably should be the greatest really.
44:18 The Wright Brothers, air travel.
44:21 Tesla, great electrical engineer.
44:27 Louis Pasteur and Alexander Fleming, penicillin.
44:32 Benjamin Franklin, many things but conductors of lightning and electricity, the bifocals and many other patents to Benjamin Franklin.
44:42 Probably the greatest of all time in my view, Archimedes, the great, great Archimedes in the 600 BC.
44:51 Galileo, Einstein, Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Thomas Edison.
44:56 And there are many, many in Africa that have created and invented things.
45:03 And so for every person in this room, because God lives in you, do you believe that?
45:09 Do you believe God lives in you?
45:11 Do you believe that you are made in the image of God?
45:14 Do you believe you are made after his likeness?
45:17 That means you are a creator.
45:23 You are a creator.
45:25 And so guys, please, where's my zinger?
45:29 Please go to our website and learn how to cook.
45:36 They show you, they give you steps.
45:38 They're like 15 minutes.
45:41 For you it's like go to bon marché.
45:46 Ask for rum steak.
45:49 I didn't know that.
45:50 No, ask for rum steak.
45:52 Then onion, tomato.
45:55 What do I do?
45:56 Then you take a very sharp knife.
45:59 Then you cut it in slices like this.
46:02 Then you get a pan.
46:04 Use some olive oil, not for anointing people, aywa, olive oil.
46:10 Then you put the steaks there.
46:13 Strips.
46:14 A low heat.
46:17 Foggy garlic.
46:20 Onions.
46:22 Then take some strips of peppers, put in there.
46:28 Round it off with a beef cube and tomato.
46:31 Depending on your taste, a little of sugar.
46:34 In 15 minutes, my zinger will be in love forever.
46:42 And because you can't bond her, you'll just cheat.
46:45 When you buy the meat, you'll just get them to give you some on the side.
46:48 You will have sent her some.
46:50 When she comes, you will put the side in a pot as if you had boned her.
46:54 For everything.
46:56 For sewing.
46:58 There's things you can learn step by step.
47:00 For knitting.
47:02 Step by step.
47:03 There's a lady Chi Chi's following.
47:04 She has millions of followers.
47:06 How they're showing how to crochet.
47:08 Millions.
47:10 The other day, Chi Chi was ice cold fast asleep.
47:13 I just gone to the bathroom.
47:15 I was coming out from the toilet.
47:18 She was like.
47:19 But there was a website she was on.
47:21 There was a lady showing how she crochets hair.
47:24 Like this.
47:25 I was mesmerized.
47:27 The song was nice.
47:29 But the way she did the crochet.
47:31 I stood there for 45 minutes.
47:33 Watching this woman crochet hair.
47:35 And the number of hits she has just for that.
47:37 So I then made sure she was sleeping.
47:39 I watched another video.
47:45 To see her doing another kind of a style.
47:46 My name is Stephen.
47:47 I'll do your hair.
47:48 Thank you.
47:50 There's things that can do for nails.
47:52 For glasses.
47:54 For even medicines.
47:56 There's a website that does traditional medicines.
47:59 How you can boil this root.
48:01 This leaf.
48:02 This one.
48:03 To cure for coughs.
48:04 For chest.
48:05 Things like that.
48:06 It's all there.
48:07 It's a great way to create a view.
48:09 Some of you are carrying things.
48:12 That your grandparents handed to you as a family secret.
48:16 Put your name on it.
48:19 Because these people in California will steal your Roybos.
48:30 Great biblical names.
48:31 Noah.
48:33 For obvious reasons.
48:34 We would not be here.
48:36 We would be at the bottom of the Indian ocean.
48:38 Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Joshua, Samson.
48:41 You name them.
48:48 In your family tree.
48:51 As far back as you can remember.
48:54 Who are the greatest of the names in your family?
48:58 Who are the greatest there?
49:01 What made that uncle greater than that uncle?
49:05 What was it?
49:07 Aspire to be that.
49:10 Any Louis Vuitton people here?
49:13 Any Gucci people?
49:18 This church needs to raise up its standards.
49:29 So we were sitting in a place and there was a lady.
49:32 She said to me in the lounge.
49:34 I said, that is a genuine Gucci.
49:36 A genuine Louis Vuitton.
49:39 The jacket was spectacular.
49:41 For me, I can't tell the difference.
49:43 You can get a computer.
49:45 It is doing the same thing.
49:47 But it is like a $6,000 bag.
49:51 Are there any Gucci people in this church?
49:56 I said, I'm the king of the kingdom.
50:05 So you start here with a swatch.
50:08 A small watch that is battery operated.
50:11 All the way to a Rolex.
50:14 An AP.
50:16 You start here.
50:19 I saw a car the other day.
50:21 A small item.
50:23 I said, I love this car.
50:27 It still looks good.
50:29 I said, I love this car.
50:31 I have had this car since 1974.
50:33 I drive it once a month.
50:35 It still looks good.
50:37 I said, what do you drive now?
50:39 He said, I got the latest Land Cruiser.
50:44 He named all of his cars in the few minutes we had.
50:47 The names tell you your journey.
50:49 You don't name it, you can't tell your journey.
50:53 Where are you?
50:55 I'm going to go somewhere.
50:57 No, the names tell you how far you have yet to go.
51:01 The names tell you how far you have gone.
51:04 Because if you see a sign, you know that you are closer to
51:08 Bulayo than you are from Marawi.
51:13 Father, I pray for a blessing on each woman and every man.
51:17 To make great names in this church.
51:20 Great names.
51:22 Great products.
51:24 Great products.
51:26 Great industry.
51:28 Great companies.
51:30 Great families.
51:32 Tremendous legacies.
51:34 You have called our names to be great.
51:38 Raise up great philosophers, thinkers, songwriters,
51:43 educationalists, raise up book writers, sports characters.
51:49 Just look at me for a minute.
51:51 When I was in Jo'burg the other day, there's a youngster, he's
51:56 nine years old.
51:58 He's nine years old.
52:00 Chelsea signed him.
52:02 Not Chelsea.
52:04 IX signed him.
52:06 He's nine years old.
52:08 Nine years old.
52:10 $250,000 a year.
52:13 Nine years old.
52:15 Nine years old.
52:17 All the way to university.
52:19 If something happens and he's injured on the field, they have a
52:23 ten-year guarantee that that money will be paid regardless of
52:27 what happens to him.
