Tiger Woods admits he can't play the way he used to

  • last year
Woods said his short game has suffered in recent years, but he can hit the ball further with new tech in golf
00:00 There's a lot of things I can't do that I used to do with a golf ball.
00:02 >> Just distance or is there something else?
00:03 >> No, I used to be able to call upon any shape, any shot, whatever you wanted,
00:08 and was able to contort myself to those shots.
00:12 I can't do that anymore.
00:13 As I said earlier, I've always been one that has been able to hit the ball in
00:19 the middle of the face, and so that's been good.
00:22 And I think I was saying this to you guys yesterday,
00:25 that I'm hitting the ball further than I did when I first came out on tour.
00:28 Just because I'm slower by the tech, but I'm still able to hit the ball in
00:32 the middle of the face.
00:32 So there's always an advantage to do that.
00:34 Generally, I would have, normally it's short game, the touch and feels.
00:41 But when you're chipping off a Bermuda like this, and
00:43 this is probably one of the hardest golf courses we face all year round.
00:48 To try and hit chips, and it's ball sits down, you get to hit the ball up.
00:53 And as far as my feels, generally as the week progresses,
00:58 my feel for Penn High gets better and better each and every day.
01:03 And I think that's indication this week.
01:07 I know the score doesn't indicate what I think I could have shot today, but
01:12 it was definitely clearer than it was yesterday.
