Sar e Aam team nay masoom bachi par tashadud karnay walun ko kiya be-naqab

  • last year
Sar e Aam team nay masoom bachi par tashadud karnay walun ko kiya be-naqab
00:00 This video of the girl was recorded a while ago,
00:04 so we gave the informer the task to record the girl's new video
00:11 so that we can guess if the violence against the girl is still going on or not.
00:18 In a few days, when the girl came to the neighboring women for some work,
00:23 she was hit by violent and wounding wounds.
00:28 Our informer and neighboring women asked the girl again
00:33 if she is being abused and if she wants to get rid of these people.
00:40 What happened to you?
00:42 I was hit.
00:43 What do you think?
00:44 Nothing.
00:45 Your parents?
00:46 No.
00:47 No?
00:48 Then how did you come to them?
00:50 I don't know.
00:51 He hit me.
00:53 Where do you get hit?
00:54 Show me.
00:55 Look at this.
00:58 Show me that too.
00:59 He hits and abuses her daily.
01:01 Did he cut her hair?
01:02 Look at this.
01:07 He cut her hair.
01:08 This is injustice.
01:09 Doesn't she feel pain?
01:10 If you tell me, I will hit you.
01:12 I will kill you.
01:14 I will kill you.
01:16 God will help you.
01:18 I will kill you.
01:20 Don't worry.
01:22 God will help you.
01:25 We had the video evidence of the abuse and abuse of the girl.
01:32 But the girl's family didn't seem to be able to afford a domestic worker.
01:41 Or to buy a girl from somewhere.
01:45 To find out the truth and to save this girl from this torture, Team Saryam contacted the Child Protection Bureau.
01:55 Whether it is a young domestic worker or an innocent child who is suffering from abuse for any reason.
02:01 The Child Protection Bureau has always called out to each and every voice to protect these children.
02:09 The team of the Child Protection Bureau was ready to save 12-year-old Anika.
02:17 Based on the recordings of the abuse of the girl, the search warrant was obtained from the court.
02:25 And Team Saryam left for Badami Bagh, Lahore with the Child Protection Bureau and the police.
02:33 Where 12-year-old Anika was targeted for violent abuse.
02:39 Finally, the search warrant has been issued from the District and Session Judge.
02:46 Where this 11-year-old girl is living a life of imprisonment and cruelty.
02:52 The search warrant has been issued for the Child Protection Bureau.
02:55 We will now leave for Badami Bagh.
02:57 The procedure of arrival and departure will be done at the local police station.
03:01 And after that, God willing, we will enter the house to recover this girl.
03:07 So let's start this journey of saving an innocent and young life.
03:12 Pray for us.
03:13 Before entering the house, our informer and our representative with him told us
03:30 that just a while ago, the screams of the girl had come again.
03:36 That means a while ago, she was abused again.
03:41 When we entered this house under the guise of the Child Protection Bureau,
03:45 we faced an unexpected situation.
03:48 Contrary to our expectations, poverty was flowing from the walls of this house.
03:53 And there was no way that the girl who was suffering from violence was their domestic servant.
04:01 Looking at the condition of the house, it was not even possible to imagine
04:05 that these people would have kidnapped this girl from somewhere.
04:10 Because for their other children, two meals would have been difficult to fulfill.
04:16 Unless they took on another responsibility.
04:20 But as soon as the team reached Saryam, the girl said to the woman present at home
04:25 that I am not their daughter.
04:28 And then she remained firm on this position till the end.
04:48 Hello. Come here.
04:51 What does she look like to you?
04:55 She is my daughter.
04:56 Is she your real daughter?
04:57 Yes. Why?
04:59 Are you sure she is your real daughter?
05:00 I lied to you.
05:01 Think again and tell me.
05:02 I thought she is my daughter.
05:04 What is your name?
05:07 Anika.
05:08 Your name is Anika?
05:09 How old are you?
05:10 Twelve years.
05:12 Twelve years.
05:13 What do you look like to her?
05:14 Nothing.
05:17 Are you not her daughter?
05:18 Then where did you come from?
05:21 I don't know.
05:23 Since when?
05:24 I don't know.
05:26 You don't even remember?
05:27 How many years have passed?
05:28 One year, two years, more than that?
05:30 I don't know.
05:33 You don't even remember?
05:34 You have been with her since childhood.
05:36 But you are not her daughter?
05:37 Come here.
05:38 I am your elder brother.
05:40 Come here.
05:42 He has come to take you to a good place.
05:45 To take you to school, to a place to play.
05:47 Don't be scared.
05:49 Everyone is with you.
05:50 Even the police and the police officers.
05:51 They have come for you.
05:53 We have also come for you.
05:54 So don't be scared of anyone.
05:55 Tell me, how old are you?
05:57 I don't know.
05:58 I was a child.
05:59 You were a child.
06:00 Then how do you know that you are not her daughter?
06:02 I don't know.
06:03 God knows.
06:04 God knows?
06:05 Okay.
06:06 Tell me, where have you been hurt?
06:11 Why are you scared?
06:12 I am not scared.
06:13 You are brave.
06:14 Show me.
06:15 Show me your arm.
06:17 One minute.
06:19 Be careful.
06:20 When did you get hurt?
06:21 Day before yesterday.
06:23 Day before yesterday?
06:24 Your finger is cut.
06:26 Show me.
06:27 Who did this?
06:28 I told you to be brave.
06:32 You have to be brave.
06:33 Be careful.
06:34 Mama did this.
06:35 Mama did this?
06:36 You call her mama?
06:37 Okay.
06:39 What did you hit on your finger?
06:41 Scissor.
06:42 You hit a scissor?
06:43 When do you get hurt?
06:47 Everyday.
06:48 Hmm?
06:49 Everyday.
06:50 Everyday?
06:51 You are still hurt?
06:52 You are hurt?
06:54 You broke a cup, right?
06:55 What did you do?
06:57 How did you hit?
06:58 With a stick.
07:00 You hit with a stick?
07:01 Okay.
07:06 Give him some time.
07:07 Give him some time.
