10 Things We Want to See in Marvel's Spider-Man 3

  • last year


00:00 You still got that hunter drone you hijacked? It's really tough hiding it from my mom, but
00:04 yeah, I'll boot up and see you there. Welcome to Mojo Plays, and today we're
00:08 talking about 10 things we hope to see in the next Spider-Man game from Insomniac Games.
00:13 Before we begin, we publish new videos all week long, so be sure to subscribe to Mojo Plays and
00:26 ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos. Deeper Connections
00:31 One of Spider-Man 2's flaws lies within the relationships between characters,
00:48 specifically with Peter. The villains, the allies, the romance, the mental struggles,
00:53 everyone and everything revolves around Peter. Miles doesn't have much at stake,
00:59 and the one villain he had remote connection with has moved on to turn a new leaf.
01:03 If Insomniac is truly moving forward with Miles as the main Spider-Man like they say they are,
01:14 then Miles is going to need more complex relationships than "my best friend is
01:18 secretly a bad guy" or "my uncle used to be a criminal" or "a terrorist got my dad killed."
01:25 All three of those stories have been resolved, so it's time to give him something new. Give him
01:30 something to struggle with personally, rather than just have him trying to finish a 500 word essay
01:35 and manage his work-life balance. Streamline Currency
01:44 One of the problems with 2018's Spider-Man was just how ridiculous the token currency was.
01:54 We get it, Sony, you don't want players blasting through the game in a single weekend,
01:59 so you tie the suits, gadgets, and skill trees to separate currencies.
02:03 Spider-Man 2 wasn't any better about that.
02:10 It just didn't make sense to have certain gadgets and skills tied behind hero tokens,
02:15 or tech tokens, or rare tech tokens, or chicken tokens, or jalapeno tokens,
02:21 or whatever other tokens there were. Why not simplify things, instead of have us run around
02:27 and farm for resources? Why can't it just be "complete the mission to earn this skill or
02:32 gadget" or "hey, you did great stopping that crime, here's a token to redeem a gadget,
02:37 upgrade, or skill of your choosing." Let's save the grinding stuff for the JRPG crowd, okay?
02:42 We like that stuff over there, not in our open world games.
02:46 New Sinister Six
02:52 With the chameleon making a sudden appearance towards the end of the game,
03:03 we can't help thinking that we're about to see a brand new Sinister Six.
03:07 Peter had his with Electro, Vulture, Rhino, Scorpion, Mr. Negative, and the good doctor
03:13 Octopus, so what could Miles be up against?
03:16 Well, Chameleon will most likely be a part of it, and Norman's grief is likely to cause him
03:25 to become the Green Goblin, finally. Problem is that most of the other members have moved on,
03:30 or gone good. So who else could there be? Well, there's also the Hobgoblin, but as we said,
03:37 Norman might take that seat as the token goblin. Doc Ock is also still alive. And with Kraven's
03:43 demise, perhaps we'll see the Grim Hunter join the fray. And we suppose Hydro Man, Tigra,
03:49 and Overdrive could be worked in. Heck, it does feel like scraping the bottom of the
03:54 barrel at this point, but let's keep an open mind for Insomniac's next entry.
03:58 "Ready for your final act?"
04:00 Less filler.
04:02 Just when Spider-Man 2 was feeling like a step forward, it took a step backward. First,
04:14 there was the bike ride with Harry, then MJ had her stealth missions shoehorned into the game
04:19 again, and then you had the carnival games at Coney Island. Look, we understand these were here
04:24 to maintain the theme of balance with the game's story. Call it narrative purpose all you want,
04:29 though, it came off more like filler.
04:31 "Hey, you don't know what you took from me."
04:35 Sony is amongst many AAA publishers claiming their games are too expensive to make,
04:39 which begs the question, how much did it cost to write up, animate, and program a single
04:44 "Haley" mission and a time trial race through Central Park? It also doesn't help when some
04:49 missions are literally a couple of cutscenes and a tutorial for a new mechanic. Trim the fat,
04:55 focus on the pacing, and maybe, just maybe, we'll throw in the word "perfect" for once.
05:02 "But Spider-Man took good care of me. Had a nice chat about your grandma."
05:08 Tie in to Wolverine.
05:09 Part of the appeal in comic books is seeing what other heroes and villains might encounter each
05:15 other from different storylines. With Insomniac working on another Marvel property, the upcoming
05:21 Wolverine game, we're sort of expecting that to tie into whatever Spider-Man 3 ends up becoming.
05:26 It would only make sense after they just confirm that Spidey and Wolverine will coexist in the
05:31 same universe.
05:32 "Let's go, man, before he gets too far."
05:34 "No. He's mine."
05:37 "You sure?"
05:39 The question now is, which comes first? Who is setting up who?
05:42 Are the stories going to have their own plots with some missions seeing team-ups?
05:47 So long as we don't get some confangled mess, we'll be on board.
05:50 Better side content.
05:56 Look, the side missions in Spider-Man 2 were a step up from the previous game.
06:06 Not everything was a plague of collectibles that overstayed their time.
06:10 Everything felt like it was leading to something and had its own story going.
06:14 Problem is that anything that wasn't a friendly neighborhood mission quickly felt repetitive.
06:19 The combat is satisfying, yes, but many of the Hunter blinds felt like the same setup
06:30 every single time. Chasing drones got monotonous after the first two chases,
06:35 even when doing them several hours in between.
06:38 And the science stuff? Prime example of filler right there.
06:42 The friendly neighborhood missions had purpose whether it was doing something as simple as
06:45 talking to Howard or responding to a missing person report.
06:48 And most of them lead to interesting stories.
06:51 Just don't have us help with a proposal to Homecoming again, please.
06:54 This isn't Saved by the Bell.
06:56 "But I need you with me, Pete. You're gonna heal the world."
07:00 Miguel O'Hara.
07:01 "Look at this, a spider hero."
07:05 "I'm not a spider, I'm a spider."
07:07 "Spider hero. We're all saved."
07:09 With a PS1 model of Delilah making an appearance after finding all of the spiderbots,
07:14 it's obvious that the Spider-verse is a thing in the Insomniac games.
07:18 Heck, Miguel is even name-dropped.
07:20 That said, we aren't too sure if Spidey 2099 is going to be put into Spider-Man 3.
07:26 "We can always count on you to do the right thing."
07:28 It'd be cool for sure, and maybe a multi-dimensional cataclysm will serve as the
07:33 grand finale for the series. Perhaps he'll get his own spinoff like Miles did, though.
07:38 Honestly, we're not opposed to either route.
07:40 More burros.
07:45 "Web-wings alone aren't getting me enough lift."
07:51 One of the major improvements in Spider-Man 2 is the inclusion of Queens and Brooklyn.
07:56 That means we now have half of New York City fully recreated.
07:59 "I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do this."
08:04 Though we are well aware it may bloat the file size even further,
08:07 we would love for the third game to include the remaining New York burros,
08:11 Staten Island, and the Bronx. Hey, if we want to be the hero of New York City,
08:16 we need the whole city, not just, you know, two-thirds of it.
08:20 "There, all up and running. I should make sure Dr. Wynn sets up some turbine security for these."
08:29 Playable Silk. "Why don't you go show her your essay? He worked so hard on it."
08:35 Though Insomniac has said Miles will be the main Spider-Man moving forward,
08:40 why would they scrap the dual protagonist mechanic after all this hard work?
08:44 The introduction of Cindy Moon means that Silk is obviously going to have a big part in the next
08:49 game, maybe even get a game of her own just like Miles did. The big mystery is what kinds of powers
08:54 will she have? In the comics, her main gimmick was pheromones, believe it or not. However,
09:06 Insomniac could use her to possibly repackage some of Peter's mechanics,
09:10 or maybe the studio has some other ideas for her. We'll just have to wait and see.
09:14 "Oh, and this is my daughter, Cindy."
09:17 The Goblins. "We're so close."
09:21 "But I'll keep trying."
09:29 We have seen just about every major villain in all three Insomniac Spider-Man games,
09:34 except for Green Goblin. Where in the hell is Green Goblin? Heck, back in 2020,
09:41 we were pointing out an easter egg that nobody else was pointing out, by the way,
09:44 that implies the Goblins' presence. Where are they?
09:49 Norman has to become the monster with the glider at some point, right? And what of Hobgoblin?
09:59 There has been no sign of these guys anywhere outside of color scheme and graffiti. If we go
10:04 through Spider-Man 3 with not a single exploding pumpkin in sight, we're going to need some hard
10:09 answers, Insomniac. You can't leave Spidey's most famous nemesis out of the picture. "He's
10:15 never like that." What do you hope to see from the next Spider-Man video game? Let us know down
10:20 in the comments, and be sure to subscribe to Mojo Plays for more great videos every day.
10:25 "I'm not going to lose you."
10:32 Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed the video, there's more where that came from.
10:41 [Music]
