Keke Palmer Drama Explained By Legal Expert

  • last year
Keke Palmer Drama Explained By Legal Expert


00:00 All right, moving on over, this is actually a sad story,
00:02 so switching gears definitely.
00:03 So Kiki Palmer's request for a temporary restraining order
00:06 against ex-Darius Jackson and temporary sole custody
00:10 of their eight-month-old son has been granted.
00:12 So the court ordered Jackson to stay 100 yards away
00:14 from both Kiki and their infant son until further notice.
00:18 He's also prohibited from having visitation rights
00:21 at this time.
00:21 So, "Plus Weekly" previously confirmed
00:23 that Kiki filed a petition on November 9th
00:26 claiming she has security footage
00:27 from an incident earlier this month
00:29 in which Jackson trespassed into her home and threatened her.
00:32 He allegedly ended up lunging toward her,
00:35 striking her before throwing her over a couch.
00:37 In the legal documents, Kiki alleged many instances
00:40 of physical violence took place
00:41 throughout her two-year relationship with him,
00:43 and she confirmed that she ended her relationship
00:46 in October due to the physical and emotional abuse
00:49 inflicted by him.
00:50 He has denied the allegations,
00:51 claiming that actually Kiki's mother threatened
00:53 to put a bullet in his head.
00:54 Parents are getting involved.
00:55 This is an extremely messy and scary situation.
00:58 So, going back to temporary restraining orders,
01:00 which we've talked about on this show before,
01:02 but how long do they usually last for
01:05 and what is the next step in this process?
01:09 - So, going back to our Vanderpump discussions,
01:13 a temporary restraining order usually lasts a few weeks,
01:16 just enough time for there to be
01:18 a permanent restraining order hearing.
01:20 And at that permanent hearing,
01:21 assuming both parties show up,
01:23 they'll present evidence, including witnesses,
01:26 and the judge will have to decide on a
01:28 permanent restraining order.
01:29 That could last years, at least in California,
01:32 it lasted five years.
01:33 So, what the judge does in a temporary
01:36 restraining order situation is essentially
01:38 keep things at bay, the status quo,
01:41 until the lawyers can get their witnesses
01:42 lined up for that mini trial
01:44 in the permanent restraining order hearing.
01:46 - Since it appears she may have evidence,
01:48 do you see this becoming a permanent
01:50 restraining order situation?
01:52 - I think so.
01:53 Now, a temporary restraining order oftentimes
01:56 is heard ex parte, which means one party goes in,
01:59 they don't hear evidence from the other side.
02:01 So, again, we saw that with the folks involved
02:06 in Vanderpump, when they were able to get
02:09 the temporary restraining order,
02:10 in that case, not the permanent.
02:11 But I will say this, judges usually are hesitant
02:15 to grant temporary restraining orders
02:17 in family law situations, because sometimes
02:18 people misuse them to gain leverage
02:21 in a custody situation, or in a divorce proceeding.
02:23 But when a judge grants a temporary restraining order
02:26 and tells Darius, "Hey, you can't see Kiki,
02:29 "you can't see your kid," that means that Kiki
02:32 likely has some pretty significant and compelling evidence.
02:35 Obviously, video doesn't lie.
02:37 We haven't seen the video, but I think that Kiki
02:40 has the upper hand here, because she was able
02:42 to get that temporary restraining order
02:44 and prevent the father of her child
02:46 from seeing the child.
02:48 - I mean, then what is his kind of line of defense?
02:51 And if he is granted, or if she's granted
02:53 a permanent restraining order, how does that affect
02:55 his visitation rights with his child?
02:58 - It's gonna be very difficult.
02:59 He might have no visitation at all,
03:01 or monitored visitation, which means he might
03:03 be able to see his son for a short period of time,
03:06 maybe once a week or twice a week,
03:08 but there might have to be a monitor there.
03:10 So this is something that's very serious.
03:12 Obviously, whenever there's violence and kids involved,
03:14 I'm not saying that Kiki's allegations are true,
03:16 but this is something that courts take very seriously.
03:20 And there's the possibility that he loses custody.
03:22 Now, of course, when he comes to the restraining order,
03:24 he's gonna say that there was no violence
03:27 or threat of violence, or in fact,
03:28 it was Kiki who was the aggressor.
03:31 So we'll see what sort of evidence he can put on,
03:32 but so far, he's behind, and there's the really real
03:35 possibility that he's not gonna see his child
03:38 for quite some time.
