陷打工骗局被卖去缅北 121名“猪仔”凌晨回国

  • last year
八点最热报 | 缅北诈骗集团被瓦解后,滞留在当地的121名大马猪仔,在今天凌晨抵达我国。据报道, 政府这次花费了超过50万解救猪仔。有关诈骗集团猪仔“猪仔”新闻,媒体都一直大肆报道,但还是一批又一批的人去当猪仔,难道政府和非政府机构就这样一直耗费人力,砸钱去救“猪仔”吗? 大马国际人道主义组织公关辜健鈫和公正党德伦敦州议员沈春祥认为,政府可以效仿中国,让这些在国外行骗的猪仔回国之后,接受法律制裁,以达到以儆效尤的目的。(主播:蔡心慧)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:03 With the help of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar and the Chinese Embassy,
00:09 after the collapse of the Myanmar fraud group,
00:11 12 billion Myanmar residents were left in the local area.
00:14 At 3.24 am today,
00:17 they took a plane from Kunming Airport in China to the International Airport in Kuala Lumpur.
00:21 According to the report,
00:22 the government spent more than 500,000 yuan in this rescue operation.
00:28 The media has been reporting on the news of fraudulent frauds.
00:33 But there are still a group of people who are going to be the mastermind.
00:37 Is the government and the government institutions
00:39 spending human resources to save the mastermind?
00:43 Is it time for the government to imitate China?
00:46 After rescuing the mastermind,
00:48 must they face the criminal system of foreign fraud?
00:52 Myanmar's international humanitarian organization,
00:55 the KMT and the Democratic Party of the Republic of China,
00:59 when they were interviewed by the 8.4 Daily,
01:01 they agreed that the government should pay for the mastermind,
01:04 because they are all from Myanmar.
01:06 However, two viewers also believe that the government can imitate China,
01:10 and let the masterminds who are abroad
01:13 receive legal sanctions after returning home,
01:16 in order to achieve the goal of "reducing oil".
01:18 At the same time,
01:19 it can also let those who want to make a lot of money through the same way
01:24 to give them some warning.
01:26 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Muhammad Alamin,
01:28 said after receiving the masterminds at the airport today,
01:31 among the 120 masterminds who returned to Myanmar,
01:34 107 are male,
01:37 14 are female,
01:39 and the Sarawakians have the most.
01:41 According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' morning news,
01:43 there are 128 people who are stranded in Myanmar.
01:47 As for the seven people who cannot return home,
01:50 Muhammad Alamin explained that
01:51 these seven people have their own reasons.
01:54 Three people did not show up at the designated gathering place,
01:57 two people asked not to return home,
02:00 one person was in a place 1000 kilometers away from the Chinese border,
02:05 and the last person was rejected into China
02:07 because of a criminal case in China.
02:10 The head of Myanmar Electricity Company in a white down jacket
02:15 arrived at the International Airport in Kuala Lumpur this morning.
02:18 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Muhammad Alamin,
02:19 said during an interview at the airport
02:21 that there are 128 people stranded in Myanmar,
02:25 but only 121 people boarded the plane.
02:28 Seven of them cannot return home due to various reasons.
02:31 He also hopes that these rescued masterminds
02:33 can learn a lesson and not repeat the same mistakes.
02:36 And those who want to go abroad to make a living
02:39 and earn fast money should be careful.
02:42 Many people are involved,
02:43 so I am very worried about the current trend.
02:47 That's why I said earlier,
02:48 this is a lesson for them,
02:50 so they should not get involved in this.
02:53 Although 121 masterminds were successfully rescued,
02:56 the news about the masterminds in China broke out again and again.
02:59 The government and civil society
03:00 have repeatedly passed various channels to rescue them.
03:04 But why are there still so many people
03:06 who are trying to be the masterminds?
03:08 The head of the International Humanitarian Organization in Myanmar,
03:10 Koo Kien-chin,
03:11 said during an interview with the 8 o'clock breaking news,
03:14 that the fraud group is looking at the Chinese people in Malaysia
03:17 and aiming at some people's greed
03:19 and using high-return to attract them.
03:22 And the Hong Kong-Denmark-London-Malaysia MP,
03:25 Shen Chun-xiang, who has visited the Thai-Myanmar border many times to rescue the masterminds,
03:28 pointed out that as time goes by,
03:29 the fraud group will use different methods
03:32 to catch people's desire to make a lot of money
03:34 and attract young people to fall into the trap.
03:37 The fraud group's method now
03:39 is to aim at Malaysian people.
03:42 Because first, they are in the language.
03:44 Second, they understand people's mentality,
03:46 especially young people,
03:47 they will always have a "talk".
03:49 Many of our young people,
03:50 especially those who have little education,
03:52 they don't care about the information at all.
03:56 They don't care about it.
03:58 They only look for help when they are tricked.
04:01 We know that the group is using all kinds of methods
04:04 to deceive us young people.
04:06 The only thing we can offer to these young people is to be careful.
04:10 Because we really don't know what kind of tricks they will use.
04:13 The process of rescuing the masterminds
04:14 requires a lot of money and human resources.
04:17 But the two witnesses believe
04:19 the government should still pay to save the masterminds.
04:21 After all, they are all Malaysians.
04:23 Only the masterminds who have reported the crime can be saved.
04:27 Young people will always be tricked.
04:28 But we, as the elders,
04:31 can help them.
04:32 When we help them,
04:34 they can be human again.
04:35 After all, the victims are all Malaysians.
04:38 We should help them to be saved.
04:40 Otherwise, they may die there or be tortured.
04:43 If the money is used to pay the ransom,
04:45 or to pay the debt,
04:46 I don't agree with the fraud.
04:49 Although the masterminds' problems cannot be solved easily,
04:52 the Malaysian International Humanitarian Organization,
04:55 the PRC, Gu Jianqin and Shen Chunxiang all believe
04:57 the government can imitate China
04:59 and use the law to sanction the masterminds who were saved
05:02 by the overseas fraud.
05:04 In addition to taking the responsibility,
05:06 those who want to go abroad to become masterminds
05:10 and make a lot of money should be warned.
05:12 I also hope the government will take legal action
05:16 and use the appropriate Malaysian law
05:19 to deal with these future masterminds.
05:21 Otherwise,
05:22 everyone will be left behind by their parents
05:24 because of a blanket.
05:25 They will be ignored and be disrespected.
05:27 Then you will fly over there to make money
05:29 and do illegal activities.
05:31 If they go there,
05:32 there will be a setback.
05:33 They will be beaten and tortured.
05:34 They will have to work for 17 to 18 hours a day.
05:37 They can't take it anymore.
05:38 They will come to us for help.
05:39 (The End)
05:42 (Music)
05:46 (Music)
