Does Emily Blunt Know Her Lines From Her Most Famous Movies?

  • last year
Emily Blunt tries to guess lines from some of her most well-known movies, such as 'The Devil Wears Prada,' 'A Quiet Place,' 'Oppenheimer,' and more.


00:00 When we catch him, I want you to set me on fire.
00:03 Come on, what is that from?
00:06 When we catch who?
00:08 Is it like a TV thing?
00:11 Hi, I'm Emily Blunt and I'm going to guess some lines from my films.
00:14 Okay.
00:25 You went upstairs.
00:27 You went upstairs.
00:28 Oh my god, why didn't you just crawl into bed with her and ask for a bedtime story?
00:32 Devil Wears Prada.
00:33 You went upstairs.
00:37 You went upstairs.
00:38 Oh my god, why didn't you just climb into bed with her and ask for a bedtime story?
00:41 Okay.
00:42 I didn't know enough in any way about the fashion industry going into that movie.
00:47 I didn't quite realise how intense it was and friends of mine who've worked in the fashion
00:54 industry say that that film does manage to capture that.
00:59 But I think it was a bit of a voyage of discovery for me in every way,
01:03 like not just about the industry itself but about style and the art of it and how important it is.
01:08 I think I'd just been dressing like a teenage boy until that happened and I learnt a lot.
01:22 I know this because it's recent.
01:24 It's Oppenheimer.
01:25 For Oppenheimer, I prepared by reading the book that the movie was inspired by,
01:38 American Prometheus, which is like that.
01:41 But there were so many wonderful little snippets of her and indicators of what a startling force
01:49 she was as a person and how unusual in a way she was for the time, what a non-conformist she was.
01:55 She was pretty fierce and there were wonderful clues in that book
01:59 that unlocked the mystery of her for me.
02:03 I mean, I always felt that you are left with this feeling of ambiguity
02:07 as to, and it's probably due to Killian's sort of very mercurial, beautiful performance
02:14 that keeps you leaning in wondering what he feels about what he's created.
02:18 You really see the trauma in his character of what he's unleashed on the world
02:22 and how conflicted he probably is about it.
02:25 But what was interesting is when I read the script, I sort of
02:27 wasn't sure if he was truly atoning for his sins or if he was
02:35 sort of playing the martyr to try to absolve himself of it.
02:40 We're on the brink of adventure, children.
02:45 Don't spoil it.
02:46 Too many questions.
02:47 Mary Poppins.
02:50 We're on the brink of an adventure, children.
02:53 Don't spoil it with too many questions.
02:56 There's something about the buoyancy of the atmosphere that Rob Marshall creates.
03:00 I miss making musicals with Rob.
03:02 I mean, he gives you wings of confidence and freedom.
03:06 I think it's still really unnerving singing in front of people.
03:10 I had terror taking on the role of Mary Poppins.
03:12 I think that the fact that it had been played by somebody so iconic
03:16 and it was such an iconic role,
03:18 the pressure I probably put on myself to kind of carve out new space for myself
03:24 and make a different version of her, I think maybe that's the most scary part.
03:28 It's, um, there's only one movie I've had a crossbow in.
03:38 It's Five Year Engagement.
03:39 Wow, pulling that one out.
03:42 Hey, what is your crossbow doing on the kitchen table?
03:45 I was glued to Jason Segel for the entirety of that movie.
03:50 You know, it was a five-year engagement, so we were in it with each other.
03:54 I'm a little...
03:56 Ah, this scares me.
04:00 Okay, I'm a little rusty in the Puka Matuna dialect,
04:03 so I want you to translate what I say word for word.
04:06 This is Jungle Cruise.
04:08 I'm a little rusty in the Puka Matuna dialect,
04:11 so I want you to translate what I say word for word.
04:15 Okay.
04:15 That scene was so impossible to get through.
04:18 I mean, I've never claimed to speak Puka Matuna.
04:20 You'd have to take that up with Dwayne Johnson, who claims to speak Puka Matuna.
04:24 Hearing Dwayne Johnson speak Puka Matuna,
04:27 which he clearly was just making up on the spot,
04:30 I just remember Jack Whitehall and I just weeping with laughter.
04:35 I remember Jama, our director, going like,
04:38 "Guys, please, I literally don't even have a scene to cut."
04:41 It was impossible.
04:42 It was... that was one of the hardest days on set.
04:44 Who are we if we can't protect them?
04:48 We have to protect them.
04:49 Quiet, please.
04:50 Quiet, please, part one.
04:52 Yeah.
04:53 Because I said that to John when he was still alive.
04:56 I said, "Who are we if we can't protect them?"
04:58 And he said, "We have to protect them."
05:00 And I said, "We have to protect them."
05:01 And he said, "We have to protect them."
05:02 And I said that to John when he was still alive.
05:05 But...
05:05 Who are we if we can't protect them?
05:12 I mean, I love the freedom of the unspoken stuff between people.
05:17 I love it even in a regular movie.
05:18 It's sort of the more interesting parts of scenes,
05:21 is the space between people.
05:22 So I loved the challenge of it.
05:25 And you can communicate so much, you realize,
05:28 you know, without having to overword things.
05:31 Okay.
05:32 "All this power wasted on parties when there are far greater uses."
05:37 What is that from?
05:41 All this power wasted on parties.
05:43 Parties?
05:45 I'm not talking about political parties, are we?
05:48 What are we talking about?
05:49 What is that from?
05:51 What have I done?
05:54 Oh my God.
05:56 Oh, for God's sake.
06:00 My Little Pony the movie.
06:02 How did I not pull that out?
06:04 All this power wasted on parties.
06:07 My favorite pony is one I play.
06:10 Tempest. Is her name Tempest?
06:11 "Anything is possible because I'm not the girl I used to be."
06:29 Is it Young Victoria?
06:30 Is it some random one again?
06:33 "Anything is possible because I'm not the girl I used to be."
06:37 I don't know.
06:42 What is it?
06:43 "Anything is possible because I am not the girl I used to be."
06:48 Of course you read the book, you know,
06:51 and then you realize you're going to have to create your own version of what
06:55 people have loved about the character.
06:57 And also just that you've got an unreliable hero is kind of fun to play that
07:03 because you're kind of playing two things with that part.
07:05 You're playing the truth of what she's experiencing,
07:08 but also you need to remember what the audience are going through
07:11 and kind of thread that needle between truthful
07:14 and also trying to pull the wool over a bit.
07:16 It was fun.
07:17 "Come find me when you wake up,"
07:20 I say to Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow.
07:24 Or All You Need is Kill or Lived I Repeat.
07:27 It could be any of those titles.
07:29 I don't really know why it has so many titles.
07:31 "Rush, come find me when you wake up."
07:33 I mean, I don't think I'd really properly ever worked out before that movie.
07:41 I think I'd done what most people did in the gym,
07:45 which is sort of wander around checking their phone.
07:47 And I was unprepared for how hard that was going to be.
07:53 Like two workouts a day for three months.
07:56 And those exosuits were so heavy and so extreme.
08:00 But I kind of loved transforming like that for a part.
08:05 It was pretty cool.
08:07 I love working with Tom.
08:08 He's really joyful to work with because he's so excited about the process.
08:12 He's so passionate.
08:14 He was unbelievably generous to me.
08:17 And I felt challenged me and sort of tightened the screws on me
08:21 when it came to what I thought I could do physically.
08:24 And you know, he's got no problem jumping off buildings.
08:27 So you kind of have to join the party a bit.
08:30 "When we catch him, I want you to set me on fire."
08:38 "When we catch him, I want you to set me on fire."
08:44 Come on, what is that from?
08:49 "When we catch who?"
08:50 Is it like a TV thing?
08:53 Is it Boudicca?
08:55 Yes.
08:56 That was my first TV job.
09:00 Boudicca, Warrior Queen.
09:02 "When we catch him, I want you to set me on fire."
09:08 I remember it was in Romania.
09:10 It was the middle of winter.
09:13 I remember loving it.
09:15 Like, we were such a crew together staying in Bucharest, Romania.
09:21 And I remember the cold.
09:24 I remember the horse riding was really scary.
09:26 Sort of bareback horse riding in it.
09:28 Everyone covered in blue woad.
09:30 And I remember one really seedy nightclub that we went to.
09:36 I mean, I'm still in disbelief now that I get to do this job.
09:41 It is such a gift.
09:42 I just love it so much.
09:45 And in the beginning, I don't remember having sort of outlandish ambitions for myself.
09:52 I remember being thrilled at whatever gig I got.
09:56 So I still maybe disassociate a bit, like where I am now compared to where I started out.
10:02 But I'm grateful, I guess, for the journey.
10:06 [Music]
