00:00 Firstly, it's tragic, isn't it?
00:01 It's, and so I'm, you know, it really is heartbreaking.
00:06 It's heartbreaking for me personally,
00:08 because I know that it's exactly
00:11 what these children don't need.
00:13 Secondly, I understand that every staff member
00:19 in every school across the country
00:21 should be in a position where they feel safe.
00:23 So for those two reasons,
00:26 it's a really sad turn of events.
00:30 I'm shocked and not surprised, which I need to explain.
00:35 Firstly, it's worth saying that there are 248 staff
00:40 in the school and the majority of them
00:42 aren't part of the NEU.
00:44 So the majority of the staff aren't on strike
00:47 because of this.
00:48 And I think that sometimes gets lost
00:50 when in the shorthand, the media says
00:53 the staff are striking.
00:54 The truth is some of the staff
00:56 from a particular union are.
00:58 But that's still a serious thing
01:01 and has an impact on the school.
01:03 So when I say I'm shocked by a child's behavior
01:06 towards a staff member in that way, I really am shocked.
01:09 When I say I'm not surprised,
01:12 when OASIS came to take on the academy,
01:15 as you probably know, in 2014,
01:18 when we took it over from Dulwich College,
01:21 who'd run the academy and built the academy
01:23 and run it for the first years,
01:25 they'd been unable to contain any of these issues,
01:28 which existed then, that's the whole point.
01:31 And the government asked OASIS to step in
01:35 because the academy was failing
01:39 and all of this kind of behavior was evident then.
01:42 And of course, had been before,
01:44 even before an academy was ever conceived,
01:47 go stretching back decades,
01:49 as some of the media has picked up on.
01:52 This is a generational problem.