Labour: Rwanda plan 'was never going to work'

  • last year
Labour MP Peter Kyle says the government’s controversial Rwanda plan was "never going to work." Speaking on Thursday, the shadow science secretary says the country needs a system which works more closely with international partners to tackle small boats crossings. "These are the solid sensible policies which will make a big difference, rather than the gimmicks and wastes of time we've seen from the Conservatives in recent years".
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00:00 The Rwandan scheme was never going to work.
00:02 We said it wouldn't work at the outset.
00:04 We said that it was a gimmick at the outset.
00:07 And both of these things have proven to be true.
00:10 It is no surprise that Rwanda is thinking twice about whether to engage with the British
00:15 government on this.
00:16 It has not been good for the dignity of Rwanda to have this constant assault on this country's
00:22 reputation that has been waged by Swela Braverman and the fallout from the use of this scheme.
00:30 We've transferred already £140 million to Rwanda and not a single person has gone over
00:37 there except the Home Secretary herself when she was Home Secretary.
00:41 We need to get back to a system where when it comes to tackling the asylum backlog that
00:47 we are hiring 1,000 new caseworkers, which is what we have announced, where we're working
00:52 with our international partners to make sure that we can tackle the small boats crossings.
00:56 These are the solid, sensible policies that will make a big difference rather than the
01:00 gimmicks and the expensive wastes of time that we've seen from the Conservatives in
