• last year
Aired (November 29, 2023): Kaya mo bang hindi magkwento sa bestfriend mo? Comment down below!
00:00 [intro music]
00:04 Welcome back to Family Feud!
00:07 Team Blipad won P100,000 earlier.
00:10 They are the hosts of this upcoming Grand Alumni Homecoming at Ateneo de Manila High School.
00:16 And of course, their goal now is to win a total cash prize of P200,000!
00:25 RR is currently in the waiting area. He can't hear us. So, kapboom! It's time for Fast Money.
00:31 Okay.
00:32 Good luck! If you want to make it good, greet your mom, your wife, and your kids.
00:36 Hi, Mama! Hi, Emmanuel! Hi, Rosie! Hi, Priya! Hi, Tyler!
00:40 There you go, inspirations!
00:41 Yes!
00:42 Give me 20 seconds on the clock.
00:43 Here it is! On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how good are you at hiding secrets? Go!
00:53 Nine.
00:54 Aside from animals, what else is there that is useful?
00:57 A blanket.
00:59 At home, what can't you carry on your own?
01:03 A refrigerator.
01:04 If there's no grass, what can you plant?
01:08 An empty tin can.
01:12 You can do it!
01:14 Boom, let's see how many you got.
01:17 We didn't get one, but maybe there's something for these four.
01:22 On a scale of 1 to 10, how good are you at hiding secrets?
01:26 Nine.
01:27 The survey says...
01:28 There you go!
01:33 Aside from animals, what else is there that is useful?
01:35 A blanket.
01:36 The survey says...
01:38 There you go!
01:42 At home, what can't you carry on your own?
01:45 A refrigerator.
01:47 A blanket.
01:48 A blanket.
01:49 A service hand.
01:50 The survey says...
01:51 There you go!
01:54 If there's no grass, what can you plant?
01:57 An empty tin can.
01:59 The survey says...
02:00 There you go!
02:03 You can't breathe underwater for a few minutes.
02:07 That's the question.
02:08 What would you answer?
02:09 I would say one minute.
02:10 One minute?
02:11 That's good.
02:12 Anyway, boom, you did well.
02:14 Thank you.
02:15 Let's go back here.
02:16 So let's welcome back our artist.
02:19 Mr. Ramoncito.
02:21 Yes.
02:22 How are you feeling?
02:24 I'm nervous because boom was the one who got 62 points.
02:30 Oh.
02:31 Can I go now?
02:32 Sure.
02:33 We still need 138 points.
02:35 You can bet on it.
02:37 Here it is.
02:38 The audience will see the answer of boom at this point.
02:42 Give me 25 seconds on the clock, please.
02:47 Good luck.
02:48 On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest,
02:52 how good are you at hiding secrets?
02:56 Go.
02:57 8.
02:59 Aside from animals, what else has a name?
03:01 A rat.
03:03 In the house, what can't you carry alone?
03:06 A cabinet.
03:09 If there's no grass, what can you plant?
03:11 A can.
03:16 Aside from a can.
03:17 Soft drinks.
03:22 You can't breathe.
03:23 Let's go.
03:25 We need 138 points.
03:26 Let's go first because we didn't ask earlier.
03:30 If you can't breathe underwater for how many minutes, how many seconds would you say?
03:35 Two.
03:37 Two minutes.
03:38 Our top answer for this question is one minute.
03:40 There.
03:43 Now, number four.
03:46 If there's no grass, what can you plant?
03:49 Soft drinks.
03:51 There, they said soft drinks.
03:53 Survey says?
03:55 Yes.
03:57 The answer is plastic bottle.
04:00 Our top answer is plastic bottle.
04:03 In the house, what can't you carry alone?
04:07 You said cabinet.
04:11 Our survey says?
04:12 100 points.
04:15 The top answer is ref.
04:17 Boom got it.
04:19 Aside from animals, what else has a name?
04:21 You said?
04:22 A rat.
04:24 Our survey says?
04:26 Top answer.
04:29 The top answer is vampire.
04:31 Aside from animals.
04:33 Tricky, tricky question.
04:35 Anyway, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, how good are you at hiding secrets?
04:40 You said?
04:41 8.
04:42 Our survey says?
04:44 130 points.
04:46 Boom.
04:48 That's the top answer.
04:49 Our top answer is 8.
04:50 Anyway, congratulations.
04:52 You still won 100,000 pesos.
04:55 Thank you very much.
04:57 Alright, let's welcome back on stage, Shake, Rattle, and Roll Extreme and of course, Team Lipad.
05:04 Let's go here.
05:05 Let's also call one of our team members, Jude Santos.
05:10 Jude, please join us here.
05:11 He's also a member of the core organizing committee.
05:14 Jude, congratulations.
05:20 You won.
05:21 Okay.
05:22 Anyway, Alfred, as we said, you will receive 20,000 pesos for the charity you chose.
05:28 What did you choose, Alfred?
05:29 We chose the Ateneo High School 98 Alumni Association or AHS 98 Alumni Association.
05:38 Thank you very much, Family Feud and Kapusunet.
05:41 Thank you very much and congratulations, Team Lipad.
05:45 I'm Ding Dong Dantes.
05:47 Every day will bring joy and prizes so be surprised and win.
05:51 Here in Family Feud.
05:53 Family Feud.
05:55 Woohoo!
05:56 [music]
05:59 [music]
