वियतनाम (Vietnam) में एक शख्स जिसे लगभग पांच महीने से भयानक सिरदर्द हो रहा था, वह उस समय हैरान रह गया जब उसे पता चला कि उसके मस्तिष्क में चॉपस्टिक (chopsticks) की एक जोड़ी घुसी हुई है. न्यूयॉर्क पोस्ट की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, 35 वर्षीय मरीज ने 25 नवंबर को डोंग होई के क्यूबा फ्रेंडशिप अस्पताल इलाज के लिए पहुंचा. उसने गंभीर सिरदर्द के साथ-साथ द्रव स्राव की शिकायत की
A man in Vietnam who had been suffering from severe headaches for about five months was shocked when he discovered that a pair of chopsticks were embedded in his brain. According to the New York Post report, the 35-year-old patient reached Cuba Friendship Hospital in Dong Hoi for treatment on November 25. She complained of severe headache as well as fluid discharge
A man in Vietnam who had been suffering from severe headaches for about five months was shocked when he discovered that a pair of chopsticks were embedded in his brain. According to the New York Post report, the 35-year-old patient reached Cuba Friendship Hospital in Dong Hoi for treatment on November 25. She complained of severe headache as well as fluid discharge