Swing Kids Movie (1993)

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Swing Kids Movie (1993) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: A group of teens adores forbidden music in Nazi Germany just before the outbreak of World War II.

Director : Thomas Carter
Writer: Jonathan Marc Feldman
Stars: Robert Sean Leonard, Christian Bale, Frank Whaley
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:05 >> Germany, 1939, a nation declares war on freedom,
00:09 armed with a powerful secret weapon.
00:13 >> In Germany today, it is our youth who lead the way.
00:16 >> They were trained to obey without question.
00:19 >> Your loyalty is to the FĂĽhrer above all else.
00:22 >> All except the young rebels they called swing kids.
00:26 >> Swing high.
00:27 >> I'll Benny.
00:29 >> One, two, three, four.
00:30 [MUSIC]
00:31 >> Where's the party tonight?
00:32 >> Bismarck.
00:33 [MUSIC]
00:35 >> They're really kicking it.
00:36 >> What does it mean?
00:37 >> It's a secret language.
00:38 >> Quiz time.
00:39 >> Guys, talk what they say in Harlem.
00:42 >> It means what it means.
00:43 [MUSIC]
00:47 >> You don't know anything about swing, do you?
00:49 >> How do you feel?
00:50 >> It looks to me like you have to go to the bathroom.
00:52 >> I'll never be sleazy.
00:54 >> Anyone can be sleazy.
00:55 All you need is attitude.
00:57 >> My, my, my, my.
00:58 [MUSIC]
01:01 >> Their music bound them together.
01:03 >> No one who likes swing can become a Nazi.
01:06 >> We are closing this club.
01:08 Leave immediately.
01:09 >> Until their own country began tearing them apart.
01:14 >> Youth of his sort belong in a work camp.
01:16 >> What do I have to do?
01:17 >> Only the same as most boys your age are doing.
01:20 >> Don't you have some marching to do?
01:21 >> He didn't want to join, we had to.
01:23 >> He had to.
01:23 >> What's your excuse?
01:24 >> I'm his friend.
01:25 >> So am I.
01:26 >> You don't see me joining.
01:27 >> Hollywood Pictures presents the story of two friends.
01:31 >> You follow my lead like always, we'll get through this.
01:33 >> Forced to choose between loyalty.
01:35 >> Nazis go anywhere they want, do anything they please.
01:38 Everybody gets out of our way.
01:40 >> And liberty.
01:41 >> What the hell's gotten into you?
01:42 >> You're turning into a Nazi.
01:43 >> So what if I am?
01:45 >> Can't you see what's happening?
01:46 >> Are you afraid to look?
01:47 >> If you side with the Nazis, then we're at war.
01:50 [MUSIC]
02:00 >> So much passion.
02:03 >> Swing, kids.
02:05 >> To hell with all of them.
02:07 [MUSIC]