• 2 years ago
Brian Williams delivers a powerful message on how to change the world starting with your words.


00:00 We're gonna have a
00:02 kindness rap battle
00:04 So
00:08 This is how it's gonna work each one of them have to come up with a kindness idea
00:14 So he could say help somebody cross the street
00:19 You could say I pick up a piece of trash the first person to stutter and be like ah
00:25 Loses are you guys ready?
00:29 First one when someone toys be respectful recycle recycle
00:36 Kindness takes a ton of
00:45 bravery when I was a little kid when I was in kindergarten
00:49 There was this girl in my class and her name was Christie and every single day
00:53 She would come to school wearing this necklace right and it was an important necklace was given to her by her great-grandma
00:58 Well one day we walked into a tiny lunchroom much like your guys's right and she gets her lunch tray
01:03 She takes off her necklace sets it down next to her lunch tray begins to eat her lunch
01:06 And then the bell rang it was time to clean up so she cleans up her mess throws her leftovers in the trash turns around
01:11 To walk outside to go out to recess but right before she gets outside the door she stops and she feels her neck
01:17 Guess what she just did
01:20 She accidentally
01:22 Threw it away, and now she looks over the trash can and instantly she starts to what she starts to cry
01:28 That she cared about this necklace so much that she walks over to that trash can crying
01:33 Taking out piece of trash by piece of trash to find the necklace that her great-grandma gave her
01:37 But then I saw this from across the way I see that she's digging through the trash
01:41 So I walk over to help her but right when I get about like five feet from her
01:44 I stop and I think to myself wait a minute you see if I help her all my friends are gonna
01:50 Laugh and tease me for digging through the trash can they're gonna make fun of me for doing something nice and kind to a girl
01:56 And so I had a choice I can either do the right thing something
02:00 I know in my heart is the right thing to do
02:02 But if I do it, I'm gonna get made fun of or I could play it safe and walk away
02:07 So guess what I did
02:10 I ended up walking away. Was that really brave?
02:16 Was that really nice and kind no you see?
02:20 If you want to be a world changer you have to be braver than I was
02:23 When I was in you when I was your age, so here's an important question
02:27 That I'm gonna ask you guys how many of you sitting in this room right now would have helped her
02:33 Wow
02:36 There's some people out there that think kids like you
02:40 Can't change the world is that true
02:43 No, you see the secret in order to change the world. It's not doing all these big huge acts of kindness
02:50 It's about doing all the simple small things every single day if you guys want to be someone to make a massive
02:56 Difference in the world then there's some important steps that you guys have to follow
03:02 The first step to change the world everyone say this everyone say start
03:07 small
03:10 Now step number two everyone say be brave
03:13 be brave
03:14 Step number three is the fun one everyone say be kind
03:17 be kind
03:18 You guys have one mission every single day every single day when you wake up, and you look in the mirror
03:24 I want you guys to say this I want you guys say today
03:26 I'm gonna make the world better than I did yesterday
03:29 The only thing that matters is by the time you lay your head to rest tonight
03:33 You can say that I made a difference
03:36 I made the world better than I did the day before if you just do one simple act of kindness trust me
03:42 Our world will be a better place
03:45 Everybody say we can change the world
03:47 We can change the world
03:49 you
03:51 you
03:53 you
03:55 you
03:57 you
03:59 you
04:01 you
04:03 you
04:05 you
04:07 you
04:09 you
04:11 you
04:13 (upbeat music)
04:16 (upbeat music)
