• 2 years ago
Pay attention! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down times businesses accidentally became legendary thanks to the humor in their instructional content for new hires.
00:00 ♪ In order to go, ensure they'll put a lid on ♪
00:03 ♪ And serve it with a smile ♪
00:05 ♪ That's why I'm singing this song ♪
00:08 - Welcome to WatchMojo.
00:10 And today, we're counting down times
00:12 businesses accidentally became legendary
00:15 thanks to the humor in their instructional content
00:17 for new hires.
00:19 - Hey you, service desk, can you get somebody over here?
00:22 - Number 10, grill skill, Wendy's.
00:28 It seems like Wendy's was trying its best
00:30 to connect to the young and hip mentality
00:32 of its employee base with the hot guitar licks
00:35 that accompanied the intro to "Grill Skill."
00:38 ♪ Grill skill ♪
00:42 ♪ You need the one with the grill skill ♪
00:46 - However, any goodwill is almost immediately dashed
00:49 once the company's founder, Dave Thomas,
00:52 enters the picture.
00:53 Thomas may be an accomplished businessman,
00:56 but a youth culture spokesperson, he certainly is not.
01:00 The video reaches its humorous apex
01:02 with an instructional rap about slinging that beef.
01:06 ♪ From the front to the back, you got to lay it down ♪
01:08 ♪ Space it evenly, not scattered around ♪
01:10 - The singing patties are also a highlight.
01:13 ♪ Wind starts striking ♪
01:15 ♪ When we hit that grill, you know it wins ♪
01:17 - It might be cringeworthy, but we admire the enthusiasm.
01:22 Number nine, shoplifting prevention, F.W. Woolworth Company.
01:27 Alleged ex-professional shoplifter Dick Deal
01:30 takes stealing seriously.
01:33 - Why this particular store?
01:36 Better yet, why not?
01:38 - This training video from Woolworth's
01:40 utilizes the character to highlight all the tricks
01:43 many unscrupulous customers try
01:46 in order to pull a fast one.
01:48 The thing is, Deal's heavy breathing
01:50 and lengthy bouts of uncomfortable silence
01:53 combined with his mutterings
01:54 and commentary over closed circuit video
01:57 make for an uncomfortable watch.
02:00 - Watch how she wraps.
02:02 She's concerned with getting it in the purse,
02:06 but watch how she wraps.
02:08 Watch how she rolls up this neck sweater and what she does,
02:14 which proves beyond a doubt to me
02:16 this lady's a professional.
02:18 - While it might be attempting to teach employees
02:20 how to spot thieves,
02:22 it winds up more darkly funny than educational.
02:25 The clip is a bit uncanny, kind of sleazy,
02:28 and unintentionally humorous.
02:31 - How many of you heard the rumor or old saying,
02:35 it's impolite to stare at a pregnant lady?
02:37 Now you know who started that rumor.
02:43 - Number eight, buster sales, Blockbuster.
02:46 (clears throat)
02:49 - Yo, Marie, hey, let's wake up.
02:52 - Oh, who are you?
02:54 - The name's Buster, Buster Sales.
02:56 - The video rental chain created a number
02:59 of fun in-house training videos
03:01 over the course of its existence,
03:03 including a parody of film critics Siskel and Ebert
03:06 titled Driskell and Egbert.
03:09 But the company's magnum opus
03:11 was clearly the epic Buster Sales.
03:14 This is the sort of training video
03:15 that's ripe for parody.
03:17 - What now?
03:19 - You wanna keep an eye on this.
03:21 I see an opportunity coming.
03:22 - Hey, are you okay?
03:26 You look a little freaked out, huh?
03:28 - From the forced enthusiasm and energy
03:31 to the cheesy performances, it's pure comedy gold.
03:35 - You are so helpful and clever.
03:39 Doug, isn't she sweet?
03:40 - She's sunshine on a cloudy day.
03:45 - Right.
03:47 - We seriously don't know what level
03:49 of customer service Blockbuster
03:50 was seeking from its employees,
03:52 but we do know that the level displayed
03:54 in Buster Sales was too much then
03:56 and probably would be too much forever.
03:59 - Hey, just remember, listen, think, and act.
04:04 And tell Buster I said hi.
04:06 So, let me show you these videos.
04:11 - Number seven, Steak is Freedom, Sizzler.
04:14 The level of sincerity in this internal promotional film
04:18 for the Sizzler restaurant chain cuts like the sharpest,
04:21 strongest, and most American of steak knives.
04:25 ♪ Sizzler is the one who brings us choices ♪
04:30 ♪ Reaching out across the USA ♪
04:36 Baseball, family time, a man working at a construction site,
04:42 this film has it all.
04:44 The 90s clip connects Sizzler's freedom of food choice
04:47 with the liberties the United States grants its citizens.
04:50 ♪ Sizzler is the choice of America ♪
04:55 ♪ Sizzler gives you choices every day ♪
05:02 ♪ That's the Sizzler way ♪
05:06 ♪ Get a little freedom in your life ♪
05:12 ♪ In your life ♪
05:15 - In promoting its grill and buffet-style restaurants
05:19 with a warm glow and a swelling score,
05:22 the chain genuinely presents the idea
05:24 of enjoying Sizzler's plentiful offerings
05:27 as the most patriotic act a person can perform.
05:31 We salute you, Sizzler.
05:33 ♪ Sizzler gives you freedom in your life ♪
05:38 ♪ In your life ♪
05:43 ♪ Sizzler ♪
05:45 - Number six, handling hot drinks, Wendy's.
05:49 This gem of a training video teaches new employees
05:53 the ins and outs of serving hot drinks.
05:56 ♪ Hot drinks really get you going ♪
06:00 ♪ Warm you up when you feel you're slowing ♪
06:03 - Wendy's might be trying to connect
06:05 with younger employees via music,
06:07 but in the early days,
06:08 the chain succeeded in producing an entertaining bop.
06:12 The short but sweet song takes its inspiration
06:14 from '80s synth-pop hits.
06:17 ♪ Put the lid on and set the T-Bag on the top ♪
06:20 ♪ If they want lemon, it's very nice ♪
06:23 ♪ Don't think twice, give the guests their juicy slice ♪
06:26 - It also reminds us a little bit of Paula Abdul's
06:29 "The Promise of a New Day."
06:31 And we have to give the clip credit
06:33 for getting its message across
06:34 through Wendy's array of hot beverages
06:37 with safety and style.
06:39 The whole thing is so hilariously of its time
06:41 that we can't help but smile.
06:44 ♪ And a smile and hair will lighten their life ♪
06:49 - Number five, carving station etiquette, Old Country Buffet.
06:54 There's definitely some comedy gold lurking
06:57 in the video archives of the Old Country Buffet.
07:00 There's no smarm or self-awareness to be had here,
07:03 pure unfiltered sincerity about serving customers
07:06 in the best possible way.
07:08 - So start conversations with children
07:10 by saying something like this.
07:12 - What grade are you in at school?
07:14 - Or this.
07:15 - Have you decided what dessert you're gonna have?
07:17 - Or this.
07:19 - Do you like hot fudge sundaes?
07:20 - It's the juxtaposition of this aim
07:23 against the untrained acting of the performers
07:26 that makes the video on carving station etiquette so funny.
07:30 - If a guest asks you.
07:32 - Like a half-inch slice of their roast beef, please.
07:34 - Say something like this.
07:36 - I'd be glad to carve you that.
07:37 Thinner slices are more tender though.
07:39 Would that be all right?
07:40 You can always come back up for more.
07:42 - Okay.
07:43 - The delivery of the employee manning a carving board
07:45 vacillates between serviceable
07:47 and I really don't wanna be here kinds of energy.
07:51 It's the sort of presentation
07:52 that we love to cringe along to while we watch.
07:55 - Serving guests is our number one priority.
07:58 - Number four, boredom versus hilarity, McDonald's.
08:03 POV, it's 1970 and you've just landed
08:06 your first part-time job.
08:08 Your training video starts out with this dreary man
08:10 prattling on about everyday Mickey D duties
08:14 and your mind starts to wander.
08:16 But this instructional video actually seems to be in
08:19 on the joke, but the whole thing helmed
08:21 by comedian Pat Paulson.
08:23 - Now here you see your average McDonald's hamburger.
08:26 I mean customer.
08:27 - The video presents many satirical examples
08:30 of what could happen if employees aren't on top
08:32 of every situation, often with results
08:35 that make our sides split with laughter.
08:37 (upbeat music)
08:40 Filed this one alongside other hilarious
08:47 McDonald's training videos, from harrowing takes
08:50 on burger related trauma to a new hire being hounded
08:54 by a custodial spirit.
08:56 - When you're taking the order, you should also
08:58 be thinking about assembling it.
09:00 - Number three, customers first, Jewel Osco.
09:04 This video had us sold from the very start.
09:07 With the retro layout of the customers first graphic
09:10 and a catchy theme song, we're just about ready
09:13 to get fitted for a smock and start working
09:15 for the Jewel Osco supermarket chain ourselves.
09:18 ♪ It's customers first, you're a real pro at Jewel ♪
09:22 As the instructions continue, the video shows
09:25 several humorous examples of what an employee
09:28 might want to say in response to an inconvenient customer.
09:31 - You're not allowed in this line.
09:34 It's 10 items or less.
09:36 - Of course the company encourages courteous exchanges,
09:39 but the scenarios are still funny.
09:42 - Oh, I'm sorry, could I please have paper bags?
09:45 - I'm sorry too lady, I've already bagged them.
09:47 You want paper bags?
09:48 - Here, you can have them.
09:53 - With the several closeup shots of employees,
09:56 give viewers a look at the sweat-inducing lifestyle
09:59 of the customer always coming first.
10:02 Number two, chili can be served with cheese, Wendy's.
10:06 Did you know that Wendy's chili can be served with cheese?
10:10 ♪ Chili can be served with cheese ♪
10:13 ♪ Girl, I'd like a half of it with the greatest kind ♪
10:16 This training video shows just how pumped
10:19 the fast food chain seems to be about topping the dish
10:22 with some shredded cheese.
10:24 The funky jam that soundtracks this training video
10:26 is infectious as it describes how to properly stir,
10:30 fill and dish out bowls of Wendy's chili to the masses.
10:34 ♪ Use a major eight motion ♪
10:36 ♪ From the bottom to the top ♪
10:39 ♪ To really get it stirred up ♪
10:42 Add on some instructions about preparing a Frosty
10:45 and serving milk and cookies,
10:47 and the video hits on some seemingly random menu items
10:50 with an infectious enthusiasm.
10:52 ♪ Milk and cookies if you please ♪
10:54 ♪ Milk's in the region, check the expiration date ♪
10:58 ♪ Make sure it's fresh and serve it with a cup ♪
11:01 ♪ With the open side up ♪
11:03 It honestly makes us want a large bowl of chili,
11:06 with cheese, of course.
11:08 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
11:11 and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
11:14 You have the option to be notified for occasional videos
11:17 or all of them.
11:18 If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings
11:21 and switch on notifications.
11:24 Number one, "Clean It" McDonald's.
11:27 (upbeat music)
11:29 We have to give credit where credit's due.
11:35 This McDonald's take on Michael Jackson is impressive.
11:39 ♪ I tell you things are gonna change around here ♪
11:42 ♪ Don't wanna see that dirt, it better disappear ♪
11:45 The choreography is slick for the budget
11:47 and everyone involved seems to be having a good time
11:50 and trying their best.
11:52 The song is also a better knockoff of "Beat It"
11:54 than an employee training video like this probably deserves,
11:58 but we're here for it nonetheless.
12:00 ♪ Just roll up your sleeves and clean it ♪
12:03 ♪ Clean it ♪
12:04 ♪ Clean it ♪
12:05 ♪ Clean it ♪
12:06 ♪ Give it all you got, believe it ♪
12:08 We hope that this video helped at least one Mickey D's
12:11 get a spotless shine,
12:13 thanks to the efforts of everyone involved in "Clean It."
12:16 What training videos have you had to witness for a job?
12:19 Let us know in the comments.
12:21 ♪ Cold drinks, that's all there is to it ♪
12:23 ♪ Go ahead and try, I know you can do it ♪
12:27 Did you enjoy this video?
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12:35 (upbeat music)
12:38 (upbeat music)
12:40 (upbeat music)
12:43 (upbeat music)