المتحدث باسم وزارة التخطيط العراقية لـ CNBC عربية: العراق يضع خطة تنموية جديدة حتى 2028 لدعم الاقتصاد

  • last year


00:00 There are big challenges, climate, financial, economic, social and political.
00:08 All these challenges were taken into consideration and put on the table to find solutions and
00:13 solutions and alternatives to face such challenges.
00:17 We are talking about an economic vision with a new development philosophy that takes into
00:23 consideration the effects of these challenges and how to face them according to the drawn
00:30 mechanisms.
00:31 Among the aims of the plan is to prepare the population.
00:36 This preparation will give us a detailed picture of the reality.
00:42 This will serve a lot in translating the plan into real development policies through
00:48 the local governments in the provinces and the areas that should be given to these activities.
00:56 The private sector has also been given a broad plan in all its economic activities, whether
01:03 financial or business.
