Eric Was Misdiagnosed Bridget Finds Out Dr. Colby Is a Fraud Bold and the Beauti

  • last year
Eric Was Misdiagnosed Bridget Finds Out Dr. Colby Is a Fraud Bold and the Beauti
00:00 We all have a strange feeling about Dr. Colin Colby who diagnosed Eric and gave him only a few months to live.
00:07 I mean, who is he anyway?
00:10 We've never heard about this doctor before, and even though I understand the need to introduce him,
00:15 what I don't understand is why we've had no second opinion from any of the existing doctors on the canvas.
00:22 The show is shifting the gears to something unexpected,
00:26 and another thrilling storyline where Dr. Colby may not be telling the complete truth.
00:31 The recent revelation has kept everyone on the edge of their seats when talking about Eric's unnamed disease.
00:38 His entire family and loved ones are left in the dark, and I don't understand how they could easily accept his fate.
00:45 As we remember, Ridge confronted Dr. Colby for answers and possible options for treatment.
00:51 But this new doctor made it obvious there's no saving Eric.
00:56 One thing is for certain that even Dr. Colby has no idea what's exactly wrong with the Forrester patriarch.
01:02 I mean, he should have come up with a name.
01:05 After all, it's already been a couple of weeks since Eric started coughing up blood.
01:11 Coming back to the point, we are wondering if the doctor has any idea what he's talking about.
01:17 Did he just assume Eric was dying in a whim?
01:21 Well, knowing that we don't know anything about him or his background, it's possible.
01:27 We've had words about the return of Ashley Jones, and you know what that means, right?
01:33 Bridget is coming home to a nightmare she never imagined.
01:37 The rumors about her comeback have raised a wave of speculations, and there are some things you should know as well.
01:44 Bridget will surely have a look at Eric's case, and she will be the ray of hope that the man needs.
01:49 And if she can read between the lines, she might as well find out some dark secrets about this mysterious doctor in Los Angeles.
01:57 As we know, we can never be too careful about doctors, or anyone else to that matter.
02:03 Remember how Dr. Buckingham stole Hope's newborn baby and sold the child to Steffi as Phoebe?
02:10 We have a list of such examples all across soap operas, which gives us another reason to wonder if Dr. Colby is lying.
02:18 We have so many successful doctors in the show, and there was literally no reason to introduce another one.
02:25 And it's strange as to why no other doctor has taken a look at what Eric's suffering with.
02:33 Dr. Colby mentioned that he consulted with other specialists too, but can we just believe his words and accept that Eric is dying?
02:43 Now that Bridget is coming home, she'll surely demand answers and look for anything that's out of the blue.
02:51 She might as well have a look at his test results, finally connect the dots as to what's happening.
02:56 There's a good chance that Dr. Colby might be hiding a dark secret.
03:01 I mean, he should have already come up with a name for Eric's unnamed disease.
03:05 Also, he should have urged Ridge to seek other options before accepting this unfortunate fate.
03:11 And we still don't have an idea if this mysterious illness is a natural occurrence, or is it a result of foul play.
03:21 What if the current doctor is a fraud with a motive and ties to a person who has bad blood with Eric?
03:27 If someone is pulling the strings from behind, the doctor might be secretly poisoning the patriarch and having him suffer with each passing day.
03:35 On the other hand, money could be a motive behind the doctor's fraudulent diagnosis or something else that will blow our minds away.
03:44 When talking about Bridget, she'll surely team up with Finn and investigate what's happening to her grandfather.
03:50 They are both medical professionals, and I'm sure they can find out the exact diagnosis of Eric.
03:56 And in the process, they might as well find a shocking truth that Eric is being poisoned.
04:02 If that were to happen, we can also expect the show to bring back shady characters from the past who have a grudge against Eric.
04:13 So what do you think is really happening?
04:16 That's all for today. If you like our videos, please subscribe and hit the bell icon.
