Lovers/Liars: Full Episode 5 (November 27, 2023)

  • last year
Aired (November 27, 2023): Via (Claudine Barretto) got tired of Trina’s (Sarah Edwards) immature banters so she stands for herself and fights for her rights in their company.


00:00 She's Ma'am Gia Laurente, the CEO of Pacifica and the owner of this building.
00:05 Welcome to Pacifica!
00:07 I'm the daughter of a rich man.
00:09 You?
00:10 You're just a maid.
00:11 I went out with Caness, but her dad will see them.
00:15 Her dad?
00:16 Caness!
00:18 My daughter!
00:19 What's wrong with you? You don't know her.
00:21 She said she's bringing her to my dad.
00:24 It's time to tell the kids.
00:26 Good morning, Mr. San Diego.
00:29 Do you need to be like that in your life?
00:31 If you can't help me, just tell me.
00:33 You don't have to lecture me.
00:35 It's good that this guy is the one who's maintaining me.
00:45 If you need extra, I know.
00:47 Two hours.
00:48 Three hours, Ma'am.
00:49 Will someone get mad if I'm late?
00:52 Dia.
00:53 So, what is this meeting all about?
00:55 Dia, if there is anything that you need,
00:58 please do not hesitate to call me.
01:01 Where did you get your clothes?
01:03 From Andrea.
01:05 Did you see her?
01:06 She was waiting for me. I bought her clothes.
01:09 Oh my gosh!
01:11 Sorry, Ma'am.
01:12 If you want to last long in this company,
01:15 I suggest that you take your job seriously.
01:18 I'm sorry, Ma'am.
01:19 I told you not to go out today.
01:22 What's this?
01:25 Don't you remember?
01:26 I forgot.
01:28 I didn't.
01:29 Ew!
01:35 Andrea?
01:39 Andrea?
01:42 [♪♪♪]
01:45 [♪♪♪]
01:49 [♪♪♪]
01:52 [♪♪♪]
02:10 [♪♪♪]
02:38 Andrea?
02:39 Manong!
02:43 Turn around!
02:45 Turn around, Manong!
02:47 Manong, hurry!
02:52 I can do this.
02:54 I'll pay for this.
02:56 [♪♪♪]
02:59 Andrea?
03:07 [♪♪♪]
03:10 Thank you.
03:24 You're welcome.
03:26 I shouldn't have done this long ago.
03:30 I should have told you earlier.
03:32 What's wrong with you?
03:33 You're special to me.
03:35 You're special to me.
03:36 B,
03:38 B,
03:40 I'm...
03:41 I'm Christian, my boyfriend.
03:46 [♪♪♪]
03:49 I'm Christian.
03:53 I'm Egan.
03:56 [♪♪♪]
03:59 I'll go ahead.
04:02 Wait, I thought you have something to say.
04:04 No, I just wanted to remind you that you're good.
04:09 And don't be discouraged by what Architect Marcelo said.
04:14 That's all.
04:16 Okay.
04:17 Are you two office mates?
04:18 Yes, didn't I tell you?
04:22 Apparently, no.
04:24 Okay, nice to meet you.
04:27 Thank you, Loya.
04:29 See you at the office.
04:30 Okay, Egan.
04:31 Bye.
04:32 See you at the office.
04:33 Okay, take care.
04:34 [♪♪♪]
04:38 Ew!
04:44 Ew!
04:45 You're disgusting!
04:46 What's wrong with you?
04:47 Ew!
04:48 Ew!
04:49 Ew!
04:50 You're disgusting!
04:52 What's wrong with you?
04:53 And then, you're helping me here.
04:55 You're hurting me.
04:56 You're a man!
04:57 You're disgusting!
04:59 You're disgusting!
05:00 You're disgusting!
05:01 What's wrong with you?
05:02 You're disgusting!
05:03 You're a man!
05:04 You're disgusting!
05:05 You're a man!
05:06 You're disgusting!
05:07 You're disgusting!
05:08 Come here!
05:09 Hurry up!
05:10 Come here!
05:12 Get her!
05:13 Come here!
05:16 Okay.
05:29 Why didn't you tell me that Caloy is in the Pacific?
05:32 It's not important, B.
05:35 But we don't have secrets from each other, right?
05:37 So, why did you hide it?
05:39 I'm sorry.
05:40 And we haven't talked about the Pacific, right?
05:44 That's why I didn't mention it.
05:46 But you seem to have been talking about Caloy before we met.
05:48 No, it's fake news.
05:50 Okay, while you're designing my cafe,
05:53 you always talk about your college life.
05:56 And you always mention Caloy's name.
05:59 It's a new thing.
06:01 But when I met you as a boyfriend, I didn't mention it anymore.
06:05 Wait, are you jealous?
06:09 Why did Caloy come here?
06:11 Caloy?
06:13 Caloy is here? Where?
06:16 Here.
06:17 Why?
06:18 He's your friend.
06:20 He's close to me.
06:21 Is it bad?
06:25 B, stop being jealous.
06:28 It's over. It's been a long time.
06:30 And you're my boyfriend.
06:32 First and only.
06:38 Right?
06:39 Come on, let's eat.
06:43 Ma, let's eat.
06:44 Okay, wait.
06:45 B, let's eat.
06:46 I'll wash my hands.
06:47 Okay.
06:48 [music]
06:50 What do you mean that the construction of Lunaris stopped?
06:59 My God, Marcelo, we cannot do this.
07:02 We can't be delayed.
07:04 Ma'am,
07:06 Ma'am, you reduced the number of field engineers.
07:09 That's why we were left behind.
07:11 Maybe we should just inform the board about this.
07:13 No!
07:14 No.
07:16 No.
07:17 Do not inform the board.
07:20 Ma'am, the board knows that Lunaris is available for occupancy next year.
07:26 Like I said, I will fix this.
07:30 Ma'am, I know this is the least of your concern, but
07:33 your field engineers are talking about you.
07:38 [laughs]
07:43 Oh, Marcelo, me?
07:46 I'm used to being talked about.
07:49 Ma'am, they're saying that you don't know what's happening because
07:54 you're not an architect.
07:57 I don't need to be an architect or engineer to be a CEO.
08:06 Because I know what I'm doing.
08:12 Oh.
08:13 Give me an hour.
08:16 Okay, ma'am.
08:41 I thought you knew him.
08:43 You seem to be close.
08:45 No, I'm not close. I don't know him.
08:49 You know, it's annoying because he's a rich guy.
08:53 I feel like I'm being violated.
08:54 He's giving me free shrimp.
08:56 Oh, I don't think so.
08:59 It's a scam.
09:00 That's pathetic.
09:02 Is he okay?
09:04 You're pathetic to him, but not to me.
09:10 I feel sorry for you.
09:12 Your clothes are expensive.
09:14 I have ten dresses that are worth that much.
09:16 Oh, please.
09:17 I'm rich.
09:18 I only wear clothes that I'm not supposed to wear.
09:21 What do you think of my clothes?
09:24 You're rich!
09:26 I'll give you a free shrimp later.
09:30 Hmm.
09:33 It's nice, right?
09:35 It's nice, right?
09:37 It's nice, but...
09:39 It's a waste if you're going to wear that now.
09:42 It's expensive.
09:44 And I'm the only one with you.
09:46 Hmm.
09:48 It suits you.
09:50 This is tricky.
09:52 Yes.
09:53 That's why it's a waste.
09:55 You know, I have clothes here.
09:57 It's only 200 pesos.
09:58 Wait.
09:59 That's why you're shy.
10:01 You're being shy again.
10:02 Oh, shan.
10:03 Shimmers.
10:04 Plant it.
10:05 Is this a dress?
10:06 No, no.
10:07 It's not a dress.
10:08 It's just a dress.
10:09 It's nice.
10:10 You have a lot of diamonds.
10:11 Yes, it's nice, right?
10:12 It's only 200 pesos.
10:13 You don't have that many clothes.
10:14 You have diamonds.
10:15 Yes, yes.
10:16 You're rich.
10:17 Yes, yes.
10:18 Okay.
10:19 Your clothes have vinegar.
10:20 I'll eat this.
10:35 Kelvin.
10:36 Hey.
10:39 Sir.
10:42 You're drunk again.
10:43 Let's go.
10:44 Let's drink.
10:45 I'm not drunk yet.
10:46 What?
10:47 Look at yourself.
10:48 Let's go.
10:49 I'm embarrassed.
10:50 Let's go.
10:51 Get up.
10:52 Where did you come from?
10:53 Let's drink.
10:55 Let's drink.
10:58 Sir.
11:00 You're heavy.
11:01 Sir.
11:02 Is this yours?
11:03 Yes.
11:04 Sir, let's drink.
11:05 Hey.
11:07 Let's drink.
11:08 Let's drink.
11:09 Girl, can you close the back of my shirt?
11:12 There, on the top.
11:14 Here.
11:19 There.
11:20 There.
11:21 Is it okay now?
11:23 That's two.
11:25 Hey.
11:27 Hey.
11:30 Is Victor hurting you?
11:31 Victor?
11:32 Wait.
11:36 What is it, Andrea?
11:41 Admit it.
11:43 Is Victor hurting you?
11:46 I think you're drunk, Boss.
11:58 Sorry, Boss.
11:59 I'm not drunk, Boss.
12:00 Boss.
12:01 I'm not drunk.
12:02 Boss, I'm not drunk.
12:03 Boss.
12:04 I'm not drunk.
12:05 Let's finish this.
12:06 Boss, I'm not drunk.
12:07 Boss.
12:08 I'm not drunk.
12:09 Boss.
12:10 I'm not drunk.
12:11 Boss.
12:12 Boss.
12:13 What are you doing?
12:14 I'm not drunk.
12:15 Boss, I'm not drunk.
12:16 You brought me here.
12:23 Yes, sir.
12:26 Let's drink.
12:28 With coffee.
12:29 Bro, you're so drunk.
12:31 You're so drunk.
12:32 Bro, don't you like Caloy?
12:34 No.
12:35 Let's drink.
12:36 Boss.
12:37 Caloy!
12:38 Hello?
12:52 Boss.
12:53 News.
12:55 Wait, Boss.
12:57 Boss, it's hard for you to ride here.
12:59 Where are you?
13:00 I'm near Santa Mesa.
13:03 What are you doing in Santa Mesa?
13:05 I'll tell you later, Boss.
13:08 Your friend is here.
13:11 Who? Kelvin?
13:14 Yes, Boss.
13:16 He's drunk.
13:17 He's probably going through something.
13:19 Okay, I'll go home.
13:22 Wait for me there.
13:23 Okay.
13:25 [phone ringing]
13:26 What?
13:30 Trina Seta?
13:31 My God, why would I do that?
13:34 I'm not sending her?
13:36 On Ramon's final days?
13:39 She's obviously lying.
13:40 She's a liar.
13:41 Whether it's true or not,
13:42 that's what she's hiding.
13:44 She's been talking to Ramon's friends,
13:46 in case you don't know.
13:47 Liv, thanks for telling me this.
13:48 But I won't let her go?
13:51 Don't you know she's going to confront me?
13:54 I won't stoop down to her level.
13:56 She'll get tired of seeing me unbothered.
13:59 Okay, thank you.
14:09 Bye.
14:10 Have a great day.
14:12 [sirens]
14:14 [tires screeching]
14:16 [crashing]
14:17 [knocking]
14:43 Ma'am, are you okay?
14:45 You're not hurt, are you?
14:46 Ma'am, I'll ask for help.
14:48 I don't need one.
14:50 But Ma'am--
14:51 I said I don't need one.
14:53 I'm okay.
14:55 [music]
14:56 Kelvin!
15:22 You're alive!
15:24 You're still alive?
15:25 I told you, he'll wake up.
15:27 Bro, who wouldn't wake up
15:30 after what your friend did?
15:32 Did you drink cold water?
15:34 You're too much.
15:35 You're the one who should be thankful
15:38 that I brought you here.
15:40 That's what you should be thankful for.
15:41 Wow, thank you.
15:42 You're the one who should be thankful.
15:43 Wait, bro.
15:45 Speaking of vinegar,
15:47 I think I'm really tired of it.
15:50 Whoever it is, he's so lazy.
15:53 If you know you're going to be lazy,
15:55 you should've just come here
15:57 so you wouldn't have to go through this.
15:59 But how can I come here
16:02 if I feel like I'm not welcome?
16:05 You're talking nonsense.
16:07 Hey!
16:08 Stop it!
16:10 He's not fit to be a drama king.
16:12 There.
16:13 Hey, you.
16:15 Why did you drink?
16:16 Why?
16:17 What about your AirPods?
16:19 They're fine now.
16:21 No, they're not.
16:22 I don't care about them anymore.
16:25 Andrea...
16:31 Yes?
16:32 I don't know,
16:35 but I thought I saw her earlier.
16:38 You missed her, right?
16:41 Let's check on her on social media.
16:43 Why?
16:44 We'll just check on her.
16:45 This is so annoying.
16:46 It's past this past, right?
16:48 Aren't you curious where she is?
16:51 What she's doing?
16:52 Maybe she's still single.
16:53 Maybe she's married.
16:57 Maybe she has a boyfriend.
17:03 Maybe.
17:05 So?
17:06 Okay, bro.
17:08 Take care.
17:09 Wait!
17:10 What?
17:11 How long can you stay home?
17:13 Here.
17:16 I'm okay now, bro.
17:17 My amaz is gone.
17:18 Thank you.
17:20 There.
17:21 Let's go.
17:22 There.
17:23 Let's go.
17:24 Just...
17:25 Kelvin,
17:27 go home.
17:28 You might get drunk again.
17:30 Yes, uncle.
17:34 See you, Lord.
17:37 Okay.
17:38 We're still drinking.
17:43 Cheers.
17:44 [♪♪♪]
17:46 [♪♪♪]
17:49 [♪♪♪]
17:51 [♪♪♪]
17:54 [♪♪♪]
17:56 [♪♪♪]
17:59 [♪♪♪]
18:06 [♪♪♪]
18:14 [♪♪♪]
18:20 [SIGHS]
18:21 Isabel?
18:27 What?
18:28 What are you doing here?
18:30 You called, remember?
18:32 I did?
18:35 Doh, check your sent messages.
18:38 You were begging.
18:39 Really?
18:41 I beg?
18:42 This is so annoying.
18:45 No, no.
18:50 Sorry, it's not that.
18:52 I just don't remember things from last night.
18:55 I think you're more handsome now.
18:57 What am I doing?
18:59 What am I doing in your life?
19:07 I can't help you in.
19:08 You're gay!
19:13 Your ex added me to his Facebook!
19:15 So?
19:17 What if he added you?
19:18 What if he added you?
19:19 Nothing.
19:21 Oh my, you're treating me like a friend.
19:25 Just kidding!
19:27 You're so weird.
19:28 You're not wondering?
19:30 No.
19:31 It's normal.
19:33 You're going to meet each other, right?
19:35 But, sis.
19:36 What if this is also a part of your life?
19:40 Hey, hey, hey.
19:41 Don't you dare tell him about me.
19:46 You're so much like a main character.
19:48 You're so much like a main character.
19:50 What is this?
19:51 You're the one who's telling us stories.
19:53 And you're the one who's talking?
19:54 In fact, we're not talking about anything else but you.
19:59 Lucas!
20:01 Look at you.
20:02 You're so Lucas.
20:03 We're so busy.
20:04 But you know, sis.
20:06 I just feel like your ex is stuck in your life.
20:11 Maybe he already checked my timeline and saw our pictures.
20:15 Oh my.
20:16 It's a good thing I'm just low-key and I don't post on FG.
20:23 He won't see it.
20:24 You don't post?
20:27 You're live.
20:28 You're so annoying.
20:39 I'm always late.
20:40 I didn't know you're weak at drinking.
20:44 Hey, hey.
20:45 Why are you wearing that?
20:46 Why?
20:48 This is a new laundry.
20:49 It might get damaged.
20:51 You just wore it and you're already washing it.
20:53 This is durable.
20:55 I've tried it.
20:56 Tol, how can you be like Nika if you're like that?
21:00 Tol, Nika has a boyfriend.
21:06 Oh, that's Tol.
21:10 It's a waste of your smiling tosino.
21:13 I'm going to take a selfie.
21:14 Wait, I'll just drink.
21:19 You're a good boy, okay?
21:23 Yes, grandma.
21:24 Are you okay?
21:25 I'm okay.
21:26 Okay, eat a lot and drink this.
21:29 Okay.
21:30 One more, kiss, kiss.
21:31 Okay.
21:34 Bye.
21:35 Peds.
21:41 Wait.
21:43 What?
21:44 Don't you notice Kenneth?
21:47 Is your project done?
21:50 Yes, my project is so beautiful.
21:52 What about you?
21:53 I'm not done yet.
21:54 Aside from his handsome face and handsome face,
21:57 nothing.
21:59 You're always joking.
22:01 I'm serious.
22:03 You'll notice.
22:05 Huh?
22:06 He's like a ghost.
22:09 A kid his age,
22:11 growing up,
22:12 growing taller,
22:13 it just means
22:14 he's a bit of a pervert,
22:16 and a bit of a pervert.
22:17 Kenneth!
22:30 Kenneth!
22:32 Tol! Tol!
22:33 Kenneth!
22:36 Kenneth!
22:37 Kenneth!
22:39 Help!
22:40 Help!
22:41 Someone help us!
22:42 Hurry, Kenneth!
22:43 Kenneth, wake up!
22:46 Hurry, Kenneth!
22:47 Kenneth, wake up!
22:48 Someone help us!
22:49 Kenneth, wake up!
22:51 Hurry, Kenneth!
22:53 Kenneth, wake up!
22:54 Ma'am, sorry.
23:07 Sorry, but you can't go in.
23:08 Get away from me.
23:09 Don't close that door!
23:16 A little birdie told me
23:17 there's a problem with the construction of Lunaris.
23:20 Trina, you're old,
23:25 but you're still gullible.
23:27 If I'm old,
23:29 what will you do?
23:31 You know, Trina,
23:33 I have no time for your childish banters
23:36 because I have a lot of work and I'm being sued.
23:39 Like saving your ass
23:41 from embarrassment?
23:43 I know what you did, Via.
23:45 You were still on the board
23:47 when you took over the company.
23:49 You said
23:51 Pacifica's savings are huge.
23:54 But what the board doesn't know
23:57 is that you fired
23:59 the field engineers and architect.
24:01 Are you even thinking, Via?
24:04 If you want to cut costs,
24:07 you fired the architect.
24:08 You fired the architect.
24:11 If you want to cut costs,
24:12 you fired the sales and marketing.
24:14 You can even fire the designers.
24:17 Cut out the engineers.
24:18 They're the lifeline of real estate.
24:21 You have no idea
24:23 how the company will run.
24:25 I'm addressing the issue.
24:30 If I were you,
24:34 I'd step down as CEO
24:38 before my dad's company
24:40 goes down.
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