00:00 How many of you know everybody wants to go up?
00:05 But we forget in God's kingdom going up means first going down.
00:10 The greatest must first become the least.
00:14 Remember the ark didn't float until there was a flood.
00:20 Abraham struggled for 25 years before having his promised child.
00:26 Joseph was enslaved and in jail before the sun, moon, and the stars bowed down to him
00:32 as the dream said it would.
00:35 Moses spent 40 years on the backside of the desert tending sheep before God trusted him
00:42 to deliver his people.
00:45 David spent some say four, some say seven, some say 15 years on the run from Saul before
00:52 he became king.
00:56 You see everyone wants to be on top until they see what it takes to get there.
01:10 We're going to be in Luke chapter 9 and verse 51 and you're going to see things a little
01:15 bit differently today and get some insights that perhaps you hadn't had before you came
01:22 today.
01:25 Verse 51, "Now it had come to pass."
01:30 I told the first service that this is one of my favorite verses or sayings in the Bible.
01:37 You're no longer fasting and praying.
01:41 You're no more waiting and believing.
01:44 This statement is only made because it's finally happening.
01:50 Now it came to pass.
01:54 Luke is indicating that we have hit a pivotal point in his narrative.
02:03 The one who measured the oceans in his hand, the heavens between his pinky and thumb.
02:11 He had humbled himself to become one of us to remove all our fears of what God might
02:17 be truly like.
02:20 And then as if that wasn't enough, I mean coming down from heaven where there's no devil,
02:26 you know, causing mischief and everybody's on your team, no crime rate, I mean everybody's
02:33 worshiping God.
02:36 To be dropped into planet Earth before there was toothpaste, refrigerators, trains, or
02:49 buses, central air, or heat.
02:56 As if coming from God's glory down to Earth was not enough, he went even lower.
03:08 He allowed himself to be tortured on a wooden cross to prove his love for us once and for
03:14 all.
03:15 You see, we can give without loving, but we can never love without giving.
03:22 And on the cross, Jesus gave his all, all to him I owe.
03:31 Now it came to pass, watch this, when the time had come, Jesus operated with a very
03:41 acute sense of God's timing.
03:45 Ecclesiastes 3 and 1 says there's a time and a season for everything under heaven, and
03:52 Jesus realized that.
03:54 Before this time, he was in heaven looking down, but now he's in Earth, so he's paying
03:59 attention to the seasons and the moments in time.
04:02 But I think Yogi Berra said it almost as well.
04:05 He said this, "You don't have to swing hard to hit a home run.
04:11 If you get the timing right, it'll go."
04:15 Life is so much easier when you get your timing right.
04:19 You don't have to swing as hard, you don't have to try as hard when it's the right time.
04:30 Yogi said when the time had come for Jesus to be received up—how many of you know everybody
04:36 wants to go up?
04:39 But we forget in God's kingdom going up means first going down.
04:43 The greatest must first become the least.
04:47 Remember the ark didn't float until there was a flood.
04:54 Abraham struggled for 25 years before having his promised child.
04:59 Joseph was enslaved and in jail before the sun moved and the stars bowed down to him
05:06 as the dream said it would.
05:09 Moses spent 40 years on the backside of the desert tending sheep before God trusted him
05:16 to deliver his people.
05:19 David spent, some say four, some say seven, some say 15 years on the run from Saul before
05:25 he became king.
05:29 You see, everyone wants to be on top until they see what it takes to get there.
05:36 Everyone wants to be a beast until it's time to do what only a beast can do.
05:45 But in this moment, Christ's time had come and He didn't miss His moment.
05:53 And we see from the text in a couple moments, we're going to see He did not even flinch.
06:00 When His time had come to be received up, it doesn't say that He set His face.
06:09 It says He steadfastly set His face.
06:16 Something was obviously going on with Jesus' face.
06:22 We will all have moments in our lives where we have to bite our lips.
06:29 Moments in our lives we have to square our shoulders and we got to put our game face
06:36 on for the moment and season we're in.
06:44 When He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem, the place He encountered all the
06:53 trouble, the tension between Jesus and the religious leaders had really begun to reach
07:02 a climax.
07:03 It had simmered for literal years and finally it was about to go down.
07:11 Now I will walk a mile to avoid a fight, but when the devil starts one, I won't give him
07:18 an inch.
07:20 Because the devil is the ultimate opportunist.
07:24 Give him an inch and he'll soon be your ruler.
07:29 And Jesus sent messengers before His, this is Word again, before His face.
07:40 So He sent people ahead to make arrangements for His time of ministry.
07:47 But in this case, you know, it's a little different than other times.
07:51 He not only, the disciples didn't just go ahead to prepare for Jesus.
07:57 From this text they were actually preparing the Sabbatans for Jesus' face.
08:04 You see, God is all loving all the time, but there's also moments where He's all business
08:10 at the same time.
08:13 How do you react when God doesn't feel near and He doesn't seem nice?
08:20 See, sometimes when you're doing big things, you just don't have time for small talk.
08:30 And as they went, the disciples, probably two that He sent ahead, they entered a village
08:37 of Samaritans.
08:39 Their ethnic enemies, if you will, to prepare for Him.
08:45 And what we see in this text is Jesus' ministry wasn't as simplistic as many of us tried to
08:53 make it.
08:55 His operation or His ministry operated on a level of organization and discipline that
09:01 Jesus absolutely required.
09:04 Jesus didn't just go to cities, the disciples carefully prepared the cities before He came.
09:12 And this, here's the question for you.
09:15 What are cities?
09:17 Would your neighborhood, your block, or your home be prepared if Jesus came tonight?
09:25 Jesus always sends people ahead.
09:29 Okay, let me back up.
09:34 Behold I sent a messenger before His face.
09:38 Before Jesus came, someone had to come to make the streets straight, to make the mountains
09:46 low and the valleys exalted.
09:49 Jesus is not just some country preacher.
09:52 He's the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
09:58 And His disciples over time began to treat Him as such.
10:03 But watch 53.
10:06 But the Samaritans did not receive Him.
10:10 Some people are not ready for a full dimensional Jesus.
10:17 You see, they gladly accept the goodness of God.
10:22 But they fall apart as soon as they see just a little bit of the severity of God.
10:30 You see, God is both merciful and just.
10:35 It's not a legitimate coin if it doesn't have faces on two sides.
10:42 My Bible says He both loves and hates.
10:47 The Bible says God hates sin.
10:51 And the reason many of us are stuck in it, because we still like the mud.
10:55 We still like the mire.
10:57 It's not till we get sick and tired of being sick and tired.
11:00 Are we finally going to come out?
11:05 The Bible says God both lifts up and He puts down.
11:10 He blesses and He curses.
11:15 You know, as the song that we just sung, "I worship you for who you are," we must worship
11:21 God for who He is, not just who we want Him to be.
11:28 But they did not receive Him.
11:32 And there are aspects of God that many people won't receive.
11:40 Because His face was set for the journey to Jerusalem.
11:46 Meaning you could see on His face that Jesus was on assignment.
11:52 You could see on His face He had a made-up mind.
11:57 You could see on His face that He had larger issues that He was focused on and concerned
12:02 about.
12:03 And you can't do big things distracted by small things.
12:07 And if you're going to do anything significant in life, you've got to learn to first qualify
12:12 your critics.
12:13 Qualify your critics.
12:15 I know it was hurtful that the Samaritans didn't receive Him.
12:20 But what's amazing is we don't see Jesus falling apart, crying out to the Father and saying,
12:24 "Oh my God, how can you call me into ministry?
12:26 They don't even like me.
12:27 And God, they won't, they won't, they won't receive me."
12:32 But Jesus wasn't like me because I don't always qualify my critics.
12:36 See, if you haven't been there and done that, I really don't, I love you.
12:46 But what I know, this is not in the Bible, but if I could write one, this is what I put
12:50 in the Bible.
12:54 He who listens to a fool becomes one.
13:03 You've got to learn to qualify your critics.
13:09 So why was Jesus' face like this?
13:13 Why is so much said about His face?
13:15 Why did it impact the Samaritans?
13:20 Let's dig deep.
13:21 Let's go back to Isaiah 50 and verse 6.
13:23 Isaiah wrote this 700 years before Christ was born.
13:28 But it's so accurate, it's almost scary to read.
13:33 And it says this, it's basically the Holy Spirit put Isaiah in the mind of Jesus even
13:42 before Jesus was on earth.
13:44 "I gave my back to those who struck me."
13:49 Now you might have missed what was just stated there, but John chapter 10 and verse 18 says,
13:58 "No one takes my life, but I lay it down."
14:05 I, notice it said, "I gave my back."
14:09 See, he said, "Pilate, I know you think you got all this power and all that stuff, but
14:14 let me tell you something.
14:17 I could call a legion of angels.
14:20 If this moment wasn't ordained by the Father, it would not be.
14:26 I gave, I offered my back to those who struck me."
14:35 It was like deity came to earth and said, "Devil, take your best shot."
14:41 And he hung there and he took, "I gave my back to those who struck me."
14:47 And what you'll see about Jesus in the Gospels, one time he was in his hometown and they wanted
14:51 to throw him off a cliff and the Bible said he walked right through them.
14:56 You see, no one could do anything to Jesus unless he let them.
15:03 You got to understand the type of guy Jesus was.
15:08 It was not the nails that held Jesus to the cross.
15:13 It was his love for you and his love for me that kept him there.
15:21 So, I gave my back and my cheeks to those who plucked out the beard.
15:30 A long beard was a mark of honor and distinction in that culture and it still is today in the
15:36 Middle East.
15:37 One of the worst insults you could give a man in that period, in that part of the world,
15:42 is to cut his beard and you see that in 2 Samuel chapter 10 and verse 4.
15:49 But Jesus allowed himself to be completely degraded, completely humiliated.
15:57 He gave his best though humanity and mankind was giving him his worst.
16:03 Despite what was done to him, Jesus stayed on point.
16:06 No indignity and no cruelty could stop him from demonstrating the full extent of God's
16:14 love for you and I.
16:19 And sometimes God puts us in positions, that's why Jesus said, "If you're going to follow
16:23 me, you too got to take up your cross."
16:27 Because God will intentionally put you in positions where you get an opportunity to
16:32 show the love of God to some sideways, backwards, hateful person.
16:39 And you know, what's the point of having love if you can only love the lovely?
16:47 Real love loves the unlovely, yeah, and the unworthy.
16:55 Love never fails.
16:56 And then it continues in the first person, this is 700 years prior.
17:04 I did not hide my face from shame.
17:09 Meaning he didn't flinch, he didn't back up, he didn't whine, he didn't cry, he didn't
17:18 snivel.
17:21 I didn't hide my face from the shame.
17:27 He stared it down, looked it in its eye and spitting.
17:33 In that part of the world, they don't cute spit.
17:38 They grab stuff from deep down.
17:40 And let me tell you something, if I was God and you spit on me, it would be the last time
17:50 I'd ever see you cry.
17:54 But that's why we worship him.
17:57 It's his kindness that leads us to repentance, the Bible says.
18:01 I'm going to challenge you a little bit on your image of this Jesus we worship.
18:11 Jesus was at a dinner and this woman came in and started washing his feet with her hair
18:17 and was crying and she had this, this fragrance, this perfume around her neck that was super,
18:28 super, super expensive.
18:31 And she cracked the alabaster box in the jar and poured it on Jesus' feet.
18:40 The people were like, Judas in particular, it's like, "Listen, all that money you're
18:43 wasting on worship."
18:44 That's what some people say about this church.
18:47 But you see, when you understand who you're worshiping.
18:55 And Simon was watching and he was like, "Well, Jesus, if you know who that woman was and
18:59 you know the type of life she was living, you wouldn't let her be touching your feet
19:02 like that and certainly not rubbing her hair on your feet.
19:05 This is improper.
19:06 This don't look good, Jesus.
19:07 What type of man are you, Jesus, by the way?
19:09 You know, what's going on?"
19:14 So Jesus looked the Pharisee Simon in the eye and he said this, "He who is forgiven
19:20 much loves much."
19:24 And that's why some, in this room, some of the lives you don't get to worship.
19:32 But you ain't been everywhere I've been.
19:42 And you don't realize the extent of your sin.
19:48 You see, the worst sin really wasn't even that woman's sin who some say she was a prostitute.
19:52 It's really that Pharisee's sin.
19:54 Self-righteousness is the most stinky, smelly sin.
20:02 There is.
20:05 But the reason sometimes I cry.
20:07 The reason sometimes I shout, I bow down.
20:11 I'm on my face.
20:12 Because I know how good God has been to me despite me.
20:18 And if I can just love Him a fraction of how much I know I hurt Him in this life, my living
20:28 won't be in vain.
20:29 You hear what I'm saying?
20:31 And my worship is out of gratitude for Him washing me and cleansing me and taking time
20:39 to talk to me and teach me and to guide me and hug me and hold me, place His Spirit on
20:46 me.
20:47 And if that's not been your experience, you won't get it.
20:51 But those of us who come from nowhere, we were nothing but God made us something.
20:57 We can't help but praise Him and honor Him and thank Him, Lord.
21:03 What a, God, I give you the clothes off my back, Lord.
21:05 All the money out my pocket, God.
21:08 All the tears in my ducts, God.
21:10 What is it you might want, Lord?
21:12 I owe you everything, God.
21:14 And out of a thousand tongues, God, couldn't begin to praise you.
21:23 Verse 7.
21:24 Yeah.
21:25 Then he said, again, he's in the mind of Jesus, Isaiah.
21:34 For the Lord God will help me.
21:41 This is what Jesus was thinking while He was facing unspeakable horror.
21:48 For the Lord God will help me.
21:52 You see, God doesn't always stop it, but He will always get you through it.
21:58 When mother and father can't help you, sister, brother can't help, friends can't help you,
22:04 the degrees, the study, the amount of money in your bank account can't help you, your
22:08 friends can't help.
22:09 The Lord God will help me.
22:11 And there's some miles on your journey you got to walk alone.
22:16 And Jesus carried that cross.
22:20 Some say He stumbled under the weight of it, and that's why the other man, Simon, he grabbed
22:24 the cross from Him.
22:27 And sometimes you will stumble under the weight of your assignment.
22:32 And all that does is show us Jesus was not only God, He was human.
22:37 He knows what it's like to feel the weight of a thing and have to deal with stuff that's
22:41 uncomfortable and painful.
22:45 He said for the Lord God, not the Roman Emperor, not Pilate, the high priests, not His disciples,
22:56 none of His friends.
22:59 The Lord God will help me.
23:01 Watch this.
23:02 "Therefore," what do we learn when there's a therefore in the Scripture?
23:06 Look and see, pause, right, and see what's what.
23:09 "Therefore."
23:10 "Therefore I will not be disgraced."
23:13 Why is there a therefore?
23:16 Because the fact that God was with Him caused the outcome that's announced in this next
23:21 sentence.
23:24 The Lord will help me, and because of this, this is what He was thinking while He was
23:31 matted with blood.
23:34 I will not be disgraced, meaning trouble won't last always.
23:40 You see, because Jesus knew where His help came from, He knew how things would end up.
23:46 And sometimes when you're in the middle of it, you can't think about the middle, you
23:49 got to think about the end.
23:51 That's why the Bible said He endured the cross for the joy that was set before.
23:55 He saw the other side.
23:56 And when you lose the image and the vision of the other side of the thing, that's when
24:00 we give up, that's when we quit.
24:03 "Therefore, I will not be disgraced."
24:08 You see, when God is your help, you keep going when everybody else stops.
24:13 Why?
24:15 Because you know God's the alpha and the omega, He will finish everything He starts.
24:22 And if it's not good, that just means God's not done.
24:30 And whenever you find yourself in the middle, there's only one direction to go with God,
24:33 and that's forward.
24:36 Jesus set His face, now we're going to see the verse.
24:40 "Therefore, I have set my face," this is what the Samaritan village was dealing with.
24:48 This is what was showing on Christ's face.
24:51 "I have set my face like a flint, like a stone.
24:57 I will not be moved."
25:00 Despite the agony ahead for Jesus, He made up His mind and He fixed His face that He
25:08 was going to run His race.
25:12 You see, we don't quit when we're tired, we quit when we're done.
25:23 "I have set my face like a flint."
25:34 I know I get tired sometimes.
25:36 How many of you get tired sometimes?
25:39 Yeah.
25:41 I feel discouraged at times, I get disappointed at times.
25:46 I don't see a good end of things sometimes.
25:50 Sometimes I feel weak.
25:53 Sometimes I don't feel so strong.
25:55 Sometimes I feel like throwing in the towel, sometimes I feel like giving up.
26:04 But the Psalms have become my comfort and I've learned to do what David did in Psalm
26:09 42.
26:10 He said this, it was as if he was looking in the mirror and he looked at his face, it
26:15 was all upset and worried, his brow all quenched up and squinted up and lips all poked out.
26:26 He said, "Self, why?
26:33 Why are you so downcast, O my soul?
26:37 Why so disquiet?"
26:38 I had no peace.
26:39 "Why have you lost that sense of peace?
26:42 Why so dis—why all this noise going on on the inside of me all the time?
26:47 I just hear hollering and screaming and I just want to give up.
26:51 Self, hope in God."
26:56 Sometimes you can't hope in yourself.
26:59 All you can do is hope in God.
27:03 Watch this, "For I shall yet praise Him."
27:08 Watch this, watch this though.
27:09 "The help of my countenance."
27:12 God will help your face in the midst of whatever you're facing, whatever you're going through.
27:18 And my God.
27:21 "Therefore, because I know whose I am and whom I serve, I've set my face like flint
27:30 and a few things stronger than a made-up mind.
27:33 And I know some things you just got to know."
27:39 And I don't know how long you have to sit here and hear it before you know it, but stay
27:43 here till you do.
27:46 Some things I kind of hope for, wish for, and kind of believe, but when I know that
27:49 I know that I know, that's a whole 'nother thing.
27:56 And I know Jesus went to the cross knowing something.
28:01 And you need to face your tomorrow knowing something.
28:04 Not just wishing hope, but a firm confidence where you can set your face like flint.
28:09 I know my Redeemer lives.
28:11 I know God is for me.
28:13 I know God is on my side.
28:18 And I know that I will not, when this is all over, when everything is said and done, I
28:28 will not be embarrassed.
28:30 I will not be ashamed.
28:33 I know it looks bad now.
28:34 I know it feels bad now.
28:36 But my Bible says, "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning."
28:41 If I hold on in the nighttime, if I just keep doing what I need to do, morning will come,
28:47 the sun will rise, and my situation will change.
28:54 Back to 9 and 54.
28:57 Just two more verses and we're through.
29:01 And when His disciples James and John saw this, they said, "Lord, do you want us to
29:08 command fire to come down from heaven and consume those Samaritans over there?"
29:17 Just like Elijah did.
29:20 You see, the problem was the disciples misread Jesus' face.
29:28 Because confidence can easily be confused with arrogance and pride.
29:35 Focus can easily be confused with anger.
29:39 You see, the disciples, this is the problem, this is what I, see the disciples were mad
29:45 about the Samaritans not receiving Him.
29:48 The problem was they assumed Jesus was too.
29:54 Today psychologists call this projection.
29:58 And a projection happens whenever you transfer your emotions, your feelings onto a different
30:03 person or thing.
30:08 And what the disciples did then, many disciples still do today.
30:16 We begin to attribute our own personal prejudices.
30:23 Our own personal feelings onto God.
30:28 And if we're mad at Him, we think God should be mad at Him.
30:32 If we don't like Him, we think God shouldn't like Him.
30:36 If we think we're better than Him, God ought to treat us like we're better than Him.
30:42 And today what we do is we build whole denominations and whole churches around projections.
30:50 We see God like us and we're going to remake Him in our image and our likeness.
30:55 You know, it's a very human thing to remake others according to what you feel and what
31:05 you see.
31:06 See, I have found that it's usually the thieves that are most likely to accuse other people
31:10 of stealing.
31:13 It's the dishonest that are always accusing people of lying.
31:26 Verse 55, "Jesus set His face to go to Jerusalem.
31:31 He had things to do.
31:33 His assignments were on His mind, but He couldn't let that pass.
31:38 That He was going for, He had to turn back and He rebuked them."
31:46 He said, "You don't know what manner of spirit you are of."
31:52 The disciples made two mistakes here.
31:56 First they didn't really know themselves or realize the depth of their ingrained ethnicism.
32:03 Where the Jewish folks thought they were better than the Samaritan folk and vice versa.
32:08 But secondly, they didn't really know Jesus or His heart.
32:13 Whenever you're about to find fault with someone, this was first said and I modified a little
32:19 bit by an ancient king or emperor really, ask yourself, "What fault of mine most closely
32:30 resembles the one I'm about to criticize?"
32:37 And this will always help you be just a little bit kinder, a little bit sweeter.
32:44 Put yourself in their shoes.
32:48 So, Jesus rebukes them.
32:51 He says, "You don't know what spirit, you don't, what type of spirit is that?
32:56 I've been with y'all this long, I'm at the end of my journey and y'all still twisting
33:01 my actions and my deeds and my expression.
33:04 You don't know my heart yet."
33:08 And then this next sentence is actually part of the rebuke, and we're going to begin to
33:14 end on this.
33:15 He said, "For the Son of Man," I can imagine some exasperation in His voice.
33:21 "For the Son of Man, guys, did not come to destroy men's lives.
33:28 Y'all were already messed up."
33:29 "Y'all were already on the path to destruction.
33:38 I didn't come to destroy men's lives.
33:42 If God was trying to get y'all, y'all would have already been gone."
33:53 So here's Jesus' rebuke, "For the Son of Man did not come to destroy, but to save them."
34:05 The reason this church is here, the reason I'm standing here and people are serving here
34:13 and all the rest, is not to get you, but to help you.
34:19 That's the only reason for the church.
34:23 "For the Son of Man did not come to beat you up."
34:30 Now He'll tell you the truth.
34:32 He said, "You're wrong.
34:33 You're double wrong, and you've been wrong for a long time, and I'm here to help you
34:40 get it right.
34:43 And also let me tell you, there will be consequences for that wrong if you don't make adjustments
34:46 about that wrong.
34:50 But Jesus didn't come to destroy us.
34:54 Every time He knocks on our heart, knocks on our conscience, He's trying to help you.
34:59 He's trying to protect you, trying to preserve you.
35:04 For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them.
35:10 But watch this next clause, and I'm going to end here.
35:15 And they went to another village.
35:16 And as I read this, I realized this is the thing I need to relearn.
35:23 This is the thing I think you need to learn from Jesus.
35:28 Once you have done everything humanly possible, I didn't say everything perfectly.
35:32 I don't do anything perfectly.
35:35 But when you do everything you can humanly possible with the gifts, the talents, the
35:41 understanding you have, and you're doing everything to fulfill your assignment, and people don't
35:51 receive you.
35:53 People still unfairly find fault with you.
35:58 People don't like you.
35:59 People talk about you.
36:02 This is when we need to learn from Jesus.
36:04 What did Jesus do?
36:06 The Samaritans did not receive Him.
36:11 But it says, "And they went to another village."
36:16 So what did Jesus do when they didn't receive Him?
36:18 Did He cry?
36:19 Did He whine?
36:20 Did He, no.
36:21 Did He even call down fire?
36:23 No.
36:24 He let it go and moved on to a village that will.
36:32 And sometimes, you gotta let it go and move on to others who will accept.
36:45 But you're hanging on to someone who didn't like you, didn't get you, didn't understand
36:50 you, treated you wrong.
36:51 But you gotta let it go and move on.
36:55 Jesus had bigger and better things to do.
36:58 He wasn't gonna let the small-mindedness of some little town get in the way of His destiny.
37:05 And you gotta stop letting small-minded people who know very little about God get in the
37:12 way of your destiny.
37:15 And they went together to another village.
37:22 You do not drown.
37:23 And this is not my original statement.
37:25 Somebody else said it.
37:27 You do not drown by falling in water.
37:30 But you do drown by staying there.
37:33 And yeah, stuff has happened to you.
37:37 It's not fair.
37:38 It's bad.
37:39 It's wrong.
37:40 They didn't treat you right.
37:41 But at some point, you gotta move on.
37:45 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80.
37:52 Some of y'all knocking on 90.
37:56 It's time to get up and move on.
38:01 Give God a hallelujah and a praise.
38:03 'Cause He's a good God.
38:06 Come on, stand here, give Him a hallelujah and a praise.
38:10 Lord, help us move on.
38:11 Help us let it go.
38:14 I want you to be part of something really big.
38:17 A vision that addresses both spiritual and practical needs, helps the affluent and the
38:22 poor, and not only impacts the United States, but the world.
38:26 When you become a DGM partner, you become part of an organization known for its integrity,
38:32 and you also join a group that not only accurately shares the gospel, but provides aid and relief
38:37 to children, families, the elderly, and everyday people like you and me.
38:43 We deeply care and want every individual to have the resources required to experience
38:48 a life of purpose and a life of fulfillment.
38:51 Through your generous prayers and your regular giving, together we can continue to create
38:56 positive change in the lives of countless people.
38:59 Thank you for being a Difference Maker.
39:01 Click below to learn more, and God bless you.
39:04 [music]
39:30 (upbeat music)