• 2 years ago
Beating Minecraft on 100 Times Speed


00:00 *laughing*
00:02 Bro! How do you-
00:04 This challenge is ridiculous. You see any mob at all, you're just instantly dead.
00:09 Don't even get me started on the ender dragon.
00:12 Or for heaven's sakes, baby hoglins!
00:15 *explosion*
00:16 Never in my life have I been murked so hard by a baby.
00:20 I have to beat the game like this.
00:22 I think game plan, stay in the trees until it just barely turns day.
00:26 *gasp* They're under me. They're under me.
00:29 I'm gonna parkour on the trees.
00:31 I kinda wanna check out that ruin portal.
00:33 *gasp* Okay, okay. That's just un-
00:35 That's unlucky!
00:37 Oh, there's another skeleton. No, burn!
00:39 Oh my gosh. It's night again?
00:42 I gotta get a hole. Okay, I think I'm safe.
00:45 *gasp* Oh, wait. I can spam click them.
00:49 And it actually kills them.
00:51 Dude. Okay, that's actually kinda sick.
00:53 *gasp* Oh my gosh!
00:56 Okay. Stop! Stop!
00:58 I gotta be very careful of drowns.
01:00 This fire's actually kinda clutch.
01:02 Golden apples, I'll take it.
01:03 I don't know how I got such a lucky spawn,
01:05 but if there's one video I needed it for, it was this one.
01:08 I'm gonna use this lava to make a nether portal.
01:10 I just need some iron, and then we can go.
01:12 Now's the tricky part. I gotta get in the boat without drowning.
01:16 'Cause that happened so fast!
01:18 Doors are gonna be our friend.
01:20 I gotta not drown.
01:22 Don't drown! No! I was placing the door wrong!
01:26 It's just a game of RNG!
01:28 It's just a game of--
01:29 This is like my fourth wooden axe.
01:31 Wait, my items are gonna despawn, aren't they?
01:33 Are you-- That was so fast!
01:39 Okay, yes. Yes, dude!
01:44 Seven iron, that's all we need.
01:46 Don't die.
01:47 I think we have everything we need to enter the nether,
01:49 which is actually kind of crazy.
01:51 This seed is ridiculous.
01:52 I do need some gravel, though, which I'm kind of--
01:54 Dude.
01:56 Watch the gravel!
01:58 Watch this. We have flint and steel.
02:00 Um...
02:02 Boom!
02:04 Dude, we made a portal!
02:06 We actually--
02:08 And a good time, too! Oh my gosh!
02:10 Wait, my stuff is gonna despawn.
02:12 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
02:14 Are you kidding?
02:16 I was gone for 30 seconds, and everything is despawned.
02:20 I mean, I guess we check out the nether.
02:22 Oh my, that goes fast.
02:24 Yeah, things weren't going so well.
02:26 I had no game plan.
02:27 I mean, I need to go to the nether for blaze rods,
02:29 but I had zero things in my inventory.
02:31 So I decided it was probably wise to make some sort of base.
02:34 Or hidey hole. Whatever you want to call it, really.
02:36 This would be so much nicer if I could mine fast, too.
02:39 I don't even know what to do, bro.
02:41 I can't remember the last time I made a hidey hole like this,
02:43 but welcome to the abode!
02:45 We got a chest with some extra supplies,
02:47 a furnace that I haven't used yet,
02:49 and we're just waiting for it to turn day,
02:51 which it just did.
02:53 The sun! Stop! Stop!
02:56 Wait. Does that mean things will smell extra fast, too?
03:00 Oh my gosh, it does.
03:01 Wait, that's actually kind of nice.
03:03 I like how we made it to the nether,
03:05 yet I'm still hiding out here for the past, like, four nights.
03:08 Like, how are we supposed to fight blazes, dude?
03:10 Even if we get fire resistance, does the fire resistance just last, like, no time at all?
03:14 Did that sand just fall instantly?
03:16 Sand is now a teleporting block.
03:18 I don't know what to do.
03:19 Maybe, maybe we just make a tunnel all the way to our nether portal.
03:23 We're already on day 29.
03:26 That's ridiculous.
03:28 Oh, I'm actually kind of scared of the water.
03:30 How do we make a tunnel through all this?
03:32 Like...
03:34 Oh, I'm gonna die doing this, bro.
03:37 That might work.
03:39 Oh yeah, this is how we build the tunnel.
03:42 [laughs]
03:44 We're gonna have to build the tunnel like this,
03:46 because I can't, I literally can't stand out in the water for more than a second.
03:50 Wait, I actually kind of like this. This is kind of sick.
03:52 Whoa!
03:53 Okay, maybe not that sick.
03:55 Can I... I can do this.
03:57 Why do I love this tunnel so much?
03:59 Okay.
04:01 I mean, I have rotten flesh.
04:03 Dude, what?
04:04 Did you see how fast I ate that?
04:06 Wait, that's actually so nice.
04:08 Oh, we made it.
04:09 Now that I had a safe way to enter the nether, I needed one of two things.
04:12 A bastion or a fortress.
04:14 I went out in search of a fortress first,
04:16 but I ran into a couple of skeletons, which I did find.
04:18 You can actually PvP,
04:20 because we can technically attack faster.
04:22 It's just very difficult to do,
04:24 and I still ended up dying many times.
04:26 No, no, no, no, no, no.
04:28 Whoa!
04:30 Whoa, that's my safe haven!
04:32 Dude, these creepers are insane.
04:34 I did get a bit of good luck, though.
04:36 One night, I saw an ender pearl.
04:38 Oh!
04:40 Wait, my first ender pearl.
04:41 Wait, that was actually crazy.
04:42 And so, with newfound confidence,
04:44 I went off into the nether in search of a fortress.
04:46 No!
04:48 Oh my...
04:51 I need a block!
04:53 Oh my gosh!
04:55 It's day 81.
05:00 Oh my god.
05:02 And finally, I found one.
05:04 Although my footage, it did corrupt a lot,
05:06 so you're probably going to be seeing a PowerPoint right about now,
05:09 but up in the top right corner, you can just see a fortress.
05:12 Unfortunately, I died on the way there.
05:14 And not only do we have corrupt video files,
05:16 but it got so much worse.
05:18 I started getting spawn camped, bro.
05:20 He's spawn camping. He's spawn camping!
05:22 This isn't fair!
05:24 Are you guys seeing what I'm going through?
05:26 Yes. Oh, we're seeing it.
05:28 All right, all right. Corrupted video files are almost over.
05:31 But the last corrupt thing I want to show is this.
05:33 A freeze frame of me killing a sheep.
05:35 This was the most important thing I did.
05:37 See those three pieces of wool? Boom. Bed.
05:39 Dying to a zombie?
05:41 Let me introduce you to a fancy new technology
05:43 called sleeping through the night.
05:45 Sleeping was unbelievably helpful,
05:47 and I got a couple more pieces of iron to help me hopefully kill some blazes.
05:50 I got a shield, so I'm hoping that's enough.
05:53 Oh! The gold armor came in clutch, bro!
05:56 What's up, dude?
05:58 He's flying!
06:00 They're actually just flying.
06:06 Oh, my-- Oh, oh, oh!
06:08 Where?
06:10 There it is.
06:12 Oh, my gosh.
06:14 [whimpering]
06:16 [sobbing]
06:18 Dude, how am I supposed to fight these blazes?
06:20 I mean, this is freaking sick as heck,
06:22 but, you know, I'm gonna die.
06:24 You hear all those?
06:26 Oh, there's one down there.
06:28 Oh, he disappeared. Perfect.
06:34 All right.
06:36 I'm maneuvering my way over.
06:38 Bro!
06:40 What do I do?
06:42 Actually, what do I do?
06:46 Oh!
06:50 Oh, no!
06:52 Oh, my gosh, bro. That's insane!
06:55 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
06:57 I need a strata.
06:59 [music]
07:01 Where?
07:06 Oh.
07:08 Oh, my gosh! I got one.
07:14 Holy crap.
07:16 Oh! What a pro gamer move!
07:18 I just gotta do that, like, six more times.
07:20 Let me rephrase that.
07:22 I need, like, six more blazerots to beat the game.
07:24 But every time I try to, you know,
07:26 walk back to my house with the blazerots,
07:28 I die.
07:30 [grunts]
07:32 Oh.
07:34 It's day 163. Wow.
07:36 I was really struggling to figure out how to kill
07:38 even one more blaze, let alone
07:40 transporting seven rods back to my house.
07:42 Dude!
07:44 You would not believe the amount of stone pickaxes I made.
07:46 Every time I died, I would basically
07:48 get a fresh new axe and pickaxe,
07:50 then run back into nether, hope I can
07:52 kill one blaze, and make it all the way back
07:54 without dying once, which clearly
07:56 was not working as a strategy.
07:58 One time I did manage to get a magma cube, which is what you
08:00 need to make fire resistance potions,
08:02 but then I realized that it would last basically
08:04 zero time. I would have to use two blazerots
08:06 to craft it, and I was not a fan of that.
08:08 But then, one time when I entered the nether,
08:10 I noticed all of the zombified
08:12 piglins were gathering at one
08:14 spot. Actually, the highest
08:16 spot they could pathfind to. I've seen
08:18 something like this before. It took me a second to
08:20 find the video, something involving cookie clicker,
08:22 but on a channel called Whitestone
08:24 Jazz. There was a video talking
08:26 about this exact mechanic.
08:28 [Music]
08:30 [Music]
08:32 [Music]
08:34 [Music]
08:36 [Music]
08:38 [Music]
08:40 The video described exactly what I
08:42 was seeing, and it was a breakthrough moment, because
08:44 up until this point, I had been digging
08:46 holes, hoping the blazes would pathfind
08:48 down, because it's not going on right now,
08:50 but when the game is running a hundred times faster,
08:52 you cannot build a normal
08:54 blaze farm. My new theory was this,
08:56 if I made a hole slightly
08:58 higher than the blaze spawner,
09:00 eventually, all of the blaze
09:02 would pathfind to this point. Now, it probably
09:04 wouldn't go as fast as this here, but if the game
09:06 is running a hundred times faster,
09:08 I mean, who's to say it wouldn't
09:10 be that efficient?
09:12 [Music]
09:14 Whoa!
09:16 [Music]
09:18 [Music]
09:20 [Music]
09:22 Oh! Oh!
09:24 I did it!
09:26 I did it! I made a
09:28 mold grinder, bro!
09:30 Dude, no!
09:32 No! A piglin! Oh, I was
09:34 celebrating so hard, dude.
09:36 Alright. Okay, what is this?
09:38 I come out of my tunnel,
09:40 see these two guys just
09:42 chillin'! Charge!
09:44 Oh, that just did not work.
09:46 What's even worse is because this guy was, like,
09:48 so close to my home portal, he was not
09:50 despawning. I took my last piece of gold
09:52 armor and finally got rid of it.
09:54 It was things like this that I had to deal with
09:56 all over the place. Eventually, though,
09:58 [Music]
10:00 Are you?! Yeah, I was
10:02 still having trouble getting to and from
10:04 the fortress. Dude, I hate doing that.
10:06 And it was even worse. Oh my gosh.
10:08 Actual terrible update!
10:10 It's Halloween! The zombies
10:12 have pumpkins on their head! They don't
10:14 despawn! They don't despawn!
10:16 Freakin' screw Halloween, dude!
10:18 I wanna go outside!
10:20 There's another one.
10:22 Dude!
10:24 Insta-kill! It's an
10:26 insta-kill! He has an axe.
10:28 He has an axe. He has
10:30 an axe!
10:32 Alright.
10:34 What am I supposed to do?!
10:36 He doesn't even despawn!
10:38 I was out late chopping trees
10:40 one night! One night!
10:42 Okay, that's not how I survived
10:44 longer than one hit.
10:46 Oh my gosh.
10:48 Oh my gosh. Dig a hole. Dig a hole.
10:50 No!
10:52 Dude, this is- I had to spawn
10:54 on top of a pillar to get out of
10:56 a death loop! Ah-ha!
10:58 Get destroyed!
11:00 Ah! Get in the hole! Get in the hole!
11:02 Get in the hole! Get in the hole! You know what we need to do?
11:04 We're gonna make a whole bunch of pillars, so that
11:06 if we die again, hopefully we spawn
11:08 on one of these,
11:10 and the mobs can't get to us. I gotta
11:12 remember to sleep every night.
11:14 Halloween? Actually terrible. I can't
11:16 think of anything worse that could happen.
11:18 Also, we're on day 266.
11:20 If you were curious.
11:22 I jumped
11:24 over that! You won't believe
11:26 how many tries it's taken to get back here.
11:28 Ah-ha!
11:30 Ah-ha! Die, blazes!
11:32 No!
11:36 You- He stole it!
11:38 Get back here!
11:40 Get back here!
11:42 You- No!
11:44 Always the babies! Always
11:46 the babies! This is actually the first
11:48 time I've walked the path backwards.
11:50 Every other time, I have died.
11:52 I really hope we can make it back.
11:54 No!
11:56 I started mining!
11:58 Is this video just gonna be a compilation
12:00 of me dying? Seriously, I'm asking.
12:02 Please let me know if it is, 'cause I don't know
12:04 what the else heck it is gonna be.
12:06 But I can't get my blaze rods back!
12:08 I lost track of how many
12:10 times I killed blazes, tried to run back
12:12 on my path home, and died.
12:14 But eventually, we finally,
12:16 finally...
12:18 Yes! Dude!
12:20 10 blaze rods!
12:22 Okay, surely that's enough for
12:24 the whole video. Alright, next on the agenda
12:26 is get some ender pearls. And I think we're gonna do
12:28 that by trading with villagers.
12:30 Because we can trade really, really
12:32 fast. Like, watch this. I can make a sugarcane
12:34 farm bigger than the world
12:36 has ever seen. And it's only gonna take
12:38 like a handful of minutes. This is where we
12:40 start to take advantage of the tick speed.
12:42 Most things so far have been painful.
12:44 This is gonna be so nice. Oh no.
12:46 I gotta get to the bed. Get to the bed, get to the bed,
12:48 get to the bed.
12:50 This is so nice.
12:52 So peaceful. I'm just planting
12:54 crops. Not dying
12:56 to piglins. Who needs an automatic
12:58 sugarcane farm when you have tick speed
13:00 2000? Also, just for
13:02 posterity, we all have the blaze
13:04 rods by day 330. Yeah, definitely
13:06 my slowest speedrun ever. You know what?
13:08 After long consideration, I think
13:10 it's time we make a bucket. Last couple pieces
13:12 of iron. I know, I know. But I'm about to turn
13:14 this whole thing into a field
13:16 of sugarcane.
13:18 It's not a swash
13:21 to go. I promise.
13:23 And if we're hungry, we just, uh, we eat
13:32 real quick. Oh my gosh, it's actually
13:34 getting fun now. For so
13:36 long, it was just pain.
13:38 You know what? I'm feeling so good, I'm gonna repair
13:40 the creeper hole. Not all of them, 'cause I don't
13:42 have that many blocks. But this is just a huge step.
13:44 I have the luxury to make
13:46 my place look better. And you know what? To celebrate,
13:48 I'm gonna build a storage silo. 'Cause
13:50 I can now.
13:52 Look, I know it's not the
13:54 best looking storage silo. Probably
13:56 not even top ten. But it is a storage
13:58 silo. And I'm proud of it. I think
14:00 I have enough sugarcane.
14:02 I mean, all I need to do is buy, what, twelve enderpearls?
14:04 It's day 404? That's kind of
14:06 funny, actually. And we're about to see if we can buy
14:08 our enderpearls. Ah-ha!
14:10 Day 406. It only took us two days
14:12 to get to the village. Not really, it was like
14:14 a one minute walk, but, you know. So I need to get
14:16 a librarian villager now. I've been kind of
14:18 dreading this. I need to get a bookshelf
14:20 to trade my sugarcane. But to get
14:22 a bookshelf, I need to kill a cow.
14:24 Have you seen how fast these cows
14:26 are? They've been eating, like, some mutant
14:28 speed grass. Pink sheep?!
14:30 What?! Oh, I see a cow.
14:32 Alright, come here, cow. Come here.
14:34 Come here, cow. No!
14:36 I'm so close! Stop!
14:38 Oh! I sent that guy flying!
14:40 He's too fast! How am I supposed to
14:42 kill him?! Wait. Wait, I have a strat.
14:44 I actually have a strat. Alright, now grow.
14:46 How long does this take to grow? Oh my gosh.
14:48 Dude, the sun's going down so fast!
14:50 Grow. Grow. Grow.
14:52 Man, this really just shows how pathetic crops
14:54 are when they don't have water. Look how fast the sun
14:56 is moving. We're almost there. Dude, it's been
14:58 like three days.
15:00 Ayy! It is day
15:02 415. That took forever!
15:04 Also, I don't know if I've
15:06 mentioned this before, but the lower your
15:08 render distance, the faster the game
15:10 goes, just because it has less data
15:12 to speed up. So I'm actually limited by how fast
15:14 my PC is. And what my settings are, I guess.
15:16 Alright, master plan.
15:18 Offhand the wheat. Wait, this is actually
15:20 kind of sick. You can finally sprint
15:22 and lead cows.
15:24 Boom. I would like to offer
15:26 you a job.
15:28 Oh, look at that. Wait, that's actually
15:32 so sick.
15:34 60 emeralds. Okay.
15:36 I need a cleric now. Is there a
15:38 cleric home? Hello? No? I'll take
15:40 the prune stand, though.
15:42 Dude, that zombie just
15:44 murdered something. It killed
15:46 an Edmerman!
15:48 Wait, that's actually so sick!
15:50 Thank you, sir.
15:52 You guys saw that, right? Alright, thank you
15:54 for the purchases. I appreciate it.
15:56 Can I get some enderpearls
15:58 up in here? Okay, this is it.
16:00 This is it. This is the trade. It's either enderpearls
16:02 or no enderpearls.
16:04 Enderpearls!
16:06 Dude, I'm so happy right now. I'm so happy.
16:08 This took so long.
16:10 Who knew the solution was
16:12 just trade with villagers? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
16:14 This is
16:16 the Endermen's work. Surely, right?
16:18 I've never- Oh my gosh!
16:20 I definitely didn't do this. Wait, this is actually
16:22 kind of cool. I've never really seen
16:24 Endermen griefing to this extent.
16:26 16 pearls!
16:28 Yo! That was actually way easier
16:30 than I thought. Okay, okay. I'm gonna get a
16:32 little bit more sugar cane because there's one last thing
16:34 I think we should get. Alright, you, sir? Arrows.
16:36 Alright, I'm just gonna- Oh, three stacks
16:38 of arrows. That's too- Well,
16:40 maybe that isn't too much, actually. I definitely
16:42 want a lot of bows, too. Just because I think
16:44 it's probably wise to set up a respawn
16:46 position right in front of the end
16:48 with some bows and arrows, I think.
16:50 I'm terrified to throw our eye, dude. It's gonna go
16:52 lightning speed.
16:54 *gurgling*
16:56 Where did it go?
16:58 Oh my gosh, it went this way. Okay.
17:00 -169.5.
17:02 That's our angle. I'm gonna wait for the sun to set, and then
17:04 we'll boat across the water. If it's in the ocean,
17:06 though, that's gonna be bad. Alright,
17:08 I'm gonna throw another eye here, I think.
17:10 Dude!
17:12 It's so fast!
17:14 Alright, alright,
17:16 I think we're actually pretty close. But it's going
17:18 in the water. Dude, this is actually
17:20 really bad. Wait. The thought with the sand is
17:22 we drop it, kind of like make an
17:24 air tube straight down to the bottom
17:26 of the sea floor, and then we can start mining.
17:28 And honestly, that's my only idea. Because
17:30 we just drowned if we go in the water.
17:32 Alright, I'm gonna throw another eye.
17:34 Oh my gosh!
17:38 Wait, it's like here.
17:40 I found a really shallow piece of kelp over there,
17:42 so we've built up. I'm bridging
17:44 over to where we need to be.
17:46 And then I just drop a lot of sand. Wait, I can
17:48 actually just spam this. Wait!
17:50 That's actually so nice!
17:52 Dude, people draining ocean
17:54 monuments are gonna be so jealous.
17:56 Look at that!
17:58 And then we have a way down! Wait!
18:00 This is actually so sick!
18:02 Alright, there's the bottom of the sea floor.
18:04 I can't let any water come in,
18:06 though. Otherwise, I'm dead.
18:12 See, that's why I'm scared.
18:14 That water almost just killed us, bro.
18:16 My calculations are correct,
18:18 which I'm hoping they are.
18:20 This should be the spot we dig down to the stronghold.
18:22 Yes!
18:26 Oh my gosh, we found it.
18:28 Holy!
18:30 Okay, let's recoup. Let's recoup. Let's make a little
18:32 box of safety here.
18:34 I'm setting up a little
18:36 temporary camp.
18:38 How do I do this without dying?
18:40 Huh.
18:42 Torch down?
18:44 Torch down.
18:46 I really need some more torches, bro.
18:48 Whoa!
18:50 Oh!
18:52 Mmm!
18:54 Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!
18:56 Oh! Oh! Oh!
18:58 Jump scare!
19:00 Oh my god!
19:02 I can't believe I lived that!
19:04 I have a feeling progress is going to be very slow
19:06 in this stronghold. I might have to sneak into
19:08 the portal room, because I doubt
19:10 I doubt I can handle
19:12 a silverfish spawner. Yeah, yeah, I hear
19:14 the silverfish. You see that in the subtitles?
19:16 Spawner, portal room is this way.
19:18 I need to be very careful.
19:20 Alright, we can reach
19:24 the spawner.
19:26 I think we're good
19:28 to block it off. Okay, now that we have a
19:30 safe path to the portal room, I feel comfortable
19:32 bringing in the eyes and actually filling it in.
19:34 Wait, if we have a bow,
19:36 does that mean I can...
19:38 [laughs]
19:40 Oh, yes!
19:44 Dude, this end fight is going to be so fun.
19:46 Easy, bro!
19:50 Wait!
19:52 That's so cool!
19:54 Alrighty,
19:56 alrighty, alrighty, alrighty!
19:58 I think, honestly, I'm going to
20:00 say it, I think this end fight
20:02 is going to be easy.
20:04 Okay.
20:06 Whoa!
20:08 Whoa, whoa, okay.
20:10 Well, maybe it's not
20:12 so easy. Maybe it's not so
20:14 easy. Okay, I gotta go?
20:16 Ooh, okay.
20:18 Ha!
20:22 Oh, okay.
20:24 Well, I got one more block.
20:26 Yes! I'm making progress!
20:28 Sure, I had placed a few blocks,
20:30 but it's really not working.
20:32 This is just footage of me repeatedly
20:34 entering the end and repeatedly dying.
20:36 I needed a new strategy.
20:38 Ooh, maybe, maybe the strat is
20:40 pearl to this island
20:42 and just block myself off so the dragon
20:44 can't see me. That actually might work.
20:46 I'm going to go in.
20:48 Go there.
20:50 Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
20:52 Okay, I think I was right. I think I was right.
20:54 Now the priority is
20:56 trying to shield
20:58 the platform from view of the dragon.
21:00 It's day 500, by the way.
21:02 I think we're at the level of the
21:04 platform. I don't know how to do it.
21:06 No! I was dying like crazy.
21:08 I had to be fast. Yeah, like that,
21:10 like that, like that.
21:12 What? The dragon's destroying my
21:14 platform, bro.
21:16 Okay, well, I made it.
21:20 First priority is definitely replacing
21:22 all of our cobblestone with endstone.
21:24 The dragon can break all blocks except
21:26 endstone and obsidian. Okay, so
21:28 I'm digging a tunnel towards the center of the island
21:30 because I have a plan to maybe kill the dragon.
21:32 If we look at the F3 screen, we can see
21:34 that our X axis is 59,
21:36 58, 57.
21:38 The center fountain with the bedrock
21:40 is at 0. I believe that's going to be
21:42 like one of the only places we can
21:44 hurt the dragon.
21:46 Oh, here it is. I'm going to try poking a hole here
21:50 and maybe I can just shoot through.
21:52 Oh my gosh, did you see that?
21:54 I saw the dragon for a second.
21:56 I don't know if we can make this bow shot.
21:58 I'm going to have to be quick though. I think the dragon
22:00 will see me. Yeah.
22:02 Dang, dude, that was
22:04 so fast. The dragon
22:06 was way harder than I was anticipating
22:08 and to make matters worse, my items would
22:10 despawn every time I died. So, I
22:12 booted up a creative world to test out some ideas.
22:14 I had no clue how I was going to
22:16 kill this thing. Okay, first of all, I just want to see
22:18 what the dragon has actually been looking like. Oh, yeah,
22:20 that's crazy.
22:22 I'm wondering if the dragon
22:24 can ever hurt us through
22:26 like stairs.
22:28 If we can aim like this.
22:30 Okay, never mind. I sort of have a strat
22:32 to maybe climb the pillars. So, we're on the
22:34 wall of the pillar and we sort of, see,
22:36 like, this doesn't work. I was experimenting
22:38 a lot using pistons to try to make
22:40 pathways to shoot the crystals, building up above
22:42 the dragon, but nothing was working.
22:44 See, I've been trying to do this. Use pistons
22:46 to like shove blocks in a
22:48 way that I can make a ladder
22:50 go to the top of each pillar. But even if I
22:52 manage to do this, the dragon will be flying so
22:54 fast that eventually it's going to hit me.
22:56 I don't even have enough time to climb to the top
22:58 of this tower, which left me one option.
23:00 Brute force shooting the crystals before
23:02 the dragon kills me. Oh, I got one!
23:04 The problem is that I would die and lose all
23:06 my arrows and foe because things despawn
23:08 so fast. To combat this, I started using
23:10 a hopper. For each obsidian tower, I
23:12 painstakingly mined behind the pillar,
23:14 placed a hopper beneath my feet, and opened
23:16 the roof to shoot the crystal until I either
23:18 died trying or hit the crystal. If I died,
23:20 I could simply regather my items from the
23:22 hopper and try again.
23:24 Got it! Got it! Got it! Got it! Got it! Got it!
23:34 I think that- I think that's the last one.
23:36 Hooooooooly.
23:38 I think that might actually be the last one. I just need to kill the dragon
23:40 now. I hadn't tested killing the dragon before
23:42 and this was my only hope. I was gonna dig a
23:44 30 block deep hole, hide at the bottom,
23:46 and pray that I had enough arrows
23:48 to hit the dragon. Being so far underground,
23:50 the idea was that the dragon wouldn't be able to
23:52 see me, but my arrows would have just
23:54 enough height to reach the fountain. Which
23:56 is where statistically the dragon spends
23:58 the most time. I was gonna brute force this
24:00 thing and use as many arrows as it took.
24:02 Oh, we're doing damage!
24:10 Oh, I died to an enderman though. That's fine.
24:14 *sad music*
24:16 DUDE! Okay,
24:22 that was so lame.
24:24 Holy crap.
24:42 It's almost dead.
24:44 No!
24:48 Ah, that's what I screwed up.
24:50 Oh my gosh.
24:52 It was almost done. The network of tunnels
24:54 I dug through the end zone,
24:56 all with stone pickaxes, was about
24:58 to finally pay off.
25:00 *sad music*
25:02 Yes!
25:14 Yes!
25:16 Oh my gosh, give me a
25:18 pickaxe, give me a pickaxe. I'm freaking
25:20 out of this world.
25:22 Oh my gosh.
25:24 I did it.
25:28 *outro music*
25:30 (upbeat music)
25:32 (upbeat music)
25:35 (upbeat music)
25:37 (upbeat music)
