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00:35 So grow generational strategy.
00:39 Chapter number 17, verse 7.
00:44 And I will establish my covenant between me and you.
00:49 Say, my covenant with God is established.
00:53 Say it with energy.
00:54 You know, I'm so tired today I should
00:59 be whispering this message.
01:01 But I said to the Lord, I'm going to preach it
01:03 hard because I'm tired.
01:04 This body must be told what to do.
01:06 And not just with you and your seed after them.
01:13 And in that generation, shalt my generations are blessed.
01:20 Three more times.
01:21 My generations are blessed.
01:23 And he goes on to say, and God said to Abraham,
01:31 you shall keep my covenant therefore
01:33 because your generations are blessed.
01:35 And your seed after you.
01:38 And in their generations.
01:43 And God had him circumcised on the eighth day.
01:45 Psalm 105, verse 7.
01:50 He is the Lord our God.
01:53 His judgments are in all the earth.
01:56 And that's another message.
01:58 He has remembered his covenant forever.
02:03 Or he acknowledges his covenant forever.
02:07 He takes his covenant forever very seriously.
02:12 For the word which are commanded to a thousand generations.
02:19 A thousand generations.
02:24 When they have all these funny robots saying,
02:27 we can I serve you?
02:28 Can I cook your food?
02:29 Can I write your book?
02:30 Can I-- whatever, whatever.
02:32 Our children will be there.
02:35 To a thousand generations.
02:37 Shout a thousand generations in me are blessed.
02:41 In me are blessed.
02:44 Foot here again.
02:47 Psalm 72, verse 4.
02:49 He shall judge the poor of the people.
02:54 That means he right the wrong.
02:57 And she'll have children of the needy.
03:06 And shall break in pieces the oppressor.
03:09 Memorize that verse.
03:11 They shall fear you as long as the sun and the moon
03:14 endure throughout their generations.
03:17 So three classes of people are about to be
03:19 blessed because of their generations.
03:22 Say I'm blessed because of what's coming.
03:25 I'm blessed for what's coming.
03:27 Psalm 89, verse 1e.
03:30 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever.
03:33 If you are willing, and if you are able,
03:40 and if you are disciplined, say that.
03:41 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever.
03:47 With my mouth I will make known his faithfulness.
03:51 To all my generations.
03:58 To all generations.
04:02 Then he says your seed will I establish forever.
04:06 And build up your throne to all generations.
04:10 Say I receive that promise.
04:13 Somebody say amen.
04:15 Please be seated.
04:17 Slide number 7.
04:18 So it's grow generational strategy.
04:26 And a strategy to grow generations.
04:30 And so there must be such a much thought,
04:35 strategic planning, timeline, accountability steps
04:43 to empower and establish future generations.
04:48 In other words, you have to give a lot of thought
04:51 to planning for the next generation.
04:53 All of you watching online, you must
04:56 plan for the next generations.
04:59 What does the Bible say a good man is?
05:03 A good man is somebody that does what?
05:07 He leaves an inheritance for who?
05:09 For who?
05:12 For who?
05:16 So if you want to be a good man, Russell,
05:18 start putting money together and looking
05:21 for a property for your children and their children.
05:32 You have to start now.
05:35 You start before you get married.
05:37 You start now.
05:39 Don't give your child at the wedding.
05:42 Don't give them $500 and say have a nice honeymoon.
05:46 Are you crazy?
05:49 Don't give them at their honeymoon
05:52 and say all I have is a good name to give you.
05:55 Please look after it.
05:56 Are you mad?
05:59 How old is--
06:00 Corbin.
06:08 Corbin is going to be two years old.
06:11 You have 20 years to make sure that child
06:15 has a good inheritance, money in the bank.
06:18 Those things exist in Zimbabwe.
06:20 Money somewhere.
06:21 Hopefully it's money you can use.
06:27 Don't take our insurance policies in Zimbabwe
06:30 because it's not worth it.
06:31 I mean, you know, we were paying $200 US a month for Bernstein.
06:35 They settled us with $15,000 bond money,
06:39 which wasn't even enough to buy a chewing gum
06:41 to blow a bubble in their face.
06:42 And so there are tools in countries
06:49 where you can put money into insurance policies.
06:52 You know, if you need guidelines on insurance,
06:55 Zeph Shamba is your man with the ever-changing colors
07:01 and shades of occurrences in Zimbabwe,
07:05 depending on the flavor of the month, whatever's happening.
07:08 He can help you with his team navigate
07:10 through the treacherous ground of insurance
07:13 so that at least when your child gets to 18,
07:17 there could be a package for them for college,
07:19 or for old age, or for those of us that are in our 60s.
07:24 When we turn 67, there's $5 million US for us
07:29 to do whatever we want to do.
07:30 You have six months to work that, five months to work that,
07:32 five weeks to work that out.
07:35 And so there's other ways in which you can start
07:38 by having insurance policies for your kids,
07:41 little inguazzo in a college fund, yada, yada.
07:43 That's not the lesson.
07:45 But if you are not doing that, Solomon
07:48 implies you that you are not a good person,
07:51 because you are a person who's consuming all that you have
07:53 today on yourself today.
07:55 And that's not good.
07:58 If you are consuming on yourself today for yourself,
08:00 you are not a good person.
08:02 Just look at the person next to you.
08:04 Ask them, say, are you a good person?
08:05 Are you a good person?
08:11 If you have not put the definition of the things
08:14 that you have said-- hey!
08:16 Shh!
08:18 If you have not put the definitions of the things
08:21 that I've said, of putting money away for your children,
08:23 your children's children, from the pulpit,
08:26 you are not a good person.
08:28 You've eaten the next generation's meat.
08:31 You've eaten their handful of salsa.
08:33 You've eaten their matchbox steak.
08:37 You've eaten their medical.
08:38 You've eaten their education, their college degree.
08:42 You've eaten their clothes.
08:43 You've eaten their bicycle.
08:45 You've eaten their Brazilian hair,
08:47 because instead of having one plat, you have 15 plats.
08:50 You can have one plat that's 15 weeks.
08:54 A plat, 15, one plat a week.
08:56 You're saving for your children coming.
08:59 Some of you are going to put your children
09:01 in schools like Falcon, Eagle, Secretary Bird, Fish Eagle
09:08 School, Hartman-- I don't want to say that name--
09:13 all those St. George's, all those schools.
09:15 You want to put your children there.
09:18 And then when you go to university,
09:20 when you put children through university, who's saved?
09:25 Raise your hand.
09:26 Who's saved?
09:26 You are saved.
09:27 Put up your hand.
09:28 The Lord is your Savior.
09:29 You are Christian, put up your hand.
09:31 That should be everybody.
09:33 OK, the rest of you, when I give an altar call,
09:35 I want you to come so I can pray for you.
09:37 If you are saved, put up your hand.
09:39 If you are saved with children, put up your hand.
09:42 You know, you think when you came to the altar,
09:44 you saw Jesus.
09:45 I'm telling you the truth.
09:47 When your children go to university,
09:49 you are going to see Jesus.
09:50 When your children go to university,
09:54 you are going to see Jesus.
09:56 You won't even be in a church, you have to say,
09:58 Jesus appeared to me.
09:59 You will see him on the Damascus road.
10:02 You are going to see flames.
10:04 So you start now.
10:14 It's a strategy.
10:16 You start with $1 a day from today, $1 a day from today.
10:23 That's $1,000-- $365 at the end of this year
10:29 for your children's future.
10:31 If you don't do that, you are not a good person.
10:34 I cannot have you serving in leadership in New Life
10:36 Governing Church if you are not a good person.
10:39 You shouldn't even be putting your name down
10:42 to be in politics if you are not a good person,
10:45 because you're going to eat everything from the mine
10:47 and not think about the children coming.
10:49 No.
10:50 There's going to be a group you hire from Sicily
10:53 to move all the precious metals to another place.
10:56 You know the Sicilians, amen.
10:57 We won't mention who they are.
10:59 The one had a stone in his shoe.
11:03 And so you are not a good person if you are not
11:08 putting an inheritance for your children
11:10 and your children's children.
11:14 Put your hand over your heart.
11:15 Say, Heavenly Father, it is my intention
11:20 to serve you with all my heart.
11:23 And it is your will that I empower generations to come.
11:28 In my view-- no, I'm telling you.
11:36 In my view, every individual, whether it's
11:40 government, in a company, in any place, that has stolen money,
11:46 that has impeded this country from going forward,
11:49 they should be put in prison.
11:52 What are you scared of?
11:53 It's the truth.
11:54 There should be a four-lane freeway
11:59 from Byte Bridge that should have been done years ago.
12:01 The money's been stolen.
12:03 For what?
12:03 For cars?
12:05 For a small house?
12:07 For a girl who can't afford a big dress
12:09 so she's wearing a belt? What kind of an investment is that?
12:18 For electricity, for water, for infrastructure, for a bridge,
12:23 for new dams, for investing in agriculture,
12:27 for a decent airline, for cargo planes moving our produce,
12:31 and the list goes on and on and on.
12:34 But right now, there's somebody stealing money
12:36 from this country, and they're killing the next generation.
12:39 We have thousands of Zimbabweans living now, today,
12:44 going to hard places in parts of the world
12:46 to work in semi-slavery conditions,
12:49 eating rubbish, because people are stealing money
12:52 from this country and robbing this country
12:55 of its rightful future.
12:57 And that's the African story.
13:00 African leaders have to wake up and invest
13:02 in the next generation.
13:05 If you are with me, put your hands together.
13:07 [APPLAUSE]
13:11 Do you know how many times individuals in our age group
13:18 have lost money in this country when we trusted them
13:22 to look after our money, and proud to have a $100 trillion
13:26 note, and don't apologize and give anything for people
13:30 that have lost everything?
13:31 Yet we start again, and we vote for the same people who
13:34 do the same thing to us again.
13:37 When are we going to say we need something different?
13:40 [APPLAUSE]
13:44 My concern-- my concern is the future.
13:49 We are losing hundreds of health workers.
13:54 We are going to be losing the best doctors already we have,
14:00 the best lawyers.
14:01 By the way, you can't go there.
14:02 There's a super glue on that chair,
14:04 and it's glued to the floor.
14:06 I mean, the guy from West End can go by himself
14:09 and enjoy the losing streak.
14:10 The best lawyers, doctors, nurses, teachers, artisans,
14:19 they are going in emerald-globe planes as engineers.
14:27 I can't even say it.
14:34 Whereas if we had it here, let's vote for the next generation.
14:39 Let's sacrifice Nazi.
14:41 We sacrifice today.
14:43 Mangwana we eat.
14:45 We plant today.
14:47 Tomorrow we eat.
14:49 We fix today.
14:50 Tomorrow we eat.
14:52 We sacrifice today.
14:54 Tomorrow we-- not a handful of people.
14:56 We all eat.
14:58 Don't your neighbors say we have to eat?
15:00 So they are taking to money, whoever they are.
15:10 The money is going to somebody, whoever they are.
15:13 That's supposed to go to somebody else, whoever they are.
15:17 And that money is supposed to go to the roads, wherever they are.
15:20 The roads have disappeared.
15:21 They have vanished.
15:22 The genie out of Aladdin came and said,
15:24 I'll give you three wishes.
15:26 Roads disappeared.
15:29 And when Aladdin tried to make a wish, roads come back.
15:32 He said, sorry, you have run out of wishes.
15:34 My point, the reason God puts a generation in the earth
15:46 is because he's trusting the current generation
15:49 to look after the one that he is investing in in the future.
15:54 He doesn't want Jacob to be a nomad like Abraham,
15:59 living in tents, looking for a place.
16:02 He doesn't want Isaac to be digging wells
16:05 that his father can dig because his father dug wells.
16:08 His father put down infrastructure.
16:10 The enemy came and closed the wells.
16:12 Isaac kept on digging wells because he
16:15 needed Jacob to find a wife, Rachel, at a well
16:19 so the foundation of the nation could be established.
16:24 And so one generation does infrastructure.
16:27 The next one takes it to the next level.
16:30 The next one then develops the economy
16:32 on the foundation of the infrastructure
16:34 that two generations have built.
16:39 And so it is important for us as New Life Covenant members.
16:43 You know, we have people, they leave for all kinds of reasons.
16:45 I've been around a few weeks.
16:46 I'm seeing members of our church.
16:48 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
16:49 It's OK.
16:50 Ciao.
16:50 See you.
16:51 But for those of us that are alive and remain,
16:56 we have to be resolute.
16:59 We are here to build a church that's going into infinity.
17:05 We are building something that the children in Sunday school
17:10 can be proud of to say our generations, the one before us,
17:15 made a sacrifice and built the solid foundation
17:19 of a ministry, not flaky, not corrupt, not insipid,
17:24 not sleeping on the job, not unreliable, not immoral,
17:29 not flaky, not pulling hats out of rabbits and rabbits
17:32 out of hats, not shooting elephants with rabbit guns
17:35 and rabbits with elephant guns, not promising and not
17:40 delivering, none of that, on building and transforming
17:45 people, transforming lives.
17:47 And it comes by strategy.
17:52 Right, let's go to the notes.
17:53 I've had my vent.
17:54 Slide number eight.
18:08 On the 28th of July, 1877, Nathan Rothschild
18:15 traveled to Frankfurt to attend the wedding of his son, Lionel,
18:20 who married Charlotte, his cousin.
18:24 Nathan was the richest man in the world.
18:28 While he was there, he had a bit of a back problem.
18:31 They saw it might have been some sort of a pimple.
18:34 And then from there, they determined it could be a boil.
18:38 And then the doctor lanced it with outsterilizing
18:42 the equipment because that practice had not
18:45 fully been discovered, full of germs and bacteria,
18:50 whatever the case might be.
18:52 And he died of a sickness called septicemia sepsis,
18:57 or poisoned blood.
19:00 But before he died, he had Nathan and the family,
19:05 with the trustees and the board members,
19:07 gathered Nathan together and Charlotte,
19:10 and said to them, this money, this money--
19:16 look at the year, 1877.
19:21 Nathan said, this money to Lionel,
19:25 this money is locked up for 100 years.
19:34 The interest on this money is going
19:37 to be available to serve the Rothschild purposes.
19:43 So who was born before 1977?
19:48 You were born before 1977.
19:50 Raise your hands.
19:51 Do you know that that money's investment had not yet
19:54 matured from 1877?
20:03 A 100-year strategic plan for that money.
20:08 At the 60th anniversary of the Kennedy Trust investment,
20:15 the interest on that money alone, at $300 million,
20:20 the interest alone could finance the lavish lifestyle
20:25 of every Kennedy.
20:27 I'll go to the next slide.
20:29 It will give you an idea.
20:32 Forbes puts out that the Kennedy Trust,
20:37 with 30 individuals involved, without interest
20:41 is $1.2 billion.
20:43 The Walmart combined, $152 billion.
20:59 So Sam Walmart is a pick and pay on horse steroids.
21:07 Galagata, and they're everywhere.
21:13 He drove an old truck.
21:15 He would walk into a Walmart with his cocky shorts,
21:18 his Rhodesian white farmer shoes.
21:21 You know those shoes that the white farmers used to wear?
21:23 I wonder where's those once in a while?
21:27 Felskuna, yeah, yeah.
21:29 And he'd walk into Walmart, and some of the people there
21:34 that were working there would ill-treat him, et cetera,
21:38 talk to the manager, and it's like, who's this old man?
21:40 Yes, 152 billion old man.
21:44 But when he started, all of his kids are multi-billionaires,
21:49 and they're putting it forward.
21:51 He started selling stuff on the ground as a street kid trader
21:54 and built a small grocery store, which went to this, this, this,
21:57 this, this, this, building for the future,
22:01 building for the future.
22:02 Not finding a bit of gold and sending it out of the country,
22:07 putting it in here and investing,
22:10 investing for the future.
22:12 Finding a diamond or two, putting it here and investing.
22:16 Not selling platinum for nothing, not giving it away
22:20 to people whose eyes don't need glasses
22:24 because they're already trying to see.
22:27 Putting it here.
22:28 Growing food, growing food to feed the Chimokopa kids.
22:34 Imagine building a world-class freeway to Chimokopa
22:38 with a huge station, power station,
22:44 that empowers the kids there.
22:46 We, our kids are the best in the world in everything.
22:50 What is our national worth?
22:56 What is our national worth?
22:58 What is our family, what is New Life Covenant Church's
23:02 national worth, total worth?
23:05 What is your individual worth?
23:08 What is it?
23:10 Don't eat it.
23:11 Push it to the future.
23:13 I'm going somewhere.
23:15 A generation is a people born that are living at the same time.
23:24 So a question for you.
23:26 I have a question for you.
23:28 Are you happy with your generation?
23:31 Are you happy?
23:33 If you're happy with your generation, can you stand
23:35 and give me three reasons why you are happy with this generation?
23:38 Okay, Deacon Diana, are you happy with this generation?
23:43 You are not.
23:45 Why? You live here.
23:46 You're from Kwekwe.
23:47 Kwekwe people are happy people.
23:51 Are you happy with this generation?
23:53 Auntie Alice, you are not happy.
23:54 You have been here for forever.
23:56 You read the news just after President Mugabe got the country from Noah.
24:02 My mother-in-law is here.
24:06 She'll be.
24:08 Are you happy with this generation?
24:09 You are the oldest of us here.
24:11 Are you happy?
24:12 You are happy.
24:14 Yeah, because you got a bowl and you got a piece of meat.
24:16 You are happy.
24:18 But you don't have to put children through school,
24:20 through university.
24:21 You don't have to.
24:23 You don't drive.
24:24 Somebody drives you around so you don't see the bottles.
24:26 Your eyes are fine.
24:28 You can see the future.
24:31 Is there anybody that's 18 years old?
24:34 Eighteen here.
24:35 Eighteen. Stand.
24:37 Eighteen. Are you happy?
24:42 She's smiling.
24:48 She must be happy.
24:49 She must be driving an expensive car.
24:51 Who is that?
24:54 And so what I'm trying to say is,
24:57 my question is, what is it going to take
25:03 to make 80% of the people happy in the Pareto principle?
25:11 They are 20% of the people happy.
25:14 They have 20% of the nation's money.
25:17 The 80% are not happy because the Pareto principle,
25:21 Dr. Ned in this case will agree,
25:24 that 20% of the people have 20% of the resource
25:27 and the money and the house and the cars
25:30 and the pizza and the petrol and the Range Rovers
25:33 and the Brazilian hair and whatever.
25:35 The 80% do not.
25:38 They do not.
25:41 So how do we make Zimbabweans happy?
25:46 How do we make Zimbabweans, Africans, Ghanaians,
25:49 Zambians, South Africans, how do we make them happy
25:54 so that they want to come back to Zimbabwe, that we love?
26:00 We love this country.
26:03 What is it going to take to make people come back
26:05 and remain at New Life Covenant Church,
26:08 besides having Kingdom Cathedral?
26:11 What is it going to take for your employees
26:14 to be satisfied with the salaries they get,
26:17 the working conditions they have to work in?
26:20 What is it going to take to get the border to be easy
26:23 for trade stuff to move back and forward?
26:27 What is it going to take for Zimbabwe to bring down the taxes
26:32 and inspire employment by creating companies?
26:38 What is it going to take to make this country business easy,
26:42 where companies thrive,
26:45 and the labor department is not brutal on the employees,
26:49 against employees?
26:52 I've discovered that you can be very nice to an employee
26:56 and do so much for an employee,
26:58 they'll go to the labor department and they'll crucify you,
27:01 not even rewarding you for the things you've done
27:04 for somebody that you thought you would help.
27:08 So what is it going to take for us to be happy?
27:11 We're not talking about do what you want to do, be frivolous.
27:14 No, we're talking about what is it going to take,
27:17 where Sheba said,
27:19 this country is a beautiful country,
27:21 the servants are happy.
27:23 The servants are happy.
27:25 Everyone is happy.
27:26 They serving well.
27:28 I'm so happy.
27:29 I want to take what I have here and take it there.
27:33 And so she got pregnant from King Solomon.
27:36 That pregnancy, of course, it was an affair that they had,
27:39 but the pregnancy was she received the seed of order,
27:43 the seed of success and took it back to Ethiopia.
27:47 And then years later to prove
27:49 that she had imported from Solomon what was right,
27:53 her minister of finance went to Jerusalem to worship
27:58 and Philip was sent to evangelize and speak to him
28:02 in the desert in a golden chariot.
28:05 Because it is possible for abnormality to be made normal.
28:10 It is possible for the next generation
28:13 and the current generation to be fixed.
28:16 David fixed his generation in a year when he became king.
28:20 We need leaders that are interested in the next generation.
28:30 So let's look at a few things.
28:32 12 minutes.
28:33 The Bible talks about the generations of the heavens.
28:37 Please put it up there.
28:39 Slide number 11, the generations of the heavens,
28:46 of the earth, of the human family,
28:48 of the called and chosen leaders, of choice vessels,
28:52 of philosophical idealistic and dogma and beliefs.
28:57 Generations of discovery, science,
28:59 inventions and innovation.
29:01 And these come into their maturation process.
29:07 Generations of ministry, generations of anointing,
29:10 theological and cultural generations.
29:13 They come in groups.
29:17 And then they serve their time waiting for the next one.
29:22 And we have to add on to the next one.
29:27 There's a company I know that was doing so very well.
29:32 And somehow the staff from management to the workers
29:36 had connived together to embezzle money from the company.
29:41 And they stole so much money from the company,
29:44 the owner had to file for bankruptcy.
29:46 And they all lost their jobs.
29:50 And after they'd lost their jobs, a year later,
29:52 they started trickling back, please help us with school fees
29:55 because their fees were being paid for.
29:59 They were being given a holiday year or there.
30:01 They were being given company cars and fuel.
30:04 Some of them were appreciated by getting the car,
30:08 but they'd never fix the cars
30:09 because the company was repairing the cars.
30:12 Some of the cars, one car came with four biscuits,
30:15 no spare wheels, four biscuits on the wheels.
30:18 Imagine four biscuits, no cup of tea.
30:24 (LAUGHTER)
30:26 And one group of selfish, embezzling fools
30:32 destroyed a generational company that was three generations old.
30:39 They stole it and killed it.
30:43 But the man now was freed from those people.
30:45 He started another one.
30:48 And some of them had the audacity to come ask for a job.
30:53 He sent them to the book of Job.
30:55 (LAUGHTER)
30:57 Let me close.
30:59 Psalm 90, verse 1.
31:05 "O Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations."
31:12 So from Granny Maria to Granny Sheila
31:16 to Granny Chi-Chi to Granny Eden, four generations.
31:21 From Gogo Matsika to Gogo Magi to Shingi
31:28 to the others, four generations.
31:33 There we go. I know it's there somewhere.
31:38 You must take those kids.
31:43 Give common something that will make us sleep for hours every day.
31:48 And you just sing to them, "Jesus loves you."
31:51 They can go to France, they can go to Normandy,
31:54 they can go to Burgundy, they can go all there.
31:57 Granny's voice for the generations will be in their ear.
32:00 For those of you grandparents whose children don't come to church
32:08 and you have them for the weekend,
32:10 don't just take the kids for pizza and give them Coke illegally.
32:14 (LAUGHTER)
32:17 Sing to the kids. Read the scriptures to the kids.
32:22 Put in them the love of God in their heart
32:27 to save the generations.
32:30 Imagine the sacrifice you have made as a Christian,
32:35 the sacrifice you have made as a believer,
32:38 the pain you have put into being where you are,
32:42 and it's now dead with the next generation.
32:46 Because of our iPhone, our iPad, our iComputer,
32:51 our i-whatever, i-intelligence, i...
32:56 We must commit to saving the next generation.
33:05 If you look what's happening in America, it's shocking,
33:09 where kids can just go into any shop
33:12 and take whatever they want whenever they want to,
33:15 and they won't go to jail.
33:17 If they steal $990 or less, they don't prosecute them.
33:25 So 10 of us can go, and we can each take $999 worth of stuff.
33:31 You are free to go. Carjacking's everywhere.
33:35 And what that does is that that's because of a generation before that
33:41 whose parents had a chance to be in church,
33:44 and God gifted them in the church.
33:47 You name the singers that made hits,
33:50 they all started in the church,
33:52 from Dolly Parton all the way to the Whitney's,
33:55 to Diana Ross's, Dean Walks, Tiana Warwick, Wanda, whatever.
34:01 All of them, all of them,
34:04 God gave them to the church and gifted them for the church.
34:08 They forgot the generations.
34:11 They crossed over, and as a result,
34:14 they took sons out of church
34:19 and gave them alcohol and drugs and guitars and gigs
34:25 and bling and lights and false money and cheap travel
34:32 and neglected their sons.
34:35 Their homes, there are no fathers in the homes.
34:39 There's no discipline in the homes.
34:42 There's no school in the prayer.
34:44 There's no prayer in the schools.
34:47 They took uniforms away from kids.
34:51 You let a child go to school with no uniform.
34:55 They must wear the uniform
34:58 because it's a way of instilling discipline.
35:01 Give me my hat.
35:06 Take off the flag.
35:08 You don't wear your hat like this in school.
35:12 These are the rude boys.
35:15 You wear your hat like this in school.
35:18 You pattern your pattern like this.
35:20 You polish your shoes.
35:22 And then park where you have to inspect your nails.
35:24 Open your mouth.
35:26 Examine your mouth and your sorry teeth.
35:29 If there's machacada in your teeth, they vula you.
35:34 The point.
35:36 They took all that out of the schools.
35:38 They took it out.
35:40 They took it out.
35:42 And we've developed a generation who don't listen.
35:45 They get offended easily.
35:47 You tell them to make their bed.
35:49 They leave home.
35:50 They go to an auntie who will say,
35:52 "Come, come, your mother.
35:54 Your mother was always a problem.
35:55 You know, no grumps, she was always a problem."
35:57 And then one week, the mother auntie says,
35:59 "Please, can you take your child back?
36:01 Your child is uncontrollable."
36:02 "Yeah, but you said I was a problem."
36:06 The child is fighting in school.
36:08 The child's trousers is here.
36:11 The child's trousers is here.
36:14 Yeah.
36:16 The underwear is here.
36:19 Those are the girls.
36:20 I won't even say what the boys are doing.
36:23 What happened to our generation?
36:26 We want it back.
36:28 We have too many teenagers in Zimbabwe
36:31 taking drugs, smoking banjee.
36:34 People growing it.
36:36 We want our generation back.
36:38 We want power back in the church.
36:41 We want God to show up and save teenagers.
36:46 I'm by my own in this church.
36:47 I'm preaching to myself.
36:49 I can't get an amen out of you people.
36:51 [applause]
37:01 We need a strategy.
37:04 So we're going to put the whole church on a 2,000-day fast.
37:08 [laughter]
37:20 It is the non-Christian nations that are saving their generations.
37:28 It's the Christian nations whose generations are going to hell in a hand basket.
37:33 In Japan, the devices on iPads and phones are locked to where the card switches off your device after 30 minutes.
37:44 And after so much time, it allows you another 30 minutes.
37:49 Because they know this thing is destroying the generations.
37:56 We have teachers teaching our children.
37:58 We don't even know what they're teaching.
38:02 We come home, we are tired, we've worked hard.
38:04 We don't spend time with the kids.
38:06 We don't pray with them.
38:07 We don't put value in the kids.
38:09 Someone else is raising your kids.
38:11 Some weird girl that slept with 1,001 Dalmatians is in the Combi giving your child a biology lesson.
38:24 And you think your child is good in bed.
38:26 She's got pillows there.
38:27 She jumped out of the window yesterday.
38:33 And so I need a commitment from this church to grow this one and save the next generation.
38:41 Let me finish.
38:43 I have three minutes.
38:48 Chi Chi wants to go to Nigeria.
38:50 I better hurry up.
38:55 Slide 19.
39:01 Killers of the future generations.
39:03 These are the killers.
39:05 Lack of vision.
39:08 Father, open our eyes to see.
39:14 Number two.
39:16 Lack of strategic planning.
39:19 What's the plan for your family for next year, for your children, your children's children?
39:23 And you have great-grandchildren.
39:25 What's your plan for your great-grandchildren?
39:29 Lack of investment into the future.
39:33 Lack of investment into the future.
39:35 I'm not talking about property only.
39:37 I'm talking about study and reading and becoming educated, knowledgeable.
39:47 Because somebody's gone to Australia doesn't mean you have to go.
39:55 Lack of investment into the future includes infrastructure, education, working capital,
40:00 credible, reliable real estate, living unrealistic, unsustainable lifestyles, this generation.
40:15 Unstable political and economic environments are killing our generations.
40:22 Unreasonable high taxation are killing our generations.
40:26 Little incentives to motivate entrepreneurship is killing our generations.
40:33 Money is too expensive.
40:36 It's killing business and our generations.
40:39 High levels of corruption that are never prosecuted and punished.
40:45 Someone has stolen from NASA, I don't even know his name, that's all I can say, from NASA, a whole lot of money.
40:53 And it's being celebrated.
40:59 How?
41:07 Abuse of national resources, including people.
41:13 We were all abused.
41:16 A month before elections, we were played.
41:25 Your houses were singing all the electricity lights, they're saying, "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine."
41:37 After Imbalo, Moses came and said, "There'll be light in Goshen, there'll be no light in the rest of Egypt."
41:54 There needs to be more preaching like this.
41:57 We need to tell the truth.
42:05 I'm blaming you, regardless of the fact that there's those challenges.
42:13 Don't put my face there when I say challenges.
42:21 That there are those challenges.
42:24 The Bible doesn't say a good man will live in the hands of his children's children, except if they are in these challenges.
42:32 In these challenges included.
42:35 You have to do it.
42:37 Turn to three people with sincerity, say you have to do it.
42:43 You have to do it.
42:45 You have to do it.
42:49 Stick with me.
42:51 [Music]
