10岁女童上课睡觉 老师惊揭虐童案!

  • last year
新闻报报看 | 柔佛丰盛港有一名10岁的华裔女童因为在课堂上睡觉,老师见状后就上前关心。也庆幸有老师的关心,这才揭发了这起虐童案!老师发现,女童不仅被父母要求当童工,在父母经营的餐馆工作到深夜,女童的两名弟妹同样也遭到了家人虐打!(主播:颜江瀚、洪欣仪)


00:00 If a student is sleepy in class,
00:04 the first impression is that the student is not interested in class.
00:09 It's a bad impression.
00:10 But sometimes, there may be another reason.
00:13 Like a 10-year-old Chinese girl in Rofofengshenggang.
00:17 She fell asleep in class.
00:20 The teacher didn't take the initiative to blame her,
00:23 but to care about her.
00:25 Fortunately, the teacher was concerned, so she revealed the case.
00:30 The girl was not only treated as a maid by her parents,
00:32 but also worked in a restaurant until late at night.
00:35 The teacher also found that the girl and her two siblings were abused by their families.
00:41 According to the Chinese newspaper,
00:42 the school released this case in June this year.
00:46 The girl in the fourth grade of primary school slept in class.
00:49 The teacher found that she was not only sick,
00:51 but also had signs of abuse.
00:54 When the school visited the family,
00:57 the school also gave parents a warning
00:59 to remind parents not to abuse and ask the girl to work.
01:03 But the parents still refused to listen.
01:06 The school later reported to the Ministry of Education and the police station.
01:09 When the abused girl was reported to the police station,
01:12 she also told the police that
01:14 in addition to her,
01:15 her brother in the third grade of primary school and her sister in the kindergarten
01:19 were also abused by their parents.
01:22 The report also said that the girl and her brother were sent to a nanny's home and were taken care of by the nanny.
01:27 But because the parents owed the nanny a fee,
01:29 the three people were taken home by their mother-in-law.
01:32 Until the parents returned to Fengshenggang during the epidemic,
01:35 the restaurant was opened, and their three siblings were taken home by their parents.
01:40 The source also said that the girl's parents ran the restaurant
01:43 without hiring other employees.
01:45 They let the three children work in the restaurant,
01:50 helping serve dishes, washing dishes, etc.
01:52 Can you imagine?
01:53 Three-year-old children have to work until 1 am
01:57 before they can go home to rest.
01:59 In addition, the cover title of the Guangming Daily also mentioned this cruel story.
02:04 Girls are often abused by their parents with a stick.
02:08 When the parents are tired of beating,
02:09 they will let the fifth-grade brothers continue to beat their sisters,
02:13 causing bruises on their backs.
02:16 And according to the children,
02:17 not only the parents who abused them,
02:19 but also their mother-in-law and uncle.
02:23 After the police and the Social Welfare Bureau
02:26 intervened in the investigation,
02:27 the three children were sent to the children's shelter in Penghengguandan.
02:31 Fengshenggang MP Yisra Huding
02:34 said during an interview with China Daily today
02:36 that he has been following up on this matter
02:38 and will find a guardian for the three children.
02:41 Fengshenggang Police Director Abdul Raza
02:43 also confirmed to China Daily that the police had arrested the girl's parents
02:46 and a boy for investigation,
02:50 and ordered the Children's Protection Law to investigate.
02:54 (Music)
