XVII Gala Wolontariatu w Śremie

  • last year
Gala Wolontariatu, która co roku odbywa się pod koniec listopada w Śremie, to wyjątkowe wydarzenie. To właśnie podczas tego wydarzenia bezinteresowna pomoc, dobre serce, zaangażowanie w rozmaite sprawy i to zupełnie za darmo są doceniane i wyróżniane.


00:00 The local volunteering center is a place for young people.
00:08 The local volunteering center is a place for young people.
00:13 That's why there are so many primary and secondary school students here.
00:18 They work hard all year long to reward the best students.
00:26 It's a huge effort for the students.
00:30 How can you reward someone who works hard?
00:34 There are so many people like that.
00:37 There are over 400 volunteers from the local volunteering center.
00:41 It's really hard to choose one, but someone has to be a volunteer this year.
00:46 It's really hard to hear you, but you had to choose one volunteer.
00:54 Who is the best student this year?
00:56 This year, the student from the Polytechnic School of the Great Polish Rebels in Śrem.
01:02 Her name is Dagmara Jankowiak.
01:05 She really impressed us.
01:09 She impressed us because she does so many things.
01:13 She devotes so much time.
01:15 We even wondered where she finds the time to study so well.
01:22 She's a great speaker.
01:25 Her application from the school volunteering center was a big success.
01:32 We chose Dagmara.
01:35 Dagmara was not the only one.
01:41 We have a few other people who are volunteers.
01:46 She's also an extraordinary person.
01:48 We have to add that the Roman Powers Association, our volunteer friend,
01:54 Marek Bychawski, the discovery of the year,
01:57 a young person with a lot of potential and experience,
02:02 also a great student.
02:04 Coming back to the Association,
02:06 Śnieżka, a brilliant initiative.
02:09 We really kept our breath.
02:12 We followed them on Facebook and other social media.
02:17 It was a huge success.
02:18 Let's not forget about the Creative Volunteer Club.
02:22 The school in Dolsk won this year.
02:26 Schools are similar in the way they organize the volunteering.
02:29 They only have the opportunities in schools.
02:33 Dolsk also encouraged us to have a lot of volunteers
02:39 who are doing volunteer work outside of schools.
02:43 We decided that this year we would like to invite this school to the center.
02:49 Szczególnie.
