Beberapa tahun setelah berhasil menyelamatkan diri dari kejadian mengerikan yang membuat mereka kehilangan ibu dan si bungsu Ian, Rini dan adik-adiknya, Toni dan Bondi, serta Bapak tinggal di rumah susun karena percaya tinggal di rumah susun aman jika terjadi sesuatu karena ada banyak orang.
Several years after they managed to save themselves from a terrible incident that made them lose their mother and youngest Ian, Rini and her younger siblings, Toni and Bondi, and their father lived in an apartment because they believed that living in an apartment was safe if something happened because there were so many people.
Several years after they managed to save themselves from a terrible incident that made them lose their mother and youngest Ian, Rini and her younger siblings, Toni and Bondi, and their father lived in an apartment because they believed that living in an apartment was safe if something happened because there were so many people.
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