My Daddy Dearest: Full Episode 22 (Stream Together)

  • last year
Daisy (Milkcah Nacion) is upset that her father and Camilla (Jolina Magdangal) do not get along, so she runs away from home and is nowhere to be found. Where could she be?


00:00 [music]
00:10 I think she's the perfect mom for you.
00:14 That's why Daddy Bong can't fight with her.
00:17 They need to be good. Daddy and Auntie Camila.
00:21 But she's still the father.
00:23 Whatever she says, that's what will happen.
00:26 Just apologize.
00:28 I'll find a way to stop that.
00:32 What they need is to be good.
00:35 That will work.
00:38 You!
00:39 I hope you understand me.
00:41 Sometimes I make mistakes.
00:42 It's hard to raise a child, especially when you're alone.
00:46 What's the story?
00:48 Ator and Auntie Camila told me that story.
00:52 [music]
00:55 Oh, you're Bong.
00:57 Camila's brother-in-law.
00:59 I'm Ator's defensor.
01:01 Camila's lawyer.
01:03 [music]
01:06 Camila, is this what I heard?
01:08 What my daughter said?
01:10 You filed a custody case against me?
01:13 No, Bong. I'll explain.
01:15 You're a liar.
01:16 You just fooled me.
01:18 I thought you were sincere in your prayers.
01:20 You'll get my daughter back?
01:22 No, Bong. Not like that.
01:23 Stop explaining.
01:25 Come here, Tacey.
01:27 Remember this.
01:28 You will never get my daughter back.
01:31 Give it to me.
01:32 [music]
01:41 I shouldn't have agreed to your plan
01:43 to have a fight with Camila.
01:46 She's so arrogant.
01:48 You know what?
01:49 They look alike, but they're not.
01:53 Sorry, Daddy. I didn't know that
01:57 Aunt Camila had such a plan.
02:00 Tacey, go to your room.
02:02 Go on.
02:03 [music]
02:07 Sir Bong, how did you talk to Camila?
02:11 She has a plan to get my daughter back.
02:16 She talked to the lawyer
02:17 to file a custody case against me.
02:21 I thought you two are getting back together.
02:24 That's what I thought.
02:26 She believed that she can reconcile with me.
02:30 But it's not true.
02:32 She believed me?
02:34 She just lied to me.
02:36 She's just looking for a way
02:38 to fight me.
02:40 Poor Tacey.
02:42 She's hoping that you two will get back together.
02:46 Dorks, tell that to the Marines.
02:49 We will never reconcile with Camila.
02:52 As in never.
02:54 As in never.
02:56 [music]
03:01 Stop it, Tacey.
03:03 Don't cry.
03:04 It's not your fault.
03:06 I just want to get back together with Daddy.
03:10 But because of me,
03:13 he's more upset
03:15 about Daddy and Camila fighting.
03:19 You know what?
03:20 You just did what you think is right.
03:23 That's all.
03:26 I don't know what to do.
03:31 I don't want anyone to fight because of me.
03:35 Especially,
03:37 because of Daddy and Camila.
03:41 What are you planning to do now?
03:43 [music]
03:48 Bong?
03:49 Bong!
03:52 Bong!
03:56 Bong!
04:00 Bong!
04:04 Bong!
04:09 Bong,
04:10 for the love of God, let me explain.
04:15 Hey, Dorks!
04:17 Sir?
04:17 Look after Tacey.
04:20 Camila might have a bad plan.
04:23 She might kidnap my daughter.
04:25 Yes, sir.
04:26 Can you not talk?
04:29 Let me explain.
04:31 First of all,
04:32 Traders are not allowed here.
04:36 But Bong...
04:38 Explain.
04:38 Okay.
04:39 How can you explain what you did to me?
04:43 That's how you are, girl.
04:44 You're so evil.
04:47 Yes, I admit--
04:48 [clears throat]
04:51 Do not enter.
04:54 Yes, I admit.
04:56 I took Tacey's custody.
05:00 I even talked to the attorney
05:01 to find out if I have a fight.
05:03 But...
05:04 But you know what, Bong?
05:06 When I talked to you in the church,
05:09 I saw how much you love her.
05:12 That's why I can't lose her to you.
05:18 Oh, I'm crying.
05:22 Girl, that's enough.
05:23 I saw her in the drama yesterday.
05:25 I will never believe your lies.
05:29 Sir, Bong!
05:30 Sir, Bong!
05:32 Tacey is not in her room.
05:34 She seems to have left.
05:35 What?
05:37 Sir, when I came in,
05:43 Tacey was not in her room.
05:45 I looked everywhere, but she's not here.
05:47 Where did she go?
05:48 I'm so worried that she might leave.
05:50 Wait, maybe she's playing outside.
05:53 No, Ma'am.
05:54 Tacey won't do that.
05:55 She won't let us in.
05:57 I think she really left.
06:00 She's so mean.
06:01 Because she didn't fulfill her promise
06:03 to you that you'll be together.
06:05 What's in her mind?
06:08 You're so mean, Bong.
06:10 You're such a bad father.
06:13 Tacey left.
06:14 You didn't notice?
06:16 You know that she's in my care.
06:19 This won't happen.
06:21 You're so mean.
06:22 She won't leave
06:24 if you won't get her back.
06:26 Maybe I'm involved in this.
06:27 You kidnapped her.
06:29 Kidnapped?
06:29 Do you know what you're saying?
06:31 You saw me, right?
06:33 I'm here.
06:34 How did I kidnap her?
06:35 Wait.
06:35 CJ, you must've done it.
06:37 Wait.
06:38 Sir, Ma'am.
06:39 Wait.
06:41 Don't fight.
06:43 Nothing will happen to us.
06:44 We should find the kid.
06:45 She's not far from here.
06:47 Excuse me, have you seen a kid?
06:58 This small and chubby?
07:00 No.
07:01 Okay, thank you.
07:03 Bong, did you find someone?
07:06 We should call Ador.
07:12 Sir Bong.
07:19 Hello, Ador.
07:21 Do you have news for Tacey?
07:23 Not yet, sir.
07:24 I asked the neighbors
07:26 but I can't find her.
07:28 I'll go to the barangay to ask for help.
07:31 Okay, thank you, Ador.
07:32 Okay, sir.
07:33 Sir Bong, Ma'am.
07:51 You look tired.
07:53 Do you want something to drink?
07:55 Water or juice?
07:57 I'll have water.
07:58 You, Camila?
08:00 Water, please.
08:01 Okay.
08:02 What's up, Ador?
08:04 What did the barangay say?
08:05 Can they help?
08:06 Yes, sir.
08:07 The captain talked to them.
08:09 He ordered his men
08:11 to start looking for Tacey.
08:13 It's already late.
08:16 It's dangerous.
08:19 I need to go back there
08:20 to find Tacey.
08:22 Don't, sir.
08:23 Let's wait here.
08:25 The captain will come here
08:26 if he has news about Tacey.
08:28 Ador, we can't rely on others.
08:31 I need to do that.
08:34 I can't stay quiet
08:35 until she's safe.
08:37 But, sir,
08:38 you're both tired.
08:40 You should rest.
08:41 I'm okay.
08:42 Even if I'm tired,
08:43 I'll do everything
08:44 to find Tacey.
08:45 What will you do, sir?
08:47 Anything.
08:48 Really?
08:49 What about you, Ma'am Camila?
08:51 Are you ready to do anything
08:53 to find Tacey?
08:55 Ador,
08:56 that's a stupid question.
08:57 Of course.
08:59 Even if you're going to greet Sir Bong,
09:01 and you're not going to file
09:06 a custody case against him.
09:08 Yes, yes.
09:11 Yes.
09:13 I'll do everything
09:15 to find Tacey.
09:16 Really?
09:17 Then, we'll not talk anymore.
09:19 You two should greet each other.
09:20 That's better.
09:21 Really?
09:24 You're going to greet each other?
09:26 Tacey.
09:27 Tacey, where are you going?
09:29 We're looking for you.
09:31 Tacey.
09:31 Ma'am Camila,
09:32 what's wrong?
09:33 Tacey, again.
09:38 Don't do that again.
09:40 Don't go away.
09:41 Huh?
09:42 I didn't go away.
09:44 They said--
09:45 Let's not talk about that kid.
09:47 You know, he's a bit tired.
09:48 What's important is
09:49 that Tacey is here.
09:50 You two should greet each other.
09:52 Right?
09:53 That's what's important, right, Tacey?
09:54 Right?
09:55 Right?
09:56 [laughs]
09:57 Are you aware of Camila's aunt?
10:06 I don't get it.
10:08 How can Daisy go away?
10:09 I was with the kids earlier.
10:11 Oh, Daisy.
10:15 Camila.
10:16 It's not their fault
10:18 that Daddy and Auntie Camila died.
10:20 You know,
10:22 even though I only know Auntie Camila,
10:25 I still feel so bad for her.
10:28 It's like she's my mommy.
10:33 And then she disappears.
10:36 It's like I'm going to lose my mommy again.
10:40 You know, Daisy,
10:46 you should stop crying.
10:49 You know what to do?
10:50 Go to your Auntie Jing first.
10:52 You two should talk.
10:55 But go to the back of the house.
10:57 Huh?
10:58 Why?
10:59 Don't ask.
11:01 I'll take care of your Daddy
11:03 and your Auntie Camila.
11:05 They're just thinking that Daisy's gone
11:09 while the fight between the two of them stopped.
11:12 And they're looking for the kid.
11:14 They're just jealous of Daisy.
11:17 In fairness to you,
11:18 you didn't do it right
11:21 but at least,
11:22 Sir Bong and Bestie are back together.
11:25 The three of them are happy again.
11:27 Even though we already did it
11:29 when Daisy left.
11:30 What?
11:32 We already did it?
11:34 I already told Jing
11:44 that she was wrong
11:46 about your driver's plan.
11:48 I already talked to Ador
11:50 and she apologized.
11:52 She just did it because
11:54 she wants us to get back together
11:56 and for Daisy's sake.
11:58 What else can we do?
12:01 Daisy knows that we're already together.
12:04 We can't fix it.
12:06 Daisy might leave us again.
12:09 I agree to let you see Daisy.
12:13 Just make sure you say goodbye.
12:17 In return,
12:19 I hope you'll keep your promise to Daisy
12:22 that you won't file a custody case
12:25 against me.
12:26 Deal?
12:27 I also want to prove
12:31 that you'll be a good mother to Daisy.
12:35 I want to see that.
12:37 Actually, I don't need to prove anything to you
12:39 or anyone.
12:40 But to ease your load,
12:43 don't worry.
12:44 I won't let my daughter go.
12:47 And can you please
12:49 avoid getting involved
12:51 in any trouble
12:53 so that Daisy can be happy?
12:56 Don't lecture me.
12:58 I know what I'm doing.
13:00 I just want to be sure.
13:02 I don't want what happened earlier to happen again.
13:05 Why do you sound like
13:07 you're being asked to do something?
13:09 Daddy, Auntie Camila,
13:12 did you fight?
13:14 No, no.
13:16 We're just bonding.
13:18 We're very close.
13:19 Really?
13:20 Go inside.
13:21 We're almost there.
13:23 I told you
13:37 Auntie Camila and Daddy Bong will be happy.
13:39 And now that they're friends again,
13:41 we can help them to be close.
13:45 Are you sure?
13:46 Auntie Camila will help Daddy
13:49 to get rid of the curse?
13:51 Why did you ask that?
13:53 Because, you know,
13:54 it's hard for us to be close to each other.
13:58 If not because the elders forced it,
14:02 they won't be able to be separated.
14:04 You know,
14:05 that's why they fought.
14:07 Because they both love each other.
14:09 The only thing that can remove the curse,
14:11 more than a girlfriend or a husband,
14:14 is someone who's truly concerned about you
14:17 and willing to be your mommy.
14:19 And I think,
14:20 Auntie Camila is that person.
14:22 What about you?
14:23 Do you have someone in mind
14:25 who can replace your mommy Rose?
14:27 Oh,
14:29 that's it.
14:31 Then let's help Auntie Camila
14:33 and Daddy Bong to be close.
14:35 Okay?
14:36 [intro music]
14:40 What's that?
14:48 Ticket to the concert in town.
14:51 Because my crush is playing.
14:54 I'll take you there later tonight.
14:56 I don't want to.
14:59 You know,
15:01 I think you're planning something for me.
15:05 You know, Jing,
15:07 I think I forgot
15:09 the last time that happened to us.
15:11 I was with you in your friend's house.
15:13 I don't remember.
15:15 I met Bong.
15:17 That's why I don't want to.
15:19 Oh, no.
15:20 Promise.
15:21 This is true.
15:22 As in, true love.
15:24 Because he might be mine.
15:26 Okay,
15:27 come with me.
15:29 It's a waste.
15:30 These two tickets I bought are a waste.
15:32 These are expensive.
15:33 Oh, you.
15:35 Do you mean
15:36 you're the one who spent all of that?
15:38 That guy is making a big deal out of you.
15:40 You know, you should be the one who's paying.
15:43 And one more thing, Mommy,
15:44 I'll be an OP there.
15:45 Oh, no.
15:46 You won't be an OP here.
15:49 Promise.
15:50 Because
15:51 I'll introduce you to their drummer.
15:53 He's handsome.
15:54 And he's single.
15:55 And ready to mingle.
15:57 I still don't want to.
15:59 I don't have time for guys like that.
16:01 I don't have time.
16:03 Look at all the things I'm doing
16:05 to protect this farm.
16:07 I don't want to.
16:10 That's enough.
16:11 That's enough of that.
16:12 Oh, no.
16:13 Stop it.
16:14 If I know,
16:16 you've been looking for your Prince Charming for a long time.
16:18 If you're not picky,
16:20 you've probably seen it for a long time.
16:22 You're still beautiful.
16:23 Don't waste your beauty.
16:25 You're still beautiful.
16:26 I'm beautiful?
16:32 Oh.
16:42 Daddy, I'm ready for your dress.
16:45 Why are you ready?
16:47 We're just going to your Aunt Camila's, right?
16:49 That's good for you.
16:52 You're more handsome.
16:54 My son is really a bully.
16:57 He's really handsome.
17:00 He can't be beautiful.
17:02 What are you doing?
17:14 Oh.
17:17 Mmm.
17:20 It smells so good, Daddy.
17:22 You're so naughty, Daisy.
17:24 I'm being nice to you.
17:26 You're planning something, right?
17:28 I want you to be fresh
17:31 when you visit Aunt Camila.
17:34 So, she'll like you.
17:37 So, the curse will be lifted.
17:40 Oh, Daisy.
17:42 We're just going to greet your Aunt Camila.
17:44 That's good for you.
17:46 Just be friends, okay?
17:48 Let's not be mean.
17:50 Let's be friends, okay?
17:52 Let's not make things difficult.
17:54 Oh, Sir Bong, Daisy.
18:01 Come here.
18:02 Sit down.
18:04 Jing,
18:06 where's Aunt Camila?
18:09 She went to the town.
18:12 She delivered, but she'll be back soon.
18:15 Your Aunt Camila is doing a lot of things.
18:17 Let's invite her next time.
18:19 Okay, my child.
18:20 But, Daddy, you promised
18:24 that we'll go out today with her.
18:27 Let's just wait for Aunt Camila, please.
18:30 Oh, there she is.
18:33 Hi, Daisy.
18:38 Aunt Camila,
18:39 can you come with us?
18:43 We're going to the park.
18:46 I want you to be with us.
18:48 Daisy, I'm really sorry.
18:51 I'm doing a lot of things.
18:54 Sorry.
18:55 My child, let's just go.
18:59 Adoram and I will go there.
19:02 Camila, I feel sorry for Daisy.
19:05 I'll take care of this.
19:07 I know what to deliver.
19:09 Really, Aunt Jing?
19:13 You're the best.
19:15 Aunt Camila, let's go.
19:17 Let's go.
19:19 Let's go.
19:22 Let's go.
19:24 [music playing]
19:26 [music playing]
19:28 [music playing]
19:30 [music playing]
19:36 [music playing]
19:38 [music playing]
19:41 [music playing]
19:44 [music playing]
19:47 [music playing]
19:49 [singing in Tagalog]
19:52 [singing in Tagalog]
19:54 [singing in Tagalog]
20:19 [singing in Tagalog]
20:22 [singing in Tagalog]
20:24 [singing in Tagalog]
20:35 [singing in Tagalog]
20:51 [singing in Tagalog]
20:53 [singing in Tagalog]
21:18 [music playing]
21:20 Come here.
21:25 You're tired from our walk.
21:27 Go and rest.
21:29 Come here.
21:31 Come here.
21:33 Come here.
21:35 Come here.
21:37 Okay.
21:39 Go and rest.
21:41 Aunt Camila, I'll help you.
21:43 Okay.
21:45 Go and rest, my child.
21:47 I'll just stay here.
21:49 [music playing]
21:52 [music playing]
21:55 [music playing]
21:58 [music playing]
22:00 [music playing]
22:29 Winnie,
22:31 is it possible that you're saying
22:33 that Camila is the answer to the curse?
22:37 I saw in her the quality of a good mother.
22:41 Kind,
22:42 mature,
22:43 and truly caring.
22:46 That's why I said, "Daddy Bo,
22:48 she's the perfect mother for Daisy."
22:51 But isn't that weird?
22:53 She's pregnant with my future husband.
22:56 Maybe you're just saying that
22:58 because she looks like Rose.
23:00 If you want to be sure,
23:02 why don't you get to know her?
23:04 I'll give you a chance until you're sure.
23:07 In the end,
23:08 you'll be the one to follow.
23:10 [music playing]
23:12 [music playing]
23:14 [music playing]
23:16 Ador,
23:17 Daisy is resting.
23:20 I'll go ahead.
23:22 Don't go ahead, ma'am.
23:23 I'll be here for dinner.
23:24 She cooked food for you.
23:27 I cooked special adobo.
23:32 Oh,
23:33 it looks like that.
23:35 But I really have to go ahead
23:37 because Jing and I will meet in town.
23:40 I can't refuse her
23:41 because she took my job earlier.
23:44 I'll go ahead.
23:45 It looks like you can't be forced.
23:48 Sir, why don't you go ahead?
23:51 I'll take care of Daisy.
23:52 I'll be the one to watch.
23:53 Oh, no, no, no.
23:54 I can do it.
23:56 I can go to town alone.
23:58 Thank you again.
24:00 Camila,
24:02 let me take you there
24:04 as a thank you
24:06 for what you did for Daisy.
24:09 [music playing]
24:20 I wish
24:22 I could find someone
24:24 who will love me.
24:26 Oh, they might date!
24:28 That's so exciting.
24:30 I hope they'll be close forever.
24:33 Bong,
24:34 I'm Ivy.
24:35 Yes, Ivy.
24:36 Bong's new wife.
24:38 Kind,
24:39 but brave.
24:41 She doesn't show off.
24:43 I wish he could find
24:44 a woman like that.
24:46 You're the only one I know
24:47 who's like that.
24:48 Really?
24:50 What do you know about Camila?
24:52 Could she be a threat to our plans?
24:54 Oh, no,
24:55 she doesn't have a boyfriend.
24:56 I can do it.
24:58 Daisy,
24:59 we're not going to steal.
25:01 We'll just see
25:02 if she has a secret.
25:04 Look at her.
25:06 [music playing]
