Salgono i giri verso Milan-Fiorentina

  • last year


00:00 [chatter]
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00:06 That was good.
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03:18 [chatter]
03:21 This is three.
03:23 This is four.
03:25 Are you ready Mike? Here we go, yes.
03:27 Hands, good. Good, feet.
03:29 Right foot, good.
03:31 Feet, pass, good.
03:33 Simple.
03:35 Last one.
03:37 Yes, touch.
03:39 Good. Tickle it.
03:43 Good.
03:45 Last one. Feet.
03:47 Touch. Nice.
03:49 Touch. Pass.
03:51 Simple.
03:53 Touch. Yes.
03:55 Tickle. Good.
03:57 Yes.
03:59 Touch. Relax. Good.
04:01 Breathe.
04:03 Feet, feet, feet.
04:05 Hands. Good.
04:07 Catch it. Catch the ball.
04:09 Last one. Feet, feet, feet.
04:11 Set. Good.
04:13 Glide.
04:15 Hands. Good. You're going to catch every ball.
04:17 Hands. Feet.
04:19 Yes. Good.
04:21 Feet, feet, feet.
04:27 Hands. Glide.
04:29 Glide. Hands. Good.
04:31 Feet. Hands.
04:33 Nice, Mike.
04:35 Calm. Hands. Good.
04:37 Relax. Stretch, please.
04:39 Keep up.
04:41 [indistinct chatter]
04:43 Feet, feet, feet. Push.
04:53 Good.
04:55 Hands. Glide. Touch.
04:59 Push. Simple.
05:01 Good.
05:03 Yes. Push. Yes, Mike.
05:09 Not too far. The first piece, Tony.
05:11 I don't want you going far. Huh?
05:13 It's not far anyway. No, for... Yes, just to collapse.
05:15 Yes, just collapse. Here we go. Hands.
05:17 Anywhere you want to go.
05:19 Yes. Hands.
05:23 Huh?
05:25 Yes.
05:27 Hands. Feet, feet, feet.
05:29 Push. Good.
05:31 Hands. One more.
05:37 Hands.
05:39 Feet, feet, feet.
05:41 That's all it is.
05:43 Yes. Hands.
05:45 Move your feet. Touch.
05:47 Move your feet. Push.
05:49 Good. Simple.
05:51 Move your feet, Mike.
05:53 It's all backhand topper. This is on this look.
05:55 Ba-bang.
05:57 Here we go. Little volley. Bang.
06:05 Volley. Yellow. Me.
06:07 Hands.
06:09 Hands. Touch. Feet.
06:11 Push. Easy. That's all it is.
06:13 I'm building you up, yeah?
06:15 Hands.
06:19 Red. Feet. Push.
06:21 Easy.
06:23 Feet.
06:25 Hands. Yellow. Bouncer. Yes.
06:27 Attack the ball. Good. Good.
06:33 You're going to save everything this morning.
06:35 Touch. Yes. Bouncer. Feet.
06:37 Easy. Easy.
06:39 Yellow.
06:43 Attack it. Yes.
06:45 Good.
06:47 Feet. Hands.
06:53 Touch.
06:55 Yep.
06:57 Yep. Bounce.
06:59 Easy. Good. Breathe, please.
07:01 Very good.
07:03 Hands.
07:05 Yes. Touch. Feet. Feet.
07:07 Good.
07:09 Yes. Touch. Feet. Push. Push. Push.
07:13 Easy. Easy.
07:15 Good.
07:17 Hands.
07:19 Touch.
07:21 One. Two. Good.
07:23 Good.
07:25 Whole crosses this morning. Feet.
07:29 Yes. One. Two.
07:31 Good.
07:33 Knee. Knee. Knee. Good.
07:35 One. Two. Good.
07:43 Good. Love it.
07:45 Set. One. Two.
07:49 Nice. Good.
07:51 Breather. Have a drink, please.
07:53 Feet. Feet. Feet. Touch.
07:55 Touch. Calm.
07:57 Good. Round.
07:59 Feet. Feet. Feet.
08:01 Through. Hands.
08:03 Good. Calm.
08:05 Round, Mike. Through. Through. Through.
08:07 Push, Mike. Push. Easy.
08:09 Recover, Mike. Recover. Back in. Now.
08:11 Yes. Touch.
08:13 Come a bit closer. Come a bit closer.
08:19 - You're a front-ball. - Come a bit closer.
08:21 Calm. Hit the goal.
08:23 Good. Feet.
08:25 Off. Good. Hands.
08:27 Yes. Hands. Good.
08:29 Back through. Back through.
08:31 Feet. Feet. Feet. Push.
08:33 Yes. Back into the goal.
08:35 Now, Mike. Yes.
08:37 Easy. Simple.
08:39 Walk round.
08:41 Hands. Hands. Hands.
08:43 Good. Feet. Recover. To me.
08:45 Push. Push. Push.
08:47 Easy. Back into the goal.
08:49 Now.
08:51 Easy. Superb.
08:53 I think the book...
08:55 My pass is on the...
08:57 Yeah, yeah.
08:59 Feet. Feet. Feet.
09:01 Nice. I like it. I like it. Calm. Calm.
09:03 Good touch. Punch. Good.
09:05 Good. Come on, Laphel. Come on, son.
09:07 That's one out of one. Hands.
09:09 Touch.
09:11 Yes, one more.
09:13 Feet. Feet. Feet.
09:15 Right. Right. Right.
09:17 He's still going through there, Laphel.
09:19 Now.
09:21 Good.
09:23 Still going through. Come on.
09:25 Right. Right.
09:27 Calm. Calm. Calm.
09:29 Hit the target. Accuracy.
09:31 Good. Touch.
09:33 Feet. Feet. Feet. Calm.
09:35 Relax. Hands. Good. Feet.
09:37 Here we go. Feet. Feet. Feet. Push. Push.
09:41 Yes. Beautiful. Back in.
09:43 Now.
09:45 Yes. Love that.
09:47 Hands.
09:49 Good. Feet. Feet. Feet.
09:51 Come on, then. Come on, then.
09:53 Feet. Feet. Feet. Push. Push. Push. Yes, mate.
09:55 Beautiful. Back in. Now.
09:57 Yes.
09:59 Voila.
10:01 Good.
10:03 (thud)
