WATCH: Black Friday Wishlist

  • last year
We spoke to some folks at the Essence Holiday Special and they told us what they REALLY want on sale for Black Friday. Their answers will surprise you.
00:00 When I hear Black Friday, I feel and think about discounts.
00:03 Discounts, discounts, discounts.
00:05 What can I get for $2?
00:07 (laughs)
00:09 - For Black Friday, can they put gas on sale?
00:14 Can they put groceries on sale?
00:16 I would love for regular, everyday stuff
00:17 to be like half price or 75% off
00:19 for everyday people to enjoy,
00:21 so they can have a break during the holidays.
00:23 Because nothing is going down, everything keeps going up.
00:26 So for the holidays, we need a break.
00:28 - Can we get rent decrease?
00:29 Like, can we get a discount on rent?
00:31 I think even buying houses,
00:33 like they need to like lower the prices on houses.
00:35 - My Black Friday should be,
00:37 yeah, a discount on these taxes.
00:42 California taxes is killing me.
00:46 Can y'all help me out, Essence?
00:47 - If I could have anything discounted on Black Friday,
00:51 it would be my mortgage,
00:52 because yesterday's price is not today's price, okay?
00:55 - Sell on toys, because I'm a mom of four.
00:58 - I would love to get some Hermes discounted.
01:00 If I could get anything discounted for Black Friday,
01:03 I would love to get Hermes,
01:05 because it never goes on sale,
01:07 and who doesn't want Hermes?
01:09 - What comes to mind when I hear Black Friday is sales.
01:12 Let me tell you something.
01:13 I plan my list in my notes from the top of the year.
01:18 Anything that is like not an immediate necessity,
01:23 it goes on the list.
01:24 - If I could have anything discounted for Black Friday,
01:27 what would it be?
01:29 - I would probably have homes for the homeless
01:33 discounted to zero,
01:35 to put people who have a story that none of us know about,
01:40 but think enough of them to place them somewhere safe.
01:43 (upbeat music)
01:46 (upbeat music)
01:48 [MUSIC]
