不取消Coldplay演唱会 法米:若违规立刻断电

  • last year
新闻报报看 | 历经一波三折后,英国摇滚乐团Coldplay演唱会今晚在大马终于如期开唱。虽然政府决定不取消演唱会,但通讯部长法米表示,演唱会将启动“紧急停止”措施,一旦发现Coldplay演唱会出现违反演出指南的表演,当局将立即切断电源,当场腰斩演唱会。(主播:蔡心慧、黄界錤)


00:00 The global tour concert of the UK rock band Coldplay has arrived in Jelanpur, India.
00:05 Tonight, or right now,
00:08 the concert will be held at the National Stadium in Jelanpur, India.
00:12 How enthusiastic are the fans of Coldplay?
00:15 Let's look at the cover of the magazine.
00:17 "Waiting till the dark in the day"
00:20 The concert will start at 8.30pm.
00:22 Some fans have been waiting in line since 9am.
00:28 Some even waited in line at the entrance since last night.
00:32 The concert is expected to have 75,000 people.
00:36 To ensure the public safety and order,
00:38 the police have also issued a large number of police force to strictly control the scene,
00:42 and remind the audience not to take any provocative actions during or after the concert.
00:48 This is Coldplay's first time to sing in Myanmar,
00:50 but the process is a three-fold wave.
00:53 Since the announcement of the Myanmar opening in May,
00:55 the Islamic State and other Islamic organizations have repeatedly asked to cancel the concert.
01:00 Even the religious office in the country's federal office
01:03 has accused the government of not meeting the demands of the Myanmar government
01:06 and has urged the public not to support the concert.
01:11 However, the government's position is also very tough.
01:13 Prime Minister Anwar Khan said yesterday that
01:15 Coldplay and Myanmar are both standing up for Palestine.
01:19 Why should they cancel their concert?
01:21 The Minister of Communications, Fahmy, also said that Coldplay's concert will not be canceled,
01:25 but will be held as scheduled.
01:27 Although the government has lit a green light for Coldplay's concert,
01:30 Fahmy said that
01:33 if there is any violation during the concert,
01:35 the emergency stop-and-go measures will be activated.
01:39 What are the emergency stop-and-go measures?
01:42 The police and local government authorities will send officials
01:45 to assist the concert tonight and monitor the scene.
01:49 Once Coldplay's concert violates the performance guidelines,
01:53 the authorities will immediately cut off power and cancel the concert.
01:57 Fahmy said that the Taiwan Performing Arts and Film Playing Center Committee
02:01 has already communicated with the organizer of the concert.
02:05 He is confident that the concert will not have any problems.
02:08 Fans of Coldplay's concert in Myanmar are naturally very excited.
02:13 But the Islamic State is not happy.
02:16 Islamic State MP Abdul Latif said at the meeting today
02:19 that Israel and Palestine are in a war,
02:22 and the Palestinians are being killed.
02:25 Therefore, Malaysia is not suitable for holding a concert at this time.
02:29 He believes that not only should Coldplay's concert be canceled,
02:32 but also the concert held by Bollywood stars in December
02:36 must be canceled.
02:38 He also said that the government has the responsibility to close all the doors of sin.
02:42 However, Minister of Communications Zhang Nianqun did not think so.
02:46 He responded to the meeting today
02:47 that the people of Myanmar have many ways to express their position against Palestine,
02:52 but they should not prevent fans from attending and enjoying the concert's personal freedom.
02:58 He said that this is like some of his colleagues
03:01 who can choose to resist McDonald's and Starbucks,
03:04 but they did not resist Mercedes, iPhone and Facebook.
03:08 Zhang Nianqun said that those who have bought tickets to attend the Coldplay concert tonight,
03:13 he hopes that these fans will enjoy the show.
03:17 And those who do not like or are not interested,
03:20 please do not interfere with the right to prevent others from attending the concert.
03:24 (Music)
