Vivek Ramaswamy Says He'll Deport All Undocumented Immigrants In U.S. Within 12 To 15 Months

  • last year
At a campaign event in Monticello, Iowa, Vivek Ramaswamy said that undocumented immigrants need to be deported from the U.S.
00:00 a clear answer for you right there.
00:01 Thank you.
00:02 Do you have a plan to remove the millions of illegals that are here in the cross the
00:11 border?
00:12 First of all, I want to say something, which is that has to be the correct answer to the
00:15 question.
00:16 If I'm a father in the White House with two sons, I can't look them in the eye and tell
00:21 them, in good faith, that you have to follow the rules when the government itself does
00:28 not follow its own rules.
00:31 So we know where these people are, actually.
00:33 They've given them five years or whatever to come back for their days.
00:37 But anybody who is in this country illegally must be returned to their country of origin.
00:43 And I believe we will be able to accomplish that with a focused effort in a matter of
00:47 12 to 15 months by the time we take over.
00:50 In the meantime, in the first three months, we'll have the border sealed.
00:53 Not another dime of federal aid to a Central American country unless they're taking back
00:59 the people who actually come back and build their own border security.
01:02 So use foreign aid as a lever to be able to do it, hold that back.
01:05 I don't think we should be giving aid to most of these countries anyway, but if we're giving
01:08 it to them, it might as well be to answer our own national self-interest.
01:12 Build that border wall, but not just the wall.
01:15 Use the military to seal both borders.
01:18 End federal funding for the sanctuary cities housing many of these illegal migrants who
01:22 are in this country illegally.
01:24 And then go one step further.
01:26 From January 20, 2025 onward, we will end birthright citizenship for the kids of illegal
01:34 migrants.
01:35 That's how you deal with this crisis.
01:37 That stands for the rule of law.
01:39 [applause]
