Roshni Sab Kay Liye - Topic: Ulama ki Zimmedarian - 21 Nov 2023 - ARY Qtv

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Roshni Sab Kay Liye

Topic: Ulama ki Zimmedarian || علما کی ذمہ داریاں

Host: Shaid Masroor

Guest: Mufti Sohail Raza Amjadi, Mufti Ahmed Muneer Noorani

#RoshniSabKayLiye #SpreadOfKnowledge #ARYQtv

A Live Program Carrying the Tag Line of Ary Qtv as Its Title and Covering a Vast Range of Topics Related to Islam with Support of Quran and Sunnah, The Core Purpose of Program Is to Gather Our Mainstream and Renowned Ulemas, Mufties and Scholars Under One Title, On One Time Slot, Making It Simple and Convenient for Our Viewers to Get Interacted with Ary Qtv Through This Platform.

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00:00 [Arabic]
00:14 [Arabic]
00:27 Ladies and gentlemen, Assalamu Alaikum. I am Shahid Masroor,
00:31 for the Roshni Sab program.
00:33 And the topic we are discussing today,
00:37 and the series of discussions that is going on this week in Roshni Sab,
00:43 the special thing about that series or topic is that
00:47 the people of knowledge, their importance,
00:51 and their services to society and religion,
00:55 are not just being described, but we are understanding them.
00:58 It is a very important thing that we understand
01:02 what is the role of religious scholars,
01:05 what is their service, what is their status.
01:09 In some matters, we have given great importance to the worldly knowledge
01:13 and worldly degrees.
01:16 Without knowing that the knowledge that is necessary for religion,
01:20 and the knowledge that is necessary for the hereafter,
01:25 the knowledge that teaches us to live and endure in this world,
01:27 the knowledge that teaches us to manage the hereafter.
01:29 Remember that the knowledge of religion is not only for the hereafter,
01:33 but it is to pass the world,
01:36 in which all the sciences are encompassed.
01:39 And it has been said that the death of a scholar is the death of a world.
01:44 Because that scholar has the knowledge of religion,
01:47 and he has the personality to whom the Qur'an has also
01:51 presented many arguments to explain their importance.
01:55 It has also been said that if you do not have knowledge,
01:59 if you do not know, then ask the scholars.
02:02 These scholars are not the ones who are roaming around with worldly degrees,
02:06 or are busy with their responsibilities.
02:09 These scholars are the ones who give you the best teachings of God's religion.
02:15 It is not our intention to just live in this world.
02:18 Our intention is to earn only two things,
02:21 that is, to earn livelihood and livelihood,
02:24 and not to spend that money in the world.
02:26 Our intention is that we earn,
02:29 so that we earn livelihood in the way in which religion has taught us.
02:33 If we spend it, then we should do it in the way that religion teaches us.
02:37 And we should keep our deeds, our livelihood, our livelihood,
02:41 our affairs, our activities, in the environment
02:45 that equips our hereafter.
02:48 That is why today we see in society that the people of knowledge,
02:55 the scholars of the Qur'an, the scholars of religion,
02:58 who spend a very long time of their lives to acquire the knowledge
03:02 with which they can benefit people,
03:06 with the knowledge of Allah's gift, the knowledge of religion.
03:09 Their honour in society should be more than those people
03:14 who are worldly.
03:16 It is okay to be worldly, we should take expertise in different matters.
03:21 And if one of us is a doctor, one of us is an engineer,
03:25 and he understands the teachings of religion,
03:27 then he will be more beneficial for people.
03:30 He will know that serving people, serving humanity,
03:33 is more important than earning money.
03:37 And in that is the blessing, in that is salvation,
03:40 and in that one gains life and honour.
03:43 Today's topic is the responsibilities of the scholars.
03:48 And to discuss this topic, please come with us,
03:51 your well-known, respected personalities,
03:54 with whom we learn in this program and in other programs.
03:58 The first personality is a scholar,
04:00 you are teaching the whole world, teaching the religion,
04:03 and teaching the Qur'an as well.
04:05 Respected Mufti Muhammad Suhail Azza Amjadi.
04:08 [Mufti Muhammad Suhail Azza Amjadi]
04:10 [Hassan Ilyas]
04:11 [Hassan Ilyas]
04:12 The second personality is with us,
04:14 he is a teacher, a preacher, a scholar,
04:17 and he is doing his duty of spreading the knowledge of religion to people.
04:21 As of today's topic, he is a religious scholar.
04:24 Respected Allama Ahmed Munir Noorani.
04:26 [Allama Ahmed Munir Noorani]
04:28 [Mufti Muhammad Suhail Azza Amjadi]
04:30 [Hassan Ilyas]
04:31 Respected Mufti Muhammad Suhail Azza Amjadi,
04:33 first of all, there is knowledge,
04:35 and knowledge, as I am saying,
04:37 the knowledge of the world is the same as that of the Qur'an,
04:40 which encompasses all knowledge.
04:42 Then there is the fear of God,
04:44 is there any difference between the two,
04:47 or is there a similarity, please state this.
04:50 And then one more thing,
04:52 how humble should the religious scholar be,
04:54 should he have mercy on God, please state that as well.
04:57 [Arabic]
05:08 See, knowledge is knowledge,
05:11 even if it is not a worldly knowledge,
05:15 knowledge is light,
05:17 knowledge is light, knowledge gives light.
05:20 That is, if someone studies different subjects in schools, colleges, universities,
05:29 that is also knowledge,
05:31 and it has benefits as well.
05:33 But it is important that,
05:36 in the course of that knowledge,
05:38 one should not turn away from religious education,
05:42 should not turn away from it.
05:44 At least, at least, one should acquire enough knowledge,
05:48 for example, I am a Muslim,
05:50 if I want to offer prayers,
05:52 then I should have knowledge of ablution,
05:54 knowledge of the obligatory prayers.
05:57 If I am a Muslim, if I work somewhere,
05:59 then what are the problems of the job,
06:01 the problems of employment,
06:03 at least, one should have knowledge of this.
06:05 If I do business,
06:07 then whatever I do business,
06:09 I should have knowledge of all the requirements in its surroundings.
06:13 At least, this much should be there.
06:15 And one should be able to read the Quran.
06:18 But now, remember here,
06:20 that the world is advanced by worldly knowledge,
06:24 but the knowledge that the hereafter advances with,
06:27 is religious knowledge.
06:29 It is the knowledge of the Quran and Hadith,
06:31 from which the hereafter advances.
06:33 The world is advanced, the hereafter is also advanced.
06:36 Okay?
06:37 Now, a difference has been created,
06:40 a few decades ago,
06:42 otherwise, earlier, this religious knowledge and worldly knowledge,
06:45 there was no difference in it.
06:47 The knowledge of religion is for the world only.
06:49 Yes, yes.
06:50 So, this was not the difference,
06:52 this came later and under a conspiracy,
06:54 a difference was created.
06:55 And today, we are in the circle of worldly and religious knowledge,
06:58 otherwise, all knowledge is religious.
07:00 Okay?
07:01 Now, let me say one thing here,
07:03 that you said,
07:05 that there is a scholar,
07:07 in him, how much should be the God-fearing?
07:10 I say,
07:12 that the first adornment of the knowledge of God,
07:16 is knowledge.
07:17 Right.
07:18 Okay?
07:19 Knowledge is that thing,
07:21 that what is the greatness and greatness of Allah,
07:25 what is his majesty and glory,
07:28 what is his power and his power,
07:31 it is known through knowledge.
07:33 Right.
07:34 Then, along with this,
07:35 I should also say that,
07:36 the greater the scholar,
07:38 the more he will be familiar with the greatness of Allah.
07:43 Otherwise, he cannot be familiar.
07:45 Let me give you an example of this,
07:47 that there is a child,
07:49 you give him a pencil,
07:51 a pen,
07:52 he will take everything in his mouth.
07:54 Right?
07:55 Or, in the same way,
07:56 give him a small snake,
07:57 he does not know,
07:58 he will take it in his mouth.
07:59 The elders have explained this.
08:01 But, the elder will never do this.
08:03 Because, he knows,
08:04 that with a pencil and pen,
08:06 it is written,
08:08 and if I hold the snake,
08:10 it will bite it.
08:12 And, to the extent that,
08:13 now see,
08:14 a person does not know,
08:16 what a lion is.
08:18 Who is afraid of a lion?
08:20 The one who is afraid of a lion,
08:21 is the one who knows that he will not leave it.
08:23 Right.
08:24 It has so much power,
08:25 so much.
08:26 Let me give you an example.
08:27 Someone asked Allah's father,
08:30 that, Huzoor,
08:31 women are commanded to cover their bodies,
08:34 it is a Shariah commandment.
08:36 But, what is the matter,
08:37 that in the state of Ihram,
08:39 the face cannot be covered.
08:42 So, that Allah's father said a very beautiful thing.
08:44 He said,
08:45 tell me this,
08:46 tell me this,
08:47 that if a lion has a child in its lap,
08:50 then can it think of hunting?
08:52 What a thing, sir.
08:53 SubhanAllah.
08:54 It can never think,
08:55 these are Allah's creation.
08:56 It is His creation.
08:57 So, who has the courage,
08:58 to look at them?
09:00 This is Allah's Haram.
09:01 And, this is the case,
09:02 this is the case.
09:03 Yes, yes,
09:04 this is the case.
09:05 So, the greater the scholar,
09:07 this is why the Quran says,
09:09 Quran defines two things here.
09:12 Number one,
09:13 just like darkness and light cannot be equal,
09:18 "Hal yastawil zulumatu wal noor"
09:20 cannot be, right?
09:21 "Hal yastawil a'ma wal baseer"
09:23 neither the eye nor the nose can be equal.
09:25 No.
09:26 "Hal yastawil ladheena ya'lamoona wal ladheena la ya'lamoon"
09:29 So, can the knowledgeable and the ignorant be equal?
09:31 No, they cannot be.
09:32 They cannot be.
09:33 "Innama yakhshallaha min 'ibadihi al 'ulama"
09:37 This is why it is said,
09:38 that the scholars among the people,
09:41 they are the ones who fear Allah more than Allah.
09:44 They fear Allah more than Allah.
09:46 Now, here I will say this,
09:48 that what Baba Fariduddin Attaar Ali Rahman said,
09:51 he says,
09:52 this is a very beautiful thing,
09:54 "Chu shamma aspa'i ilm bayat gudakht"
09:57 "Bi ilm na tawa khuda rashanaas"
10:00 "Bi ilm" means that one cannot recognize Allah.
10:02 One cannot recognize Allah.
10:04 "Khuda rashanaas hota hu hi hai jo ilm wala ho"
10:07 Now, if one is knowledgeable,
10:09 and his knowledge did not teach him to recognize Allah,
10:13 did not teach him to fear Allah,
10:15 then I am saying a very heavy thing,
10:17 then it means that he is not a scholar.
10:20 He is ignorant.
10:21 An ignorant scholar is not a scholar.
10:23 I will come to the Hadeeth-e-Pak.
10:25 Huzoor (aba) said,
10:28 that those people among the scholars,
10:31 whose words do not benefit anyone,
10:34 or who are knowledgeable,
10:37 but do not practice,
10:38 then he is ignorant.
10:40 Call him ignorant,
10:42 but do not call him a scholar.
10:43 He did not understand the knowledge,
10:45 he did not know the knowledge.
10:47 That is why he said,
10:49 "Kun aliman, aw muta'aliman,
10:52 aw mustami'an, aw muhibban"
10:55 He said four things.
10:58 Either become a scholar,
11:00 or become a student.
11:02 If he cannot become a scholar,
11:04 then become a student.
11:06 If he cannot become a student,
11:08 then at least sit in the court of a scholar,
11:10 and listen to his words.
11:12 If he cannot do this,
11:14 then become a lover.
11:16 "Fala takun khamisan"
11:18 Do not become the fifth thing.
11:20 [Hassan] MashaAllah,
11:22 Respected Allama Ahmad Muneer Noorani
11:24 Sahab, please be seated.
11:26 We will discuss this topic with him.
11:28 As respected Mufti Suhail Azam Jadid Sahab said,
11:32 that knowledge takes man towards God-knowing.
11:38 If a person,
11:40 who has started to be called the world's knowledge,
11:42 he also progresses a lot in that.
11:44 And when he looks at the mirror,
11:46 when he looks at the stars,
11:48 when he tries to go to the moon,
11:50 then he recognizes Allah.
11:52 He recognizes the fear of Allah.
11:54 The scenes of Allah's power
11:56 come in front of him.
11:58 So, whatever the stage of knowledge,
12:00 it is the knowledge of Allah.
12:02 He comes after a break.
12:04 Stay with us.
12:06 Ladies and gentlemen,
12:08 once again for Roshni,
12:10 I am your host, Shahid Masroor.
12:12 Today's topic is the responsibilities of scholars.
12:14 On the responsibilities of scholars,
12:16 which we have learned from the
12:18 respected Mufti Suhail Azam Jadid Sahab
12:20 After this, the stage is that
12:22 a scholar,
12:24 who is a scholar by practice,
12:26 his whole life is a journey,
12:28 he is a follower of the teachings of knowledge,
12:30 and practically also.
12:32 So, now the different aspects of his life,
12:34 it is very important to understand them also.
12:36 And I would like to know from you,
12:38 respected Allama Ahmed Munir Noorani,
12:40 that the sleep of a scholar,
12:42 that is, sleeping is also called worship.
12:44 Please give us your opinion on this.
12:46 In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
12:48 Allahumma Salli wa Sallim wa Barik daiman abada
12:50 'ala Habibi ka khairil khalqe kulli 'ameen.
12:52 Shahid, the thing is that
12:54 Allah has created a system.
12:56 Some people are those who
12:58 only benefit their own self.
13:00 And some people are those
13:02 whose benefit reaches Allah's creation.
13:04 So, the existence from which Allah's creation
13:06 benefits, that existence is
13:08 in the court of Allah.
13:10 And Allah's creation is
13:12 the one who has created the universe.
13:14 That existence is very
13:16 beautiful in the court of Allah.
13:18 So, the existence of scholars
13:20 benefits the creation of God.
13:22 And the creation of God does not
13:24 only benefit the world, but
13:26 benefits the religion.
13:28 That the religion of people is
13:30 protected by the existence of scholars.
13:32 People learn religion, people learn the Quran,
13:34 people learn Hadith, people learn the way of prayer
13:36 from the existence of scholars.
13:38 So, the class of scholars
13:40 is very acceptable in the court of Allah.
13:42 It is the same as the verses of
13:44 the Holy Quran which
13:46 were recited by the scholars.
13:48 Similarly, in Hadith, the Prophet
13:50 also mentioned the excellence of scholars.
13:52 And said, "may you be good in religion."
13:54 Allah grants the one who
13:56 wants goodness in religion.
13:58 Meaning, in religion, everyone does not
14:00 get jurisprudence and understanding.
14:02 Only those get it whose Allah
14:04 wants goodness. And whose Allah wants goodness,
14:06 what is the glory of that?
14:08 And the more Allah wants goodness, the more
14:10 He grants it. The more knowledge
14:12 increases, the more glory.
14:14 So, the need of the religious scholar,
14:16 because the existence of the religious scholar
14:18 is for the creation of God.
14:20 And the existence of God
14:22 benefits the creation of God.
14:24 So, the need of the religious scholar
14:26 is also, see,
14:28 the work of a believer
14:30 depends on his intention.
14:32 The better the intention, the better the work.
14:34 If a scholar is sleeping because
14:36 he wants to sleep and
14:38 give comfort to the soul,
14:40 and then in the morning, he wants to
14:42 guide the creation of God.
14:44 So, sleep is also worship.
14:46 And in this regard, Imam Ghazali
14:48 has quoted in Ahya Ul-Uloom,
14:50 he says, "The sleep of a scholar
14:52 is worship, and his breath
14:54 is like dhikr."
14:56 A person is doing dhikr, and the religious scholar
14:58 is breathing. So, just like the one
15:00 who is doing dhikr is getting reward,
15:02 the religious scholar is getting reward
15:04 for breathing.
15:06 It is the cause of mercy and blessing.
15:08 It is the cause of the protection of religion.
15:10 And Imam Abu Nu'aym Asfahani
15:12 has quoted a hadith
15:14 in this regard,
15:16 that it is in the narrations of Hazrat Salman Farsi
15:18 that the Prophet (pbuh) said,
15:20 "The sleep of a scholar
15:22 is better than the prayer of an ignorant."
15:24 He said, "The sleep of a scholar
15:26 is better than the prayer of an ignorant."
15:28 You can understand it in this way
15:30 that an ignorant person is praying,
15:32 the religious scholar is sleeping,
15:34 with a good intention,
15:36 and it is better for him to sleep,
15:38 because the existence of a scholar
15:40 is the guarantee of the protection
15:42 of religion.
15:44 - There is a very important point here.
15:46 I apologize for being late.
15:48 You said that an ignorant person should pray.
15:50 It means that the one who has not understood
15:52 the meaning of prayer,
15:54 some people say that you are hitting the wall.
15:56 First learn the meaning of prayer.
15:58 - As a Muslim, some knowledge is obligatory on us.
16:00 Especially, the secularism of today's time
16:02 is that we are studying the prayer.
16:04 We do not know the conditions of prayer,
16:06 nor do we know the obligations.
16:08 We do not know which mistake
16:10 we will make and the prayer will be broken.
16:12 Which mistake we will make and the prostration
16:14 is obligatory. Which mistake we will make
16:16 and the prostration is not required.
16:18 Some people, if the ablution breaks
16:20 during prayer, they think that the prayer
16:22 is over. This also happens.
16:24 - So, first learn the meaning of prayer.
16:26 - Yes, these are the basic things.
16:28 The issues of Haraam, Halal,
16:30 Salah, Wudhu, fasting, as you were saying,
16:32 you are doing a job.
16:34 The basic issues of that are obligatory
16:36 on every Muslim.
16:38 A person who is not familiar with
16:40 Salah, who does not even know
16:42 how to perform Wudhu,
16:44 his Salah is better than the world of religion.
16:46 And the scholars are those.
16:48 Look, Allah's creation
16:50 benefits from them. That is why Miraka said
16:52 that the creation of the world
16:54 prays for the scholars.
16:56 The fish of the sea pray for the scholars.
16:58 And the scholars,
17:00 the Prophet (pbuh)
17:02 declared them as his heirs.
17:04 They are the heirs of the prophets.
17:06 And why are the scholars the heirs of the prophets?
17:08 The Prophet (pbuh) himself said that the inheritance
17:10 of the prophets is not the wealth and the riches.
17:12 The inheritance of the prophets is knowledge.
17:14 And the scholars take the inheritance of the prophets.
17:16 So, the scholars, their actions,
17:18 their activities in the worldly matters,
17:20 their activities in the religious matters,
17:22 if they have good intentions
17:24 and good intentions,
17:26 then the way sleep becomes their worship,
17:28 these matters also become their worship.
17:30 As far as, as far as,
17:32 a man sacrifices his life
17:34 on the path of Allah
17:36 and attains the rank of martyrdom,
17:38 the world of religion, for the guidance of the creation,
17:40 for good intentions,
17:42 is writing with the ink of his pen.
17:44 So, the ink of his pen is better than the blood of the martyr.
17:46 [Hassan] What a thing, Mashallah.
17:48 Okay, sir, the scholars,
17:50 they are role models for people.
17:52 They are ideal.
17:54 And we should understand this thing
17:56 that the people of Allah,
17:58 they are our ideals.
18:00 We should tell the children
18:02 what is the meaning of ideal and what should be ideal.
18:04 A person who sings and dances
18:06 or in other matters,
18:08 in the worldly matters,
18:10 he cannot be ideal.
18:12 The successful people of the world are those
18:14 who have taken care of their end.
18:16 So, now the scholars, who are role models,
18:18 what should be their attitude
18:20 with each other,
18:22 what should be their opinion about the world,
18:24 and what are its practical examples?
18:26 [Ghamidi] See, I would like to say a few things.
18:32 Kabila Allama Sahib spoke in a very beautiful way.
18:36 The bigger the designation of a person,
18:38 the more his responsibilities are.
18:42 [Hassan] That is true.
18:44 [Ghamidi] An institution's peon does not have that responsibility
18:48 that an HOD or a senior person of an institution has.
18:52 [Hassan] The person who is senior does not have that responsibility.
18:54 [Ghamidi] Yes, that person does not have that responsibility.
18:56 There are responsibilities of a degree.
18:58 [Hassan] Responsibilities increase with the designation.
19:00 Even if the work is less,
19:02 the responsibilities increase.
19:04 [Ghamidi] Now, if you get a designation
19:06 and do not fulfill your responsibilities,
19:08 then it is not possible.
19:10 [Hassan] What a thing!
19:12 [Ghamidi] Now, I would like to say here
19:14 that there are ideal scholars for people.
19:16 And there should be.
19:18 But the religious sect should also
19:20 fulfill its responsibilities
19:22 with ease and with good qualities.
19:24 I will give an example.
19:26 Smoking is not a sin,
19:28 God forbid.
19:30 It should not be done.
19:32 But it is not an illegal act.
19:34 [Hassan] It is a little bad for the society.
19:36 [Ghamidi] Yes, but if you are smoking
19:38 in the street,
19:40 then you are not doing it
19:42 with a good intention.
19:44 If you are smoking in the street,
19:46 no one will say anything to you.
19:48 But if someone sees the Imam of a neighborhood,
19:50 it is not a sin.
19:52 He will stop praying behind him.
19:54 Now you will say,
19:56 this is not a sin.
19:58 But no, your position does not allow
20:00 this.
20:02 [Hassan] You will stand in the middle of the road.
20:04 [Ghamidi] Yes, you will stand in the middle of the road.
20:06 Or you will stand near a stick and
20:08 say that the Imam is eating.
20:10 Although, God forbid,
20:12 but there is a line,
20:14 that line should be clear.
20:16 [Hassan] Similarly, in conversation,
20:18 if someone says something,
20:20 people do not care.
20:22 But if someone says something
20:24 in the language of a religious scholar,
20:26 or God forbid,
20:28 if someone says something
20:30 in an unknown language,
20:32 which is not polite,
20:34 then the next person does not accept it.
20:36 He says, this is a religious scholar.
20:38 So what does this mean?
20:40 [Ghamidi] This should be kept in mind.
20:42 And it is.
20:44 Actually, the matter here is wrong.
20:46 You read the discoveries of the same sect.
20:48 It is written in it
20:50 that in Muslims,
20:52 fake religious scholars
20:54 should be created.
20:56 Someone said,
20:58 there are other things in it.
21:00 Someone said, what harm will this do?
21:02 When fake religious scholars
21:04 are created,
21:06 and they try to play their role in society,
21:08 [Hassan] Those who have less knowledge.
21:10 [Ghamidi] Those who have no knowledge.
21:12 Whether they have less knowledge or not.
21:14 But they have become scholars.
21:16 And there is no one to question them on social media.
21:18 There is no check and balance.
21:20 Whatever they say, they are scholars.
21:22 People will say that they are scholars.
21:24 And their role will not be scholarly.
21:26 What will happen?
21:28 People will not be far from it.
21:30 People will raise their fingers
21:32 on all religious sects and will go away.
21:34 So the matter here is wrong.
21:36 The thing is, the scholars
21:38 I have picked up the shoes of many scholars.
21:40 In the court of my teachers.
21:42 I have found them
21:44 to be highly moral.
21:46 [Hassan] Right.
21:48 [Ghamidi] I mean, I can name many people here.
21:50 And I am telling you the truth
21:52 that I pick up the shoes of my teachers
21:54 and Allah gives me high status.
21:56 [Hassan] Sir, I will say one thing.
21:58 I have been among the scholars for a long time.
22:00 I am a very sinful,
22:02 a common man.
22:04 But you are believing that
22:06 the respect and respect in my heart
22:08 which was born. Why?
22:10 Sometimes I think how much knowledge
22:12 they have.
22:14 We are nothing in front of them.
22:16 So much knowledge they have.
22:18 And they have religious knowledge.
22:20 So they are respectable people.
22:22 So when you sit in a company,
22:24 as you said, if you are not a scholar,
22:26 not a student, and you love.
22:28 You sit in a company.
22:30 So you know that the people
22:32 who are teaching and
22:34 what is their status.
22:36 [Ghamidi] Sometimes you don't get that knowledge
22:38 from books.
22:40 Which you get from the company of a religious scholar.
22:42 And you get it by picking up his shoes.
22:44 I am telling you the truth.
22:46 You get it by his blessings.
22:48 [Hassan] The sitting and standing.
22:50 [Ghamidi] I will say this to the public.
22:52 I will say this for the common people.
22:54 For God's sake, the true scholars
22:56 should sit in their company.
22:58 Someone said that
23:00 I go on Friday.
23:02 And the scholars,
23:04 Imam Sahib does not tell me
23:06 the things that I tell him.
23:08 I asked him when do you go?
23:10 He said when the sermon is ending.
23:12 So when you listen to his speech,
23:14 you will know.
23:16 Now I will give you some examples.
23:18 Scholars are examples for other scholars.
23:20 One thing is that
23:22 the senior class of a scholar
23:24 who has spent his life.
23:26 A scholar who is young.
23:28 He should be respected
23:30 in every situation.
23:32 And the senior scholars
23:34 should be appreciated
23:36 by their juniors.
23:38 They should be appreciated.
23:40 This will be very blessing.
23:42 And Alhamdulillah,
23:44 teachers do this.
23:46 Today it is their encouragement
23:48 that we are sitting here.
23:50 Otherwise, what is our job?
23:52 This is the way of Aslaaf.
23:54 You see,
23:56 when we go to the court
23:58 of Imam Jafar Sadiq
24:00 or Imam Baqir,
24:02 although the knowledge
24:04 of Imam Azam was not that much,
24:06 but when we go to his court,
24:08 he is the imam of Ahlul Bayt.
24:10 When we go to his court,
24:12 we sit like this and say
24:14 that you are from the family
24:16 of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
24:18 so I will sit like a student
24:20 and your position is like a teacher.
24:22 What a thing!
24:24 Imam Shafi'i was the student
24:26 of Imam Malik and Imam Muhammad.
24:28 And Imam Muhammad was the student
24:30 of Imam Azam and Imam Nifa.
24:32 In the same way,
24:34 Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal was the student
24:36 of Imam Shafi'i.
24:38 When Imam Shafi'i came on the ride,
24:40 Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal,
24:42 who is such a great imam,
24:44 if I want to talk,
24:46 this hour will pass like this.
24:48 He is a great imam.
24:50 He used to hold the rickab of
24:52 the people of the world.
24:54 Someone asked his son,
24:56 Muhammad Saleh,
24:58 why do you do like this?
25:00 He replied,
25:02 if you want to become a scholar,
25:04 then come and hold the second rickab
25:06 of Imam Shafi'i.
25:08 Allah will make you a scholar.
25:10 He will make you a better scholar.
25:12 In the same way,
25:14 Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal said
25:16 that I have been praying for
25:18 Imam Shafi'i for 30 years
25:20 and there is no greater imam than him.
25:22 Both of them are imams.
25:24 You can see how they are
25:26 getting along with each other.
25:28 Imam Azam Abu Hanifa saw Imam Malik
25:30 when he was a child.
25:32 He said that the knowledge
25:34 that is scattered in Madinah,
25:36 this child will gather it when he grows up.
25:38 Once when he came to his gathering,
25:40 Imam Azam Abu Hanifa's position
25:42 is very high,
25:44 but two people came to his gathering
25:46 and sat down.
25:48 Imam Malik respected him so much
25:50 that after his departure,
25:52 someone asked him,
25:54 he said that if a stone is called gold,
25:56 then it will prove it.
25:58 Subhan Allah.
26:00 This is such a beautiful conversation
26:02 and Waqf-e-Azam is present in the middle.
26:04 Thank you for all.
26:06 Today's topic is the responsibilities
26:08 of the scholars.
26:10 In this regard,
26:12 we have received answers
26:14 to different questions.
26:16 Now,
26:18 another important question arises
26:20 that with time,
26:22 according to the needs of time,
26:24 in this modern era,
26:26 there are many problems.
26:28 We should also understand
26:30 that in the modern era
26:32 and the problems of the modern era,
26:34 what can the scholars do
26:36 to solve them,
26:38 what steps can they take
26:40 and what responsibilities do they have?
26:42 So that those people
26:44 who do not understand religious knowledge
26:46 with the problems of the present era
26:48 and the present era,
26:50 they should understand
26:52 that the new problems,
26:54 for them,
26:56 the responsibilities of the scholars
26:58 for their time and solution,
27:00 what are they?
27:02 In the name of Allah,
27:04 I will start from where
27:06 the Prophet (pbuh) said that
27:08 the bigger the position,
27:10 the greater the responsibility.
27:12 The example of the Prophet (pbuh)
27:14 is like the 14th moon
27:16 in front of the stars.
27:18 So, the common people are like the stars
27:20 and the scholars are like the 14th moon.
27:22 So, what does the 14th moon do?
27:24 The 14th moon illuminates the earth
27:26 and guides people in the dark.
27:28 It shows the way.
27:30 Similarly, in some hadiths,
27:32 the Prophet (pbuh) has compared
27:34 the scholars to the stars.
27:36 What is the job of the stars?
27:38 They guide people in the sea
27:40 and the scholars have guided
27:42 the people in every era.
27:44 From the time of the Prophet (pbuh)
27:46 to the present,
27:48 the scholars have come up
27:50 with new challenges
27:52 because the religion of Islam
27:54 is the last religion.
27:56 The Prophet's nation is the last nation.
27:58 The Prophet was the last Prophet.
28:00 So, this religion will remain till the Day of Judgment.
28:02 Till the Day of Judgment,
28:04 new problems will come up,
28:06 new needs will come up
28:08 and the scholars will keep on
28:10 implementing the new ideas.
28:12 So, according to the new needs,
28:14 the scholars are fulfilling
28:16 their responsibilities.
28:18 In the institutions and universities
28:20 where the scholars are born
28:22 and where they are taught,
28:24 they are fulfilling the new needs.
28:26 Remember, Allah said in the Quran
28:28 "Waltakum minkummatu yad'uuna ilal khairu
28:30 wa ya'muruna bil ma'ruf wa yad'uuna 'anil munkar"
28:32 He said that in every era,
28:34 there should be a group of people
28:36 who bring people towards goodness
28:38 and stop them from doing evil.
28:40 So, the responsibility of the scholars
28:42 is to bring people towards goodness.
28:44 The group in this verse
28:46 is the group of scholars.
28:48 In the era of the Prophet,
28:50 the scholars did not need to
28:52 do Ijtihad, they needed to
28:54 protect the Prophet's books,
28:56 they needed to do the Tafaseer of the Quran.
28:58 So, the companions fulfilled that duty.
29:00 In the era of the followers,
29:02 new problems came up,
29:04 as we were saying,
29:06 the Imams guided the Ummah
29:08 through Ijtihad.
29:10 And in the coming era,
29:12 people guided the people
29:14 through the principles of the same Imams.
29:16 Even today, the new problems,
29:18 whether it is in terms of purity
29:20 or in other aspects,
29:22 the scholars, by benefiting
29:24 from the benefits of the same Imams,
29:26 keeping in mind the same rules,
29:28 keeping in mind the teachings
29:30 of the Quran and Hadith,
29:32 and we will continue to do so.
29:34 So, in this era,
29:36 or the coming era,
29:38 we, as we try to gain
29:40 the capability in the world,
29:42 in the world, we want
29:44 our children to become very skilled,
29:46 so we should make these efforts
29:48 in terms of religious education as well.
29:50 Our children should be guided
29:52 by religious education,
29:54 along with modern education,
29:56 so that we can continue to receive
29:58 this Sadqa.
30:00 So, if we merge the two,
30:02 then it will be beneficial for people.
30:04 It will not be a cause of destruction.
30:06 Yes, yes, only the world
30:08 is a cause of destruction.
30:10 Huzoor has forbidden religion as well.
30:12 Religion and the world
30:14 should be taken together.
30:16 So, where the world is being
30:18 taught in schools,
30:20 there, it should be arranged
30:22 that the knowledge which is
30:24 obligatory on every Muslim,
30:26 which we call obligatory knowledge,
30:28 the fundamental knowledge,
30:30 should be known.
30:32 And similarly, in religious schools,
30:34 where we are giving religious education,
30:36 there, the education which is
30:38 very important in the world,
30:40 so that it continues to be
30:42 followed by the world,
30:44 and the world should be guided.
30:46 So, it should be arranged
30:48 so that the students of religious
30:50 schools, who will become Ulema,
30:52 who will become leaders for the people,
30:54 can solve these problems
30:56 and the religion is safe.
30:58 Like someone said that
31:00 darkness comes, but our light
31:02 is not extinguished.
31:04 Why is our light not extinguished?
31:06 These Ulema have lit the light
31:08 of religion in every era and
31:10 through religion, through Quran
31:12 and Hadith, they are guiding the people.
31:14 Sir, one question, I had talked
31:16 about the mutual attitude of
31:18 the Ulema, along with that,
31:20 there is one more thing,
31:22 if there is a disagreement
31:24 between the religious people,
31:26 and the Ulema,
31:28 then there will be some
31:30 principles and etiquettes
31:32 for expressing that disagreement.
31:34 What are those?
31:36 First, let me clarify a point.
31:38 People say that
31:40 religious people have a lot of
31:42 disagreement among themselves.
31:44 The Ulema have a lot of
31:46 disagreement among themselves.
31:48 The intellectual debate
31:50 pushes the knowledge forward.
31:52 When you go to a doctor,
31:54 he says something,
31:56 there is no disagreement.
31:58 Similarly, if you are building
32:00 a house, one engineer says
32:02 something, another engineer
32:04 says something, there is disagreement
32:06 in every field. Religion is very
32:08 vast, very broad.
32:10 [Hassan] Disagreement is a new
32:12 way of the river.
32:14 [Ghamidi] Now let me tell you
32:16 that some of the companions
32:18 saw Huzoor (pbuh)
32:20 doing Rafay-e-Din.
32:22 They entered Islam and left.
32:24 They said that Huzoor (pbuh)
32:26 used to do Rafay-e-Din.
32:28 After that, some companions
32:30 stayed till the end,
32:32 and they were forbidden.
32:34 Now they said that we saw
32:36 that Huzoor (pbuh) was not doing
32:38 Rafay-e-Din, except for Takbir-e-Tahrim.
32:40 So, were those companions wrong?
32:42 No. Both were right, right?
32:44 Whoever saw it, he said it.
32:46 Similarly, in other issues,
32:48 there are differences
32:50 between the Imams.
32:52 I told you, Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal,
32:54 Imam Malik, Imam Shafi,
32:56 and Imam Azam Abu Hanifa,
32:58 may Allah have mercy on them all.
33:00 I am saying this to everyone,
33:02 I respect everyone.
33:04 There were no differences between them.
33:06 But were there fights?
33:08 Did there be arguments?
33:10 The companions had differences
33:12 in many areas, not on the basis
33:14 of arguments.
33:16 There are no differences.
33:18 Differences are not on the basis
33:20 of arguments.
33:22 Differences are on the basis
33:24 of reform.
33:26 There will be differences,
33:28 but do not make it a cause
33:30 for arguments.
33:32 Here too, there are new periods,
33:34 there are many issues,
33:36 one scholar is saying something,
33:38 another scholar is saying something.
33:40 So, this difference should not
33:42 be made on the basis of arguments,
33:44 even if there is a difference,
33:46 even if there is a difference in
33:48 knowledge, first of all,
33:50 remember that the differences
33:52 should be on the basis of principles.
33:54 If there is a difference in principles,
33:56 it should not be without reason.
33:58 We look for reasons.
34:00 If we find something,
34:02 we should not make it a cause for arguments.
34:04 This should not happen.
34:06 Neither does it happen in the Ulema.
34:08 This is not the case in the religion.
34:10 The second thing is that
34:12 there should not be a difference
34:14 in the knowledge of the scholars.
34:16 If you raise your finger,
34:18 and say that a certain scholar
34:20 has said something wrong,
34:22 if you do not have a reason,
34:24 then there is no reason.
34:26 You must have seen in the society
34:28 that the one who has knowledge
34:30 will never fight,
34:32 the one who has arguments
34:34 will fight.
34:36 Who will fight?
34:38 Who will fight?
34:40 The third thing is that
34:42 there should be a difference
34:44 in the knowledge of the scholars.
34:46 There should not be any
34:48 personal differences.
34:50 For example, if Allah does not
34:52 want to do something for me,
34:54 and I look for reasons,
34:56 then this does not suit the Ulema.
34:58 Neither does the religion allow it.
35:00 So there should be a difference
35:02 in the knowledge of the scholars.
35:04 There should not be any personal
35:06 differences.
35:08 There should not be any
35:10 arguments for everyone.
35:12 If there is knowledge,
35:14 then it should be about knowledge.
35:16 If there is no knowledge,
35:18 then what is the point of arguing
35:20 in front of me?
35:22 Islam teaches morality.
35:24 My Prophet (pbuh) and the companions
35:26 and the Ahlul Bayt-e-Athar
35:28 and all the Ulema of the Ummah
35:30 have taught morality.
35:32 There should be knowledge
35:34 and maturity.
35:36 The aim of this should be
35:38 the search for the truth
35:40 and the search for the truth.
35:42 There should not be any differences.
35:44 I will read a Hadith
35:46 in reference to the Prophet (pbuh)
35:48 which has been quoted by
35:50 Imam Ghazali.
35:52 The Prophet (pbuh) says,
35:54 "Do not acquire knowledge
35:56 so that you may
35:58 be proud of other Ulema.
36:00 And show your speed
36:02 in front of the foolish."
36:04 Everyone says that
36:06 he is a great scholar of religion.
36:08 "And show your speed
36:10 in front of the foolish
36:12 so that people turn to you."
36:14 He says, "Whoever does this,
36:16 he will be in hell."
36:18 Thank you very much
36:20 Respected Mufti Suhail Azam Jadid
36:22 Respected Allama Ahmed Munir Nuraji
36:24 for this beautiful topic.
36:26 Respected viewers,
36:28 as Allama Sahib said,
36:30 there is no permission
36:32 for the world to be divided.
36:34 Religion has taught us
36:36 to move forward
36:38 in the world and the world affairs.
36:40 The way we are trying to acquire
36:42 the knowledge and the means
36:44 of understanding
36:46 the difference between
36:48 knowledge and the means
36:50 and spirituality,
36:52 the difference between
36:54 the body and the soul.
36:56 The soul of a human
36:58 has come into this world
37:00 and has to go from here.
37:02 The human body
37:04 has been created
37:06 and has to stay here.
37:08 The body is
37:10 in the state of 'tawana'
37:12 and then it becomes 'na tawa'.
37:14 The more your soul is 'tawana',
37:16 the more your soul will be 'tawana'
37:18 in the case of religion.
37:20 The more you are 'mustaqeem',
37:22 the more your soul will be 'tawana'.
37:24 We have to go from here
37:26 with our 'tawana' soul.
37:28 This is why it is very important
37:30 and it is our duty
37:32 that we take the inheritance
37:34 of the prophets,
37:36 the teachings of Allah,
37:38 the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh)
37:40 and we follow them.
37:42 We are doing our duty
37:44 to keep our souls 'tawana'.
37:46 Remember this in your prayers.
37:48 Allah Hafiz
