Chelsea's Emma Hayes on encouraging 'little girls to think big'

  • last year
Chelsea's Emma Hayes on encouraging 'little girls to think big'
00:00 I think for me the legacy of the World Cup is constant reinvestment back into those smaller nations.
00:07 Those without the same privileges and same opportunities of the larger nations or the more established nations.
00:15 For me it becomes absolutely vital and whether it's ensuring that players get paid for what they do
00:23 and the mechanisms to that is done in the right way.
00:26 To then aiding the support of the development domestically within each and every one of those respective countries.
00:34 It all goes back to opportunity and so often everything from the cost of coaching courses
00:43 which can be very cost prohibitive to paid jobs in the industry
00:49 means that we don't get the same opportunities that men do
00:54 and we have to keep building that framework and systems to be able to provide that opportunity.
01:01 Secondly there are plenty of female coaches that can be hired by federations but they choose not to
01:07 which is the question to be asked.
01:11 Why don't we have more when there are a vast number of women coaching across the world
01:16 that are able to fulfil positions and I think it's critical for federations to really think about the value of women
01:24 within their organisation and promote opportunities for them.
01:27 I think we can't talk about opportunity, inclusion and diversity without creating a seat at the table for difference
01:40 and I think we have to live by that and if we want to create opportunity whether that be in India or inner city London
01:48 then we have to have diverse thinking and diverse decision makers to be able to affect that change.
01:56 I'm pretty certain that at the board levels in most places not only the percentage of women are incredibly low
02:05 but I suspect that the lack of diversity in the decision making positions are part of that reason.
02:14 So I think we have to live and breathe what we say we want to do
02:19 but that kind of action is going to require some strong leadership and the bottom line is we have a lot of work to do.
