Met Office Afternoon Forecast 20/11/23 - Cloudy today, brighter tomorrow

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Some rain and showers on Monday, and widely cloudy though brighter spells in some places. Relatively dry and bright into Tuesday. – This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the afternoon of 20/11/23. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Aidan McGivern.


00:00 Hi there. Following so much unsettled weather recently, this week at least looks a bit drier
00:06 for many of us, but not entirely dry. There is still some rain and showers to talk about,
00:11 especially on Monday as the weekend's low pressure moves away and it continues to bring
00:18 some unsettled weather, some occluded fronts, some strong winds as well initially to the
00:22 south-west as they push into the English Channel. Areas of rain or showers following into the
00:26 north and west of England, parts of Wales, Northern Ireland and the most persistent wet
00:31 weather affecting parts of central and northern Scotland. Although the central belt will be
00:35 largely dry and it will dry up across the south-east of England with some glimmers of
00:40 brightness coming through, but not much sunshine. There will be a lot of cloud, that cloud quite
00:45 low across the east of Scotland in particular. So all in all, a dull and in places, showery
00:52 day with temperatures up to 11-13 Celsius generally. And that's how things continue
00:58 into the evening as the low continues to move away. We're going to see these showers and
01:03 areas of cloud drift southwards across the UK. So the low cloud across eastern Scotland
01:08 pushing into the north-east of England along with a strong breeze and areas of rain or
01:12 showers that then move south into East Anglia and the south-east by the end of the night.
01:16 Further showers for west Wales, the south-west of England, but drying up and clearing up
01:21 across Northern Ireland and for much of Scotland as well. And it's here where we'll see the
01:25 lowest temperatures as we begin Tuesday after the sky is clear, temperatures dipping to
01:30 -2 to -4 Celsius in some sheltered spots, more widely 2 to 4 Celsius. And for England
01:36 and Wales, well a milder night, but well it's going to be a dull and damp start to the day,
01:42 especially for the east of England, low cloud, mist and fog for East Anglia and the south-east
01:47 to begin things and it only very slowly brightens up into the afternoon if at all in the far
01:52 south-east. Otherwise it does brighten up quite markedly across north and west England,
01:57 Wales, much of Scotland seeing sunny spells to begin things before some higher cloud drifts
02:03 in turning the sunshine hazy by the end of the afternoon with some light outbreaks raining
02:07 the far north of Scotland. But for many actually after that gloomy and in places showery start
02:14 it is a drier and brighter day compared with Monday. Best of the sunshine through central
02:19 and western parts and temperatures up to 10 to 12 Celsius, but feeling more pleasant with
02:25 lighter winds and a bit more brightness out there. Into Tuesday night then we're going
02:30 to see those areas of cloud across the far north drift further south, but the rain and
02:36 the cloud clearing the far south-east, although there will be some persistent showers into
02:41 Kent for a time and overnight it will be a chilly one, this time across southern parts
02:46 whilst further north it is milder under those high and medium level clouds.
