Text Him THIS After Your First Date

  • last year
This video is for those women who agonize over every text and always seem to have trouble turning a first date into a second. I’m going to tell when to text a guy after your first date and exactly what to say when you do.

Hi, I’m Amy North. As the author of the text chemistry system, I’ve been trying to discover which text messages make men excited to see you again and which turn them off.

I don’t normally advocate game playing but right after a first date is a pivotal time and one wrong move could lead to a problem. Basically my biggest advice here is don’t overthink it and don’t overdo it. Don’t double text, let him lead the conversation and avoid ambiguity.

Here’s the risk you take by texting too much after the first date. At this point you’re riding high. You feel connected to this guy and delighted by your great first date. You established a rapport and a way of talking to him. But if I know anything it’s that texting and talking in person are completely different. When we text we’re speaking much more briefly than we do in person. This means that if you try to match that energy of the first date--which is only natural if it went well--then there’s a good chance you’ll overwhelm him. Plus, men tend to be wary of moving too fast. If you go from short flirty texts to big long paragraphs then he might start to worry you’re getting too comfortable. This is a red flag for many guys.