00:00:00 [Music]
00:00:11 Let you know that this isn't just about money.
00:00:19 I want you to understand today that wealth is a position you take.
00:00:28 [Music]
00:00:32 Where you assume this position and no matter if the circumstances change, I don't lose my position.
00:00:40 Like I was the pastor of this church when we had five people. I'm the pastor of this church now we
00:00:46 have 20,000. My position didn't change even though things got bigger. I'm still here because I'm
00:00:54 trying to get you to take a stance and that you don't think it isn't God when it's small
00:01:00 and you don't think it is God because it's big. I want you to be where God wants you to be and I
00:01:07 want you to live through every cycle and season of the circumstance so that when it does get to
00:01:15 the place where you've been dreaming, you'll be appreciative of the journey. Today I'm talking
00:01:22 to sons, daughters, visionaries, and dreamers, and women. Okay. If you're a visionary, raise your hand.
00:01:35 Put your hand down. If you're a dreamer, I'm talking to you online. I want to see your hands
00:01:40 in the chat. How many of y'all been having visions and dreams lately? Just it don't even make sense.
00:01:44 Okay. I'm getting ready to help you to put context to this so you can figure out what
00:01:51 God is trying to say to you. I'm only going to read two verses. It's in Acts chapter 2
00:01:57 verse 17 and 18. Acts chapter 2 verse 17 and 18.
00:02:06 Who is that? 17. I want to give you this and I want you to put it in your spirit
00:02:20 and I'm going to give you some context behind this and then we're going to go home.
00:02:24 But the Bible says, "And it shall come to pass in the last days." Now this isn't Luke talking.
00:02:33 Who's talking? Come on, talk to me. Who said it? Said the Lord.
00:02:40 "I will pour out my flesh upon my spirit upon all flesh
00:02:47 and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy
00:02:50 and your young men
00:02:54 shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams." Let's go to the next verse.
00:03:04 "And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my spirit
00:03:17 and they shall speak things into existence."
00:03:20 How many of you all were raised by parents who were in the church?
00:03:29 How many of you all will be honest that when you look at how our parents went to
00:03:35 church and how things went when they were going, something has changed?
00:03:43 My mother used to declare stuff by faith and they declared like three years wouldn't have
00:03:49 been a problem because in those days they would expect it. How many of you all know we live in
00:03:52 kind of a microwave generation? We put God on blast. If he don't answer on TikTok, then we move on.
00:03:57 God says we got to go back because he says, "I am God and I change not."
00:04:11 So, we're not going to… God is not technology. He don't upgrade.
00:04:14 So, people say stuff like, "Well, the world is different." The world might be different,
00:04:19 but God is the same. He's the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. So, God gave me this
00:04:27 subject. He says, "Tell the people online and tell the people at the Lighthouse Church
00:04:33 that I am reviving my old strategy." That's what I want to talk about, reviving the strategy.
00:04:42 Somebody say, "God's about to revive the strategy." You may be seated in the presence of the Lord.
00:04:47 Y'all ready for a word? So, at the time that Jesus was in… This is according to our text.
00:05:02 In Israel, the Roman government was the presiding power in a land they did not own.
00:05:13 Does that make sense? So, the Romans invaded Israel under the power of Caesar,
00:05:22 usurped the authority, and now the people who are the descendants of the land are now
00:05:31 subject to a foreign power. Let me say, it would be like me coming into your house and saying,
00:05:39 "Get me something to eat," or me coming into your house, going into your room,
00:05:49 laying down on your bed. Yeah, you see how bad that's not?
00:05:57 This is what is happening in the text, people taking over stuff that they don't know that
00:06:04 just because they got it, it doesn't mean it's theirs. Are you with me so far?
00:06:12 So, the Roman government comes in, and they take over at the time of Jesus,
00:06:16 and they're in this foreign land. And typically, just like the young man said over there,
00:06:20 you know, when somebody comes in and tries to take over something that you own, that you haven't
00:06:24 given them the rights to, what is your natural reaction? It depends on what kind of person you
00:06:29 are. You know, if you're diplomatic, you'll probably say, "Let's talk this thing out."
00:06:34 If you are not diplomatic and you're hood, you're going to be like, "When I count to three,
00:06:39 it's going to be me and you and mostly me."
00:06:43 So, there is confrontation between the people of Israel and the people of the Roman government
00:06:51 because they're in a place that they should not be. And in typical fashion, and you can see this
00:06:57 on all of the news outlets, you can see this happening in the world today, typically,
00:07:02 if the government starts a fight with the people, typically, the government wins.
00:07:06 Typically. Almost. Because there are several instances where when people come together,
00:07:19 we can usurp any negative vitriolic system that has come to vex certain of God's people.
00:07:27 You can go back to the days of Nelson Mandela in South Africa in the moments of apartheid and God
00:07:34 raised up a leader, but he didn't do it without 30 years of imprisonment. Somebody say it takes time.
00:07:43 It took time for Martin Luther King to weave his way through segregationism and counters and tables
00:07:51 and buses and all of the things that he had to deal with, but the people came together because
00:07:57 when people come together, there is no enemy that can keep a united people from achieving their
00:08:06 dreams, aspirations, and visions. Do I have anybody with me today? So if you keep that in
00:08:13 your mind and you think about it, Matthew 24 says that in the last day, we would see and hear,
00:08:20 the Bible says, you would hear and see wars. Come on, Bible readers. And what? Rumors of wars. Well,
00:08:30 it seems like we're there. Everywhere you look on the news, there's a war and a rumor of a war.
00:08:38 Like I heard somebody say this yesterday as a result of what's going on, the conflict in the
00:08:44 Middle East. They said, we might very well be on our way to World War III. See, you got a war,
00:08:51 and then there's a rumor of another war. So we're right there in these times. And here's the thing
00:08:59 that Matthew said that I hope I can get this in your spirit. And all day, I'm just going to be
00:09:03 trying to get things in your spirit so that it could get into your practice, so that it can get
00:09:07 into your life. Matthew says, there are going to be wars and rumors of wars, but here's what he
00:09:11 says to the church. He says, my advice to you is to see that you are not alarmed because these
00:09:18 things must happen. Now, I just want to talk to you about that because I know you don't always
00:09:23 like pain, but these things must happen. I know you don't always like to have to argue with
00:09:31 somebody that you've been in relationship with all of your life, but these things
00:09:35 must happen. I know that you thought you guys were going to be friends for the rest of your life,
00:09:42 and it didn't work out, or you thought that relationship was going to last the rest of your
00:09:46 life. And I know you had, but these things must happen. I know you thought you were going to
00:09:51 retire at that job and they were going to give you a gold watch, but let me tell you, they don't give
00:09:55 watches anymore. You lost that job, and here you are 50 years old trying to figure out what's the
00:10:02 next stage of your life going to be like. And you thought that by 55 that your life would be set,
00:10:08 and you would be five to seven years away from retirement. And here you are,
00:10:12 raising somebody else's kids, trying to figure out how to start over. And I'm here to tell you,
00:10:16 these things must happen. You didn't think at 57 you'd be wiping snot from somebody's nose. You
00:10:25 thought you were done with that. You didn't think at 50 years old that you would still be looking
00:10:32 on the internet, Googling different jobs. You didn't think that your 401k would become a 101k.
00:10:37 You had no idea that after 20 years of marriage, you'd be looking to date again.
00:10:47 You thought that was your forever boo.
00:10:52 You had no idea that the child that you raised, that was your pride and joy growing up,
00:11:01 you never thought that in the twilight of your years, you'd be having issues. You never thought
00:11:05 that your son would go to prison. You never thought that your daughter wouldn't come home.
00:11:09 You never thought that your nephew would be living with you. You never thought that you
00:11:13 and your sister would not be getting along. You never thought that you and your brother would
00:11:17 no longer be having conversations. I'm talking to somebody. I'm going to throw mud on the wall
00:11:21 until it hits somebody. You never thought that you'd be in a situation where you couldn't talk
00:11:25 to your child's father. You never thought that you'd feel uncomfortable in your own church.
00:11:30 You never thought that you'd be fired from that job. And you never thought you'd be working for
00:11:35 somebody who was less qualified than when they hired you. You never
00:11:38 thought that you'd have a pink slip on your desk. You never thought
00:11:46 they would come and get the car in the middle of the night. You never thought
00:11:49 that you'd have to move out of that house and move into an apartment. You never
00:11:54 thought that you'd have to take care of somebody who was disabled. You never thought that you'd
00:12:02 be thinking about committing suicide. You never thought you would see a spot on your CAT scan.
00:12:07 You never thought that you'd feel a lump in your breast. You never thought that you would
00:12:12 be short of breath trying to figure out what's going on internally. You never thought you'd
00:12:17 be taking five pills just to be able to survive the day. You never thought you'd be under the
00:12:22 suppression and depression of a thousand generations. But I came to tell you these things
00:12:30 must happen. Somebody say it must happen. And this isn't just a warning to the earth.
00:12:39 This is a warning in the spirit. Paul said, "Beware of seducing spirits."
00:12:48 Listen. "And the doctrine of devils." Do I have any spiritual people in here today?
00:12:57 He says, "In this day and time, you're going to have to be on the lookout for seducing spirits
00:13:06 and the doctrine of devils." Some of you all think you're in a relationship. That's a seducing
00:13:12 spirit. That's why no matter how bad it hurts, you can't ever get away,
00:13:17 because if it was a relationship, it could be over. But it's a spiritual thing.
00:13:24 Come on now. Come here. Come here. "And the doctrine of devils." Now, what is the doctrine
00:13:31 of devils? I'm glad you asked. The doctrine of devils is when the devil imitates God
00:13:38 and has a way of making you think that he is as good as the real thing.
00:13:49 Can I say that again? What is the doctrine of devils? You need to teach your children this,
00:13:54 because this is sometimes the answer to the proclivity. The devil has snuck in and has
00:14:00 made him or her or you believe that it is actually okay to partake in the activity,
00:14:05 because sometimes the devil can sound like God. That's why the Bible says that we have to separate
00:14:11 the wheat from the... I feel like preaching if y'all feel like helping me. Now, here is the
00:14:16 thing about wheat and tare. In the beginning stages of wheat and tare, it looks exactly the
00:14:23 same. You don't know the difference between wheat and tare until it's harvest time. And so,
00:14:29 the devil has a way of drawing up right alongside God's promises,
00:14:34 making you think that it's a promise when it's really the doctrine of a devil.
00:14:44 Where do we see this? How many of y'all ever read Genesis when the Bible says that God says to Adam
00:14:50 and Eve, he says, "You can have of every tree in the garden," he says, "but of the tree in the
00:14:55 middle of the garden," what? You cannot have. And here comes the devil imitating God. "If you touch
00:15:01 the tree, you shall not surely die and watch Eve fall for the imitation." That's right.
00:15:10 Well, let me try it. But here is the problem with imitations. The problem with imitations is they
00:15:17 look like the real thing, they feel like the real thing, but they don't have the value of the real
00:15:22 thing. Oh, come here, talk to me. So, when you have a thing that is an imitation, everybody from the
00:15:30 outside says, "Hey, look at what you got." But the problem is, is the people who made it won't
00:15:36 recognize it. You missed what I just said. So, how do you know you have an imitation in your life?
00:15:46 It's because it's not backed by heaven. And just because people say, "Oh, they good for you,"
00:15:52 or because you said to yourself, "They good for me," or because you said, "This is where I'm
00:15:56 supposed to live," or, "This is what I'm supposed to drive," or, "This is what I'm supposed to have,"
00:16:01 some of you all right now have imitations in your life, and you're praising God like it's
00:16:06 the real thing. But here's the problem. You get no refunds from what was not originally created
00:16:11 from the manufacturer. So, when there is a problem, you have to get another product,
00:16:15 because it's not backed by a warranty. And let me tell you something, and I don't mean to be
00:16:23 messy, but I'm going to be messy for a minute. Anybody who's ever experienced a real thing
00:16:28 knows when yours is not. Oh, come here now. Don't y'all get mad at me. I ain't talking about nobody.
00:16:36 I'm just talking about what I'm talking about. But have you ever had something real,
00:16:39 and then you've seen somebody who said, "They don't even make that."
00:16:41 It don't come in that color. It don't come in that size, because anybody who has ever had the
00:16:47 real thing knows that that is not the real thing. And I'm just trying to say this. Anybody in here
00:16:52 who's ever had a real encounter with God, anybody here knows what the Holy Spirit is like for real?
00:16:58 Anybody knows what the blessings of God look like for real? We can look and say, "That ain't God.
00:17:03 That ain't God. That ain't God." Watch this, because everything God creates comes with a seed.
00:17:13 Everything God creates comes with the ability to reproduce itself.
00:17:26 Ask yourself, "Are there seeds in it?" Oh, that was worth you driving over here for today.
00:17:36 I know I'm in a relationship, but are there seeds in it? I know I'm in my career, but
00:17:45 I don't feel seedful. Anybody feel stuck? Like, "Where do I go? Where do I grow?" Are there
00:17:55 seeds in it? I know everybody in here… It's going over some of y'all's heads,
00:18:01 and some of y'all are taking it personal. I know there are an array of emotions going
00:18:05 on in this room today, but my question for you is, "Are there seeds in it?"
00:18:11 I know you went off on them, but were there seeds in your conversation?
00:18:21 Because if not, it's going to return to you void. Touch three people and say, "Beware of imitators."
00:18:27 You do know some people can act like they love you. You do know that, right? You know some people
00:18:33 can act like they like you only for the benefit of caring you so they look real.
00:18:39 That's the thing about imitators. Most people get the imitation because they want to pretend
00:18:51 to have and to be what they are not. My wife and I were listening to a clip the other day,
00:18:56 and a man came on and said, "Here's the thing I need to say to poor people." He says, "Poor people,
00:18:59 you're so busy trying to look rich, but you don't see that the rich people are trying to look poor."
00:19:04 I'm not saying you shouldn't have nice stuff. I'm just saying you shouldn't have nice stuff
00:19:10 and still be trying to figure out how you're going to pay your rent. I'm not saying that
00:19:13 you shouldn't have nice stuff. I'm just saying you shouldn't have nice stuff and your car loan
00:19:17 is behind two months. I'm not saying you shouldn't have nice stuff. I'm just saying you shouldn't
00:19:21 have your hair done and no dental insurance. I'm not saying that you shouldn't have nice stuff.
00:19:26 I'm just saying get your teeth fixed before you get a Birkin bag. I'm not saying you shouldn't
00:19:30 have nice stuff, but make sure your child has a college fund before you go to...
00:19:34 Don't y'all make me cuss. I feel like it today. Don't go to Dubai and you don't have a retirement.
00:19:43 (audience cheering)
00:19:54 There is no value in the old strategy.
00:19:59 There is no value in looking like you have what you don't have.
00:20:11 There's no value. You can't cash. You cannot cash persona in the bank.
00:20:18 And as soon as you walk away from the people who congratulated you,
00:20:28 they talk about you behind your back. Girl, look at her. She knows she can't afford debt. I don't
00:20:33 even know why she came over here bragging about it. I could have told her that don't even look
00:20:36 right on anyway. How many of y'all came to church today? Because I know I did.
00:20:45 I flew all the way from Africa to come. It ain't no sense that you get in a hurry. I came a long
00:20:49 way to get to church today. Matthew says there will be another war. Somebody say another war.
00:20:59 Uh-oh. Here is the next war. This is how you know the devil is busy. He said, "Here's the next war.
00:21:09 People will be offended easily." Watch this. And he says, "Friendships will start to fall out."
00:21:16 How many of y'all got people in your life, they started with you,
00:21:22 but it's looking like they ain't going to finish with you?
00:21:27 The cake ain't baked yet, but there's still some dough on the toothpick. I don't know if I'm going
00:21:32 to finish this thing. It's like we started out from the bottom, but I don't even know if we're
00:21:37 going to get there. He says there will be a fence, and friendships will start to fall apart.
00:21:46 Just tell your neighbor, "I'm losing some friends."
00:21:54 Come on, online. Uh-oh. She lost three of them.
00:21:57 I want to talk about this, because if it's one thing I can't stand about the world right now,
00:22:08 everybody is offended.
00:22:11 "I'm a vegan. I can't believe you're eating meat. I'm offended." Well, then shut up and don't eat
00:22:21 meat. But why you got to be offended because somebody else does?
00:22:25 People have been eating cows before, 2023. Now all of a sudden, if you eat cows and you eat
00:22:37 meat, you're going to die. I know a lot of vegetarians that's in the grave too. I'm just
00:22:40 telling you. I know people who smoke cigarettes and don't ever die. I know people who jog on
00:22:50 treadmills and have heart attacks. The Lord is in charge of this thing. Now you ought to do your best
00:22:58 and to make sure that you have a happy and prosperous life, but don't think that your
00:23:01 decisions are the things that keep you here. To every man, there was an appointed time.
00:23:06 Now, if you eat well, you're going to meet your appointment with good biceps.
00:23:12 And if you lift weights, you're going to be strong when your appointment comes.
00:23:19 It is appointed to every man to die.
00:23:26 But everybody's offended. See, this is the devil's trick. It's to make sure that nobody
00:23:36 can have strong opinions anymore. And if you have a strong opinion, you can lose your job.
00:23:40 If you have a strong opinion, you get canceled. If you have a strong opinion,
00:23:44 if you have strong convictions, then all of a sudden people cancel you. And this is how
00:23:48 the devil has silenced the church. But the Bible says in the last day, they will not want to hear
00:23:57 sound doctrine. This is how you know we're in the last days. Everybody's offended.
00:24:05 And so what offense does is it makes people with convictions calibrate their conversation.
00:24:10 So now nobody leaves church convicted because if you convict anybody, then people go on YouTube
00:24:17 and make a whole channel about 30 seconds of the sermon. You'd be surprised how many times we have
00:24:24 to fight battles over somebody taking an hour long sermon, taking 30 seconds and saying, this is what
00:24:28 I said. And then people in the comments, I can't believe these men of God, they wolves in chic
00:24:34 clothing and, and da da da da da da da da da da. Oh, we're going to talk about false prophets too.
00:24:45 Now I'm trying to find my army. So here's what God told me to say to you.
00:24:49 Either we're going to have a form of godliness denying the power thereof,
00:24:53 or we're going to be a church, a city on a hill that cannot be hidden.
00:24:58 Do I got any rowdy soldiers in here today?
00:25:03 Either we're going to tell people that the only way to the father
00:25:11 is through Jesus Christ, or we're going to keep talking about their many pathways. I don't know
00:25:16 about you, but there is, but one Lord, let me go on the record, one faith and one baptism.
00:25:22 Jesus said, I am the way he didn't say wait away.
00:25:38 Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life, and no one comes to the father.
00:25:42 Muhammad can't get you there. But I who are can't get you there. Confucius can't get you there.
00:26:00 Let me tell you something else. God never leaves a generation without a strategy.
00:26:10 Test three people said, God showed me the strategy. Show me the church.
00:26:22 God showed me the strategy. The Bible expresses that there was a group of sons named,
00:26:31 and this was one of Jacob's sons who ends up having a tribe of sons, not all boys, but a family
00:26:38 known as the sons of Issachar. And the reason why the sons of Issachar were important to the
00:26:44 biblical times is because the Bible says that the sons of Issachar understood the times.
00:26:50 This is so good. You got to hear what I'm telling you. So in this day and time that we're preaching
00:26:58 about, they tried to make Jesus the king. The reason why they wanted to make Jesus the king
00:27:04 is because the Romans were oppressing them. And they thought if they made Jesus king,
00:27:08 that he would overthrow the people who were causing them pain.
00:27:13 Be careful when people lift you up so you can solve their problems.
00:27:20 It wasn't that they wanted him to be king. They just wanted him to be king over their situation.
00:27:25 So God says, no, because you don't want me for real. Number two, the reason why he refuses to
00:27:33 be their king at the time is because everybody repeated after me, the timing is off. This is
00:27:39 going to be key. He says, it is not yet time for me to be king. Remember in John chapter two,
00:27:46 when they ran out of wine and Mary said, baby, they ran out of wine. Jesus says to his mama,
00:27:52 what they got to do with me. My hour has not yet come. What I'm trying to tell you in this room
00:28:00 today is you have to resist the temptation of the enemy lifting you before it's your time.
00:28:06 So some of y'all have been wondering why my money hasn't come yet. Why hasn't my wealth come yet?
00:28:14 Why hasn't my husband come yet? Why hasn't my wife come yet? Because up until today, it wasn't your,
00:28:19 but God sent me here to tell you today.
00:28:22 Are y'all listening to me online? Cause in house, they don't get it.
00:28:27 God told me to whisper in your ear, your time has come.
00:28:40 I'm going to say that again. God told me to tell you that your time has come. Touch three people
00:28:50 and say, it's my time, baby. It's my time. It's my time. It's my time. It's my time.
00:28:54 It's my time. God told me to tell you it's your time. Now, wait a minute.
00:28:58 There is still yet one thing you have to do.
00:29:10 Jesus, boy, don't make me get this bit off. If you don't turn that water to wine,
00:29:15 woman, what they got to do with me? Woman, you had to be a black mama. Bring me the water pots.
00:29:22 They bring Jesus the water pots, fill it with water. Jesus looks at it and it turns
00:29:35 into wine. All right. Now, now this is, this is going to help you
00:29:39 because I'm trying to show you what you have to do. Are you listening to me?
00:29:42 What was the one thing that Mary said to them when they wanted the water turned into wine?
00:29:51 What did she say? I love that. I got a church. This church read the Bible. Can y'all tell Jesus
00:30:01 it's getting ready to do it. But Mary says, I can't make him do it. But whatever he says,
00:30:08 you do it. Obviously then miracles come whenever you do.
00:30:17 So God told me to tell you your time will come the moment you do.
00:30:29 See, I knew y'all were going to see, I knew you weren't going to shout about that because you
00:30:33 wanted your time to come while you sat down. You wanted your time to come while you were still
00:30:37 hard-headed. You wanted your time to come without effort. God says, whenever you do what I say do,
00:30:42 I will turn your water to wine. I wanted to find out, ain't nobody going to shout, watch this.
00:30:46 I want to see if I can get 500 obedient people. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't say excited people.
00:30:55 I'm talking about people say, God, if it hurts me, I'm going to do whatever you say.
00:30:58 If it causes me a loss, I'm going to do whatever you say. If I got to wait three years,
00:31:03 I'm going to do whatever you say. Snap people and say, do whatever he says.
00:31:06 Obedience is better than sacrifice. And this is another strong opinion. I don't want to pastor
00:31:20 a church and I don't want to lead a people online who need me to tell them you can do whatever you
00:31:25 want to do. And God is still going to do whatever you want him to do. There is some obedience
00:31:29 that's necessary. Somebody said, I didn't get here doing whatever I want to do. If I did whatever I
00:31:36 want to do, somebody be dead. If I had a did what I wanted to do, somebody be missing. If I did what
00:31:41 I wanted to do, I'm here because I was obedient. And what does obedience mean? I listened to God
00:31:55 when I had other options. I listened to God when I felt like doing something else. Anybody ever
00:32:02 had to swallow your pride and say, okay, Lord, if you say it, I'm going to try it. But let me
00:32:05 tell you something. I've been trying and it ain't been working. God says, your time is coming,
00:32:21 but I'm not just going to throw that out there so you can turn around three times and then expect
00:32:26 to walk out in the parking lot and your time is coming. You can't get your time if you're going
00:32:31 to leave and still be hard headed. You might not listen to this whole sermon, but there ought to
00:32:38 be something that convicts you that when you leave here, you do something differently than you were
00:32:42 not doing when you walked in the room. Touch her name and say, I'm just going to try one new thing.
00:32:46 Away with this Christianity where we can come in and shout and leave out the same and expect
00:32:54 God to perform a miracle. Bring me the water pots. By the way, the water pots were made of clay.
00:33:02 The water pots were made of stone. Human beings in the earth are reflective in the scripture as
00:33:10 clay, which means bring me you. Bring me you. Now, the wine represents joy. The water represents the
00:33:23 word. So if you bring me you, you put in the word, I'll take care of the joy. Y'all missing it.
00:33:30 Thy word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against thee. Anybody in the room know
00:33:38 there's a difference between happiness and joy. I'm happy because I'm here. I'm happy because I
00:33:45 have this. I'm happy because I've had that. But joy says, if you don't do anything else,
00:33:52 I'm about to shout myself. I'm not looking for any happy Christians because y'all happy
00:33:58 Christians are waiting on God to do something. I need 2000 people to say, if God don't give me
00:34:02 another thing, I'll still run across this aisle. If God doesn't do it, another thing, I'll type
00:34:08 online until I can't type anymore. If God doesn't do anything else for me, he's already done enough.
00:34:14 Slap three people and say he's already done enough. He's already done enough. He's already
00:34:19 done enough. He's already fed me enough times. He's already woken me up enough times. He's
00:34:24 already healed me enough times. He's already blessed me enough times.
00:34:31 He refuses the blessing because the timing is off. And my question is,
00:34:40 can you refuse a position when it is not your time to have it?
00:34:52 I want to be a boss. I want to own my own company, but my sleeping habits is off. Let me stay over
00:34:58 here. Oh, come on. If you can't say amen, say out. I want to be in a relationship,
00:35:05 but I'm still selfish. Let me stay.
00:35:07 Can you refuse a position? You won't because you're not ready for it.
00:35:18 The opportunity of a lifetime has to be taken in the lifetime of the opportunity. You have to be
00:35:23 ready for what God has ready for you. And whenever you look around and you try to figure out how do
00:35:29 they have that and I don't, it's because they are ready. Get ready. Bishop Jake's been trying
00:35:37 to tell y'all for 45 years. Get ready. Get ready. Get ready. Anybody ever heard of a king called
00:35:45 Alexander the great Alexander? The great was a king by the time he was 20 years old.
00:35:50 By the time he was 30, every kingdom in front of him, he had already defeated.
00:35:58 Imagine being a 20 year old king and defeating every kingdom in 10 years.
00:36:06 I want y'all to think about that. The United States was in Iraq for 20 years and didn't defeat
00:36:15 it. Isis is still there. In 10 years, he defeated every kingdom in front of him. By the age of 33,
00:36:26 he was dead. You don't have time to be taking a decade for every battle.
00:36:40 When it is your time, you can do in months what somebody whose time it is not cannot do in years.
00:36:48 That's why you want to make sure that you are in the divine vein of God. This is how you know you
00:36:55 are where God needs you to be. Things start to happen immediately. Okay. The woman with the
00:37:02 issue of blood, she went to every doctor she could for 12 years. The issue didn't dry up.
00:37:08 She went to the right doctor. What does the Bible say? Immediately. That's how you know
00:37:13 you are in the right place because time starts to speed up. I don't know who this is for,
00:37:19 but God is telling me that there's anointing that's about to rest on you that what you could
00:37:22 not do in years is about to happen in days. You've been saving up for something for the last 10
00:37:29 years. God's going to send one person that's going to speed up the process. Somebody shall speed it
00:37:35 up for me, God. I don't know who this word is for, but I know it's for this house. Anybody want to
00:37:39 just give God the glory ahead? You're not going to wait until he answers the issue. I want you
00:37:44 to praise God right now that the time has been sped up in your life. Repeat after me. It won't
00:37:51 take long. Say it again. It won't take long. One more time. Say it won't take long. God says,
00:37:58 "I'm about to open a portal." Thank you, Holy Spirit. He said, "Tell the church we are under
00:38:04 an open heaven." I'm going to say this again, just like I did last week, and I'm going to stand on
00:38:12 it. God said in the next four months he's about to take us from early rain. Some of y'all don't
00:38:22 remember? In the next four months, God says, "I'm about to take you from early rain to latter rain,"
00:38:29 which means what you are experiencing now is just a sprinkle.
00:38:36 It hasn't even started raining in your life yet. When it starts raining, you're going to have to
00:38:45 call people and say, "Come and help me with this blessing. I ain't got room for it. You're going
00:38:49 to have to ask people to come over and help me lift this. I don't have the strength for it."
00:38:53 Anybody got a blessing coming so big you're going to need somebody to help you pick up the nets
00:38:58 because there are going to be 153 different kinds of fish in the net. I want you to start to
00:39:03 encourage yourself and shout, "The blessing is coming. The timing is coming. The season is coming,
00:39:08 and it is my time now." All right. All right. For the rest of you all who don't feel that,
00:39:21 God says, "Here's the criteria. Number one, in this next season, I'm only pouring this out
00:39:30 on my sons and daughters. You ain't going to be able to sneak in on this blessing."
00:39:36 Uh-oh. This ain't one of them corporate ones where I say, "Everybody in the house,
00:39:43 get ready for a blessing." No, baby. This one is for sons and daughters, and you can't sign up for
00:39:52 sonship after the benefits. No, no, no, no. You can't be my son after I sign the will. You got
00:39:59 to be… And by the way, the Lamb's book of life has already been sealed, so don't try to… He says,
00:40:06 "In this season, I'm pouring out this shift on sons and daughters."
00:40:15 Just do me a favor. Look at your neighbor and say, "We related."
00:40:18 One lady looked at her neighbor and said, "Uh-uh. Uh-uh. We ain't got none of… Uh-uh."
00:40:29 We don't even look like Jesus. I don't even know how we could be related.
00:40:33 I'm picking sons and daughters. Symbolically, in the Hebrew, we are the word "son." Symbolically,
00:40:48 there is a word picture here of the fifth kingdom of Daniel. You can read this in Daniel chapter 7.
00:40:53 "The four kingdoms that preceded the kingdom of God was Babylon, Persia, Macedonia, and Rome,
00:40:58 and then God says, 'I'm about to institute another kingdom, not only for the kingdom's sake,
00:41:02 but for the king's sake.'" He says, "Because when I show him what kind of king I am,
00:41:06 it's going to make Alexander the Great look like he was a boy.
00:41:10 When I show him what kind of king I am, it's going to make it seem as if Nebuchadnezzar never
00:41:17 lived. By the time I come, they won't know Herod. By the time I come, they will no longer be talking
00:41:22 about Pharaoh, because I'm about to be not only a king, but the king of kings. Are you listening to
00:41:30 me? He says, "They will forget that Caesar was a king by the time I came." And here's the word of
00:41:35 the Lord. He says, while I'm talking to sons and daughters, He says, "Because some of you all are
00:41:41 looking at people, they currently have the position, but what you don't understand about
00:41:46 them and you, they were placed there. You will be picked." You missed it. I hope you all didn't
00:41:58 sleep yet. Go back and read 1 Samuel. There was a king named Saul. The people looked at the other
00:42:07 nation and said, "We want a king too." God says, "Okay, who do you want?" They said, "We want him.
00:42:10 He's tall. He's handsome." God says, "Okay, you can have him. I'll place him, but I won't pick
00:42:16 him." He says, "My king is in the field. My pick ain't even old enough yet. My pick is scooping up
00:42:30 animal feces, but I picked him." See, this is why you got to be careful how you treat people who
00:42:36 don't smell right. This is why you got to be careful how you treat people who don't look right.
00:42:42 This is why you got to be careful about how you treat people who don't look like they have it yet,
00:42:47 because God's choice doesn't always look like a choice when it's the choice.
00:42:51 God says, "You are insecure about somebody who you think has something that you don't have,
00:43:00 and you don't understand. I placed them there until you became mature enough for me to pick you."
00:43:08 Do you hear the words that are coming out of my mouth? You are looking at a boss like,
00:43:15 "How in the world am I ever going to get a promotion?" God is saying, "Do you not understand?
00:43:20 I placed them there until you get the scholarship you need to go back and get the degree they're
00:43:26 going to ask for, to complete the schooling they're going to require, and you don't even
00:43:30 know that all things are working together for your good. But if you'll do whatever I said,
00:43:35 even when you don't understand what I'm saying, the opportunity is going to come,
00:43:40 and I'm going to displace them and pick you. Everybody in the room and everybody online
00:43:45 who knows you have been picked for such a time as this, I need you to look like somebody who's
00:43:50 been picked." Slap three people and say, "I've been picked. I've been picked.
00:43:55 And I wasn't picked because I was perfect. I wasn't picked because I was rich. I was picked
00:44:04 because I was available." God says, "I'm going to pour out my Spirit on sons and daughters,
00:44:18 and I will give them strength." Pastor Raymond, it blew my mind when I read this.
00:44:25 This is a moment where if you saw what I saw, you'd run around the room like we did last time.
00:44:31 He said, "I'm going to give you strength." I said, "Lord, they're already strong." He says,
00:44:34 "You're looking at it in English. Look at it in the original language."
00:44:39 The word "strength" in the original language means "influence."
00:44:43 Now, you ain't got a shout, but I need you to hear me. God says, "You are praying about money
00:44:58 and houses and cars and clothes, and I'm trying to give you influence."
00:45:07 When you have influence, you don't need money.
00:45:24 So, we have one of the senior leadership members of South Carolina, which is one of the most
00:45:30 prestigious schools in the world, arguably the best basketball team in a decade.
00:45:37 They're doing things. They're pumping out basketball players over there like a factory.
00:45:43 Now, imagine I said to her, "I got a child that needs to get into South Carolina or into college,
00:45:54 but we missed the deadline." By her power, she could say, "Oh."
00:45:58 That's the easy thing. I know the person
00:46:05 who fills out the application and the person who says, "Yes,
00:46:10 give me your number. I'll take them to him." Because of our relationship,
00:46:14 you don't understand that influence is a scholarship.
00:46:20 And here you are asking God for more money. What you need is the kind of influence that
00:46:28 makes you walk into the bank, and they don't have the same requirements for you.
00:46:34 Man, I ain't got no church in here today. For everybody I'm talking to, 2,000 of y'all go to
00:46:42 sleep. I need six of y'all. I pray that God gives you the kind of influence that you can walk in the
00:46:47 halls of Congress, that you can walk into universities and banks, that you can walk into
00:46:52 your child's school and get something done, not because of who you are, but because of the
00:46:56 influence of the one who's backing you. If there's anybody here who understands
00:47:01 that influence is more valuable than money, I want you to give God praise.
00:47:11 Influence. I'm learning right now influence will save you more money than anything on earth.
00:47:20 When you have influence, people want to be a part of what you're doing.
00:47:26 The reason why you have to pay everybody is because you want them to be a part of what
00:47:32 you're doing. When you get influence, people give their services to you because they want to be a
00:47:38 part of… Oh, this sermon is ahead of y'all time. Somebody shout, "Influence!"
00:47:45 Here's the thing. There are no taxes on influence.
00:47:52 You don't have to give the IRS 37 percent of your influence.
00:47:58 Influence is all yours, but it takes everything you have to keep it.
00:48:07 You have to have the integrity of a son and a daughter.
00:48:11 God says, "I'm going to pour out my spirit on sons and daughters, and I'm going to give them
00:48:17 influence to walk into the world's systems." I am telling you that there was another level
00:48:26 of wealth coming on this house. I'm not talking about rich. I'm talking about influential.
00:48:33 I'm talking about you being able to pick up the phone and make a call
00:48:36 and make something happen, and nobody ever asks you about the price.
00:48:42 How many of y'all receive it in Jesus' name?
00:48:46 Here's the next thing God says. "Listen, I'm raising up prophets.
00:48:57 I'm raising up prophets in this last day. I am about to amplify the voices
00:49:03 of the ministry of the prophetic for people who will speak for me.
00:49:07 I come up…" I'm going to move on. "But I come up against every bathroom prophet.
00:49:15 I come up against every parking lot prophet."
00:49:21 Have you ever seen people in a parking lot talking? They wanted church to be over,
00:49:26 but they stayed in the parking lot two hours after it was over prophesying?
00:49:30 There was but one prophet in this house, and I rebuke every pew prophet.
00:49:37 Yeah, I did. Unfold your arms. I'm talking to all of y'all.
00:49:44 There are too many people in the church who think they speak for God when he only called
00:49:50 one set man for this house. I speak that over every house, over every place. If you can't
00:49:56 follow what God is saying according to the prophet in that house, leave the house, but don't destroy
00:50:00 it. Why would you go to a church where you don't believe what the preacher is saying?
00:50:05 Why would you drive 20 minutes to be skeptical for 60 minutes? Go somewhere where you believe.
00:50:12 But the words that are coming out of my mouth are from the oracles of heaven.
00:50:21 When I speak a thing in this house, God will make it so for sons and daughters,
00:50:27 not spectators, not Judas' not pew prophets,
00:50:36 sons and daughters. Here is the problem with the new strategy. We don't respect authority anymore.
00:50:46 Now, I'm going to say it. Come on, y'all. There used to be a time where you would never
00:50:52 disrespect a preacher. There would be a time you never disrespected a woman of God. The disrespect
00:50:58 for the men and women of God today is abhorrent.
00:51:01 The way we talk about preachers online and what y'all repost and retweet is ridiculous. If you
00:51:12 don't have nothing nice to say, don't say nothing at all. Say it, Keyon, because the only time y'all
00:51:23 know how to shout is when I'm promising you something. Now I'm talking about real stuff,
00:51:29 and I'm talking about how to keep you together.
00:51:36 This is what you need to hear, because either we're going to be a church
00:51:42 that's on a hill that cannot be hidden, or we're going to deny the power of God.
00:51:47 This is not a plaything. God is real.
00:52:00 I said God is real, and church ain't only good when you're crying.
00:52:08 I'm trying to figure out why you think church is only good when you cry. When your boyfriend
00:52:12 made you cry, you weren't worshiping, so tears don't automatically come as a result of worship.
00:52:16 I need a response that only worship can invoke. There should be a response that is only segregated
00:52:24 and demarcated for God, and that is the sound of a son and a daughter.
00:52:29 There's an old song that says, "Before I take it back, I'll add more to it."
00:52:37 Somebody say, "I'm a son of God." Every woman say, "I'm a daughter of God."
00:52:44 The reason why you need a prophet… See, they don't preach this in church no more.
00:52:52 Let me tell you why the Bible says this in Malachi 4, 5, and 6 when you get home.
00:52:56 The reason why you need a prophet over your life is because the Bible says that when God
00:53:03 struck the ground with the curse, it was canceled on the life of everybody under a prophet.
00:53:10 So, for all of the people in the church right now who want to date God but not have a pastor,
00:53:21 what you have to understand is that being in the church but not under a covering
00:53:26 keeps the curse on your life. You need a prophet to speak to the curse. There was 400 years of
00:53:35 silence between the Old Testament and the New Testament, and when God started speaking,
00:53:40 he broke his silence through the prophet Elisha. If you are under this covering,
00:53:45 I have the power to break the silence over your life. But you have to be a son and a daughter,
00:53:51 which means you have to be submissive even when you don't agree.
00:53:54 This is why you can't get your children to obey you, because you don't obey nobody.
00:54:00 I'm about to take my jacket off. Let me tell you something. You are never going
00:54:08 to have the respect of the thing you're over until the thing over you gets your respect.
00:54:11 So, you can't demand respect up and you don't send it up.
00:54:18 It is the order of life. Whenever you are being disrespected by the thing beneath you,
00:54:28 then you need to check the order you're in with the thing above you.
00:54:31 "Be not deceived. God does not mock whatever man sow."
00:54:34 I might not play this one online. This is for the house.
00:54:45 This is what you call pastoring.
00:54:50 Do me a favor. For those of y'all who are mad, just smile so I don't know it's you.
00:54:56 Because, see, I'm a fighter. I get angry, and I keep on going, so that don't mean nothing to me.
00:54:59 Here's the next thing. God says… Here are the next people I'm inviting. Listen.
00:55:11 Servants and handmaidens. Here's the next thing nobody wants to do in church no more. Serve.
00:55:17 They want to complain about the children's ministry but won't give one hour to it and
00:55:22 have five kids in it. How do you have five kids who don't like kids? How do you have five kids
00:55:29 who refuse to volunteer? Five kids back there you ought to at least give one day out of your life.
00:55:34 They eating up all the goldfish.
00:55:35 Your kids done ate 12 packs of goldfish, and you don't want to volunteer one hour?
00:55:44 Your son done kicked 12 people on the way to the class, and you don't want to volunteer one hour?
00:55:52 Just kicking people.
00:56:02 Then you get back there, and they're talking about, "Dashawn done kicked somebody." "Mama,
00:56:06 no, I didn't. They kicked me first." Uh-uh, because I know Dashawn don't kick nobody.
00:56:09 Dashawn done been suspended from school five times for kicking people. You know he kicked people.
00:56:13 He done kicked you.
00:56:27 Let me get y'all out of here. Oh, Lord, yes. Thank you. As long as you're with me, I'm good,
00:56:34 mama. All I need is five people. Five of us can take on this whole world. Come on,
00:56:39 somebody. I got five. I got you. I got one in every section. We'll fight all of y'all.
00:56:44 Watch this. He says, "I'm about to pour my spirit on servants and handmaidens."
00:56:53 What is a servant? Somebody who gives their time and might not get nothing back.
00:56:58 Here is the problem with today's church. We start our service from what we're going to get out of
00:57:07 it. I remember, and I'm not asking us to go back. I just remember a time in church where everybody
00:57:13 didn't have to be paid for everything. Now, if somebody buy a piece of tissue,
00:57:22 they bring a receipt for 62 cents. That ain't even the tissue we will use.
00:57:26 I'm telling the truth. Y'all ain't got to say nothing.
00:57:39 Everybody wants to be compensated for everything. You don't get paid for service.
00:57:44 Your service is given unto God.
00:57:48 "Present your bodies, Romans, to everyone as a living sacrifice, that you might be
00:57:56 which is your reasonable service."
00:58:08 We ought to have a partner's army. So many people volunteering their time.
00:58:12 Now we have to have a waiting list.
00:58:14 Nobody wants to serve anymore. "I'm just going to go to church, get my ass. I ain't going to speak
00:58:27 to nobody. It bothers nobody. I'm going to get back in my car and go home, because I ain't got
00:58:30 time for them fake folks." Everywhere you go, you're around. They fake at your job. They fake at
00:58:37 your house, but you're going back there. There are fake folk everywhere, so I don't know why we come
00:58:43 to church. Everybody has to be real. "I just expected in the church that they would be real
00:58:50 at the church." Where is the real vaccine for people who go to church? The people in the church
00:58:56 are related to the people who you left. So that means the church is going to be full of everything
00:59:02 you walked away from. This is not a perfect institution where you walk in and nobody has
00:59:06 problems. And by the way, if you find a perfect church, can you leave it alone? Because when you
00:59:10 join, you're going to mess it up. If you ever find a perfect church, don't join.
00:59:28 I came today. I've got time. I've got time.
00:59:36 Put that smile on your face. I ain't going nowhere.
00:59:55 Where are all my women at? So, he says, "I'm going to pour my spirit out on handmaidens."
01:00:08 Oh, Lord. Anybody want to take a stab at what a handmaiden is?
01:00:16 A handmaiden is a servant that can only serve women.
01:00:20 Say it this way. A handmaiden is only a servant that can serve a queen.
01:00:32 See, in times past, when it was time to fight and get the spoils of war,
01:00:41 women were not invited because women were not a part to be a part of the army.
01:00:45 But if the new strategy allows him to pour his spirit out on sons and daughters and handmaidens,
01:00:51 it must mean that some of the women are going to rise to power and need servants.
01:00:55 So, God says, "I'm going to pour out my spirit on handmaidens," because in this next season,
01:01:03 women are going to be so powerful that all of the wealth is not just going to go to the men.
01:01:11 There's getting to be a vast shift of wealth towards women.
01:01:17 And there are going to be women in the earth that have the same kind of power that men have enjoyed
01:01:26 for centuries. You're going to be the president of universities. You're going to be the president
01:01:32 of banks. You're going to be millionaires. Come here. Where are my billionaire women at?
01:01:37 God says, "I'm about to raise up a standard for women," and there's going to be more power
01:01:45 shifting in the hands of women. Now, as I look across this room, I need every woman in here to
01:01:52 raise your hand. I want you to know that by virtue of the fact that you were born a woman,
01:01:59 that this is a prophecy for you to get your hands ready for God to pour out
01:02:08 wealth that you won't have to get married to get,
01:02:15 and wealth you won't lose if you break up with who you're with.
01:02:22 I need every woman to slap another woman and say, "This is my blessing. It ain't connected to no man.
01:02:28 It ain't connected to no season. It ain't connected to no child. This is mine because
01:02:34 I'm an anointed woman of God." I need every businesswoman, every entrepreneurial woman,
01:02:40 every boss chick to lift up your voice and begin to give God praise.
01:02:46 Y'all don't believe it. Let me see if I can get some women over here.
01:02:52 You shouted louder than that at the concert. I need some woman who looked at your life and you
01:02:57 didn't know how you were going to get there. I just pronounced a blessing over your life right
01:03:01 now. I need every woman who feels the pouring on your life to begin to give God the glory
01:03:08 that he's about to pour his Spirit out on you.
01:03:21 I'm talking to women who got the corner office. I'm talking to women who are over the sorority.
01:03:28 I'm talking to women who are the chapter leaders. I'm talking to women
01:03:33 top litigators in the state. I'm talking to women.
01:03:38 And for those of y'all who've given up on your dreams, can you at least have enough faith for
01:03:44 your daughter? If you don't believe he can do it with you, praise God, because he's going to do it
01:03:51 with your seed. How many of y'all know?
01:03:53 Watch what begins to happen in this house and online with women.
01:04:02 Y'all going to be over corporations. They're going to assume it's a man because of how good it's
01:04:11 going. And then they're going to find out, "Oh, she did that." As a matter of fact, just touch
01:04:16 three girls and say, "She did that. She did that. She did that. She did that. She did that."
01:04:21 I'm speaking inventions into your spirit.
01:04:26 I'm speaking million-dollar ideas into your mind. I'm speaking visions and dreams.
01:04:34 Listen to me, women. Listen to me. Listen to me. Listen to me.
01:04:44 In this next season, I need you to rely more on your vision than your intuition,
01:04:50 because God is going to show you something you can't feel.
01:04:56 He's going to show you something you can't sense. I'm not saying give it up,
01:05:02 because it serves you well, but you've got to have a higher power
01:05:05 that is not just on what you feel; it's what God showed you.
01:05:12 Women, how many of you all have been dreaming lately,
01:05:17 seeing visions? Let me rephrase it. I'm not talking about a dream where you can wake up and
01:05:24 say, "I was in California drinking a Mai Tai." Not that. I'm talking about glimpses. Boom! Like you
01:05:32 saw something. It's just… You were just daydreaming, staring off, and boom! God showed
01:05:38 you something, and you got to just… Come here, Holy Spirit. What I need you to do is… Some of
01:05:45 you all have been getting these visions in the night, but you've been trying to remember them
01:05:51 in your sleep. God says, "Wake up and write it down, because I'm going to close the portal to
01:05:57 see if you were faithful enough to wake up." I don't know who you are, ma'am, in the black,
01:06:02 but God says there are dreams and visions coming your way in the business realm. I don't know what
01:06:08 you do. I don't know who you are, but there are visions and dreams. I need you to wake up
01:06:11 and get that pink notebook that you have and start to write in it.
01:06:15 Is it pink? Okay. I want you to grab that one, and I want you to start to write in it,
01:06:20 because there are visions and dreams that are coming your way.
01:06:24 You are supposed to have millions of dollars at your disposal.
01:06:27 Amen.
01:06:40 Thank you, Holy Spirit. She's fine. I'm going to give you this illustration. Come here,
01:06:47 Pastor Raymond. Thank you all for dealing with me today. Let me tell you something.
01:06:51 Look at me, children. I ain't mad at you. I'm mad at the devil. I'm mad at your bully.
01:06:59 I come from a house. Don't come to my house if you didn't swing back.
01:07:06 You may have lost, but don't come in my house talking about you didn't fight back.
01:07:14 Maybe this was too hard for some of y'all, but for some of y'all, I've got to talk to you like
01:07:20 this to get you to a place where you're not paralyzed by your fear, because I got your back.
01:07:30 I ain't mad at you. I'm just upset that you don't know who you are.
01:07:40 Bible says, "Come here, Pastor. We wrestle not."
01:07:44 The Lord gave me a revelation. He said, "Wrestling is the only sport
01:07:55 where you never lose contact with your opposition."
01:07:59 See, in basketball, you create separation. In football, you create separation.
01:08:10 In wrestling, the purpose is.
01:08:12 It says you're going to have to wrestle with it.
01:08:24 Sometimes it's going to feel like you're losing.
01:08:36 Then sometimes it'll feel like you're winning. Then sometimes
01:08:42 it will just back you down until you have
01:08:47 nothing left.
01:09:00 But then here comes the spirit.
01:09:01 I can do all things through Christ.
01:09:14 Slap somebody, say, "Get it up off of you. Get off of your face. Get off of your back. Get off
01:09:24 of your knees. Get out of your feelings. Get out of your insecurity and fight back."
01:09:30 Fight back.
01:09:39 Fight back.
01:09:51 Cry and fight.
01:09:55 Lose faith, but don't stop fighting.
01:10:03 Question God, but don't stop fighting.
01:10:18 You can win if you don't quit, but if you quit, I guarantee you, you'll lose.
01:10:25 Fight back.
01:10:34 What am I telling you? Because right now my message is fighting with some of your old mindsets. You
01:10:41 got to fight back. I know what I'm talking about. You just got to believe.
01:10:50 When I grew up, I was told that I may have a high school teammate here. Antoine Bullard,
01:11:01 are you in the room? I was told he might be here. He's not here. When I was in high school,
01:11:09 there was a family, and I was going to ask him to verify, there was a family called the Maldonados.
01:11:14 Maldonados had like six generations of wrestlers in their family.
01:11:22 If you go into our gym right now in our high school, their names in the rafters.
01:11:28 They beat everybody up. Here's the crazy part. They were like 5'3", 115 pounds.
01:11:40 Beating up everybody.
01:11:41 I asked him one day, I said, "Maldonado," I said, "Man, how in the world
01:11:48 they all be beating up everybody?"
01:11:53 Not dismissing the fact that they were good wrestlers, but he said, "Before every match,
01:12:05 we put oil on our body."
01:12:06 He said, "The reason why we put oil on our body is because
01:12:14 when you have oil, you're difficult to grip."
01:12:18 He said, "Sometimes I felt like I was just about to lose, but I had that oil advantage,
01:12:30 and I be able to slip out of the enemy's grip and counter and win the fight."
01:12:36 See, what some of you all don't know yet is you are too anointed to lose a fight.
01:12:44 You have too much oil on your life to give up now. I want you to encourage yourself
01:12:57 and just say, "I'm anointed. I'm anointed. I'm anointed." Can you say it to yourself?
01:13:03 "I'm anointed. I have too much favor to lose this fight. You can knock me down,
01:13:11 but you will not knock me out. I will come back out of this fire like pure gold.
01:13:20 Let me finish this at the end of every battle." I didn't even get to the part where I could tell
01:13:27 you what the Bible says, that when the enemy came in like a flood, the Lord raised up a standard.
01:13:34 And that word standard is not our word standards like we raise up our standards. It's a flag.
01:13:40 Like our Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. And you know, every warrior fights under the auspices
01:13:48 of that flag. He says, "Whenever the flag went up, everybody came together and fought together."
01:13:54 Our flag, our banner, the blood-stained banner, that's Jesus Christ.
01:13:59 And at the end of every battle, they will plan a celebration.
01:14:06 Because God says, "I don't want you to win and not let everybody know you won."
01:14:16 You can't be a silent victor. When you win, the old song says, "You gotta go
01:14:24 and tell it on the mountain." I wonder what sound you would make
01:14:35 if you woke up and really realized that you had already won.
01:14:42 You shall live and not die.
01:14:47 Your time is here.
01:14:52 All that crying you've been doing, it was for today.
01:15:02 How many of you all almost—you've almost given up more times than you can count?
01:15:06 Don't give up on God. Don't give up on God.
01:15:14 I want you to stand so that I can pray the victory in your life.
01:15:19 I am a—I am a man of God. I am a man of God.
01:15:28 I want you to stand so that I can pray the victory in your life.
01:15:32 I am—I am 100% sure that God is about to revive the strategy in your life
01:15:43 and that you are too anointed to be defeated.
01:15:54 For every vision and visionary, for every dreamer and dreamer, for every
01:15:58 handmaiden and servant, whichever one of those you are,
01:16:02 I decree and declare that after this war is over,
01:16:13 you will come home with spoils from the victory.
01:16:23 Your days of lack are coming to an end.
01:16:26 Your days of pension pennies are coming to an end.
01:16:33 God says, "I'm about to bring an influence over you
01:16:40 that you can speak in atmospheres and the rooms have to adjust to you."
01:16:43 If you are in the army that I'm talking about,
01:16:51 let me hear your war cry.
01:16:53 [WAR CRY]