00:00:00 [MUSIC]
00:00:10 I was in South Africa and I was watching an eagle feeding eaglets.
00:00:19 And one thing I noticed as the mother eagle approached up on the cliffs really
00:00:25 high through my binoculars, I could see the eaglets had their mouth open.
00:00:30 As the mother bird approached, they were ready to receive.
00:00:37 Closed mouths don't get fed.
00:00:41 >> [APPLAUSE]
00:00:47 >> Open your heart and open your mouth.
00:00:51 I hear the flapping of the Holy Spirit's wings coming through Pastor Rob's
00:00:58 to declare the infallible word of God.
00:01:02 The food has been captured.
00:01:04 Is your mouth open to receive the word of the Lord?
00:01:09 Then without further ado, welcome to the roster of my own assistant pastor,
00:01:14 Pastor Tore Roberts.
00:01:17 >> [APPLAUSE]
00:01:24 >> Hallelujah.
00:01:26 Well, great morning, great morning.
00:01:30 God is certainly moving and stirring in this place.
00:01:37 I'm so grateful for this church.
00:01:41 I'm so grateful for this meeting place.
00:01:45 I'm so thankful for the meals that are prepared here week in and week out.
00:01:53 I'm grateful for all of the gifts and all of the anointing.
00:01:58 And all of that comes from the grace that's on one man.
00:02:04 Our leader, our father, our bishop, TD Jakes.
00:02:09 Can you help me celebrate our great bishop?
00:02:13 >> [APPLAUSE]
00:02:20 >> Pastor Michael ministered the word of
00:02:23 God last week powerfully.
00:02:25 >> [APPLAUSE]
00:02:30 >> And he talked about our bishop being
00:02:34 our hero, and he very much is that.
00:02:39 I was thinking about what bishop is to me beyond my bishop, my father,
00:02:44 my friend, but he's also my strong tower.
00:02:48 And before you get too religious and say no, the Bible said, come on,
00:02:55 cuz some of y'all wait a minute now, don't call a man your strong tower.
00:02:58 First of all, that passage says, the name of the Lord is a strong tower, a.
00:03:06 Doesn't say the strong tower, the name of the Lord is a strong tower.
00:03:10 When I think about my bishop, my father, my friend, he's my strong tower.
00:03:16 I can climb up on him when I need to and see a little further down the road.
00:03:22 Come on somebody, I can get up above my enemies when
00:03:26 the water seem to be just a little too boisterous.
00:03:31 And sometimes I can just hide under his shade.
00:03:34 Is that just my testimony?
00:03:35 Anybody thank God for having a strong tower who's gone ahead of us and
00:03:41 has built something that we can go and stand on or stand under.
00:03:46 That's who you are to me, sir.
00:03:48 Thank you so much and so many things.
00:03:50 Can we also take a moment to honor the first lady of this church,
00:03:53 Sarita Jakes, who's watching right now.
00:03:56 We love you, we're so grateful for you.
00:03:59 We thank God for you.
00:04:00 To all the pastors and the leaders, I know they've been acknowledged, but
00:04:04 I'm so grateful for each of the pastors and ministers of this church.
00:04:09 And certainly my baby.
00:04:11 I love her so much, I miss her when she's asleep.
00:04:13 I wake her up in the middle of the night.
00:04:14 Girl, I miss you.
00:04:15 Can you help me celebrate my wife, Pastor Sarah?
00:04:18 >> [APPLAUSE]
00:04:19 >> Hallelujah.
00:04:19 >> [APPLAUSE]
00:04:24 >> Bishop being a strong tower,
00:04:26 it's a kingdom thing.
00:04:28 And if you haven't had an opportunity to download the sleep psalms with
00:04:32 Bishop TD Jakes, let me tell you something.
00:04:36 If you haven't done it, you're missing out on the entire world.
00:04:40 It is the number one religious podcast in the world.
00:04:45 Not the city, not the nation, in the world.
00:04:50 Come on, can we celebrate and congrats?
00:04:52 That's massive.
00:04:54 That's not just Christian, that's any religion.
00:04:56 God has set him apart and set him up for the kingdom's sake.
00:05:02 Now I wanna be honest with you, I do not have a sermon today.
00:05:06 I don't have a sermon, but I do have a burden.
00:05:12 I have a burden.
00:05:14 And I've learned to always go with the burden.
00:05:20 Because God will allow his people to tap into what he's feeling,
00:05:26 what he's sensing, and what he's after.
00:05:29 And if we would be disciplined enough spiritually, and
00:05:32 this is for pastors and leaders and everyone.
00:05:34 If we would be disciplined enough spiritually and get our egos out of the way.
00:05:38 And say God, your burden will always be more powerful than my sermon,
00:05:44 then great glory will take place.
00:05:47 So all I need from you, so I'm obedient with the burden, I just need your hunger.
00:05:54 My obedience, your hunger, and the Holy Ghost, and
00:05:59 I will move through this word, and I'll have you out by 5 PM today and everything.
00:06:04 >> [LAUGH]
00:06:07 >> No, I won't take that long.
00:06:09 >> [LAUGH]
00:06:11 >> I wanna draw your attention,
00:06:13 I've just got three passages of scripture.
00:06:15 I've got three passages, a burden and the Holy Ghost.
00:06:19 And I believe God's gonna move.
00:06:24 The first passage that I want us to look at is John chapter 4,
00:06:29 we're gonna read verse 35 through 38.
00:06:31 Thank you, Lord.
00:06:33 Then we're gonna jump over to 2 Chronicles 16 and 9.
00:06:37 And then we'll anchor our thought for today in Ezekiel chapter 22 and verse 30.
00:06:44 It says, do you not say there are still four months, and then comes the harvest?
00:06:54 Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and
00:06:58 look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest.
00:07:04 And he who reaps receives wages and gathers fruit for
00:07:09 eternal life that both he who sows and
00:07:13 he who reaps may rejoice together, that's important.
00:07:17 That both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.
00:07:24 For in this the saying is true, one sows and another reaps.
00:07:30 I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored.
00:07:33 Others have labored, and you have entered into their labors.
00:07:38 2 Chronicles 16 and 9, it says, for the eyes of the Lord run to and
00:07:44 fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong on behalf
00:07:50 of those whose hearts are loyal to him, and then we'll wrap up in Ezekiel 22 and 30.
00:07:55 And the Lord says, so I sought for a man among them who would make a wall and
00:08:04 stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land that I should not destroy it.
00:08:10 But I found no one.
00:08:15 Father, thank you so much for this opportunity to be in your house of bread.
00:08:22 We thank you, God, that we don't live by natural bread alone, but
00:08:25 by every word that proceeds out of your mouth.
00:08:28 And God, I thank you for this message.
00:08:31 I thank you for the people that are here.
00:08:33 I thank you for the countless that are watching via live stream,
00:08:36 all tapped into this word.
00:08:38 And I thank you, God, for the spirit of wisdom and revelation and insight and
00:08:43 knowledge and prophecy and full use of heaven's resources to bless,
00:08:49 to empower, to uplift, to enlighten, and ultimately to activate heaven's beloved,
00:08:55 which is these your sons and daughters.
00:08:58 So have your way in this place.
00:09:01 May hunger meet the Holy Spirit, hallelujah.
00:09:04 In Jesus' name, amen, amen.
00:09:09 God bless you.
00:09:09 You may be seated.
00:09:10 Do me a favor and greet somebody on your way down.
00:09:12 Thank you, Lord.
00:09:14 Hallelujah.
00:09:16 Thank you, Jesus.
00:09:19 My assignment for today is not to exegete these texts,
00:09:30 but rather to extract something that God wants
00:09:37 us to have from each of these passages that very much relate to the moment
00:09:43 that we're standing in now.
00:09:45 Are you tracking with me?
00:09:46 I don't want to know about what God was doing yesterday.
00:09:53 I don't mind a history lesson so that I can understand God better and how he moves.
00:09:58 But what I am very, very passionate about and
00:10:01 committed to is what God is doing in the earth right now.
00:10:08 Are you tracking with me?
00:10:09 And so in these three passages, we're going to pull out three ingredients
00:10:15 that I believe are going to root us in what God is aiming to do today.
00:10:21 Three ingredients.
00:10:22 Those three ingredients that we're going to pull out of these three passages is,
00:10:25 one, a sentiment, two, a promise, and three, a prophecy.
00:10:34 So one of those passages communicates a sentiment, God's sentiment.
00:10:40 And understanding God's sentiment is critical because God wants us to know him.
00:10:46 He does not want us to be strangers.
00:10:49 In fact, he doesn't want us to simply be servants.
00:10:52 If you think about it, as he was dealing with the disciples,
00:10:55 as it was time for him to leave, he says, "Listen, I don't want to call you
00:10:58 servants anymore. Now I want you to be called friends."
00:11:04 Because the servant doesn't know what the master is doing.
00:11:07 And so we move in our walk with God, we move from servant to friendship.
00:11:13 Oh, I feel the Holy Ghost.
00:11:14 Abraham was a friend of God.
00:11:17 I don't know about you, but I don't just want to be his servant.
00:11:20 I'm going to be his servant.
00:11:22 That comes with it.
00:11:22 But I'm going to serve him because I know him and I love him and we are friends.
00:11:28 Anybody want to be a friend of God?
00:11:31 I want to know you.
00:11:32 I don't want to just serve you based on somebody else's interpretation of you.
00:11:38 I don't want to serve you by the hearing of the ear.
00:11:41 I want to see you and I want to know you.
00:11:43 And one of these passages of Scripture helps us to understand God and it helps us
00:11:48 to understand via a sentiment.
00:11:50 And although it was a sentiment then, I believe very much as I saw it the face
00:11:55 of the Lord that it is his sentiment now.
00:11:59 And we're going to get to that in just a second, his sentiment now.
00:12:02 So which one am I talking about?
00:12:03 Let's just get right into it.
00:12:04 I'm talking about that Ezekiel passage of Scripture.
00:12:08 Let's look at it really quickly again.
00:12:12 He says, "So I sought," this is God, "speaking about what was taking place
00:12:21 in a very tumultuous and troublesome time when those who were called and assigned
00:12:27 to do great exploits for him had lost their way.
00:12:33 And even though they had lost their way in the land that God had given to him,
00:12:37 he still had hope.
00:12:40 And in his hope, he says, "I sought for a man among them who would make a wall."
00:12:48 We're going to talk about that in a minute.
00:12:50 "And not only make a wall, but to stand in the gap before me on the behalf
00:12:56 of the land that I should not destroy, but I found no one."
00:13:00 Look at the optimism of God.
00:13:03 God says, "I know that things are crazy, and I know that things seem to be
00:13:10 out of control, but I'm just crazy enough to look for somebody.
00:13:17 I'm crazy enough to look for a witness," watch this, "in my creation."
00:13:24 I'm going to feel the Holy Spirit.
00:13:25 Can I take my time and we walk this thing out together?
00:13:29 He says, "I know that things look like all hope is gone, and I know it looks
00:13:35 like hell is winning, but I've got faith in what I put in you."
00:13:43 I feel the Holy Ghost.
00:13:44 "I've got faith in my creation.
00:13:47 So even though it looks bleak, even though the world is full of problems,
00:13:52 I'm still optimistic and I am looking.
00:13:55 I sought for someone to make a wall and to stand in the gap."
00:14:06 And in this case, it says, "And I found no one."
00:14:13 Wow.
00:14:15 I believe that that passage of Scripture is there to help us to understand
00:14:21 God's sentiment.
00:14:23 Well, when I think about this world right now, and I talked about,
00:14:26 I told you I have a burden.
00:14:27 I'll tell you what my burden is right now.
00:14:29 My burden is a burden for leadership.
00:14:36 I just feel like there is a dearth and a leadership vacuum right now.
00:14:44 And I'm crazy enough to believe that all of the issues in our world right now are a
00:14:52 direct result of the absence of divine leadership.
00:15:00 I believe it.
00:15:02 And so if I feel that burden, I feel like God feels that burden.
00:15:06 I can't wait to get into this thing today.
00:15:09 God is looking.
00:15:10 See, what these three texts have in common is that God is looking for something,
00:15:16 even right now.
00:15:17 See, God can allow struggle and issue and depravity to take place.
00:15:24 He can allow a problem because God is an inventor of solutions.
00:15:29 In fact, the God that I serve creates the solution to the problem before the
00:15:34 problem even shows up.
00:15:35 That's why Jesus is called the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.
00:15:41 In other words, God created a cure before the world even got broken.
00:15:47 Come on, somebody.
00:15:49 So God's perspective about problems are completely different from our perspective.
00:15:59 We look at a problem and we see a barrier.
00:16:03 We look at a problem and we get stuck with mentalities that say, "I will never get
00:16:08 past this," or, "I will never overcome this," or, "I might as well watch this
00:16:12 acquiesce and accept what is."
00:16:15 God looks at a problem and says, "I've got an anointing for that.
00:16:19 I feel the Holy Ghost."
00:16:20 God looks at a problem and says, "I've got a grace for that."
00:16:26 Can I take my time?
00:16:31 So there's a sentiment in the earth right now, Phil.
00:16:35 You know, when we were worshiping and we were talking about, we were chanting,
00:16:39 we were talking about this power, this power in the name of Jesus, and we all were on one
00:16:47 accord.
00:16:49 And we begin to lift up the name of Jesus and talk about the power that's in the blood,
00:16:54 the blood of the Lamb.
00:16:56 And if you were paying attention, something began to shift.
00:17:00 Something began to shift in the atmosphere because we were getting a revelation of who
00:17:05 we are and what we possess.
00:17:07 And I felt in that moment that there would be no giant we couldn't take down if we would
00:17:16 stay in that space.
00:17:18 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
00:17:20 Because we began to sing our song.
00:17:23 Believers have a song.
00:17:24 Come on.
00:17:25 We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.
00:17:30 There's something in our song.
00:17:36 And when our song and earth aligns with heaven's grace, then mountains have to move.
00:17:44 Oh God, I feel the Lord, but we're going to walk this thing out slowly.
00:17:48 We're going to walk it out slowly.
00:17:52 God is looking for leaders.
00:17:58 If you haven't registered for ILS, you need to do it.
00:18:00 I will even let you take a break from this message and do it right now.
00:18:05 I'm telling you, God is looking for someone, watch this, to make a wall, to make a wall.
00:18:15 Now, now let's talk about that for a second.
00:18:18 What does he mean by, by make a wall?
00:18:21 So if you study this in its context, there is great depravity taking place in the land,
00:18:28 great depravity.
00:18:29 And he says, I'm looking for someone to first make a wall, to make a, watch this, a decision
00:18:44 about what's happening and to separate his or herself, his or her family, his or her
00:18:52 business.
00:18:54 Anything that pertains to that individual to make a declaration and a separation, I'm
00:18:59 building a wall.
00:19:01 I'm raising a standard up against all of that.
00:19:10 There is, there is this wall.
00:19:11 I was thinking about this wall and ultimately what this was, Aunt Jackie, was it was a wall
00:19:17 of resistance.
00:19:18 Oh, feel the Holy Spirit.
00:19:20 There's a wall of resistance.
00:19:22 See, see, see, we take stuff that we're not supposed to take.
00:19:29 We acquiesce to things like we are not a royal priesthood and a holy nation.
00:19:36 Like we haven't been given the keys to the kingdom with binding and loosing power, power
00:19:42 to open doors that no one can shut and to shut doors that no man can open.
00:19:50 Listen to those words, I've given you the keys to the kingdom of heaven so you can bind
00:19:55 and loose, watch this, and you can open doors, watch this, that no one can shut and shut
00:20:03 doors that no man can open.
00:20:04 What he's saying is I've given you an anointing to do only that which you can do.
00:20:09 Oh, you got to get it.
00:20:12 So, so see, it's not going to happen because we elect the right person.
00:20:16 That is out the window.
00:20:18 Forget about that, do your thing, vote and all that kind of stuff.
00:20:21 But salvation is not going to come from the White House.
00:20:25 Salvation is not going to come from the Capitol.
00:20:27 You know where salvation is going to come from.
00:20:30 Salvation is going to come from God through you.
00:20:33 If that's the truth, holler at me real quick, real quick, real quick.
00:20:37 Let me know I'm in the right room.
00:20:40 See I want to activate something in you.
00:20:43 I want to do more than encourage you today because you literally are the answer.
00:20:48 And I hear God saying build something, make a wall, raise up a standard.
00:20:53 You need to be defiant.
00:20:54 When you see evil, get defiant in Jesus' name.
00:21:01 Okay.
00:21:04 Okay.
00:21:06 He's saying I don't want you to be tolerant anymore.
00:21:11 Build a wall.
00:21:16 Build something.
00:21:17 Watch this.
00:21:18 Everything you build ought to be an act of resistance.
00:21:27 Your business ought to be an act of resistance against poverty or whatever it is against.
00:21:32 It needs to be an act of resistance.
00:21:34 Build a wall, build a wall, build a wall, build something in your life.
00:21:39 Everything about you ought to be defiant.
00:21:45 The kingdom of God was not passive.
00:21:52 Jesus only preached one message, one message and it was the kingdom and the kingdom was
00:21:58 not passive.
00:22:00 It was very aggressive.
00:22:01 Oh, I feel the Holy Ghost.
00:22:08 The kingdom shows up to push back another kingdom that was in place.
00:22:18 I told you God doesn't mind starting a fight when he knows we're going to win the war.
00:22:24 Are you hearing the words that are coming out of my mouth?
00:22:31 The kingdom coming was a move of resistance.
00:22:38 Repent for the kingdom of God is here.
00:22:47 I know that there are systems that seem like they will never change.
00:22:52 I feel the Holy Ghost.
00:22:54 I know that there are things in place that are in direct contradiction to your promise,
00:23:01 but I hear God saying, "I'm looking for you.
00:23:04 I'm seeking somebody, somebody that's bold enough and brave enough to raise up a wall,
00:23:12 to raise up a gesture of defiance."
00:23:20 What do you need to build a wall up against right now?
00:23:25 What is threatening you?
00:23:26 Is cancer threatening you?
00:23:28 Oh, I feel the Lord.
00:23:29 Is poverty threatening you?
00:23:32 Is disease threatening you?
00:23:35 What's threatening you right now?
00:23:37 God is seeking you.
00:23:43 He's seeking you.
00:23:46 He's seeking you.
00:23:48 That's his burden.
00:23:49 Look at it.
00:23:50 He says, "I sought somebody.
00:23:51 Just one."
00:23:52 He didn't say, "I sought ten."
00:23:53 He said, "I just sought one among them."
00:24:05 One, watch this, right there in the midst of oppression, right there in the midst of
00:24:13 depravity, that one person would have a different spirit like Joshua and Caleb.
00:24:21 That would have a different spirit that would not acquiesce to what is less than what God
00:24:29 promised because it was going to be a fight.
00:24:36 I just need one that's crazy enough to erect a wall.
00:24:41 Oh, I feel the Holy Ghost.
00:24:44 Just turn to your neighbor and say, "Build something.
00:24:46 Build something.
00:24:47 Build something.
00:24:48 Build something.
00:24:49 Build something.
00:24:50 Build it.
00:24:51 Build it.
00:24:52 Build it.
00:24:53 Build it.
00:24:54 Build it.
00:24:55 Build it.
00:24:56 Build it.
00:24:57 Build it.
00:24:58 Ooh.
00:24:59 God's going to do a thing in here today.
00:25:00 I feel it already.
00:25:01 I feel it already.
00:25:02 He's going to do a thing in here.
00:25:03 He's going to do a thing in here.
00:25:04 He's going to do a thing in here.
00:25:05 He says, so he says, let's move through this.
00:25:09 So he says, "I sought somebody, just one among them, that would make a wall.
00:25:21 I'm not going to make this wall for you."
00:25:23 Bishop said it a minute ago.
00:25:26 I don't know the faith in the Word.
00:25:28 "I'm not going to make this wall for you.
00:25:32 The only thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to let you see what's wrong.
00:25:42 That's the only thing I'm going to do."
00:25:45 See some of you are grieved by what you see.
00:25:51 And there are two responses to you being grieved by what you see.
00:25:56 One response is to complain about it.
00:25:59 "I just don't know why things are like that and it's just crazy."
00:26:03 Now Jesus come back.
00:26:06 Not before you do what you're called to do.
00:26:10 There's a reason why you see it.
00:26:14 Always pay attention to what you see.
00:26:18 Because if you're seeing it, that is a blessing.
00:26:21 That means that that's your giant.
00:26:24 Make a wall.
00:26:29 That's your assignment.
00:26:34 Have given you the ability.
00:26:36 God talks about in Deuteronomy 8.18 how God gives us the ability, the translation, the
00:26:42 ability to create wealth.
00:26:44 But that word wealth is a Hebrew word, "Khayil."
00:26:47 And it's not just money.
00:26:50 It's men, resources, and means.
00:26:54 I feel the Holy Ghost.
00:26:56 So I have been given an innate ability that if I step into it and I'm determined to make
00:27:04 a wall, there is a grace on my life to produce, watch this, men, that's relationships, that's
00:27:13 people.
00:27:14 Resources, come on somebody, that's money.
00:27:18 Means could be anything.
00:27:19 In other words, whatever you need to do, I've already put that potential in you.
00:27:31 But until you make a decision to make a wall, until you make a decision that you are the
00:27:38 answer that you're looking for, watch this, then all of those resources lie latent and
00:27:45 dormant on the inside of you.
00:27:47 And I believe I'm talking to some people right now, and God is beginning to stir up the gift
00:27:52 that's on the inside of you.
00:27:54 And I feel like there's an activation that's getting ready to take place and out of your
00:28:00 belly, something's going to flow.
00:28:06 It's going to break right here in this room.
00:28:08 I feel it.
00:28:09 It's going to break right here in this room.
00:28:10 See, you have been distracted by your issues.
00:28:14 That's what the enemy does.
00:28:15 He makes you focus on your issue and not on his burden.
00:28:20 But I hear God saying, "You will seek first the kingdom and his righteousness."
00:28:26 Oh, other things are going to be added.
00:28:31 You're greater than you think.
00:28:32 You've got more to work with than you think.
00:28:33 I feel the Holy Ghost.
00:28:34 I see walls.
00:28:35 I see buildings.
00:28:36 I see businesses.
00:28:37 I see ministries.
00:28:38 I see defiance rising up.
00:28:39 I see a whole lot of things.
00:28:40 I see a whole lot of things.
00:28:41 I see a whole lot of things.
00:28:42 I see a whole lot of things.
00:28:43 I see a whole lot of things.
00:28:44 I see a whole lot of things.
00:28:45 I see a whole lot of things.
00:28:46 I see a standard being raised right here in this house.
00:28:52 God says, "I'm looking."
00:28:53 Reboshimra.
00:28:54 "I'm looking.
00:28:55 I just need one.
00:28:56 I just need one.
00:28:57 I'm looking.
00:28:58 I'm looking for one among them, one that's going to talk differently."
00:29:03 I feel this.
00:29:04 "One that's not going to complain.
00:29:05 One that's going to say, 'We are more than able.'"
00:29:06 He says, "I'm looking for somebody to make a wall.
00:29:29 I'm looking for someone who is willing to defy the status quo.
00:29:36 I'm looking for somebody that's crazy enough to believe that a root can grow out of dry
00:29:42 ground.
00:29:44 I'm looking for somebody radical enough to believe that just because it hasn't been seen
00:29:50 or done before doesn't mean I'm not the one.
00:29:54 In fact, maybe it hasn't been seen or done before because there's never been anybody
00:30:00 like me on this earth."
00:30:02 If that's your word, shout to God in this house.
00:30:07 I'm the one.
00:30:08 I'm the one.
00:30:09 Come on.
00:30:10 I'm the one.
00:30:11 I'm the one.
00:30:12 I dare you to say, "I'm the one."
00:30:13 I'm the one.
00:30:14 I'm the one.
00:30:15 I'm the one.
00:30:16 I'm the one.
00:30:17 I'm the one you're looking for.
00:30:18 Come on, somebody.
00:30:19 Tell God, "I'm your huckleberry.
00:30:20 I'm the one you're looking for.
00:30:21 I'm the one.
00:30:22 I'm the one.
00:30:23 I'm the one.
00:30:24 I'm the one you're looking for.
00:30:25 I'm the one."
00:30:26 Oh, can't you see it?
00:30:34 I'm looking.
00:30:35 The eyes of the Lord.
00:30:39 Not when to promise.
00:30:41 The eyes of the Lord go to and fro, let me shout, throughout the whole earth.
00:30:48 Looking, looking, looking.
00:30:51 What is God doing?
00:30:52 Looking, looking.
00:30:53 He's trying to find somebody now.
00:30:58 Now, when I think about that, Bishop, when I think about that Ezekiel text, where it
00:31:10 says, "I was looking for somebody to make the wall," and do something else we can talk
00:31:17 about in a minute, "to make the wall," and he says, "I found none.
00:31:22 I wonder, I ask myself the question, what would have happened if he found one?"
00:31:30 We saw the devastation of him looking and not finding, and maybe that was for our learning,
00:31:37 like the scripture says, that the Old Testament was for our learning.
00:31:43 But what would have happened to that nation if, in fact, the opposite were true?
00:31:50 He wasn't just looking to look.
00:31:53 He had something to give, to offer.
00:31:59 This is God looking.
00:32:04 The creator of everything looking.
00:32:06 Oh, I feel that right there.
00:32:11 He's looking.
00:32:13 And God will never call you beyond your ability.
00:32:19 He will always call you according to it.
00:32:25 But he says, but he says, we got to move through this a little bit.
00:32:28 He says, "I'm looking for somebody that's going to be radical enough."
00:32:34 I said it, radical.
00:32:37 And let me tell you something, desperate times necessitate radical responses.
00:32:42 Hello, somebody.
00:32:46 Radical.
00:32:48 The only way, some breakthroughs necessitate a certain level of velocity.
00:32:55 Some breakthroughs you're not going to pattycake your way into.
00:33:01 There's some doors, feel this, boy.
00:33:03 There are some doors that will open and close so quick that while you are debilitating about
00:33:11 whether or not it's God and/or if you can do it, that door opens and closes some graces,
00:33:17 some opportunities necessitate velocity.
00:33:20 That's why you got to always be ready.
00:33:28 You got to always be ready to seize the moment.
00:33:32 Carpet DM, seize the day.
00:33:35 So he says, "I'm looking for somebody that's going to make a decision that's going to draw
00:33:40 a line in the sand, that's willing to partner with me to build something in the earth."
00:33:50 And then he says, "But not only that, but I'm looking for somebody to stand in the gap."
00:33:56 Stand in the gap.
00:33:57 Look at that.
00:33:58 Oh, God said, "I'm looking for somebody to stand in the gap."
00:34:02 And it says, "To stand in the gap before me."
00:34:07 So you're not standing, oh God, help me.
00:34:12 You're not just standing in the gap trying to hold everything together.
00:34:20 Just as much as you are standing in the gap, and I'll talk about what the gap is in a minute,
00:34:24 but just as much as you are standing in the gap, you are also standing in the presence
00:34:28 of God.
00:34:33 God's not going to call you to build something that will require you to stand in the gap
00:34:41 for a land or a people or a nation or a world and leave you there by yourself.
00:34:51 You know why the angel Gabriel was so confident?
00:34:55 When he came down and he gave messages to Mary, you know why he was so confident?
00:34:59 Because he says, "I am Gabriel."
00:35:01 Watch this.
00:35:02 He's standing on earth.
00:35:03 He says, "I am Gabriel who stands in the presence of the Lord."
00:35:06 Hey, are you hearing what I'm saying?
00:35:09 I might be here, but I'm also there.
00:35:14 Oh, come on somebody.
00:35:19 But what does it mean to stand in the gap?
00:35:21 I'm going to give you a thought about standing in the gap.
00:35:26 Standing in the gap, when you move to build something, something of resistance that says,
00:35:33 "You know what?
00:35:34 I don't care that it's like this.
00:35:36 As for me and my house, as for me and my company, as for me and whatever sphere of influence
00:35:43 God has given to me, I'm believing for bigger and brighter and better days."
00:35:51 And when you do that, the gap, the gap, watch this, is the space between the current crisis
00:36:03 and the move of God.
00:36:07 The gap.
00:36:11 So God's going to move some of you.
00:36:14 This is confirmation for many of you.
00:36:15 Some of you are going to be moved to action.
00:36:17 You have to be.
00:36:18 It's who you are.
00:36:19 It's who you are.
00:36:21 You've got to.
00:36:24 You have to.
00:36:25 You must do it.
00:36:26 It's not a game.
00:36:27 That's why you're hearing this, because God is saying, "I'm looking."
00:36:32 That's why you're watching, because God is saying, "I'm looking, and I'm looking throughout
00:36:36 the whole earth."
00:36:42 So when you start something, when you start it, there is going to be a space, a gap between
00:36:49 the current situation, the current crisis, and the move of God, and you have to fill
00:36:54 it.
00:36:57 You got to stand there.
00:37:00 And that is the place, I'm going to be honest with you, that's the place that the enemy
00:37:04 hits.
00:37:05 Can I talk to you for real?
00:37:09 See, because some of you have many foundations but few buildings.
00:37:20 A few chapters of a book but never finish it.
00:37:25 You bought the web domain, and you own the domain, but there's no content there, and
00:37:32 you've had the domain for two or three years.
00:37:35 Not you, but somebody you know.
00:37:39 Three foundations, you know how to start.
00:37:48 But you struggle with finishing.
00:37:51 It's because you don't know how to navigate the gap.
00:37:58 Stand in the gap.
00:37:59 This is where the enemy hits.
00:38:01 This is the area that he targets.
00:38:03 It's vulnerable, because he's, watch this, because he's hoping that he can run you out
00:38:08 of the gap.
00:38:11 In the space between the crisis and the move of God, the eyes of the Lord go about throughout
00:38:20 the whole earth to show himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are loyal toward
00:38:28 him.
00:38:29 Your beauty has to be tested.
00:38:38 I need you to do more than just make the wall, because making the wall does not say that
00:38:46 you're loyal to the vision.
00:38:49 Feel the Holy Ghost right here.
00:38:53 Making the wall might mean that you just got inspired.
00:38:57 You left church, start speaking in tongues, grabbed your shovel and got started.
00:39:05 But then come on, like the story of the parables.
00:39:08 But then the enemy comes, the parable of the kingdom.
00:39:11 The enemy comes and he starts, watch this, working on you.
00:39:13 It doesn't say anything about the enemy working on them until they started, until they got
00:39:19 in the gap.
00:39:26 And so the Lord says, I need you to stand in the gap.
00:39:34 Watch this.
00:39:35 And not only stand in the gap, but I need you to stay in the gap.
00:39:44 I need you, I need you, I need you to stay there.
00:39:48 And I believe, hear me, some of you were in a gap and you were getting ready to leave
00:39:53 the gap.
00:39:54 You're getting ready to leave it, because it wasn't happening in your timing or the
00:40:00 battle got real fierce.
00:40:03 And I have learned, and you've heard it said before, that the darkest hour is right before
00:40:07 day.
00:40:08 If I was your enemy, I would not fight you going in.
00:40:12 I would fight you right at the moment that you were getting ready to come out of that
00:40:17 thing and never be the same again.
00:40:22 Are we tracking?
00:40:28 You got to stay in the gap.
00:40:30 You got to stay in the gap.
00:40:31 You got to stay in the gap.
00:40:32 Now, now I'm going to move to something that is prophetic and we're going to pray and we're
00:40:36 going to be done.
00:40:38 The sentiment is, is I'm looking for somebody.
00:40:44 I'm looking for leaders.
00:40:47 See we're not short of bosses.
00:40:51 Everybody wants to be a boss.
00:40:54 That's the new thing.
00:40:55 I'm a boss.
00:40:58 That's not what I'm talking about.
00:41:00 I'm talking about a leader.
00:41:04 A leader is one who sacrifices.
00:41:08 A leader exists.
00:41:10 You know, the head, the head does not use the body to serve itself.
00:41:19 The head's function is for the whole.
00:41:23 I wish I can say that the way I see it.
00:41:26 It's not about the toe serving the head.
00:41:29 The head was set in place to make certain that the whole of the body is functioning
00:41:35 properly and gets to where it's trying to go.
00:41:38 That's what true leadership is.
00:41:41 Leadership will sacrifice itself for the whole.
00:41:48 It's not even, watch this, leadership honestly is not even about you.
00:41:58 It's about the generation that you're born into.
00:42:03 I could stay there all day.
00:42:06 Not even about you.
00:42:08 But I have learned that if you serve the body, God will serve you.
00:42:16 If you care about what he cares about, he will bless your life.
00:42:21 You don't have to try to bless yourself.
00:42:24 Listen, you don't ever have to ask God to bless what you're doing if you make it your
00:42:30 business to do what he's blessing.
00:42:32 Are you hearing the words that are coming out of my mouth?
00:42:36 When you determine to be a blessing, that's when you get blessed because God is looking
00:42:46 for somebody who will stand in the gap.
00:42:51 But here's the prophecy part because we got to land and we're going to pray.
00:42:53 We got to land.
00:42:56 So God has just given me scriptures and I was wrestling spiritually with a friend last
00:43:04 night and this scripture came up.
00:43:07 He brought this scripture up and it resonated so strongly and it's the John scripture.
00:43:13 And it says, do not say there are still four months and then comes the harvest.
00:43:21 This is about urgency.
00:43:24 Wow.
00:43:26 This is about urgency.
00:43:28 Don't say there are still four months and then comes the harvest.
00:43:34 Jesus is talking to, and here's what's crazy.
00:43:37 Jesus is talking to not just his disciples, but those who were ultimately, we can argue
00:43:44 that they were new converts from Samaria because this is on the heels of Jesus ministering
00:43:50 to the woman in Samaria who was, you know, they were outside of, you know, they had started
00:43:57 their own thing.
00:43:58 They, they, they were Samaritans.
00:44:00 They were kind of Jewish, but not, they built a temple somewhere else and, and they, they
00:44:05 felt like, you know, that Eli was a false priest that he had overtaken, you know, and
00:44:09 all this kind of stuff.
00:44:10 So they, so they, they were outside of Jerusalem and they set up their own temple and they
00:44:14 were still doing some of the Hebrew, the Hebrew things, but, but they were out, but salvation
00:44:21 was with the Jews.
00:44:22 So this crowd that is with Jesus is not just as disciples.
00:44:26 You got to read it carefully because the woman who gets touched by the Lord goes back to
00:44:31 her community and says, Oh, you gotta come see this man.
00:44:37 They go to that man and she gathers her whole community.
00:44:43 And this is where Jesus begins to have this dialogue.
00:44:47 So his disciples are there and these people watch this, who quite frankly, the Jews despised
00:44:56 are now at the meeting.
00:44:59 I got to say this the way I see it.
00:45:02 Now it's not just the disciples.
00:45:04 Now there are these people, watch this, who were written off and there was animosity between
00:45:12 the two groups, but now they're all sitting at the table, sitting around and Jesus says,
00:45:21 you say it's four months to harvest.
00:45:24 I just showed you, come on.
00:45:27 I just showed you in my interaction with this Samaritan and her whole community that there's
00:45:36 an anointing to take the city right now.
00:45:43 You talk about four more months.
00:45:44 You're talking about when this gets into place or when this gets into order or when I get
00:45:50 this or when I feel like that or when I get my money or when I, when I get my mate or
00:45:55 when I, when I get this and Jesus is saying, you don't need any of that.
00:45:59 I'm telling you right now, the harvest is plenteous.
00:46:04 The issue is the laborers.
00:46:11 He says, you think it's four months.
00:46:14 Oh, it's getting sweeter.
00:46:15 I'm almost done.
00:46:16 It gets sweeter.
00:46:17 He says, you're saying that there's still four months and then comes the harvest.
00:46:19 He says, behold, what is he saying?
00:46:21 Behold to he's saying behold because of the people.
00:46:24 He said, look, look, look.
00:46:31 Maybe that's how we're supposed to be when we see everything that's broken in our world.
00:46:38 Behold the opportunity.
00:46:46 Maybe what I'm calling a problem is really my opportunity.
00:46:56 And if it is true that the eyes go to and fro throughout the earth looking for somebody
00:47:04 who's got the right heart, it ain't about me.
00:47:10 I'll sacrifice everything about me if it leads to God's glory.
00:47:15 Oh, I feel it right there.
00:47:18 I'll lay it all down right now.
00:47:22 If it means God's glory, I will leave my father's house.
00:47:28 I will get out of my country and away from my family to a land that God will show me
00:47:35 if it means.
00:47:42 Not simply that God gets the glory, but that I find my glory.
00:47:50 Here's what I mean.
00:47:51 There is a hidden glory in everything that God has created.
00:47:57 And the only way that we will come to the place of expressing the hidden glory that
00:48:02 is within us is if we say I'm the one.
00:48:15 The eyes of the Lord, I'm almost done.
00:48:17 Come on, points one down.
00:48:18 The eyes of the Lord go to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong.
00:48:23 The Hebrew word literally means to strengthen, to strengthen in a powerful way, to seize,
00:48:30 and cause you to be firm and strong with the ability to triumph over every obstacle you
00:48:38 face.
00:48:39 So you just haven't gotten out there far enough out of the boat.
00:48:43 Oh, I feel holy.
00:48:44 Gosh, you know, the Bible says that that those who go down to the sea and ships who do business
00:48:49 in great waters, these see the works of the Lord and his wonders in the deep.
00:48:55 There's some wonders.
00:48:57 There's some things him showing himself strong.
00:49:00 There's some things you will never see if you stay on the shore.
00:49:04 And I'll tell you what you will never see if you stay on the shores yourself, because
00:49:11 you are not on the shore.
00:49:14 You are in the deep.
00:49:15 You were created for deep things.
00:49:17 That's why deep is calling to deep right now.
00:49:20 Deep is calling to deep right now.
00:49:22 Deep is calling to deep right now.
00:49:26 And here's a sweet promise to the sowers out there.
00:49:32 This is a word God gave it to me.
00:49:33 It fails.
00:49:34 I was up in the middle of night trying to figure out how to turn this burden into a
00:49:38 message.
00:49:39 The Lord spoke something to me about those of you who have been sowing for a long time.
00:49:46 That passage says that after it says it don't say that it's four months to harvest is there.
00:49:52 It says, and he who reaps receives wages and gathers fruit for eternal life.
00:50:01 Watch this, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.
00:50:11 The he who sows and he who reaps will rejoice together.
00:50:16 And what God spoke to me in that moment is that there's some of you and you have been
00:50:20 sowing for a long time.
00:50:23 Oh, you got to catch this.
00:50:27 You've been, you, you, you, you, you've been sowing for a long time and do not feel like
00:50:33 you have reaped.
00:50:34 And I'm going to make it even more personal.
00:50:37 And you feel like you don't even have the strength to reap.
00:50:42 And the Lord told me to tell you that the reapers are coming.
00:50:46 The reapers are coming.
00:50:47 The reapers, the reapers, the reapers are coming.
00:50:54 Help, help, help is coming.
00:50:56 Help is on the way.
00:50:58 It took everything you had to sow it.
00:51:01 And you don't feel like you've got the strength to bring it all in.
00:51:04 But God sent me here to tell you the reapers are coming.
00:51:08 The reapers are coming and y'all going to get together and y'all going to rejoice.
00:51:12 They're going to rejoice because they're reaping where you haven't sowed and you are going
00:51:16 to rejoice because you didn't have the strength to reap anymore.
00:51:20 All you had the strength to do was sow.
00:51:22 If that's your word, give God about five seconds of praise.
00:51:27 Uh huh.
00:51:28 The reapers are coming.
00:51:30 Help is coming.
00:51:31 Help is coming.
00:51:32 Oh, I feel it right there.
00:51:33 Right there.
00:51:34 Help is coming.
00:51:35 You thought they weren't paying attention.
00:51:36 You thought this generation was lost.
00:51:37 But I hear God saying, there's some people that are going to reap.
00:51:38 And I'm going to tell you, there's some people that are going to reap.
00:51:39 And I'm going to tell you, there's some people that are going to reap.
00:51:40 And I'm going to tell you, there's some people that are going to reap.
00:51:41 And I'm going to tell you, there's some people that are going to reap.
00:51:42 And I'm going to tell you, there's some people that are going to reap.
00:51:49 And I'm going to tell you, there's some people that are going to reap.
00:51:50 And I'm going to tell you, there's some people that are going to reap.
00:51:51 And I'm going to tell you, there's some people that are going to reap.
00:51:52 And I'm going to tell you, there's some people that are going to reap.
00:51:53 And I'm going to tell you, there's some people that are going to reap.
00:51:54 And I'm going to tell you, there's some people that are going to reap.
00:51:55 And I'm going to tell you, there's some people that are going to reap.
00:51:56 And I'm going to tell you, there's some people that are going to reap.
00:51:57 And I'm going to tell you, there's some people that are going to reap.
00:51:58 And I'm going to tell you, there's some people that are going to reap.
00:52:00 The reapers are coming!
00:52:01 The reapers are coming!
00:52:02 The reapers!
00:52:03 The reapers!
00:52:04 The reapers!
00:52:05 The reapers are coming!
00:52:06 Uh-huh.
00:52:07 Oh, you've got to get that.
00:52:08 You've got to get that.
00:52:09 You've got to get that.
00:52:10 I've been sowing all day, and I'm not quite there yet.
00:52:11 You know why you're not there yet?
00:52:12 Because the reapers are coming!
00:52:13 The reapers are coming!
00:52:14 They're coming!
00:52:15 See, that's for somebody that's been sowing.
00:52:16 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:17 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:18 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:19 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:20 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:21 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:22 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:23 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:24 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:25 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:26 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:27 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:28 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:29 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:30 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:31 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:32 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:33 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:34 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:35 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:36 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:37 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:38 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:39 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:52:40 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:53:04 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:53:11 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:53:16 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:53:20 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:53:23 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:53:26 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:53:29 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:53:32 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:53:35 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:53:38 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:53:41 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:53:44 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:53:47 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:53:50 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:53:53 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:53:56 That's for somebody that's been reaping.
00:53:59 You haven't sown, but you're getting ready to reap.
00:54:02 That's going to be an acceleration.
00:54:04 You thought that you had to go and give it over there.
00:54:06 You thought that you had to give it over there.
00:54:08 I hear God saying, "If you bring it to the kingdom,
00:54:13 you're going to reap with those who've sown.
00:54:15 You're going to get stuff that you haven't earned."
00:54:18 Come on, somebody.
00:54:26 See, there are two groups watching this right now.
00:54:29 Sowers and reapers.
00:54:33 You've got to be honest.
00:54:34 I haven't really sown much.
00:54:36 I haven't really sown much, but I've learned much.
00:54:42 I haven't really sown much.
00:54:47 Maybe it's because I haven't been on this earth long enough.
00:54:51 Oh, I feel it.
00:54:53 Maybe it's because I've been around the church,
00:54:57 but I've never been really in the church.
00:55:02 I've never been fully committed.
00:55:07 I just come to get encouraged.
00:55:10 That's fine because we all need encouragement.
00:55:13 But today God is allowing you to peek a little more deeply
00:55:17 into what this thing is really about.
00:55:22 And I want to talk to the reapers for a minute.
00:55:27 You haven't really been connected.
00:55:31 Not in this way.
00:55:33 Sometimes I'll be honest with you and your generation.
00:55:36 Sometimes, may not be you, but sometimes in your generation,
00:55:41 the world that we're living in encourages the idea of independence
00:55:45 or individuality, which we're all individuals,
00:55:50 but we were not created to be by ourselves.
00:55:52 It's not good that man should be alone.
00:55:57 And so, see, this is the enemy.
00:56:01 There is this spirit of isolation, independence, and selfishness.
00:56:08 We're in the era of the--
00:56:14 You ain't never seen nobody take out the phone
00:56:16 and turn away from them and point it at a need.
00:56:21 We don't take no picture of need.
00:56:25 We take that phone out.
00:56:27 That's the spirit.
00:56:31 That's the spirit.
00:56:34 And so I want to talk to the reapers.
00:56:36 Okay, I'm just about done.
00:56:38 I've already encouraged you sowers.
00:56:41 I've already encouraged you sowers.
00:56:43 God has seen every seed.
00:56:46 And the reapers are coming to help you harvest
00:56:51 what you have seen over years.
00:56:56 Whoo!
00:56:59 And the harvest is going to be magnificent.
00:57:02 It's going to be beyond what you can imagine.
00:57:04 But reaper, your sacrifice is not necessarily
00:57:11 to sow all those years like them,
00:57:14 but it is to sow what you have now.
00:57:18 Are you hearing me?
00:57:19 I promise you it's true.
00:57:21 You haven't been walking with God for 10, 20, 30 years?
00:57:26 Nope. You just started walking with God.
00:57:29 And if you're honest, it's by the mercies of the Lord
00:57:32 that you haven't been consumed
00:57:34 because you haven't done any of the work.
00:57:38 And God is saying, "I'm going to allow you to be a part
00:57:42 of a harvest that you didn't even initially invest into."
00:57:46 [cheers and applause]
00:57:51 I want to do something. I didn't plan on doing this.
00:57:53 I want to do something.
00:57:55 I want to talk to the reaper.
00:58:00 If you feel convicted or stirred, even if this is you online,
00:58:03 if you feel convicted or stirred
00:58:07 and you're like, "I was trying to do it my way and for me,
00:58:14 and then when I--you know, you're saying there's four months--
00:58:16 and then when I get to where I need to get--
00:58:19 when I get to where I need to be, four months,
00:58:27 then I'll go to harvesting."
00:58:30 No, you--four months isn't even promised.
00:58:34 [cheers and applause]
00:58:37 All we have, literally all of us right now, is now.
00:58:43 If you're here and you're a reaper and you say,
00:58:45 "You know what? I might be new to this,
00:58:48 but I want to honor and respect the seeds
00:58:53 that the generation in front of me,
00:58:55 that those who have gone ahead of me have sowed,
00:58:57 and I'm going to get in on this.
00:58:59 I'm a partner as a reaper with their sowing."
00:59:01 I actually want you to come and meet me here
00:59:03 at this altar right now.
00:59:04 If you're on live stream, then just put it.
00:59:06 Just say, "I'm a reaper." Just put it right there.
00:59:08 "I'm a reaper," because something's going to happen.
00:59:10 Just come. Just come quickly. It's not going to take long.
00:59:14 But I'm called to reap. I'm called to reap.
00:59:17 I'm called to reap. I'm called to reap.
00:59:19 I'm called to bring my talents, my gifts.
00:59:25 I may not know necessarily yet
00:59:28 how to incorporate my reaping skills
00:59:34 into what has been sown,
00:59:36 but I'm going to figure it out.
00:59:38 And see, God has already worked it out.
00:59:39 If you're here and you heard this message,
00:59:41 God's already worked it out.
00:59:43 God's creating space and capacity for you
00:59:48 to get you plugged in.
00:59:49 You're part of the reaping. It's going to be crazy.
00:59:52 Houses you didn't build.
00:59:56 Vineyards you didn't plant.
01:00:00 You didn't plant, but you were wise enough
01:00:03 to hear the voice of the Lord saying, "I'm looking."
01:00:07 And wise enough to say, "I got something."
01:00:11 I may not have sown for 10 years, 20 years, 30 years.
01:00:16 I may not have done that, but I know, I sense,
01:00:19 I know I'm a part of the reaping generation.
01:00:22 And I'm a plug in. I'm a plug in.
01:00:26 I'm a plug in. I'm a plug in.
01:00:29 And we're going to rejoice together.
01:00:32 You're going to rejoice because you got a bargain.
01:00:36 You got a bargain.
01:00:41 And we're going to rejoice because,
01:00:44 man, we feel like, "Whew, we're running out of gas."
01:00:49 I see the harvest. I believe in the harvest,
01:00:51 but man, I can't.
01:00:55 I spent all my strength sowing.
01:01:00 Ask for somebody. I'm just about done.
01:01:03 I spent all my strength sowing,
01:01:06 and there's so much to reap.
01:01:09 How am I going to do it?
01:01:13 And God says, "I'm sending the reapers."
01:01:18 All I asked you to do was sow.
01:01:21 He said, "I'll give the increase."
01:01:24 You're the increase. You're the increase.
01:01:30 For some of you, we've all done it. We've sown.
01:01:35 I'm a reaper. I'm kind of right in the middle.
01:01:37 I'm a sower and a reaper.
01:01:41 I've been in ministry for 22 years,
01:01:45 pastoring for 20.
01:01:50 So I've been sowing, but I'm also a reaper.
01:01:54 I'm also a reaper. That's why I'm here.
01:01:58 That's why I'm here.
01:02:00 Some of you are in a position
01:02:04 to not just offer your talents,
01:02:06 and I'll just tell you right now
01:02:08 because I'm kind of heading it up.
01:02:11 We're building space to receive your reaping skills.
01:02:18 We're behind the scenes right now
01:02:20 building a structure to facilitate,
01:02:24 to make room for you and your reaping skills
01:02:29 because there's a great harvest
01:02:31 coming to this movement for the sake of the kingdom,
01:02:35 and you're part of that harvest.
01:02:37 Now, we're all offering our reaping skills.
01:02:42 Some of you are compelled to sow seed,
01:02:47 to sow seed because you haven't done that yet.
01:02:50 You haven't done it on the level of your access.
01:02:55 You haven't done it on the level of what your sacrifice is.
01:02:59 I know what that's like.
01:03:01 I know what it means to kind of like just offer to God
01:03:04 like on the level that I'm comfortable with
01:03:07 but not on the level of sacrifice.
01:03:10 I know what that's like. I've been there before.
01:03:13 But there's nothing like saying, "God, I'm all in for real."
01:03:19 And it's not even--the only--
01:03:21 here is the only requirement.
01:03:23 I don't have a number for you.
01:03:25 I don't have any of that.
01:03:27 The only requirement is that you feel it,
01:03:31 that you feel it.
01:03:33 Isn't it funny--I'm done.
01:03:35 Isn't it funny how when God talks about the things
01:03:39 that we will serve the most,
01:03:41 he breaks it down to two things--God and money.
01:03:45 If there would be a stronghold in our lives
01:03:47 that would keep us from really sacrificially honoring
01:03:51 and serving God, he knew it would be money.
01:03:54 And it is ridiculous to God
01:03:58 because the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.
01:04:02 So it's a ridiculous notion to him
01:04:06 that we would put the blessing or the gift
01:04:11 before the blessor.
01:04:13 It's--I don't--you know.
01:04:16 And so Jesus comes and he says, "Let me break it down."
01:04:19 He could have said, "You can't serve God in anything."
01:04:21 He could have said anything--drugs.
01:04:23 He could have said anything.
01:04:24 He says, "I'm going to break it down.
01:04:26 You can't serve God in money."
01:04:27 Because how you handle money is an indication--watch this--
01:04:33 of your level of loyalty to God.
01:04:38 Even when he says that, he says, "You will either--
01:04:40 he says, "You can't serve God in money."
01:04:41 He says, "Either you will hold to one and/or be loyal."
01:04:45 He literally says that--loyal to the other.
01:04:48 There's someone in this room right now,
01:04:50 "You're loyal to money."
01:04:51 I ain't loyal to money.
01:04:52 I ain't.
01:04:54 I appreciate it. I do.
01:04:56 I'm not going to lie about that.
01:04:57 I appreciate it, but I'm not loyal to it.
01:04:59 Not over God.
01:05:02 Trade money for God?
01:05:07 Where I'm going to go?
01:05:08 What I'm going to do?
01:05:10 Money can't heal my body.
01:05:12 Money can't rebuke a devil.
01:05:14 Money can't save my child.
01:05:22 So sometimes the reason why God requires it
01:05:26 is to deliver you from the spirit of mammon
01:05:31 so that you're no longer controlled by money
01:05:36 and you can be free.
01:05:39 So for all those you're watching via live stream
01:05:42 and you are a reaper or you feel compelled
01:05:44 or you didn't sow earlier,
01:05:46 I'm going to sow.
01:05:47 Sow on your level.
01:05:48 Just make it a sacrifice.
01:05:49 Be true with it.
01:05:51 And we're going to gather you together.
01:05:53 I didn't plan on doing this,
01:05:57 but it's good to see y'all reapers.
01:05:59 I see you. I see you.
01:06:01 And we're going to rejoice together.
01:06:03 If you need an envelope, lift your hand.
01:06:06 Otherwise, the instructions are on the screen.
01:06:08 I know I'm all out of order and everything,
01:06:10 but I love you.
01:06:12 If you're here and you're not a part of this movement,
01:06:15 I'm telling you,
01:06:17 I moved here because the move is here.
01:06:24 I'm telling you, I know it when I see it.
01:06:28 Everything about what God has blessed me to build
01:06:32 has been based on sensing where God was
01:06:35 and what he's doing.
01:06:37 He's in this place.
01:06:39 I don't know why.
01:06:40 I don't know how. That's none of my business,
01:06:42 but I'm telling you, you're in the right place.
01:06:44 And if you haven't made it home,
01:06:47 you can make it home today.
01:06:50 We would love, we would love to be family with you,
01:06:54 for real.
01:06:56 We would love that.
01:06:58 We would love it.
01:07:00 And the reality of it is, you're here because you're already family.
01:07:03 Hallelujah.
01:07:05 It's like a family reunion.
01:07:07 So I'm going to pray.
01:07:08 If you need an envelope, lift your hands.
01:07:10 Our PMTs will give it to you.
01:07:13 If you're offering yourself, you're offering your seed,
01:07:15 whatever, lift your hand too.
01:07:16 We're going to pray.
01:07:18 Father, thank you so much for what you've done,
01:07:22 all service today, from the breakthrough that we experienced
01:07:25 and the worship and words from our Bishop Lord.
01:07:29 And God, what you spoke to us today,
01:07:33 you told us to stay in the gap.
01:07:35 And I thank you, Lord God, that there were some
01:07:37 that were going to leave the gap
01:07:41 and miss what you had.
01:07:43 But you gave them staying power.
01:07:45 Hallelujah.
01:07:47 You strengthened them.
01:07:49 You showed them that you see them,
01:07:51 that your eyes go to and fro,
01:07:54 searching, choosing, calling.
01:07:59 Now God, your sons and daughters have come forward
01:08:03 and said, "I'm part of the reaping generation."
01:08:09 I've got something that I know you can use.
01:08:14 And I'm going to sow what I have.
01:08:19 I'm going to assist and serve
01:08:25 and be a part of the reaping that's taking place.
01:08:30 And I'm going to get the same thing.
01:08:33 You're going to restore the years at the Locusts of Eden.
01:08:37 I'm going to get the same thing.
01:08:40 It almost seems unfair.
01:08:42 I'm going to get the same things
01:08:45 that people who have been walking with you
01:08:50 for their entire life received.
01:08:53 You made me worthy.
01:08:55 Same thing.
01:08:58 Yes, shut up.
01:09:00 Same thing.
01:09:02 Same thing.
01:09:04 Forgetting those things that are behind
01:09:06 and reaching forward to those things that are ahead.
01:09:09 Same thing.
01:09:11 Same grace.
01:09:12 Welcome home.
01:09:13 Welcome home.
01:09:15 Welcome home.
01:09:16 God, we seal this word.
01:09:18 We seal this moment.
01:09:20 God, as we sow, as we sow,
01:09:24 we do so with freedom.
01:09:27 We do so with joy.
01:09:30 We do so with the expectation that yokes will break
01:09:34 and dams will open on our behalf.
01:09:37 In Jesus' name, amen.
01:09:40 Amen. God bless you. Love you.
01:09:42 [music]
01:09:48 If you're joining the church,
01:09:50 our pastors are to the left here.
01:09:52 We'll see you Wednesday night.
01:09:54 May the Lord bless and keep you.
01:09:55 Come on, stand with me. I'm sorry. Stand with me.
01:09:57 I just want to pray this benediction over you.
01:10:01 Yeah, I'm with you.
01:10:04 We got a lot to think about.
01:10:10 Oh, Wednesday night will be online only.
01:10:13 Don't show up or you'll have a prayer meeting
01:10:15 in the parking lot by yourself.
01:10:17 But it's going to be an amazing conversation online.
01:10:20 We will still have service with our bishop and Mrs. Avon.
01:10:24 It's going to be incredible.
01:10:25 Log in. Tune in. Love you.
01:10:27 May the Lord bless and keep you.
01:10:29 May He make His face to shine upon you
01:10:31 and be gracious toward you.
01:10:32 May He lift up His countenance over you
01:10:34 and grant you shalom, shalom.
01:10:36 God bless you. I love you.
01:10:38 Stay in the gap.
01:10:40 [music]
01:10:52 [BLANK_AUDIO]