FTS: 20:30 19-11: Massa acknowledges victory of Javier Milei in runoff election

  • last year
12,400 killed in Palestine during Israeli attacks to date. // Massa acknowledges victory of Javier Milei in runoff election. // Venezuelan authorities extend timetable in electoral simulation. teleSUR


00:00 In Argentina, candidate Sergio Maza recognized Javier Millet as the new president-elect of
00:13 the country after Sunday's run of election.
00:19 In Venezuela, citizens held a simulation of the consultative referendum for the defense
00:23 of the Esequibo.
00:25 It's extended voting day due to the high number of people at the polling stations.
00:32 And in Palestine, the health ministry warned that the Israeli aggression has killed more
00:37 than 12,000 Palestinians since October 7th.
00:47 Hello welcome to From the South.
00:49 My name is Miranda de los Santos and from the Televisor Studios in Havana, Cuba, we
00:55 begin with the news.
01:13 In Argentina, the presidential election closed with over 95% of the votes counted.
01:20 The results show Javier Millet as the winner with 55.78% against Sergio Maza's 44.21%.
01:33 According to the information provided by the National Electoral Chamber, 76% of the 35.8
01:40 million Argentinians eligible to vote in this ballot went to the polls to choose between
01:46 their next president.
01:50 Sergio Maza offered statements in which he thanked all the people for their participation
01:55 and support in this election.
01:58 In addition, Maza accepted his defeat and congratulated Millet for becoming the new
02:03 president of the Argentine Republic.
02:13 Obviously the results are not what we expected and I have contacted Javier Millet to congratulate
02:19 him and wish him luck because he is the president that most Argentines choose for the next four
02:33 years and I did it convinced that the most important thing we have to leave to Argentines
02:48 tonight is the message that coexistence, dialogue and respect for peace in the face of so much
03:03 violence and disqualification is the best path we can take.
03:08 In Cuba, the fourth conference of the nation on emigration concluded with the presence
03:14 of more than 400 participants from at least 50 countries.
03:18 The purpose of the conference was to discuss the links with the country of origin, migration
03:23 issues, culture, identity and economic development.
03:26 This conference was held after 19 years without being able to hold the event, but the great
03:32 feature of this edition is that thanks to the changes in the migration policy, at least
03:37 half of the participants, although living abroad, maintained their Cuban residency.
03:42 In this regard, the closing ceremony was attended by President Miguel Díaz-Canel, who reiterated
03:48 the will to continue developing a broad dialogue on the basis of mutual respect and defense
03:53 of the homeland.
04:01 On behalf of the Cuban government, I reiterate our willingness to continue developing a frank
04:05 and broad dialogue on the basis of mutual respect and the defense of the homeland, today
04:10 as yesterday, with a commitment to continue in the battle to put an end to the genocidal
04:15 blockade that has caused so much shortage, pain and fracture in the Cuban family.
04:23 The blockade imposed against our people as direct or indirect victims of that criminal
04:27 policy.
04:28 All of us gathered here are aware that it constitutes the greatest obstacle to the strengthening
04:33 of the country's relations with the majority of Cubans residing abroad.
04:39 Since it hinders the regular, orderly and safe flow of travelers, affects the links
04:44 between nationals residing in the United States and their relatives and friends in Cuba, restricts
04:50 the rights of their fellow citizens abroad and affects their families in the first place.
04:56 In Venezuela, the National Electoral Council agreed to extend the timetable for the simulation
05:01 of the consultative referendum for the defense of the Guayana Ezequiel until the people who
05:06 remain in line can exercise their right to vote.
05:09 The electoral simulation exercise serves as practice for Venezuelans to familiarize themselves
05:15 with the procedure to be carried out on December 3rd.
05:18 Likewise, authorities indicated that the drill is being carried out with the best, most modern
05:23 and transparent technology to guarantee the rights of all Venezuelans, while citizens
05:28 who have already exercised their right to vote express their support to the process
05:32 in the defense of the Ezequiel territory.
05:39 And on this referendum drill day in Venezuela, on the right of Venezuela over the Ezequiel
05:44 territory, Venezuelan National Assembly President and the Chief of the Venezuela Toda campaign,
05:50 which emphasizes the right to the integrity of the Venezuelan territory, had this to say
05:54 about the drill and the spirit behind it.
05:59 We support with all forces the idea that we need to develop a plan, that a new government
06:11 of Guayana Ezequiel must be established, and these people will receive their IDs and identification
06:22 papers.
06:26 There are many questions that all of them will be answered by a single person.
06:31 The next December 3rd, we have seen some explosion of love and generosity of Venezuelans supporting
06:45 the country.
06:49 Today was not about politics.
06:54 Today was about Venezuelans supporting the country.
07:00 And the President of the National Electoral Council, Elvis Amoroso, detailed that the
07:04 voting is being fast and effective due to the updated electoral system that the country
07:09 has.
07:12 We Venezuelans have the best electoral system in the world, and we have to put it to the
07:16 test at this moment, when we come out to exercise our right to vote in this simulation for next
07:29 December 3rd.
07:37 It is very fast this voting that is being done today, of course for December 3rd.
07:44 It will be faster because we are already familiar with this modality we have for these machines.
07:56 Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok @TELUSIRENGLISH where
08:01 you will find news in different formats, news updates and more.
08:07 Other stories coming up, stay with us.
08:09 (Music)
08:37 Welcome back.
08:39 The Palestinian Health Ministry warned that the Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip and
08:44 the West Bank has killed more than 12,000 Palestinians since October 7th.
08:49 According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the number of people killed by the Israeli
08:53 siege on Gaza has risen to 12,415 Palestinians, including 5,000 children, 3,250 women and
09:03 690 elderly people.
09:05 Meanwhile, the number of wounded reached 32,500.
09:10 The Health Institute warned that the Israeli occupation forces have forcibly evacuated
09:15 the Al-Shifa Hospital, one of the largest in Gaza, forcing the wounded and refugees
09:20 to walk to other health centers, many of which do not have the capacity to receive more people.
09:31 And in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian citizens denounced the use of internationally banned
09:35 weapons by the Israeli occupation forces against the civilian population.
09:40 "During the whole night, they threw bombs at us.
09:45 All the houses were burned.
09:47 They threw leaflets to move to the south.
09:49 The way was very difficult.
09:51 All of the people left together, the adults with the children and the elderly.
09:55 We could not protect ourselves because there was neither civil defense nor rescue teams.
10:00 The houses were burning and the people themselves had to put out the fire.
10:05 Everything was very difficult.
10:08 We left at 8.30 in the morning.
10:10 We kept walking until 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
10:12 We all fled with our women, young people, children, old people, my mother and my in-laws,
10:18 all at once.
10:20 Everything is mystery and humiliation.
10:22 The U.S. stopped us there and detained us for about four hours.
10:26 People were punishing us.
10:28 My son fainted and fell down.
10:30 My daughter could not breathe.
10:32 That also happened to my wife.
10:34 She could not breathe.
10:35 This is not life.
10:36 Until now, we don't know where to go, for real.
10:39 We don't know what to do.
10:41 Look at them.
10:42 Here they are.
10:43 Walk around and look at them.
10:45 There, there are more than 25 people here.
10:48 This is my family group.
10:49 This is my daughter and she is wounded by the bombing.
10:53 This is the little one, came here daughter.
10:55 See how she is walking.
10:57 Look how my daughter is walking.
10:59 It is humiliation.
11:01 My daughter has 30 days that she can't use her leg.
11:05 Now she is limping.
11:07 She is a child.
11:08 We are living in misery for good sake.
11:10 Look at us.
11:11 Do you think this is fair that we are like this?
11:14 We are citizens.
11:15 They gave us flyers.
11:16 We took refugees into school.
11:18 They gave us a small packet of rice for every eight people.
11:21 I swear to God, for 20 people, they gave us two trays.
11:26 And the president of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas requested on Saturday that the U.S. President
11:31 Joe Biden interfere in the war in Gaza.
11:36 President Biden, I urge you on all your official and humanitarian traits to stop this catastrophe,
11:41 or rather this genocide against our innocent people, and to make our people be seized in
11:46 Gaza breathe a sigh of relief.
11:49 This war must be stopped immediately.
11:51 How can this genocide be justified as self-defense?
11:54 Actually these are war crimes deserving punishment.
11:57 Likewise, the head of state highlighted the cases of thousands of families victims of
12:02 this conflict.
12:05 The horrendous massacres committed by the Israeli occupying forces against our Palestinian
12:09 people in Gaza, including most recently in Al-Faqhoura and Tel Hasadar schools on Sunday,
12:16 which claimed the lives of hundreds of people forcibly displaced from their homes.
12:21 Once again, they compel me to demand that UN world leaders take accountability for stopping
12:26 this aggression and the genocidal crimes against our people.
12:30 So far, over 42,000 Palestinians, mostly children and women, have been victims, in addition
12:36 to the widespread destruction of tens of thousands of homes, schools, hospitals, places of worship,
12:43 public facilities and infrastructure.
12:46 And the Foreign Minister of Venezuela, Ivan Geel, reaffirmed that the country strongly
12:50 condemns the bloody massacre conducted by Israel at the Umm Rafa Kuru school in northern
12:56 Gaza.
12:57 "The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela categorically expresses its repudiation
13:02 and absolute condemnation of the massacre perpetrated by Israeli Zionism at the Umm
13:08 Rafa Kura school located in the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip on Saturday
13:14 morning, November 18, which left over 200 deaths, mostly children.
13:21 Venezuela joins the request made by South Africa, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Comodoro and
13:27 Djibouti to the International Court of Justice to investigate the Israeli aggression towards
13:32 Gaza characterized by war crimes and genocide perpetrated by the Zionist tyranny of Israel."
13:39 And the communique also stated that they reiterate our appeal to the international community
13:44 and to the conscience of all humanity to join efforts and continue with actions leading
13:50 to an end of the indiscriminate slaughter of women, children and the elderly committed
13:56 by the occupying power of Israel to the brotherly Palestinian people.
14:08 And Palestinian Minister of Health, Mai Aqa'ila, said on Sunday that the Israeli occupation
14:14 is committing a genocide against the entire health care system in the Gaza Strip, including
14:19 hospitals, medical doctors and patients.
14:22 Speaking at the press conference, Aqa'ila called on the United Nations, the international
14:27 health organizations and the International Committee of the Red Cross to exert pressure
14:32 on Israel to allow the transport of the remaining children and patients from the Al-Shifa Hospital
14:38 in Gaza to hospitals in the West Bank or Egypt.
14:42 She highlighted that no hospital in Gaza has the capacity to accommodate the massive number
14:46 of wounded under the non-stop Israeli bombardment.
14:50 The minister also questioned Israel's rationale behind preventing the entry of medicines and
14:55 depriving patients of the right to receive treatment.
14:58 Aqa'ila called for an immediate cessation of the Israeli genocide in Gaza and the West
15:04 Bank, demanding a halt to the targeting, shelling and blockade of medical and health care facilities.
15:11 And also, in Palestine, 60 Palestinian journalists have been killed by the Israeli siege since
15:22 the beginning of the attacks on the Gaza Strip.
15:25 Authorities reported this Sunday on the murder of the journalist and president of the institution
15:30 Press House, Bilal Jadallah, in an Israeli air attack.
15:35 In this sense, the Center for the Defense and Freedom of Journalists has repeatedly
15:39 condemned systematic attacks against journalists since the beginning of the Tel Aviv aggression.
15:45 At the same time, they emphasized that the forces of the Israeli regime are attacking
15:50 Palestinian journalists, spreading rumors and accusations against them that put their
15:55 lives at risk.
16:01 And in Portugal, citizens mobilized in support of the Palestinian cause and in rejection
16:06 of the Israeli siege against the Gaza Strip.
16:09 Called by the Collective for the Liberation of Palestine and under the slogan "Stop
16:14 Genocide, Free Palestine Now", the demonstrators marched from the town square, where the headquarters
16:20 of the City Hall of Lisbon is located, to the gates of the Assembly of the Republic.
16:26 The mobilized expressed their support and solidarity with the victims of Israel in the
16:30 Gaza massacre and also the defense of the immediate ceasefire to stop the massacre.
16:36 The demonstrators also called on Western governments to withdraw their political, diplomatic, economic
16:42 and military support for Israel.
16:49 And we have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
16:53 channel at Telusor English, where you will be able to find, rewatch our interviews, top
16:59 stories, special broadcastings and more.
17:01 Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
17:05 world's most recent events.
17:09 Final short break, don't go away.
17:23 Welcome back.
17:24 In France, citizens demonstrated rejection of the release of the police officer accused
17:29 of murdering a teenager on June 27.
17:32 The murder of the teenager summoned the protest on Sunday afternoon and called the decision
17:38 of the judges unfair.
17:40 Likewise, the judges alleged that the release of the police officer represents a lower risk
17:45 for public order.
17:47 In this context, in June a police officer shot at Nahel, a 17-year-old Frenchman of
17:53 North African origin, in the French municipality of Nanterre, which led to a goalkeeper disturbances,
18:02 rejecting police action and calling into question the living conditions and appreciation by
18:07 the authorities towards the vulnerable French population.
18:16 And Zimbabwe's health ministry declared a state of emergency in the capital, Harare,
18:21 over a cholera outbreak that has claimed dozens of lives across the country.
18:26 According to the authorities, more than 7,000 suspected cases from 150 deaths from cholera
18:33 have been reported so far throughout the African country.
18:37 Officials indicated that the city of Harare is the most affected by this disease, where
18:43 13 people have died since the outbreak began in February.
18:47 In this context, they urged the population to maintain the corresponding biosecurity
18:51 measures since cholera is contracted from a bacterium that is generally transmitted
18:57 through contaminated water or food.
19:04 And the governments of Armenia and Azerbaijan established an agreement on the basis of principles
19:09 for a peace treaty.
19:11 The information was released by the Armenian Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, during the
19:15 opening of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation
19:21 in Europe.
19:22 According to Pashinyan, it was agreed that Armenia and Azerbaijan would have no territorial
19:27 claims between each other, that is, there is a mutual recognition of each territorial
19:32 integrity on the basis of a staff map of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
19:39 The territorial conflict between these two nations is longstanding, based mainly on the
19:44 control of the Nagorno-Karabakh region, an area which during the existence of the Soviet
19:50 Union was a tier to the Azerbaijan, but where the Armenian population has slipped.
20:00 And in Japan, low household consumption generated a risk of economy recession after two consecutive
20:06 quarters of growth.
20:08 After a 4.5% growth in economy in the second quarter of 2023, the country's gross domestic
20:15 product declined by 2.1% in the following quarter, a larger drop than expected in the
20:22 region.
20:23 Low citizen consumption and weak exports complicated the central bank's efforts to remove monetary
20:29 stimulus.
20:31 Economist Stefan Angri commented that the Japanese economy is not out of danger of a
20:36 feasible recession, warning that the end of exports brought economic weakness back to
20:42 the forefront.
21:01 In the Dominican Republic, death toll rises to nine after heavy rainfalls.
21:06 There are five women and four men who were traveling in the crashed vehicles and whose
21:11 recovery has taken about seven hours.
21:14 Most deaths were caused following the collapse of a section of an overpass that fell on several
21:19 vehicles traveling on the infrastructure.
21:23 Emergency services are still working at the site as it is feared that there are many further
21:28 victims.
21:29 After the incident, Director of the Emergency Operations Center Juan Manuel Mendes reaffirmed
21:35 on Saturday evening the alert levels in the Dominican Republic due to the weather storm
21:40 affecting the country continue.
