• 2 years ago


00:00 [explosion]
00:07 [explosion]
00:27 [screaming]
00:37 Thomas! Thomas! [screaming]
01:02 [explosion]
01:14 Hit him, Tom! Hit him!
01:18 [gunshots]
01:20 [music]
01:34 Thomas, if you is a mouse catcher, I is Lana Turner, which I ain't.
01:42 The trouble with you is, you is getting too old to catch mice.
01:47 So, I has decided to bring in a new and younger cat.
01:53 Step up here and meet a real mouse catcher.
01:57 All right then.
01:59 [gunshots]
02:13 [screaming]
02:23 [laughing]
02:25 Boy, you is a gentleman and a mouse catcher.
02:34 [gunshots]
02:45 That's right, Lightning. Take good care of poor old Uncle Tom.
02:52 Well, good night, Lightning. See you in the morning.
02:56 [gunshots]
02:59 [laughing]
03:01 Oh, that cat.
03:04 [gunshots]
03:17 Thomas, is that you in the icebox?
03:28 Thomas, has you been in that icebox?
03:32 You has? Then out you go!
03:39 [gunshots]
03:43 [screaming]
03:47 [gunshots]
03:50 [gunshots]
04:11 [speaking in a foreign language]
04:19 [music]
04:37 [gunshots]
04:42 [screaming]
04:48 [gunshots]
05:04 [music]
05:20 [speaking in a foreign language]
05:27 [gunshots]
05:36 What in the world going on in here?
05:43 [screaming]
05:48 [screaming]
05:59 [screaming]
06:11 [music]
06:29 [screaming]
06:34 [music]
06:42 Good boy, Thomas!
06:45 [music]
06:53 Thank you, Thomas.
06:56 [screaming]
07:03 And I sincerely hope you will accept my apologies and this small token of gratitude.
07:14 [music]
