• 2 years ago
The program has gained a strong following due to its light-hearted and entertaining style, offering viewers a break from the more serious news segments. It airs on weekends and is popular for its sharp satire and fun-filled atmosphere. "Hoshyarian" is loved for providing comedy while subtly reflecting on important social issues.


01:55 [LAUGHTER]
02:29 [LAUGHTER]
02:33 [LAUGHTER]
02:51 [LAUGHTER]
02:53 [APPLAUSE]
02:59 [LAUGHTER]
03:07 [LAUGHTER]
03:11 [LAUGHTER]
03:27 [LAUGHTER]
03:29 Okay, today I will tell you that before you, the man who was here, the husband-to-be,
03:36 a badru came here in the time of that man.
03:39 You have done one thing very well, you have kept a proper manager.
03:50 What is your name?
03:51 Asif.
03:51 Okay Mr. Asif, tell me that, I will check him, what is his calibre?
03:56 What is my value for him? It is my first salary, I have to bring a tie.
04:01 Tell me Mr. Asif, what are the standards of the rooms you have?
04:07 There is a suite room, single, double and I have made a restaurant.
04:11 And how sweet is the suite room?
04:13 I have done the colour of the suite room very well, I have put a light blue light there.
04:17 And what have you made?
04:20 Light blue light, white curtains, I have put a fan below and given air.
04:26 The curtains move like this, it feels like sitting in the sea.
04:28 Why have you arranged the Gautik downstairs?
04:30 The things you are pulling from the room, after that you feel like a drunkard.
04:36 What is the rent of the next room?
04:37 In our hotel, a honeymoon package is also being given.
04:40 Madam, you have not told me this.
04:42 You have to tell him.
04:44 The truth is, you have told me now.
04:50 I will explain.
04:52 Sir, the customer says that the counter is very low.
04:56 Sir, the owner has said so.
04:58 The biggest town in the city is staying in our hotel.
05:01 Okay.
05:02 Leave it, no one is staying here.
05:04 Let's go and do our work.
05:06 Hurry up.
05:07 Oh.
05:08 Hey, Malangi's aunt, how much is the sweet?
05:13 Malangi's sugar has become 300 pints.
05:19 Hey, Chitia.
05:20 Yes, sir.
05:21 Break this cup.
05:22 Okay.
05:23 What happened?
05:25 He is breaking it on Malangi's feet.
05:27 Hey, Malangi.
05:32 What is the matter?
05:34 Quiet.
05:35 Quiet.
05:36 Don't say anything.
05:38 Are you telling Malangi?
05:39 Yes.
05:40 Oh, no.
05:41 Why did you break this cup?
05:46 What?
05:48 Why did you break this cup?
05:49 It's my fate.
05:51 If I break the cup, won't they collect it?
05:55 Quiet.
05:58 I will tell Malangi.
06:00 8 murders.
06:01 Oh.
06:02 Where is he?
06:03 He is telling the news, I have seen it.
06:05 Quiet.
06:08 Don't you know that there is a rule to stay in a hotel?
06:11 Won't they let us work?
06:13 What crime have you committed that you are so..
06:17 Malangi, only the rich are being cut in this hotel.
06:20 Oh.
06:20 I have cut so many rich people..
06:23 ..that I don't even have time to cut hair.
06:25 Malangi, not only the rich are being cut..
06:27 ..I saw the CCTV yesterday, they were cutting the back as well.
06:31 Not only the rich are being cut..
06:33 ..but the hotel's salad has been cut for two years.
06:35 What?
06:36 Is there any reward for getting you caught?
06:38 Alive or dead.
06:40 What is the rate of alive Malangi?
06:42 Alive Malangi is 500 pints.
06:45 Malangi.
06:46 I will take 500 pints.
06:49 I will not take the rest.
06:51 Why are you telling me to collect?
06:54 I am not a boss.
06:55 Okay, then tell me.
06:57 Malangi, what is the biggest crime you have committed?
07:04 What did you ask, you fool?
07:07 What did you ask?
07:09 I am asking, Malangi, what is the biggest crime you have committed?
07:13 Don't ask. Don't ask.
07:17 Okay, fine.
07:19 No.
07:20 No, he says he is a rascal.
07:22 Okay, Malangi, I understand you..
07:25 ..but why is your hand so small?
07:26 Don't ask. No, no, ask.
07:28 He is a cheater.
07:34 He is not a cheater, Malangi. He is a cheat.
07:37 He is not a cheat. He is my childhood friend.
07:40 You have named him Tanzia.
07:43 Malangi.
07:44 He is so complex.
07:47 I am talking about why you have named him Cheetah.
07:51 I have a black skin. When will I be a cheetah?
07:53 He is called black with love.
07:56 I am called Cheetah with anger.
07:57 It is such a nice hotel.
07:59 Why are you so careless here?
08:01 You didn't even comb your hair.
08:02 Irza, there is a police of 12 districts behind us.
08:07 What did you do?
08:09 If you want to ask us, ask this Englishman.
08:11 I asked him, but I don't believe what he said.
08:14 You are a cheater. You are a cheater.
08:18 I will beat you up. I will squeeze you like a lemon.
08:22 Who will stay awake all night?
08:24 You will be beaten up by insects.
08:26 I will open the door and you will be in my arms.
08:29 These are all Pakistani movies.
08:33 These two are not rascals.
08:35 They are blackening it.
08:37 These two are telling you about Pakistani movies.
08:40 Why did you give them a room?
08:42 Your hotel can be defamed.
08:44 This is my work. This is my business.
08:46 I will give them a room if they give me an ID card.
08:48 I have their ID card.
08:49 Where did you get hurt?
08:51 You got hurt in the head.
08:53 Tell us a story about your mischief.
08:55 If you ask me, Haroon, then listen.
08:59 We were in a war.
09:01 What happened?
09:03 Where did you keep it?
09:05 We broke our own. It is our fault.
09:08 What did you do?
09:10 You are not even able to find a cure for mischief.
09:12 Haroon, you must have heard about Shergarh fair.
09:17 A man named Salma Agha came there.
09:20 From Multan.
09:22 We reached the fair.
09:25 He was dancing in the blood of death.
09:27 He was on the blood.
09:29 A man was giving notes worth 100.
09:32 All his notes were on him.
09:34 This is injustice.
09:37 He was telling us.
09:39 He didn't want to talk to us.
09:41 I spat on him.
09:43 I got angry.
09:45 It was a war of anger.
09:47 I grabbed his hair.
09:49 And he was gone.
09:51 Salma Agha, I don't remember his name.
09:53 He is Abad Agha.
09:55 We fought and the police came.
09:58 I had a gun.
10:00 I ran to the theatre.
10:02 The police were searching for me.
10:04 I ran to the theatre.
10:06 I took a gun and a tong.
10:08 I was there for 1.5 hours.
10:11 I got 7500 rupees.
10:14 I said, I am here for mischief.
10:16 What did you do with the money?
10:19 I took a tong of that money.
10:22 I used to play it and also do the 'thatha'.
10:26 I got along with them.
10:29 I was always with them.
10:31 I was always with them.
10:33 I ran to the fair.
10:35 I was caught there.
10:37 How did you escape from the jail?
10:39 We had a few lines.
10:41 We escaped.
10:43 Chitra, what is in your menu?
10:48 You have hidden a famous person.
10:50 You will also get caught.
10:52 I don't know if he is famous.
10:54 I don't have any proof.
10:56 Do you have any FIR copy?
10:58 No one can see you.
11:00 You will get caught.
11:03 The police can't catch me.
11:06 I have been hiding for 3 months.
11:09 I am so quiet.
11:11 They will catch me when I grow up.
11:15 I was saying it to the SP.
11:18 Forgive me.
11:20 It's time to open the restaurant.
11:24 I will go and check.
11:26 I have been hiding for 3 months.
11:29 How did you get caught?
11:31 I was caught by the police.
11:34 They took you along with them?
11:36 No.
11:37 They beat me up.
11:40 I don't think he got caught.
11:42 Why?
11:43 He is a silkworm.
11:45 Have you ever seen a silkworm?
11:49 He beats up the silkworm.
11:53 He is a silkworm.
11:56 He beats up the silkworm.
12:00 I didn't get caught.
12:05 He took me home.
12:08 He was sleeping alone.
12:11 He was saying who else is there.
12:13 He was feeling unwell.
12:15 He started beating him up.
12:18 Who is at the gate?
12:21 The police are at the gate.
12:24 They have surrounded the hotel.
12:26 No one should tell about the silkworm.
12:28 What are you doing?
12:30 I am removing the evidence of the silkworm.
12:32 I am getting fingerprints.
12:36 Chitra, go to the bathroom.
12:38 I will go to the bathroom.
12:40 I have never seen such a silkworm.
12:43 He goes to the bathroom and the toilet.
12:45 I think you will be punished for hiding the silkworm.
12:50 Why will I be punished?
12:52 You don't know that he is lying.
12:54 He is lying.
12:55 Sir, he is talking about himself.
12:57 Inspector Azwar is here.
12:59 What happened?
13:01 He is a famous man.
13:03 I have heard about him.
13:05 I have heard that he is a detective.
13:08 I have seen him.
13:10 He was in the middle class house.
13:12 Yes, right.
13:14 I was saying that the table is crooked.
13:21 Who were you saying?
13:23 Who were you saying?
13:24 Myself.
13:25 Shut up.
13:26 He is very meticulous.
13:28 I think he is going to the bathroom.
13:34 No.
13:35 Oh yes.
13:37 He has removed so much.
13:42 The silkworm has to be bitten by a bug.
13:46 Shut up.
13:48 Don't do it.
13:49 Let him do his work.
13:50 What happened?
13:51 These fingerprints belong to a silkworm.
13:54 This detective is very smart.
14:16 He is very smart.
14:18 He looks like a detective.
14:21 He is not leaving his stuff.
14:23 He keeps so much stuff.
14:27 He is taking everything.
14:29 I have a doubt.
14:32 He has sold both the cups.
14:34 Shut up.
14:38 A flash.
14:46 Okay.
14:48 What is this?
14:50 This can't be a cup.
14:52 Reason?
14:53 Because it has sugar.
14:54 This is Sherlock.
14:58 Hero investigation.
15:00 He is not afraid of germs.
15:02 If you study Sherlock.
15:04 He does this on purpose.
15:07 He ruins things in the house.
15:10 Then he checks them.
15:11 So that he knows the taste of the bad things.
15:13 Your words are ruining my work.
15:16 He is a detective.
15:17 He should have started the laboratory.
15:20 This is what Sherlock does.
15:41 He is very smart.
15:44 He is a smart man.
15:46 He is not leaving his stuff.
15:48 He is taking everything.
15:49 What?
15:55 What did you find?
15:56 Hair of a silkworm.
15:59 Wow.
16:01 This is beyond Sherlock.
16:03 He is a silkworm.
16:06 He is a silkworm.
16:07 Dad, I will call you.
16:24 Call me.
16:25 Inspector suitcase.
16:27 I remembered Inspector Gadget.
16:30 I remembered that.
16:31 You are the owner of this hotel.
16:34 How did you know?
16:35 The way he is standing.
16:36 He can't be the owner.
16:38 Wow.
16:39 The way you are holding your nails.
16:42 Whose?
16:43 The way you are holding your nails.
16:45 The way you are holding your nails.
16:51 The brand of his glasses.
16:53 It says.
16:55 That he is the owner.
16:58 Oh.
16:59 I have a question for you.
17:01 Ask.
17:02 You have come on a motorcycle.
17:05 Your moustache is very bad.
17:06 Do you want to go to jail?
17:09 Or will you get Malangi arrested?
17:12 Why will I go to jail?
17:16 I will get you arrested.
17:19 Call Malangi.
17:21 Tell her to come down.
17:22 The police has left.
17:23 Immediately.
17:24 Oh, he is a genius.
17:25 Hello.
17:28 Malangi.
17:29 Come down.
17:30 The police has left.
17:31 Sir, please sit.
17:32 I will get tea for you.
17:33 Please sit.
17:34 Thank God, I am free.
17:36 I am a criminal.
17:38 Did you get a good night's sleep?
17:39 No.
17:40 Is everything fine?
17:41 The police has left.
17:42 Come on.
17:43 Chitra.
17:47 Yes, sir.
17:48 God forbid, Inspector.
17:50 Azwar.
17:51 Sir.
17:52 I am free.
17:54 Sir.
17:55 Yes.
17:56 I don't know who Malangi is.
17:57 What do you know about Malangi?
17:59 Haven't you seen Malangi?
18:01 He is a coward man.
18:02 Oh.
18:03 He has never clicked his picture.
18:05 I don't know where he is hiding.
18:07 Coward and weak.
18:08 Malangi cannot be a coward, sir.
18:11 Yes.
18:12 If you find out about us,
18:14 then we will be arrested.
18:16 Do your work.
18:18 I have come here in search of a criminal.
18:20 Malangi has no respect.
18:23 I think you don't understand Pandey.
18:26 Pandey doesn't look like a Pappu Tola.
18:29 Sir, your joke will end.
18:32 Bring Malangi's handcuffs.
18:34 Come on.
18:35 Sir.
18:37 He is a coward.
18:38 He cannot catch himself.
18:39 He is a big criminal.
18:40 He cannot catch himself.
18:41 Malangi is not a knife or a pistol.
18:45 He is not a drug.
18:46 He is not a criminal.
18:47 He has not invested in a goon.
18:49 Brother.
18:51 There is nothing in the language of a goon.
18:53 (Laughs)
18:55 Viewers, we will take a short break.
18:59 We will meet again after the break.
19:01 The fun part is that the fun comes in the evening.
19:03 Or it comes late.
19:04 (Laughs)
19:05 It comes in the evening.
19:07 I have a sick man at home.
19:09 (Laughs)
19:10 He will be sick himself.
19:12 Sell all the milk.
19:13 Drink me too.
19:14 (Laughs)
19:15 (Music)
19:28 Welcome back, viewers.
19:29 What is your plan in this segment today?
19:32 I was thinking what we will do in this segment.
19:35 I passed by outside.
19:37 There was a coaster near the pillar.
19:39 I took the coaster inside.
19:40 (Laughs)
19:41 Irza, you will be left with the pillar of your life.
19:44 (Laughs)
19:45 Earlier people used to come.
19:46 Now buses are coming.
19:47 After that trucks will come.
19:48 What is this scene?
19:49 There is no scene.
19:50 Treat it.
19:51 (Laughs)
19:52 People have come from your area too.
19:56 From which jungle?
19:57 From Lost Jungle.
19:58 (Laughs)
19:59 Irza, you will be left with the pillar of your life.
20:01 Did the ARY cast you or did they remove you?
20:03 (Laughs)
20:04 If you are done, then should we go to the audience?
20:07 Yes, go.
20:08 Should I go alone?
20:09 No, no.
20:10 Sit here.
20:11 Who has a mic in the audience?
20:13 Greetings, Mr. Arun.
20:14 Greetings.
20:15 Mr. Arun, you must have a lot of cars.
20:18 But did you ever travel on a Chinchi?
20:21 I have traveled on a Chinchi.
20:23 I have traveled a lot on a rickshaw.
20:24 From the struggle period?
20:25 Yes.
20:26 Not at all.
20:27 Apart from the struggle period.
20:28 On the legs too.
20:29 I have traveled on the legs too.
20:30 In fact, I have driven the legs too.
20:31 Yes.
20:32 Wow, wow, wow.
20:33 In fact, I will tell you one thing.
20:34 I am on a bike.
20:35 Because Shalmi is such a place.
20:37 Where it is very difficult to go in a car.
20:39 He went on foot and got stuck.
20:40 (Laughs)
20:41 So I went on the bike.
20:42 And I wore a mask, cap and black glasses.
20:45 So what happened is that as soon as I opened the shop door.
20:48 So I said, "Greetings".
20:50 I did this.
20:51 So he says, "Mr. Arun, come inside".
20:53 Oh.
20:54 Okay, when he said this, I said, "He has recognized me".
20:56 So I said, "One second".
20:57 And I turned around.
20:58 He says, "Rambo has also got saved".
21:00 (Laughs)
21:01 (Applause)
21:02 Yes, next.
21:03 Greetings.
21:04 Greetings.
21:05 So I went on the bike.
21:06 And I wore a mask, cap and black glasses.
21:07 So I went on the bike.
21:08 And I said, "Greetings".
21:09 I did this.
21:10 So I went on the bike.
21:11 And I turned around.
21:12 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
21:13 So I went on the bike.
21:14 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
21:15 So I went on the bike.
21:16 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
21:17 So I went on the bike.
21:18 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
21:19 So I went on the bike.
21:20 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
21:21 So I went on the bike.
21:22 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
21:23 So I went on the bike.
21:24 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
21:25 So I went on the bike.
21:26 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
21:27 So I went on the bike.
21:28 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
21:52 So I went on the bike.
21:59 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
22:00 So I went on the bike.
22:01 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
22:02 So I went on the bike.
22:03 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
22:04 So I went on the bike.
22:05 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
22:06 So I went on the bike.
22:07 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
22:08 So I went on the bike.
22:09 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
22:10 So I went on the bike.
22:11 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
22:12 So I went on the bike.
22:13 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
22:14 So I went on the bike.
22:15 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
22:16 So I went on the bike.
22:17 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
22:18 So I went on the bike.
22:19 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
22:20 So I went on the bike.
22:21 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
22:22 So I went on the bike.
22:23 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
22:24 So I went on the bike.
22:25 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
22:26 So I went on the bike.
22:27 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
22:28 So I went on the bike.
22:29 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
22:30 So I went on the bike.
22:31 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
22:32 So I went on the bike.
22:33 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
22:34 So I went on the bike.
22:55 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
23:16 So I went on the bike.
23:40 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
23:46 So I went on the bike.
23:47 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
23:48 So I went on the bike.
23:49 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
23:50 So I went on the bike.
23:51 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
23:52 So I went on the bike.
23:53 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
23:54 So I went on the bike.
23:55 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
23:56 So I went on the bike.
23:57 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
23:58 So I went on the bike.
23:59 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:00 So I went on the bike.
24:01 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:02 So I went on the bike.
24:03 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:09 So I went on the bike.
24:10 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:11 So I went on the bike.
24:12 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:13 So I went on the bike.
24:14 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:15 So I went on the bike.
24:16 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:17 So I went on the bike.
24:18 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:19 So I went on the bike.
24:20 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:21 So I went on the bike.
24:22 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:23 So I went on the bike.
24:24 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:25 So I went on the bike.
24:26 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:32 So I went on the bike.
24:33 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:34 So I went on the bike.
24:35 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:36 So I went on the bike.
24:37 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:38 So I went on the bike.
24:39 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:40 So I went on the bike.
24:41 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:42 So I went on the bike.
24:43 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:44 So I went on the bike.
24:45 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:46 So I went on the bike.
24:47 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:48 So I went on the bike.
24:49 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:50 So I went on the bike.
24:51 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:52 So I went on the bike.
24:53 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:54 So I went on the bike.
24:55 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:56 So I went on the bike.
24:57 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
24:58 So I went on the bike.
24:59 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
25:00 So I went on the bike.
25:01 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
25:02 So I went on the bike.
25:03 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
25:04 So I went on the bike.
25:05 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
25:06 So I went on the bike.
25:07 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
25:28 So I went on the bike.
25:51 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
26:19 So I went on the bike.
26:20 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
26:21 So I went on the bike.
26:22 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
26:23 So I went on the bike.
26:24 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
26:25 So I went on the bike.
26:26 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
26:27 So I went on the bike.
26:28 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
26:29 So I went on the bike.
26:30 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
26:31 So I went on the bike.
26:32 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
26:33 So I went on the bike.
26:34 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
26:35 So I went on the bike.
26:36 And I said, "Rambo has also got saved".
26:38 You have really grown your hair by lying.
26:41 You have really grown your hair by lying.
26:44 Mr. Agha, tell us.
26:46 Since when you have been having this hairstyle?
26:49 It was like this in the beginning.
26:51 It was born like this?
26:52 Yes.
26:53 No, it was born like this.
26:55 It was like this.
26:56 Okay, you ask such a question.
26:58 And you make us fight.
26:59 He argues a lot.
27:00 He comes and says, "Go away, I am getting angry".
27:03 Next.
27:06 Hello.
27:07 My name is Salman Nasheer.
27:08 Okay.
27:09 I have a question.
27:10 Where was your first interview?
27:12 And how was your experience?
27:14 First interview?
27:16 Well, I cannot recall that.
27:18 But what I remember is that
27:20 when I recorded my first show,
27:22 Salim sir interviewed me.
27:25 On the very first day.
27:27 And he told me that you are coming to the media.
27:30 Today you have hosted a show for the first time.
27:32 How are you feeling?
27:34 So my first answer was that
27:37 I have sown a seed like a farmer.
27:39 And now I am sitting and waiting.
27:41 I am looking at the sky.
27:42 If it rains, nothing will come out of it.
27:44 Wow.
27:45 So what is this?
27:47 Tell us about your last interview.
27:49 My last interview.
27:51 The last interview till now.
27:53 It was done by Irza Khan.
27:55 I don't think you are a good journalist.
27:57 Yes.
28:03 Greetings, Mr. Haroon.
28:04 Greetings.
28:05 My name is Asim.
28:06 And I would like to say a few words.
28:09 Wow.
28:10 Yes, please.
28:11 Your host.
28:12 Yes.
28:13 We heard in our childhood that
28:15 books talk to each other at night.
28:17 And the parts of the car talk to each other at night.
28:19 Sometimes we have to sit outside.
28:22 Sometimes we have to look at each other's faces.
28:24 Like we climb the mall on top of each other's coats.
28:29 And the tires climb on top of each other.
28:33 Mr. Madhuban, don't cut your hair.
28:35 I have applied rice flour on it.
28:37 Wow.
28:39 Mr. Haroon.
28:42 Yes.
28:43 Don't make roti for the kids at home.
28:44 Why?
28:45 They will get full from the mouth.
28:46 They won't eat anywhere.
28:47 Ladies and gentlemen,
28:49 a small break.
28:50 Don't go anywhere.
28:51 We will meet after the break.
28:52 Mr. Haroon, suppose
28:53 if you become the Prime Minister for a day
28:55 or you are made the Prime Minister,
28:57 what is the first thing you do?
28:59 The thing is that
29:00 you are making me the Prime Minister for a day.
29:02 I can't do anything.
29:03 I will enjoy it to the fullest.
29:05 No one can do anything in a day.
29:08 People who are 5 years old
29:09 enjoy it to the fullest.
29:10 Welcome back, viewers.
29:21 Now we have Dr. Tahir Shaheer with us.
29:23 He was standing near the pillar.
29:25 He is not coming inside.
29:26 But Malaika, what have you done to your hair?
29:28 Actually, I got my hair done
29:30 with my hair dryer
29:31 on the occasion of Dr. Shaheer's visit.
29:33 I also got my hair shaved.
29:35 Arzu, I am here.
29:37 Vicky, you keep quiet.
29:38 Doctor, look, I am here.
29:40 Look, I will talk to you after seeing it.
29:43 Absolutely.
29:44 Okay, Dr. Shaheer,
29:45 what will you tell us today?
29:46 Finally, Dr. Shaheer's curse
29:48 has been fulfilled.
29:50 What have you brought today, Dr. Shaheer?
29:52 The poem is that
29:53 if there is a small audience,
29:55 then the insult is even more severe.
29:57 If there is a small audience,
29:59 then the insult is even more severe.
30:01 The time of big gatherings has come.
30:03 The gathering is my big one.
30:04 Wow.
30:06 And if there are 150 people,
30:08 count them.
30:10 Wow.
30:11 If you count 400 chairs,
30:13 count 80,000 of them.
30:14 Wow.
30:15 Everyone is running
30:16 and walking on this competition.
30:18 Everyone is running
30:19 and walking on this competition.
30:21 The gathering should be on the first position
30:23 on the music chart.
30:24 Wow.
30:25 Music chart.
30:26 Look at the people.
30:27 This is the claim.
30:28 It is my turn next.
30:29 Leg pulling is going on somewhere.
30:30 The turban is coming down somewhere.
30:32 Their old hollow slogans are flying.
30:35 The one who was considered a leader
30:36 is the ride of Chingchi.
30:38 Wow.
30:39 I don't know why
30:42 the public is also mad
30:44 that there is no light in their nature.
30:47 There is no light.
30:48 Wow.
30:49 Very good.
30:50 Very good.
30:51 Sir, don't read the poem.
30:52 It is your turn.
30:54 The one who is considered a leader
30:55 is the ride of Chingchi.
30:57 The one who is considered a leader
30:58 is the ride of Chingchi.
31:00 The time of big gatherings has come.
31:01 The gathering is my ride.
31:03 Wow.
31:04 And the public has called
31:05 the lorrys from other cities.
31:07 Wow.
31:08 Grandfathers and granddaughters
31:09 have entered the lorries.
31:11 Now everyone has taken
31:12 two blue notes.
31:14 Wow.
31:15 The MPA has also given
31:16 the bottles to everyone.
31:18 He said, listen to each one of us
31:20 as you are our own.
31:22 You are travelling alone
31:23 being useless.
31:25 Wow.
31:26 Come with us.
31:27 We will entertain you.
31:29 Let the gathering take place.
31:30 We will show you the whole city.
31:32 But when we return,
31:33 we will be in a different mood.
31:35 Wow.
31:36 But when we return,
31:37 we will be in a different mood.
31:39 The same lions
31:40 that used to be there
31:41 are now lost.
31:42 Oh.
31:43 Let them know
31:44 that the bus is going to a new place.
31:46 Wow.
31:47 The time of big gatherings has come.
31:48 The gathering is my ride.
31:49 My ride.
31:50 Wow.
31:52 And the village is full.
31:55 Now the gathering is my ride.
31:56 Wow.
31:57 In the beginning,
31:58 the small children have to give speeches.
31:59 Wow.
32:00 The village is full.
32:01 Now the gathering is my ride.
32:03 In the beginning,
32:04 the small children have to give speeches.
32:06 They should come to the free
32:07 gathering to play the Ameen.
32:09 They should be full of happiness.
32:11 They should do it day and night.
32:13 They do it with great enthusiasm.
32:16 They rehearse at home for eight days.
32:19 Sometimes they recite to the children and wife.
32:22 The neighbors and acquaintances
32:23 listen to everyone.
32:25 Then they keep their papers in front of them.
32:28 But still they read it wrong.
32:29 They forget it often.
32:31 Their hands and voice
32:32 are on the public load.
32:34 Their legs are on
32:35 the vibration mode.
32:37 In the speech,
32:38 the one with the mixed ration paper,
32:40 she came in excitement
32:41 and did the same speech.
32:43 In my pamphlet,
32:44 there are two kilos of potatoes,
32:45 onions, ginger.
32:46 With chicken,
32:47 coriander,
32:48 green chilies,
32:49 and spinach.
32:50 The hand that touched the mic,
32:51 there was a shock.
32:53 After that,
32:54 the crowd started screaming.
32:57 The whole gathering
32:58 was made for the children.
33:00 If it wasn't for this,
33:02 what would have happened?
33:04 When does anyone listen to the speech?
33:07 Everyone is busy.
33:08 Everyone is sitting on the next chair.
33:12 Everyone is ready to sit
33:13 and give a speech
33:15 for the youth.
33:18 When the youth
33:19 get the spirit of the youth,
33:21 they pick up all the chairs
33:23 in their homes.
33:25 There is only one chair left
33:27 which is surrounded by a big one.
33:29 The time has come for big gatherings.
33:31 The gathering is big.
33:33 Wow!
33:36 On a very serious note,
33:38 when these elections come,
33:39 like the time of elections
33:41 has come here,
33:42 then in the election period,
33:44 people think that
33:46 if the gathering is big,
33:48 then only that party can win.
33:50 This is not necessary.
33:52 Voting is biased.
33:53 We have seen this.
33:54 If you look at the history,
33:55 there are many people
33:56 who go to the gatherings
33:57 of every party.
33:58 They listen to the speeches.
33:59 Now, it is becoming difficult
34:00 to have big gatherings
34:01 because people listen
34:02 to everything at home.
34:04 And most of the gatherings
34:05 are not translated.
34:07 We have seen this.
34:09 Don't go too far back.
34:10 If you go back a few elections,
34:12 there are many parties
34:13 whose gatherings were very big.
34:15 But when it comes to voting,
34:17 God knows from where,
34:18 a special prejudice comes
34:20 and the stamp is put somewhere else.
34:21 This is the first thing.
34:22 The second thing,
34:23 as you just mentioned,
34:24 that people are not very interested
34:25 in speeches these days.
34:26 What is being said?
34:28 There is another reason for this.
34:29 That is,
34:30 when they see that
34:31 the slogans are hollow,
34:33 the children who were hungry
34:34 10 years ago,
34:35 are hungry young people today.
34:37 So, no one is bothered
34:39 about the hollow things
34:41 and no one wants to hear them.
34:43 See, it is said that
34:44 a fly does not sit on a paper flower.
34:46 It also sits on the real flower.
34:48 So, how can a person
34:49 trust the paper flowers?
34:51 But there is one thing for sure.
34:53 Whenever we talk about politics,
34:55 you should know that
34:57 there can be no system
34:58 better than democracy.
35:00 Elections are the best solution
35:02 to everything.
35:03 This should be done
35:04 by being above the party.
35:06 The work that a person is doing
35:07 in your area,
35:08 whether he is your MPA,
35:09 your MNA,
35:11 your councillor,
35:12 or any of the local bodies,
35:13 whatever it is,
35:14 the person who is doing your work,
35:16 must vote for him.
35:18 Because this is the trick,
35:19 this is the filter,
35:20 that the people who are working,
35:22 will come forward.
35:23 And secondly,
35:24 as we were talking,
35:25 the leader is really the one
35:27 who is sitting in the chinchi.
35:29 Otherwise,
35:30 a person sitting in a big car
35:31 cannot know about the problems
35:32 of the chinchi.
35:33 But Mr. Harun,
35:34 suppose you become
35:35 the Prime Minister for a day,
35:36 or you are made the Prime Minister,
35:38 what will be your first thing?
35:40 Although you are sitting in the chinchi.
35:42 But the thing is,
35:43 you are making me the Prime Minister
35:44 for just one day.
35:45 I can't do anything.
35:46 I will enjoy it to the fullest.
35:48 Yes.
35:49 Very good.
35:50 Very nice.
35:51 A round of applause.
35:52 You are saying
35:53 that no one can do anything
35:54 in a day.
35:55 No one can do anything in a day.
35:56 The people who are 5 years old,
35:57 they enjoy it to the fullest.
35:59 It's time for music.
36:05 Now it's Manat's turn.
36:07 We have Manat with us today.
36:09 So, let's keep the music for another day.
36:11 Manat,
36:12 let's go and have tea.
36:13 Let's listen to some music.
36:14 What have you brought today, Manat?
36:17 I have a song for you.
36:18 I will finish it with you.
36:19 Do you know, Mr. Harun,
36:20 after the show,
36:21 I go to the singers' houses
36:23 and sing for them.
36:25 You are a singer in your singing days.
36:29 You don't know the idea.
36:30 Go and ask them
36:32 what the rate of sugar is.
36:33 Then sing a diet song for us.
36:35 Very good.
36:36 I enjoyed listening to the song.
36:38 Viewers, this was today's show.
36:39 We will meet you in the next show.
36:41 Till then, take care of yourselves.
36:43 We will take care of you for the next half an hour.
36:45 Till then, take care.
36:46 Goodbye.
36:47 Goodbye.
36:48 Until then, goodbye.
36:50 "Hoshi yaariya, hoshi yaariya"