Mr. Bean: The Bus Stop (1991)

  • 7 months ago
Mr. Bean waits at a bus stop behind a man; when the bus arrives, the man gets on, but the driver turns Bean away as the bus is full. Determined to be the first in line for the next bus, Bean tries to cut ahead of a woman (Matilda Ziegler) with a baby carriage who gets in line ahead of Bean when he steps away for a moment, and a blind man (Robin Driscoll) who pushes in without knowing. Soon after Bean manages to get to the front, several people join the end of the line, and the bus arrives.

But the bus does not stop in front of Bean, it drives on for another few yards – just far enough that the entrance of the bus, which is at the back (unlike the previous bus, whose entrance was at the front) is in line with the end of the queue, effectively reversing the order of the queue so that Bean is left at the back, and again Bean is left behind as the bus fills up. Judging by the location and setting, this sketch appears to have originally been part of "Mr. Bean Rides Again", in which Mr. Bean does attempt to board a bus, but perhaps cut for time.