Amazing Earth: Would you prefer giant dog breeds or toy dogs?

  • last year
Aired (November 17, 2023): Love is meant for all dog breeds, and to deepen your appreciation, let’s explore a variety of sizes and breeds with these adorable dogs that are sure to capture your heart.


00:00 It's said that the care of pets at home is effective in relieving stress.
00:03 Just like dogs.
00:05 But what if dogs are bigger than humans?
00:09 Isn't that more stressful?
00:12 They are the new social media sensation.
00:17 Literally, the next big thing because of their size.
00:21 Giant poodles.
00:24 They are almost bigger than humans.
00:28 But these little ones are gentle giants.
00:32 That's why they are taken care of by a dermatologist couple,
00:37 Dr. Ivy and Dr. Z. Teo.
00:40 In 2019, Dr. Ivy received as a Christmas gift from Dr. Z
00:47 their first giant poodle, Berlin.
00:50 At first, she couldn't believe the bear-sized dog
00:56 but because of its kindness, gentleness, and cleanliness,
01:00 Berlin's playfulness was added.
01:04 Paris, Lisbon, Cairo, and Oslo.
01:08 It seems like the capitals of different countries are now completing each other.
01:13 But the importance of these giant poodles is not a joke.
01:19 Even if the investment is big,
01:21 it's worth it for every cent they spend on their giant fur babies.
01:26 If there are people who love big pets,
01:35 there are also cute poodles.
01:38 Charm Concepcion.
01:44 Her fur babies are two T-cup Pomeranian.
01:47 Peanut is 8 months old.
01:51 And Butter is 6 months old.
01:53 I always want my pets to be cute.
01:56 That's why I chose to take care of T-cup sized dogs.
02:00 Because I feel like they are always puffy.
02:03 I was surprised because they are so sweet to new people they meet.
02:08 And they are so smart because they can pick up our everyday activities.
02:15 "Ladam, ladam, ladam, ladam, ladam."
02:19 "Very good."
02:21 I'm the type of fur mom who always gives them hugs and kisses.
02:26 I'm so happy to show my love to them.
02:28 They are very low maintenance.
02:30 When it comes to food and grooming,
02:34 their maintenance is very cheap.
02:37 And it's different when you have a fur baby.
02:40 Because they are very loyal to you,
02:42 they always want to be with you.
02:44 That's why it's very fulfilling and they feel different happiness.
02:50 Giant poodle man or T-cup Pomeranian,
02:54 what's important is that we take good care of them.
02:58 Because fur babies give the same happiness to their humans.
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