• 2 years ago


00:00 β™ͺ The Tom and Jerry Kid β™ͺ
00:02 β™ͺ The Tom and Jerry Kid β™ͺ
00:04 β™ͺ The Tom and Jerry Kid's Family Show β™ͺ
00:08 ( humming )
00:22 Oh, I must say,
00:28 this is about the cutest little place cards I've ever seen.
00:32 Oh, and if that isn't the prettiest table in all the world.
00:37 Now, where's that lazy cat?
00:40 Tom!
00:47 ( meowing )
00:52 ( meowing )
00:54 My beautiful dinner table is all set for tonight's banquet.
01:03 And I don't want anybody messing with it.
01:06 Especially that pesky little mouse.
01:09 If anything happens to my banquet table,
01:13 your future will be blacker than Mississippi mud.
01:19 Repeat after me. Mississippi mud!
01:23 I can't hear you!
01:28 ( meowing )
01:31 ( meowing )
01:33 ( meowing )
01:35 ( meowing )
01:53 ( meowing )
01:55 ( meowing )
02:20 ( meowing )
02:23 ( meowing )
02:26 ( meowing )
02:29 ( meowing )
02:32 ( meowing )
02:35 ( meowing )
02:38 ( meowing )
02:41 ( meowing )
02:44 ( meowing )
02:46 ( meowing )
02:51 ( meowing )
03:00 ( meowing )
03:08 ( meowing )
03:13 ( meowing )
03:15 Why, hello, Tom. You just look so handsome.
03:19 ( giggles )
03:21 ( meowing )
03:23 What a manly hunk of kitty cat.
03:26 And the way you handle that pesky little mouse just makes my heart a flutter.
03:31 ( meowing )
03:34 ( meowing )
03:36 Why, Thomas, I do believe you're making goo-goo eyes at me.
03:52 ( giggles )
04:00 But, oh, my God, how can you say that to all those beautiful girls?
04:05 Untrue, miss. You're the only southern belle I've said that to.
04:10 Today, that is.
04:12 Thomas!
04:18 Are you watching that, Teifel?
04:21 ( meowing )
04:24 ( music playing )
04:27 ( meowing )
04:44 ( music playing )
04:48 ( music playing )
04:51 ( meowing )
05:13 ( music playing )
05:16 ( meowing )
05:36 ( meowing )
05:42 Yeah! Pardon me, miss sugar belle.
05:46 ( meowing )
05:48 Thomas!
06:00 Thomas!
06:02 ( music playing )
06:06 ( music playing )
06:09 Just look at what that mouse has done to my dinner, Teifel.
06:18 ( meowing )
06:26 And fire!
06:31 ( music playing )
06:34 ( meowing )
06:39 I must say, you have more style than any cat I've ever met.
06:46 I like that.
06:48 ( giggles )
06:53 Why, Thomas, you must be the best mouse catcher in the county.
06:59 I'll go home to miss T.
07:02 ( meowing )
07:04 ( music playing )
07:07 ( music playing )
07:21 ( music playing )
07:24 Sleeping on the job again, huh?
07:45 No cheese is safe as long as that mole mouse is running loose.
07:50 If he gets in here again tonight, you're through!
07:54 Get me!
07:56 ( speaking gibberish )
08:01 ( meowing )
08:07 ( music playing )
08:11 ( music playing )
08:14 ( snoring )
08:20 β™ͺ Mole mouse, mole mouse β™ͺ
08:38 β™ͺ He's a mighty force β™ͺ
08:41 β™ͺ He's a tower of strength β™ͺ
08:43 β™ͺ He's the one they call Mouse Mouse β™ͺ
08:46 β™ͺ He's a clever one, he's courageous, too β™ͺ
08:50 β™ͺ He's the bold, the brave Mole Mouse β™ͺ
08:53 β™ͺ Mole Mouse, Mole Mouse β™ͺ
08:57 ( snoring )
08:59 ( music playing )
09:02 ( snoring )
09:08 ( snoring )
09:11 ( crash )
09:13 ( music playing )
09:16 ( buzzing )
09:24 ( laughing )
09:31 ( snoring )
09:34 ( snoring )
09:37 ( snoring )
09:40 ( music playing )
09:47 ( music playing )
09:55 ( music playing )
10:05 ( snoring )
10:08 ( crash )
10:11 ( music playing )
10:19 ( laughing )
10:32 ( crash )
10:35 ( music playing )
10:38 ( laughing )
10:43 ( laughing )
10:50 ( music playing )
10:56 ( music playing )
10:59 ( crash )
11:05 ( music playing )
11:09 ( crash )
11:24 ( music playing )
11:27 ( crash )
11:30 ( crash )
11:43 ( music playing )
11:52 ( laughing )
11:55 ( crash )
12:01 ( laughing )
12:05 ( music playing )
12:10 ( crash )
12:19 ( music playing )
12:22 ( screaming )
12:32 ( music playing )
12:37 ( music playing )
12:47 ( music playing )
12:50 ( barking )
12:53 ( crash )
12:56 ( music playing )
12:59 ( music playing )
13:04 ( music playing )
13:10 ( music playing )
13:13 ( music playing )
13:23 ( music playing )
13:38 ( music playing )
13:41 ( music playing )
13:56 ( music playing )
14:03 ( music playing )
14:06 ( music playing )
14:15 ( music playing )
14:21 And now, once again, it's time for the adventures of Super Duper Duper Hunk!
14:30 This is my most favorite show in all the world!
14:34 Super Duper Duper Hunk is my hero!
14:37 It's good for a kid to have a TV hero, as long as his dad is still number one.
14:42 ( laughing )
14:44 And below today's adventure...
14:47 Hi-hi! It's Super Duper Duper Hunk!
14:51 Into the sky!
14:54 ( rumbling )
14:59 ( laughing )
15:02 Face it, Super Duper Duper Hunk, you're finished!
15:07 For I shall rule the universe!
15:10 Oh, yeah?
15:13 ( laughing )
15:16 ( rumbling )
15:19 Hooray! Super Duper Duper Hunk!
15:23 Nothing can beat you!
15:25 Well, kids, it's now time to announce the winner of the "Win a Visit from Super Duper Duper Hunk" contest.
15:33 Gee, I hope I win!
15:35 Keep your fingers crossed, son!
15:37 Oh, they are crossed, Dad.
15:40 And now the moment you've all been waiting for.
15:43 And the winner is...
15:46 Tike the pup!
15:48 Hooray! Yippee!
15:50 I won! I won! I won! Yahoo!
15:54 I knew you would, son!
15:57 So get ready, Tike, because Super Duper Duper Hunk will be visiting you at your home today at 2 o'clock.
16:05 You lucky dog.
16:07 Yes, yeah, wowee! Woo!
16:10 Golly, pup, I can hardly wait for him to visit.
16:14 Gosh, it's 5 o'clock.
16:20 Oh, Father, I don't think he's ever going to show up and visit me.
16:25 And at my young, tender, influential age, it will shatter my self-esteem and give me a trauma.
16:33 I'll grow up with a horrible complex.
16:36 If there's one thing a father doesn't want, it's his son growing up with a dramatic complexion.
16:42 ( giggles )
16:43 ( growling )
16:46 Now, don't you worry, son.
16:48 Super Hunk is probably held up in traffic or has a torn cape or something.
16:53 I'll go right down to the TV station and get him for you.
16:57 Excuse me, sir, you can't enter without an appointment.
17:05 What's going on here? You're supposed to be visiting my boy.
17:10 Oh, I've been sick.
17:14 ( sobbing )
17:17 Gee, I'm sorry, but I just can't make it in this condition.
17:21 ( sobbing )
17:23 ( grunts )
17:25 Say, I've got an idea.
17:27 Why don't you just put on my costume and impersonate me?
17:31 Your little boy will be very happy.
17:33 A dad will do anything for the happiness of his son.
17:37 Thanks a lot, Mr. Hunk. You sure are a regular guy.
17:41 Please don't mention it.
17:43 ( whimpering )
17:45 ( spitting )
17:47 ( siren wailing )
17:49 When a pop loves his son, he'll do just about anything.
17:57 ( screaming )
17:59 Super Duper Duper Hunk is...
18:02 here.
18:06 Oh, boy, oh, boy, I knew you'd come to visit me.
18:09 Gosh, Mr. Hunk, that never happened to you on TV.
18:13 I was, uh, I mean, I was just practicing a new stunt for next week's show.
18:20 Boy, why do the kids on the block care about this?
18:24 Do you remember your great battle with Electro Man?
18:28 Why, I sure do. I hit him on the run, see?
18:32 Then I... whoa!
18:38 ( whistling )
18:40 I grabs my Electroid Magno Blaster
18:43 to short out all the Electro Magnesium right out of his body.
18:47 Super Duper Duper Hunk!
18:51 ( explosion )
18:53 Okay, you all set?
19:04 Okay, all set.
19:06 Um, what was it that you wanted to see me do again?
19:11 I want to see the Super Duper Flying Airflip.
19:15 Oh, yeah. Are you sure?
19:17 Yeah.
19:18 Oh, great. Okay.
19:20 Coming right up.
19:22 This time I'm prepared.
19:24 ( laughing )
19:26 ( explosion )
19:29 ( whistling )
19:31 ( whistling )
19:38 Well, it's about time I gotta go.
19:44 There's lots of things to be saved around the world.
19:47 Remember to eat all of your oatmeal and take your vitamins
19:51 so you'll grow up to be big and strong like me.
19:54 Now be a good boy and go along inside and wait for your father.
19:58 Okay, Super Duper Duper Hunk.
20:01 And so, as I always say, uh...
20:05 Do you remember the what I always say, Tike?
20:08 Way up high, Super Duper Duper Hunk,
20:12 into the sky!
20:14 Why, I couldn't have said it better myself.
20:17 (upbeat music)
