• il y a 2 ans
Les coéquipiers d'Adam Johnson, les Nottingham Panthers, ont rendu hommage à Adam Johnson, samedi, au cours d'un match commémoratif.


00:00 (Cris de la foule) (...)
00:27 (...)
00:29 -Good evening, everyone.
00:31 Whether you're from Nottingham or further afield,
00:34 we want to thank everyone for being here this evening.
00:37 As we know, many of you have traveled great distances
00:40 to be with us tonight.
00:42 Thank you also to everyone joining us via YouTube webcast.
00:47 We would also like to thank the Manchester Stoltenbergs staff
00:52 and management for making tonight's game possible.
00:55 We really appreciate it.
00:58 (...)
01:17 The club has received seven kind messages of love and support
01:21 in the last three weeks.
01:23 The ownership, management, players and staff
01:26 are so grateful for everyone with them.
01:29 We're all here today to honor Adam Johnson.
01:34 Our fortunate mate with his partner Ryan,
01:37 his family, friends and teammates.
01:40 Adam, now over 47, was not only an outstanding hockey player,
01:46 but also a great teammate.
01:49 He was an incredible person with his whole life ahead of him.
01:54 He only needs to read shoes to hear from around the world
01:58 to understand what a special person he was.
02:02 (...)
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