Top 10 Superheroes Too Dark For The MCU

  • last year
Some superheroes just aren't for kids! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the darkest Marvel heroes that may or may not be too much for the Marvel Cinematic Universe to handle.
00:00 ♪ Comes from within ♪
00:02 ♪ Country air war ♪
00:05 ♪ It's time to begin ♪
00:07 - Welcome to WatchMojo,
00:09 and today we're counting down our picks
00:12 for the darkest Marvel heroes that may or may not be
00:15 too much for the Marvel Cinematic Universe to handle.
00:18 - It's magic.
00:19 (dramatic music)
00:22 - So am I.
00:24 - Number 10, Hitmonkey.
00:26 (dramatic music)
00:29 (explosion)
00:31 - Hitmonkey's here to kill bad guys and eat bananas,
00:34 and he's all out of bananas.
00:37 His wild origins begin when an unarmed professional Hitman
00:40 was saved by a tribe of Japanese snow monkeys.
00:43 While the tribe were willing to aid the Hitman back to health
00:46 one monkey objected, leading to his exile.
00:49 When the entire tribe was slaughtered alongside the Hitman,
00:52 Hitmonkey was born.
00:54 ♪ Comes from within ♪
00:56 ♪ Country air war ♪
00:59 ♪ It's time to begin ♪
01:01 - It's weird, but don't let the absurdity distract you
01:04 from the fact that Hitmonkey's a straight up killer.
01:07 While he's got his own animated Hulu show,
01:09 it's worth noting that its second season
01:12 is no longer marketed under the Marvel brand.
01:14 - There you go, that's it.
01:15 (monkey growling)
01:16 Now, yeah, now get your hips going.
01:17 - Regardless of whatever the reason is,
01:19 you can't help but feel like Marvel's putting some distance
01:22 between themself and the armed primate.
01:25 Number nine, Danny Ketch.
01:27 While most of us know Ghost Rider because of Johnny Blaze,
01:30 what if we told you his younger brother
01:32 was also a Ghost Rider?
01:34 That's Danny Ketch.
01:35 And everywhere Danny goes, trouble always follows.
01:39 He inadvertently became Ghost Rider
01:41 when he and his sister Barbara were caught
01:43 in the middle of a gang war
01:44 between the Kingpin and Death Watch.
01:46 At Mystic Chaos, he stumbled upon a special motorcycle,
01:50 which turned him into the Spirit of Vengeance.
01:52 As Ghost Rider, he's had no shortage
01:54 of battles against demons,
01:56 whether they're from hell or a bottle.
01:58 The inclusion of any Ghost Rider in the MCU
02:01 guarantees seeing some hardcore stuff,
02:03 but the demon-plagued world of Danny Ketch
02:06 might be just a bit too heavy for casual audiences.
02:10 Number eight, Damon Hellstrom.
02:12 To no one's surprise, the guy who's only known
02:15 for being the son of Satan
02:16 probably isn't the most marketable superhero of them all.
02:20 He and his sister, Saitana,
02:21 are the children of Marduk Kyrios,
02:23 a Hell Lord who may or may not be Satan.
02:26 Honestly, Marvel is really confusing
02:29 when it comes to deciding all of that stuff.
02:31 While his father is a devilish entity,
02:33 his mother was a mere mortal.
02:35 Overall, Damon has his roots tethered to the occult.
02:39 He even has a freakin' pentagram
02:41 on his chest for a birthmark.
02:43 Damon briefly had a Hulu TV series not canon to the MCU,
02:47 but since its cancellation,
02:48 we don't expect him popping up
02:50 on any one screen for a while.
02:52 - He didn't finish the verse.
02:54 John chapter 10, verse 10.
02:56 It ends with ego, veni et vitam habient,
02:59 et abundanteus habient.
03:01 - Number seven, Magic.
03:02 Ileana Rasputina, aka Magic, has never had an easy life.
03:07 For starters, her and her brother, Piotr,
03:09 better known as Colossus, are mutants,
03:11 and that's difficult to navigate on its own.
03:14 But everything changed when Ileana was kidnapped
03:16 as a child by a demon and taken to limbo.
03:19 While she was rescued by the X-Men
03:21 and only gone for a few seconds on Earth,
03:24 time worked differently in the other place,
03:26 meaning Ileana spent years in the demonic realm
03:29 and eventually returned as a teenager.
03:31 If that wasn't traumatic enough,
03:33 Ileana also has a demonic form known as the Dark Child.
03:37 This dark side can manifest when she taps into dark magic
03:40 or experiences intense emotions.
03:42 You'd be wise not to cross Magic.
03:44 - It's magic!
03:45 (dramatic music)
03:49 - So am I.
03:50 - Number six, Penance.
03:52 Robbie Baldwin was originally a hot-headed teenage superhero
03:56 named Speedball, who was part of a team
03:58 called the New Warriors.
03:59 But when they tried to stop some villains
04:01 as part of their reality show,
04:02 the bad guy, Nitro, killed all of the New Warriors
04:05 and over 600 civilians in an explosion.
04:08 Robbie was the only superhero who survived
04:10 what became known as the Stanford Incident,
04:13 the catalyst for Marvel's Civil War.
04:15 He then became Penance and had a suit lined inside
04:18 with spikes that made him suffer.
04:20 Penance is kind of an edgelord,
04:22 but his past is still a tragic one.
04:25 Maybe Robbie Baldwin's Speedball persona
04:27 can show up in the MCU one day,
04:29 but we doubt we'll see Penance strolling onto the screen.
04:33 Number five, Paladin.
04:35 Not quite a hero, but not quite a villain either.
04:38 Paladin operates in that morally gray sweet spot
04:41 as a mercenary typically working for whoever's willing
04:44 to give him the biggest payday.
04:46 We like to believe he's a character
04:48 who can change his ways,
04:49 as he's been shown in the past
04:51 helping out many street-level heroes.
04:52 He was even part of the Heroes for Hire,
04:55 but he was also part of
04:56 Norman Osborn's Thunderbolts team.
04:59 The violent way in which he operates
05:01 and his tendency to backstab others
05:03 has also gotten him flack from heroes
05:05 like Daredevil, Spider-Man, and more.
05:07 Ultimately, Paladin's a bit of a chaotic mess.
05:11 Number four, Kane.
05:13 Kane Parker was the Jackal's
05:14 first ever clone of Peter Parker.
05:16 However, Kane's body was in a state of deterioration
05:19 and he was ultimately rejected.
05:21 His anger soon quickly turned him against the world.
05:24 In the numerous times he's crossed paths
05:26 with his genetic brothers Ben Reilly and Peter Parker,
05:29 he's tried to kill them.
05:30 - I was saved from almost drowning by this guy.
05:33 - I knew I'd regret helping you.
05:35 - While Kane cleaned up his act and became a hero,
05:38 there's no doubt there's still a darkness inside him.
05:41 His entire existence is also a reminder
05:44 of the critically panned Clone Saga storyline.
05:47 The less we say about that, the better.
05:49 It's not impossible to see the MCU's Peter
05:52 run into some clones, but this much extra drama
05:55 might not be worth it for Marvel Studios.
05:58 Number three, David Haller.
06:00 David Haller is one of the most powerful mutants
06:02 in the Marvel Universe, and that's expected
06:05 when you're the son of Professor X.
06:07 (dramatic music)
06:12 Unfortunately, David's also deeply troubled.
06:16 Throughout his life, he's suffered
06:18 from dissociative identity disorder.
06:20 His mind is deeply fractured, and inside of it,
06:23 he has over 200 plus alternate personalities,
06:26 all just as powerful as him.
06:28 Not to mention that he's also been played constantly
06:30 by the Shadow King.
06:32 The MCU hasn't shied away from exploring heroes
06:34 with mental illness before, but the wildly eccentric
06:37 and avant-garde David Haller might be a square peg
06:41 in a round hole for them.
06:42 Interestingly though, David's story was captured wonderfully
06:46 in FX's Legion TV show, not set in the MCU.
06:49 (dramatic music)
06:52 Number two, The Sentry.
07:00 When drug addicted Robert Reynolds broke into a lab
07:03 and drank a compound called the Golden Sentry Serum,
07:06 it gave him some incredible powers.
07:09 Eventually, he became The Sentry,
07:11 a superhero that's pretty much Marvel's answer to Superman.
07:14 So, it might sound strange to say that Marvel's version
07:17 of Superman is too dark for the movies,
07:19 but that's because The Sentry's not quite as he seems.
07:23 Robert Reynolds suffers from severe schizophrenia
07:25 and possesses a personality known as The Void.
07:28 If Sentry is the light, The Void is the dark.
07:31 This pure killer only knows destruction.
07:34 The Sentry might pop up in the MCU one day,
07:37 but you can't do Sentry without The Void.
07:40 The MCU better know what they're getting into
07:42 with this hero.
07:44 - Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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07:58 - Number one, Punisher.
08:02 Calling The Punisher a superhero
08:03 is always going to feel like a stretch,
08:06 but Marvel still loves to lump Frank Castle
08:08 into that category.
08:09 - Life just gets better and better.
08:11 - Fueled by the murder of his family,
08:17 The Punisher is a brutal vigilante
08:20 who kills as many villains as he can in his war on crime.
08:23 Sure, Punisher's had his own TV show,
08:25 but Marvel's Netflix shows are confusing
08:28 to say the least about their connection to the MCU.
08:30 Punisher will, however, be part of the firmly MCU canon
08:34 Daredevil Born Again series,
08:35 but there's some concern from fans
08:37 that it'll have a pretty sanitized version of the character.
08:40 Can Punisher be done justice in the MCU's Disney+ shows
08:44 or their feature-lengthy movies?
08:46 Only time will tell.
08:48 - When they come, I'll make them tell me where Sarah is.
08:50 After that, I'm gonna kill 'em all.
08:53 - Is there a dark Marvel superhero
08:55 the MCU is afraid of adapting that we missed?
08:58 Let us know in the comments down below.
09:00 - Sorry, man.
09:01 - No, it's cool.
09:03 It's cool.
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09:12 (upbeat music)
09:15 (upbeat music)
09:17 (upbeat music)
09:20 (upbeat music)
