• 2 years ago


00:00 [music]
00:21 Yeah, you're opening up some fine pockets. Come on, let's get going.
00:23 [music]
00:26 Check your box, check your box, check your box.
00:30 [music]
00:35 [tires screeching]
00:38 [music]
00:40 [laughing]
00:42 [music]
00:55 [music]
00:59 [music]
01:02 [music]
01:12 [music]
01:15 [music]
01:18 Check your box, check your box, check your box.
01:23 [music]
01:39 [knife chopping]
01:41 [music]
01:54 [music]
02:06 [music]
02:22 [music]
02:40 [music]
02:47 You can get into more trouble.
02:49 [music]
03:08 [speaking in Spanish]
03:10 [music]
03:29 Thank you.
03:30 [music]
03:31 [speaking in Spanish]
03:33 [music]
03:34 [music]
03:39 [speaking in Spanish]
03:41 [music]
03:45 [speaking in Spanish]
03:48 [music]
03:53 [speaking in Spanish]
03:55 [music]
04:01 [laughing]
04:02 [music]
04:22 [speaking in Spanish]
04:24 [music]
04:46 [laughing]
04:48 [speaking in Spanish]
04:50 [music]
05:19 [speaking in Spanish]
05:20 [music]
05:24 [speaking in Spanish]
05:25 [music]
05:29 [speaking in Spanish]
05:32 [music]
05:52 [ringing]
05:53 [speaking in Spanish]
05:56 [music]
06:04 [ringing]
06:05 [speaking in Spanish]
06:06 [music]
06:17 [explosion]
06:19 [music]
06:23 [clapping]
06:30 [music]
06:32 [speaking in Spanish]
06:34 [ringing]
06:41 [explosion]
06:47 [music]
06:58 [speaking in Spanish]
07:03 [music]
07:15 [speaking in Spanish]
07:18 [music]
07:25 [speaking in Spanish]
07:27 [music]
07:34 [speaking in Spanish]
07:37 [explosion]
07:39 [music]
07:42 (bouncy music)
07:44 (bouncy music)
07:47 (screaming)
07:49 (bouncy music)
07:52 (bouncy music)
07:54 (bouncy music)
07:57 (bouncy music)
07:59 (bouncy music)
08:02 (bouncy music)
08:06 (bouncy music)
08:11 (bouncy music)
08:19 (bouncy music)
08:26 (bouncy music)
08:29 (bouncy music)
08:32 (bouncy music)
08:37 (bouncy music)
08:39 (bouncy music)
08:42 (bouncy music)
08:44 (bouncy music)
08:49 (bouncy music)
08:56 (bouncy music)
09:04 (bouncy music)
09:10 (bouncy music)
09:13 (bouncy music)
09:18 (bouncy music)
09:39 (bouncy music)
09:42 (bouncy music)
09:53 (bouncy music)
10:00 (clapping)
10:09 (bouncy music)
10:11 (bouncy music)
10:16 (laughing)
10:31 (bouncy music)
10:35 (bouncy music)
10:38 (laughing)
10:44 (screaming)
10:48 (bouncy music)
10:51 (bouncy music)
10:55 (laughing)
11:01 (bouncy music)
11:04 (bouncy music)
11:06 (bouncy music)
11:09 (bouncy music)
11:26 (laughing)
11:32 (bouncy music)
11:34 (bouncy music)
11:37 (singing)
11:49 (bouncy music)
12:03 (gunshots)
12:05 - I'm getting mighty jumpy.
12:11 (bouncy music)
12:14 (bouncy music)
12:23 (gasping)
12:26 (gunshots)
12:31 I'm getting out of here.
12:33 (gunshot)
12:35 Aha!
12:41 (bouncy music)
12:44 Meddling chipmunks.
12:50 (bouncy music)
12:53 (gunshots)
13:01 (bouncy music)
13:03 Now look here, pally.
13:17 Come on, let's be friends.
13:19 (bouncy music)
13:22 (gunshots)
13:28 (bouncy music)
13:31 (bouncy music)
13:35 (gunshots)
13:52 (bouncy music)
13:57 (bouncy music)
14:00 - Why it's bugsy, Captain Fremont.
14:05 What did you make of it, sir?
14:06 - Well, it looks mighty like the work of the chipmunks.
14:10 (screaming)
14:12 (bouncy music)
14:14 (bouncy music)
14:19 (whistling)
14:25 (bouncy music)
14:29 (whistling)
14:31 (bouncy music)
14:36 (bouncy music)
14:40 (laughing)
14:55 (bouncy music)
14:57 (bouncy music)
15:00 (bouncy music)
15:08 (whistling)
15:12 (bouncy music)
15:16 (bouncy music)
15:26 (laughing)
15:29 - Hello, look, it's Bob.
15:33 Super duper lift.
15:34 (bouncy music)
15:37 Okay, this is the man.
15:40 (bouncy music)
15:43 (whistling)
15:46 (bouncy music)
15:51 (bouncy music)
15:56 (bouncy music)
15:59 (bouncy music)
16:10 (bouncy music)
16:15 (bouncy music)
16:24 (bouncy music)
16:27 (bouncy music)
16:32 (bouncy music)
16:39 (bouncy music)
16:44 (bouncy music)
16:52 (bouncy music)
16:55 (whistling)
17:06 (bouncy music)
17:09 - That's enough, Super Hatch.
17:12 (bouncy music)
17:15 (bouncy music)
17:18 (bouncy music)
17:34 (bouncy music)
17:37 (bouncy music)
17:53 (bouncy music)
18:02 (bouncy music)
18:05 (bouncy music)
18:08 (bouncy music)
18:14 (bouncy music)
18:20 (bouncy music)
18:31 (bouncy music)
18:33 (bouncy music)
18:38 (bouncy music)
18:49 (bouncy music)
18:56 (bouncy music)
18:59 (bouncy music)
19:05 (bouncy music)
19:11 (bouncy music)
19:19 (bouncy music)
19:24 (bouncy music)
19:26 (bouncy music)
19:29 (bouncy music)
19:34 (bouncy music)
19:49 (bouncy music)
19:55 (bouncy music)
19:57 - Prepare for the coming of King Rameses.
20:02 Place an offering in the hand of Rameses.
20:09 Make it a dollar.
20:11 Place another dollar, another dollar, another dollar,
20:12 another dollar, another dollar, another dollar,
20:14 another dollar.
20:15 (bouncy music)
20:18 (bouncy music)
20:23 (bouncy music)
20:26 (bouncy music)
20:31 (bouncy music)
20:44 (upbeat music)
