Sciopero, Piras (Uiltec): "Manovra iniqua, non aiuta crescita del Paese"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) -


00:00 The "Will" movement is a movement that is not a response to the people's demands.
00:04 No to a law of balance that does not support growth and hits the weakest.
00:09 It is the position of the "Willtech" that came to the square with the "CGL" and "Will"
00:13 on the occasion of the strike proclaimed by the trade unions.
00:16 In Piazza del Popolo to demonstrate with the "Will" of Pierpaolo Bombardieri and with the "CGL"
00:22 against a maneuver that for us does not give a breath to the country
00:26 and that does not respond to any of the points put by our platforms.
00:31 The "Willtech" says no to the proposal of a new regulation of the European Union on packaging.
00:36 We believe that this regulation is in part pejorative especially for our country.
00:43 A country that from the point of view of recycling, therefore of the circular economy,
00:48 has invested a lot, especially in sectors such as those that concern packaging.
00:55 We believe that it does not take into account the occupational decline
01:00 and also to vanify the investments that have been made in the past.
01:06 We believe that our MPs must take into account the decline for our country,
01:12 which will have for our country more than for others.
01:15 And we believe that it is limiting compared to the setting that we have given
01:22 for a transformation and a sustainable industry.
01:25 Central for the Union is the theme of the energy transition.
01:29 The energy transition for us is a fundamental goal.
01:33 We must certainly go against the achievement of the goals set by the European Union,
01:40 but we must also have some fixed points.
01:43 For us, the energy transition means using a vector, which is gas,
01:49 to reach the ambitious goals that have been set.
01:53 Gas is above all the possibility of having an energy independence for our country,
01:59 diversifying gas supplies and taking into account not only renewable energies,
02:06 which are fundamental for the achievement of the goal,
02:11 but also being able to reach it by degrees.
