20231117_piotr_krzyzanowski_gw_szpital_1_s (1)

  • last year
Legnica: Budowa nowego oddziału zakaźnego na finiszu


00:00 The infectious disease unit will be completed, the investment will be completed by the end of November.
00:09 I think that we will be accepting the first patients, maybe we will succeed this year.
00:14 We will apply for a contract for this unit from the National Health Fund,
00:18 so it will be a unit contracted with the National Health Fund.
00:22 And why was such an initiative created?
00:24 Because during the pandemic, it was noticed that in hospitals such as the Voivodeship Specialist Hospital,
00:30 there should be an infectious disease unit.
00:32 Because infectious diseases have not left us, they have always been,
00:36 COVID-19 has shown that such units are most needed.
00:39 And with such an initiative, two years ago, we took the proposal to the Marszałkowski Board,
00:45 the funds were approved from the Regional Operational Programme,
00:50 and this is a REACT, which means that these are funds intended for improving the situation of infectious diseases.
00:57 And the investment is PLN 12.5 million, of which almost PLN 12 million is from the National Health Fund.
01:07 And in this amount, we are implementing the unit.
01:10 A new facility has been added, it is actually one of the most modern units in Poland.
01:15 How many beds?
01:16 15.
01:17 15 beds?
01:18 And REACT, which meets all the requirements of, as I said, the most modern unit,
01:26 with a separate driveway for ambulances,
01:28 so there will be no crossroads at all when it comes to patients other than infectious.
01:34 And as we have now, we have 13 infected patients with COVID-19 in the hospital currently.
01:39 And unfortunately, we have to turn off some rooms because we have to isolate them.
