UK weekend weather forecast with Alex Burkill

  • last year
UK weekend weather forecast with Alex Burkill
00:00 Hello, very good day to you. After a bit of a tease with some drier weather on Friday,
00:05 it's not good news if that's what you're after for the weekend's forecast as it is going
00:09 to turn more unsettled again. Looking at the jet stream and as we've seen through much
00:14 of the last few weeks, it is generally running from west to east and across the UK and it's
00:19 this that's led to a number of low pressure systems coming across the UK through recent
00:24 times. Nothing out of the ordinary for the time of year, though it has been particularly
00:28 stormy and yes, continuing in that theme as we go into the weekend, that jet stream driving
00:33 a low pressure system out in the Atlantic and another weather system that is going to
00:38 bring some very wet and windy weather. Initially a warm front towards the south and this does
00:43 what it says on the tin and as much as, as well as the wind and the rain, we are going
00:48 to see our temperatures lifting into Saturday. After an initially chilly start to the night
00:52 Friday into Saturday, we are going to see our temperatures rising so by the time many
00:57 of us wake up, particularly towards the southwest, temperatures will already be in double figures.
01:02 But it is going to be a wet and windy start to the day for many of us. The heaviest rain
01:06 through the morning likely to be across parts of South Wales and southwest England. Here
01:10 with heavily saturated ground, we're likely to see some further issues with a bit more
01:15 flooding and some disruption to travel, but the heaviest, more persistent rain does clear
01:19 eastwards as we go through the afternoon. Something a bit drier following in behind
01:24 across parts of England and Wales. Perhaps some brightness, but on the whole it is going
01:28 to stay quite cloudy and showery outbreaks pushing in across parts of Scotland and Northern
01:33 Ireland in particular. Some strong blustery winds, particularly in exposed coastal parts,
01:38 risk of gales which will add to that wet and windy theme for many of us. It will also take
01:43 the edge of the temperatures which although on paper are a little bit above average for
01:47 the time of year with highs around 15 or 16 Celsius for some of us in the wind, it's going
01:52 to feel several degrees colder than that. As we go into Sunday and we see that weather
01:57 system then clearing away towards the east, but we are still heavily under the influence
02:01 of a deep area of low pressure just to the north of the UK. Tightly packed ice bars indicate
02:07 that it is going to stay windy for many of us and various occluded features coming across
02:11 bring the focus of showery rain. So Sunday, yes, it's going to be a showery day for many
02:17 of us. You'll never be too far away from some dark clouds with sunshine really at a premium
02:22 and some brighter spells in between the showers for some of us, but not all by any means.
02:26 The heavier showers likely to be across western parts of Scotland, western England into Wales,
02:31 particularly over the higher ground. We're likely to see some higher totals, perhaps
02:34 building up even some heavier showers across parts of Northern Ireland. And there's a chance
02:38 of some thunder mixed in with these and still those strong gusty winds, gales in exposed
02:44 parts, perhaps even some gales towards the northeast of the UK later on in the day. Temperatures
02:49 still a little bit above average for the time of year, but down a degree or two compared
02:53 to Saturday with highs around 14 Celsius towards the south and 11 or 12 further north. Then
02:59 as we go into the beginning of next week and we do start to see something of a change,
03:03 the jet stream, which, as I mentioned before, is currently running from west to east, starts
03:07 to meander a little bit. And instead, as we go through the first few days of next week,
03:12 it's likely to be coming from a northerly direction. We will see the low pressure that
03:17 influences us over the weekend clearing towards the east, and then we end up sandwiched in
03:22 between that low pressure towards the east and high pressure towards the south southwest.
03:26 If we get rid of the jet stream then and put our surface winds on instead, you can see
03:30 that's likely to lead to a north northwesterly direction in our winds, which you probably
03:36 are aware is quite a chilly direction as well. Add to the fact that with low pressure towards
03:40 the east drifting away, we should start to see the more unsettled weather clearing away
03:45 and giving away to the more fine weather towards the southwest. The general trend for the beginning
03:50 part of next week at least is after a showery start for many of us, it should turn a little
03:55 bit drier for a time, particularly closer towards that area of high pressure, so towards
03:59 the southwest of the UK. And with that change in our wind direction, it is also likely to
04:04 turn a bit colder for a time, may not last particularly long with more unsettled weather
04:08 likely later on in the week. But if you want a more in depth look at what we can expect
04:12 through the end of meteorological autumn and into winter, do check out the 10 day trend
04:17 which Aidan put up on our YouTube channel on Wednesday. Otherwise, I'll see you soon.
04:21 Thank you.
