Davin Cosby Latrell Wrightsell preview Mercer

  • last year
Alabama basketball players Davin Cosby Jr. and Latrell Wrightsell Jr. speak to the media before the Crimson Tide's matchup with Mercer.
00:00 >> Start with Charlie here on the right.
00:01 >> Yeah, for Luttrell, this is our first time talking to you.
00:04 What made your decision to come here?
00:06 >> I love the home environment here.
00:09 Nate Oates is a great coach.
00:11 He's done a lot for me on and off the court with my family, helping me out,
00:15 leading me in the right direction, and then also helping me get to being
00:19 the player I wanna be.
00:20 Obviously, make the next step, and this is the right step to make that next step
00:25 to move on to what I wanna do.
00:26 >> We'll go with Nick Kelly over there.
00:34 >> Yeah, I see you guys here last year, and you've been in court now.
00:38 How's it been so far?
00:39 What's it been like to not just be in the bench, but to actually get in games?
00:43 >> All right, I see it's been a great transition.
00:46 Come here last year, January, just seeing the culture that they have.
00:51 It's just a great chance for me to pick up the culture that they had last year and
00:55 bring it to this team this year.
00:56 I feel like we picked it up great.
00:59 >> Tony.
00:59 >> Having coach kind of called you and Sam out, just calling first the defense,
01:05 then you have 16 minutes, you get a steal, you kind of answer the call.
01:09 Just how focused are you on improving that part of your game in addition to your
01:13 offensive production?
01:14 >> I actually thank him for calling me out.
01:17 That's something that we take it as a team,
01:19 trying to just get our defense better as one.
01:21 And when I saw that, I took it personal, and
01:25 I made sure my defense was great the next game for the rest of the season.
01:29 >> Katie.
01:30 >> Kind of building off that for both of y'all, after the performance still had,
01:36 only giving up 40 something points, did Nate lighten up on the defensive practice
01:40 this week, or is it ramped up at all?
01:42 >> No, I think he's still on us.
01:46 We made a lot of mistakes that we didn't see from that game.
01:50 They didn't make it, we paid for it, but we're still working on our defense.
01:54 He's still on us about it, he's still got to be better.
01:56 Right now, we're trying to beat the top three in the country defensively, so
02:00 we still have a lot of work to do.
02:02 >> Yeah, so the tough one we said, we're trying to have the top three defense and
02:08 be the top three offensive team.
02:11 That's one team did that, and they was national champions.
02:14 And that's what we're trying to be, that's our goal,
02:16 to be a national champion team.
02:17 So we gotta do what we gotta do to make history.
02:20 >> Anyone else?
02:21 Katie?
02:22 >> Just to follow up on that, is that stat something that Nate brings up with you a
02:26 lot, the top three defense, top three offense?
02:28 >> Yes.
02:29 >> Good?
02:32 Awesome, thanks guys.
