NCAA Denies James Madison's Bowl Game Waiver Request

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Keeping it in college football here,
00:04 James Madison having a wonderful football season here,
00:07 wants to go to a bowl game
00:08 and or maybe even a New Year's six ball game,
00:11 but they're not eligible
00:12 since they are having to go through some steps
00:14 to go from an FCS into an FBS here.
00:17 Rick, talk about why the NCAA
00:19 did decline the waiver request in
00:21 and what the ramifications would be,
00:23 'cause most of us are looking at this going like,
00:24 I don't even understand why this rule
00:25 is even in place in the first place here.
00:28 - Hey Ben, since wrong side's last minute shot,
00:31 I chose not to answer any of his questions.
00:33 So what's yours?
00:35 Yeah, do you have one?
00:36 - Look at that.
00:37 - So, all right.
00:37 - Pro-tip.
00:38 - I'll do it, I'll do it.
00:41 James Madison himself, you know,
00:43 he's not that quick anymore,
00:44 but his school, let me tell you,
00:46 they signed a contract,
00:47 they agreed that the terms of the acceptance
00:51 into the New World Order
00:53 was that you sit out of here
00:54 and you're not bowl eligible.
00:55 Just like when franchises are expanded into leagues,
00:59 they forego TV revenue for two or three years.
01:01 Maybe not fair, but that's the deal.
01:03 So that's on the one side.
01:04 On the other side, cut him a break.
01:06 They're look really good.
01:08 This is a time where if you add the number of bowls,
01:12 now we count the number,
01:13 I bet you we're gonna have just as many enough bowls
01:16 to have the normal six and six teams go in,
01:19 maybe a couple of five and sevens.
01:21 Remember what they do then is
01:22 the teams with the highest graduation rate get in.
01:26 So if you're gonna have your mediocrity fest
01:28 for the bottom five bowls,
01:30 let the team in is my answer.
01:32 They don't have a legal right to do it,
01:34 but it's a people's right.
01:35 Hashtag Donnie Wrongside supports JMU.
01:40 (upbeat music)
01:42 (upbeat music)
