Alessandrelli (Avis): “L’innovazione parte da connessione dei veicoli e digitalizzazione”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “La connessione dei veicoli a garanzia di una maggiore efficienza del servizio e la digitalizzazione nel rispetto della trasparenza dei dati del cliente sono i due punti su cui verte il progetto innovativo avviato da Avis. L'elettrico è un altro grosso settore in cui stiamo operando, perché chiaramente il mercato e la società si sta dirigendo verso quella direzione e noi di Avis ci stiamo adeguando. Così Michele Alessandrelli, Senior Director Mid Market and Telesales Europe, Avis Budget Group International, in occasione dell’Assemblea Generale Alis 2023 che si è tenuta oggi all’Auditorium della Conciliazione a Roma.


00:00 What is the role of innovation in the future?
00:04 For us, innovation is one of the pillars of the strategy since always.
00:10 Innovation today is two big areas.
00:13 The first is connected vehicles, so everything that is mobility as a service
00:19 and will arrive tomorrow to autonomous driving.
00:22 And on the other hand, it is digitization,
00:24 therefore the simplification of customer journey.
00:28 Connected vehicles, we have one of the most important fleets in the sector
00:33 with about 165,000 connected vehicles
00:37 and this makes our ability to deliver service more efficient
00:42 and makes the use of the service much more transparent for the customer.
00:47 Banally, the mileage, the refueling, etc.
00:51 are information that arrives directly to the customer from the car.
00:55 This is the way, on the other hand, I was saying,
00:58 of digitization of the customer journey
01:00 and therefore more and more the materialization of the relationship with the customer.
01:05 Already today, in fact, it starts
01:08 and therefore more and more efficiency in the management of the service
01:12 and more and more transparency towards the customer
01:15 on the information we collect from the car
01:18 and therefore the mileage, the refueling, etc.
01:22 On the other hand, digitization of the customer journey
01:26 and therefore more and more a path for the customer that is without obstacles,
01:31 that reduces the interaction or gives the customer the possibility
01:36 to choose or less to interact with our staff,
01:40 both on the client trusted through the app
01:43 and on the non-trusted client through a tool
01:47 that we launched last year, which is called Quick Pass
01:51 and therefore the possibility for the customer to transmit all his data to us before the rent
01:57 and therefore the possibility to skip the counter at the time of the car withdrawal
02:03 and in some cases, such as in Fiumicino, to go directly to the car and find the car keys.
02:10 This is a big piece.
02:12 The electric is another big piece
02:15 because clearly we are going more and more in that direction
02:20 and we are working more and more to electrify our stations.
02:24 Today we have about 180 charging points in our stations in Europe.
