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Devil On My Doorstep Movie Trailer HD - 2023 - Lifetime Movie - Plot synopsis: Natasha is a social media influencer who has caught the obsessive gaze of a delivery driver, who takes packages from the route of another driver named Chloe. As Chloe investigates the driver’s admiration of Natasha, she develops her own obsession, leading her to try to infiltrate herself into Natasha’s life by any means — even by adopting a new identity.
00:00 It is the start of a new era.
00:02 You're an author.
00:03 You just hit a million followers.
00:05 It's just the start.
00:06 Hey dolls, don't forget to stop by for today's book signing.
00:09 I can't believe I wrote a book.
00:11 Remember, diamonds are forged in the fire.
00:14 Don't you forget that.
00:16 A Lifetime Original Movie.
00:19 I met the Morgans' new house sitter the other night.
00:21 I want you to meet her.
00:22 It's a new friend.
00:23 What's going on, hon?
00:25 I have this acquaintance and I think that something bad is on the horizon.
00:30 A New Movie
00:31 You're never going to believe this, but I'm going on a date.
00:34 This is going to sound crazy.
00:36 I think he is dangerous.
00:38 He is or you are.
00:40 How come Gaten thinks you're playing?
00:43 You are the one stalking me.
00:44 You knew there was something off about you.
00:47 You're crazy.
00:48 Stay away from her or I'll make sure that you do.
00:55 Devil on My Doorstep
00:56 Premieres Saturday, November 11th at 8.
00:58 on Lifetime.
00:59 lifetime.